Obama Insults Bush To His Face At WH Ceremony

I'm not sure why that's supposed to be funny. Is Obama supposed to change his tune on the 10,001st time? Are you supposed to stop lying for him? Yea, you're not even a novelty. You're a clique.

I can't help you here.

Other then to stay..the best way to critique a book..is to actually read it.

"Novel" as that sounds.

I read the same book 10,000 times and comprehended it each time. You looked at the book once and you loved that shiny cover and that's been enough for you even though it's contents are vile.
I'm not sure why that's supposed to be funny. Is Obama supposed to change his tune on the 10,001st time? Are you supposed to stop lying for him? Yea, you're not even a novelty. You're a clique.

I can't help you here.

Other then to stay..the best way to critique a book..is to actually read it.

"Novel" as that sounds.

I read the same book 10,000 times and comprehended it each time. You looked at the book once and you loved that shiny cover and that's been enough for you even though it's contents are vile.

No you didn't.

And you admitted it.

Now you are lying.
Bush deserves no respect, thus any given would be inappropriate behaviour.

Then maybe you could stop whining when I don't show any to Obama.

I mean.....it's only fair.

Folks like you and Swallow should just stay away, quit your crying......because like Obama......those who want respect should learn how to give respect. This is the primary reason I hammer Obama so much. He's your guy.....so he's just acting the way you want him to.
You aren't fooling anyone. You hammer on him because he's black. Otherwise you wouldn't have thought twice about him treating George as an equal.
Bush deserves no respect, thus any given would be inappropriate behaviour.

Then maybe you could stop whining when I don't show any to Obama.

I mean.....it's only fair.

Folks like you and Swallow should just stay away, quit your crying......because like Obama......those who want respect should learn how to give respect. This is the primary reason I hammer Obama so much. He's your guy.....so he's just acting the way you want him to.
You aren't fooling anyone. You hammer on him because he's black. Otherwise you wouldn't have thought twice about him treating George as an equal.

You Spew this Tripe everywhere, don't you?... :lol:


Bush deserves no respect, thus any given would be inappropriate behaviour.

Then maybe you could stop whining when I don't show any to Obama.

I mean.....it's only fair.

Folks like you and Swallow should just stay away, quit your crying......because like Obama......those who want respect should learn how to give respect. This is the primary reason I hammer Obama so much. He's your guy.....so he's just acting the way you want him to.
You aren't fooling anyone. You hammer on him because he's black. Otherwise you wouldn't have thought twice about him treating George as an equal.

Oh...look.....the queen of race.

I treat him the way I do because he's an asshole. You can't really argue that so you have to claim racism.

Pretty pathetic.

In this case GW and Laura brought some class back to the White House. They turned what could have been a tense event into a pleasant one. That's what you can't see. Obama has been using him as a whipping post for almost 4 years and Bush acted like it didn't bother him.

Obama needs to take a lesson from this. All that talk of Hope and Change has turned into Fear and Loathing. The White House has become a not so friendly place these days.

Well, for one day the White House was filled with joy because the former president was back.
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There should be a measure of immunity for Presidents.

The only thing they should be subject to is impeachment and removal from office.

And that's it.
Immunity for mistakes, perhaps, even unintentional catastrophes. But certainly not for conspiracies to violate serious laws and for deliberate actions which are severely detrimental to national security or economic stability.

Bush was bad enough but we could end up with someone much worse. This is a democracy, not a monarchy. We want a President at the helm -- not a king with divine rights.

Bush and his whole gang of criminals belong in prison. We would have a much healthier, much safer society if future officials knew we would not tolerate abuse of Office.

Republicans hounded Clinton after he left office and removed his law license..

It was a disgusting display.

That really shouldn't happen to any President.


Quit lying.

A federal judge suspended his law license. That was because of being caught red-handed lying under oath. Course the GOP had nothing to do with this.

Oh.....and his license was suspended for 5 years.

And the matter was finalized before he left office.

So quit yer lying Swallow.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Clinton will leave office free of the prospect of criminal charges after he admitted Friday that he knowingly gave misleading testimony about his affair with Monica Lewinsky in a 1998 lawsuit.

Under an agreement with Independent Counsel Robert Ray, Clinton's law license will be suspended for five years and he will pay a $25,000 fine to Arkansas bar officials. He also gave up any claim to repayment of his legal fees in the matter. In return, Ray will end the 7-year-old Whitewater probe that has shadowed most of Clinton's two terms.

"I tried to walk a fine line between acting lawfully and testifying falsely, but I now recognize that I did not fully accomplish this goal and am certain my responses to questions about Ms. Lewinsky were false," Clinton said in a written statement released Friday by the White House.

CNN.com - Clinton admits misleading testimony, avoids charges in Lewinsky probe - January 19, 2001
I'm sure you haven't heard about it yet, but you will. This is why I'm so critical of Obama. This guy has no grace, no class at all.

Obama committed a breech in protocol when he called the former president "George" at a ceremony unveiling his portrait at the White House today. He also took the time to say how terrible the economy was when he took office. He was supposed to mention something nice but that was the best he could do.


You're the putz. It wasn't that formal an event. It was more like a roast.
I'm sure you haven't heard about it yet, but you will. This is why I'm so critical of Obama. This guy has no grace, no class at all.

Obama committed a breech in protocol when he called the former president "George" at a ceremony unveiling his portrait at the White House today. He also took the time to say how terrible the economy was when he took office. He was supposed to mention something nice but that was the best he could do.


You're the putz. It wasn't that formal an event. It was more like a roast.

Whether it's formal or not protocols still apply.
I'm sure you haven't heard about it yet, but you will. This is why I'm so critical of Obama. This guy has no grace, no class at all.

Obama committed a breech in protocol when he called the former president "George" at a ceremony unveiling his portrait at the White House today. He also took the time to say how terrible the economy was when he took office. He was supposed to mention something nice but that was the best he could do.


He also thanked Bush for making the transistion smooth in the middle of the crisis. (You know, the one Bush left him where the stock market was crashing and we were shedding 600,000 jobs a month!)

So do you spend every day finding things to be offended about? Because when Obama beats your weird Mormon Robot, you are going to be very unhappy for the next four years.
I'm sure you haven't heard about it yet, but you will. This is why I'm so critical of Obama. This guy has no grace, no class at all.

Obama committed a breech in protocol when he called the former president "George" at a ceremony unveiling his portrait at the White House today. He also took the time to say how terrible the economy was when he took office. He was supposed to mention something nice but that was the best he could do.


You're the putz. It wasn't that formal an event. It was more like a roast.

Whether it's formal or not protocols still apply.

Apparently you're wrong in this case. They were both being informal. It's not like it was one-sided. If Bush had been strictly formal, you might have a case.
I read somewhere yesterday that folks were watching Bush and Obama walking through the White House and it was like watching Spike and Chester from Bugs Bunny cartoons. The body language was clear.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVNHcob3oJg]Chester And Spike - YouTube[/ame]

I think it was more like Bush the confident former president and Obama the young kid trying to not piss off Dad who just returned from a long trip.

I was a bit bothered that George W. Bush was going to the White House for the unveiling of his portrait. I figured after all the smack-talking that Obama had done for almost 4 years on "inheriting Bush's mess" that Bush would wait on Romney's presidency to get his unveiling.

However after seeing Bush with Obama in just a short video segment leading up to the main event, I understood exactly why President Bush decided to go back to the White House. To put it in the vernacular, "Bush owned the joint!"

Bush was comfortable as he walked on the porch leading into one of the anterooms. He truly looked like the lord of the manor, there to check up on his new tenant. It was amazing to watch the two of them walking side by side, Bush looking like he had just returned home from a big game hunting trip or something equally regal. He waved at onlookers between the big pillars; he just had to be thinking "Did you miss me?"

Walking beside him was slender Barry, talking and gesturing with his hands as if he was making excuses for the stains Bush was about to see on the carpet or the holes in the walls.

"Don't worry Dad, I'll pay for the damages," Obama appeared to be saying. He truly looked like a teen whose parents were about to discover than he'd had a party at their house, while they were gone.

Read more: Blog: The Unveiling of the White House Bush Portrait
I'm sure you haven't heard about it yet, but you will. This is why I'm so critical of Obama. This guy has no grace, no class at all.

Obama committed a breech in protocol when he called the former president "George" at a ceremony unveiling his portrait at the White House today. He also took the time to say how terrible the economy was when he took office. He was supposed to mention something nice but that was the best he could do.


He also thanked Bush for making the transistion smooth in the middle of the crisis. (You know, the one Bush left him where the stock market was crashing and we were shedding 600,000 jobs a month!)

So do you spend every day finding things to be offended about? Because when Obama beats your weird Mormon Robot, you are going to be very unhappy for the next four years.

I think he secretly hopes for Obama, so he can wake up and fulfill his daily cynacism obsession.
Mudwhistle says he dislikes Obama because he has no class.

Talk about trying to turn a man's positives into negatives. President Obama oozes class.
GEORGE W. BUSH:" I am also pleased, Mr. President, that when you are wandering these halls as you wrestle with tough decisions, you will now be able to gaze at this portrait and ask, "What would George do?"

GEORGE W. BUSH:" I am honored to be hanging near a man who gave me the greatest gift possible, unconditional love. And that would be number 41."


(Image: EIB )​
That's what you can't see. Obama has been using him as a whipping post for almost 4 years and Bush acted like it didn't bother him.

LMAO. Bush was so oblivious to being a whipping post because he is as dumb as a fence post.
In case you missed some of his eight long fuking years being a joke in the wh.

Which with the stupid things you say about Obama, I got to think you didn't live here for the Bush disaster. Or you had a lobotomy to forget his eight years. Whatever.
That's what you can't see. Obama has been using him as a whipping post for almost 4 years and Bush acted like it didn't bother him.

LMAO. Bush was so oblivious to being a whipping post because he is as dumb as a fence post.
In case you missed some of his eight long fuking years being a joke in the wh.

Which with the stupid things you say about Obama, I got to think you didn't live here for the Bush disaster. Or you had a lobotomy to forget his eight years. Whatever.

I tickles me when somebody that makes so many grammatical errors yet he or she has the nerve to call someone else dumb. :muahaha:

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