Obama is most admired American for the 10th year running

The media lied against Trump and for Obama, and Hillary.

NOt the least of their crimes.

YOur pretense that you didn't understand that, was you being a dick.
Awww, poor baby. :itsok:

There was also plenty of rightwing media lying about Obama and Hillary.

You’re never going to win an argument by crying like a little butthurt baby.

I've been citing Obama's actions as my primary argument.

Yours have been his words, AFTER he got caught.

And you think you're winning?


How fucking stupid and deluded are you?
You’re a sycophant, citing what you consider to be racist through a sycophant’s tainted view. That’s why you can’t quote Obama saying anything racist.


Wright's words are clearly racist.

Hell, Obama admitted as much when he FINALLY, grudgingly renounced Wright.

Your denial of this is clearly dishonest and dismissed.
So? Wright wasn’t running for president. Obama was and Obama disagreed with Wright on the quote you posted earlier, which you claim was racist.

In the March 2008 speech, his position was that Wright was part of him and that white America needed to understand Wright and do more for blacks.
Yesterday I posted for you Obama's initial response to the Wright revelation as a racist and anti-American bigot, where, despite a lot of sophist rhetoric, the point was that white American had to understand Wright.

That was March 18, 2008.

Here is some polling from mid April to show how well that did NOT work with voters.

Gallup Daily: Clinton 49%, Obama 45%



Here is the analysis of Gallup on the trends.

"Obama has had a rough few weeks in the campaign, with his widely publicized remarks about "bitter" voters, Clinton's decisive win in the crucial Pennsylvania primary, and renewed media attention to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial former pastor of Obama's church, with Wright speaking out publicly this past week. Obama has also come under criticism from both Clinton and John McCain for opposing a proposal to suspend the federal gasoline tax during the summer months. As a result, Obama has moved from a consistent lead over Clinton to a deficit. Obama has just a few days to reverse the tide going into next Tuesday's Indiana and North Carolina primaries.

The latest general election results show Obama now trailing McCain by a statistically significant 47% to 43% margin among registered voters. Clinton and McCain are now tied in the general election at 46%, "

This was the situation just prior to his final story on his relationship with the racist and anti-American bigot, Rev Wright.

He had told white America the same old con that libs had been using for decades, that it was up to them to understand the experiences and anger of the black man.

And, kudos to white voters, finally it was not working.

Next we will review his response to this.
Retard, April, 2008 came after March, 2008, meaning Obama’s March, 2008 comments on Wright had nothing to do with those poll numbers you posted; which you said Obama only disagreed with Wright because “the polls showed that his initial defense of Wright was not being bought by white voters.”

To prove you didn’t make that shit up, you need to show a poll from before Obama disagreed with Wright; which as I showed, first occurred in April, 2007. Oh, and that has to be a poll of ”white voters.”


The trend lines are clear, as Wright and Obama's support of him were an issue in the campaign.

Gallup discussed that Obama before this time period was ahead and was now behind.
You said Obama only disagreed with Wright because of what polls reflected of white voters.

Obama disagreed with Wright in April, 2007. So either you can prove such a poll existed prior to April 30, 2007, or you tacitly concede you were bullshitting. Which is it...?

IN March of 2008, he position was that Wright was a part of him and that white America needed to understand.

YOu seem to have trouble with the idea that Obama was a filthy liar who said what he felt would serve his purpose at that time.

When a person's words contradict each other, try looking at his actions and his motives to see which is the real him.

I posted is march 2008 speech. That was his public position at that time.
The Great Obama: Most admired man in America
Fat Donnie: Most admired man in Russia

Based on lies.

The Great Obama is admired for a reason and was awarded a Nobel Prize
Crooked Donnie will be awarded a prison sentence

And what exactly did he DO to "earn" that prize? Other than being a good little lefty.

Mostly he took over for a President who started two wars and moved the US in a new direction of international cooperation

Want to guess if Crooked Donnie will be considered for a Nobel Prize?
Nelson Mandela got a prize while he was in prison.....do you think Crooked Donnie will?

"A new direction of international cooperation"?

Wow. That's thin.

Teddy Roosevelt's Nobel Prize was for negotiating a fucking PEACE TREATY.
The Great Obama: Most admired man in America
Fat Donnie: Most admired man in Russia

Based on lies.

The Great Obama is admired for a reason and was awarded a Nobel Prize
Crooked Donnie will be awarded a prison sentence

And what exactly did he DO to "earn" that prize? Other than being a good little lefty.

Mostly he took over for a President who started two wars and moved the US in a new direction of international cooperation

Want to guess if Crooked Donnie will be considered for a Nobel Prize?
Nelson Mandela got a prize while he was in prison.....do you think Crooked Donnie will?

"A new direction of international cooperation"?

Wow. That's thin.

Teddy Roosevelt's Nobel Prize was for negotiating a fucking PEACE TREATY.

Teddy was the last Republican President to win a Nobel Peace Prize and that was over 100 years ago

What does that tell you about Republicans?
Yesterday I posted for you Obama's initial response to the Wright revelation as a racist and anti-American bigot, where, despite a lot of sophist rhetoric, the point was that white American had to understand Wright.

That was March 18, 2008.

Here is some polling from mid April to show how well that did NOT work with voters.

Gallup Daily: Clinton 49%, Obama 45%



Here is the analysis of Gallup on the trends.

"Obama has had a rough few weeks in the campaign, with his widely publicized remarks about "bitter" voters, Clinton's decisive win in the crucial Pennsylvania primary, and renewed media attention to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial former pastor of Obama's church, with Wright speaking out publicly this past week. Obama has also come under criticism from both Clinton and John McCain for opposing a proposal to suspend the federal gasoline tax during the summer months. As a result, Obama has moved from a consistent lead over Clinton to a deficit. Obama has just a few days to reverse the tide going into next Tuesday's Indiana and North Carolina primaries.

The latest general election results show Obama now trailing McCain by a statistically significant 47% to 43% margin among registered voters. Clinton and McCain are now tied in the general election at 46%, "

This was the situation just prior to his final story on his relationship with the racist and anti-American bigot, Rev Wright.

He had told white America the same old con that libs had been using for decades, that it was up to them to understand the experiences and anger of the black man.

And, kudos to white voters, finally it was not working.

Next we will review his response to this.
Retard, April, 2008 came after March, 2008, meaning Obama’s March, 2008 comments on Wright had nothing to do with those poll numbers you posted; which you said Obama only disagreed with Wright because “the polls showed that his initial defense of Wright was not being bought by white voters.”

To prove you didn’t make that shit up, you need to show a poll from before Obama disagreed with Wright; which as I showed, first occurred in April, 2007. Oh, and that has to be a poll of ”white voters.”


The trend lines are clear, as Wright and Obama's support of him were an issue in the campaign.

Gallup discussed that Obama before this time period was ahead and was now behind.
You said Obama only disagreed with Wright because of what polls reflected of white voters.

Obama disagreed with Wright in April, 2007. So either you can prove such a poll existed prior to April 30, 2007, or you tacitly concede you were bullshitting. Which is it...?

IN March of 2008, he position was that Wright was a part of him and that white America needed to understand.

YOu seem to have trouble with the idea that Obama was a filthy liar who said what he felt would serve his purpose at that time.

When a person's words contradict each other, try looking at his actions and his motives to see which is the real him.

I posted is march 2008 speech. That was his public position at that time.
Looks to me like you’re the filthy liar, not Obama. You said he disagreed with Wright after polls showed white America wasn’t buying his defense of Wright.

You’ve failed to show such a poll that was released prior to April 30, 2007, when he disagreed with Wright. You made that pathetic excuse up to justify the lies you’ve been telling.
Trump struggles at 38% approval in his own country

What does the rest of the world think?
U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

According to a new Pew Research Center survey spanning 37 nations, a median of just 22% has confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs. This stands in contrast to the final years of Barack Obama’s presidency, when a median of 64% expressed confidence in Trump’s predecessor to direct America’s role in the world.

Now we know why they call him The Great Obama
Based on lies.

The Great Obama is admired for a reason and was awarded a Nobel Prize
Crooked Donnie will be awarded a prison sentence

And what exactly did he DO to "earn" that prize? Other than being a good little lefty.

Mostly he took over for a President who started two wars and moved the US in a new direction of international cooperation

Want to guess if Crooked Donnie will be considered for a Nobel Prize?
Nelson Mandela got a prize while he was in prison.....do you think Crooked Donnie will?

"A new direction of international cooperation"?

Wow. That's thin.

Teddy Roosevelt's Nobel Prize was for negotiating a fucking PEACE TREATY.

Teddy was the last Republican President to win a Nobel Peace Prize and that was over 100 years ago

What does that tell you about Republicans?

That we don't pander well to moronic filthy leftists.

My point stands.

You ask what Teddy won his Nobel for and you have a peace treaty that ended a war.


Yesterday I posted for you Obama's initial response to the Wright revelation as a racist and anti-American bigot, where, despite a lot of sophist rhetoric, the point was that white American had to understand Wright.

That was March 18, 2008.

Here is some polling from mid April to show how well that did NOT work with voters.

Gallup Daily: Clinton 49%, Obama 45%



Here is the analysis of Gallup on the trends.

"Obama has had a rough few weeks in the campaign, with his widely publicized remarks about "bitter" voters, Clinton's decisive win in the crucial Pennsylvania primary, and renewed media attention to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial former pastor of Obama's church, with Wright speaking out publicly this past week. Obama has also come under criticism from both Clinton and John McCain for opposing a proposal to suspend the federal gasoline tax during the summer months. As a result, Obama has moved from a consistent lead over Clinton to a deficit. Obama has just a few days to reverse the tide going into next Tuesday's Indiana and North Carolina primaries.

The latest general election results show Obama now trailing McCain by a statistically significant 47% to 43% margin among registered voters. Clinton and McCain are now tied in the general election at 46%, "

This was the situation just prior to his final story on his relationship with the racist and anti-American bigot, Rev Wright.

He had told white America the same old con that libs had been using for decades, that it was up to them to understand the experiences and anger of the black man.

And, kudos to white voters, finally it was not working.

Next we will review his response to this.
Retard, April, 2008 came after March, 2008, meaning Obama’s March, 2008 comments on Wright had nothing to do with those poll numbers you posted; which you said Obama only disagreed with Wright because “the polls showed that his initial defense of Wright was not being bought by white voters.”

To prove you didn’t make that shit up, you need to show a poll from before Obama disagreed with Wright; which as I showed, first occurred in April, 2007. Oh, and that has to be a poll of ”white voters.”


The trend lines are clear, as Wright and Obama's support of him were an issue in the campaign.

Gallup discussed that Obama before this time period was ahead and was now behind.
You said Obama only disagreed with Wright because of what polls reflected of white voters.

Obama disagreed with Wright in April, 2007. So either you can prove such a poll existed prior to April 30, 2007, or you tacitly concede you were bullshitting. Which is it...?

IN March of 2008, he position was that Wright was a part of him and that white America needed to understand.

YOu seem to have trouble with the idea that Obama was a filthy liar who said what he felt would serve his purpose at that time.

When a person's words contradict each other, try looking at his actions and his motives to see which is the real him.

I posted is march 2008 speech. That was his public position at that time.
Looks to me like you’re the filthy liar, not Obama. You said he disagreed with Wright after polls showed white America wasn’t buying his defense of Wright.

You’ve failed to show such a poll that was released prior to April 30, 2007, when he disagreed with Wright. You made that pathetic excuse up to justify the lies you’ve been telling.

Obama's words and actions match up when you consider his twenty year membership in Wright's church and his march 2008 speech when he stood by Wright.

That is the real Obama, the one that was strongly attracted to Wright's message of hate and racism.

The one that claimed he was a member of Wright's church and Wright's friend for over twenty years without noticing that he was a racist anti-American bigot? Those words don't match his actions.

That is a fiction, invented by Obama and sold to US by the vile media.

Your pretense that you don't understand this simple truth is you being a filthy liar.
The Great Obama is admired for a reason and was awarded a Nobel Prize
Crooked Donnie will be awarded a prison sentence

And what exactly did he DO to "earn" that prize? Other than being a good little lefty.

Mostly he took over for a President who started two wars and moved the US in a new direction of international cooperation

Want to guess if Crooked Donnie will be considered for a Nobel Prize?
Nelson Mandela got a prize while he was in prison.....do you think Crooked Donnie will?

"A new direction of international cooperation"?

Wow. That's thin.

Teddy Roosevelt's Nobel Prize was for negotiating a fucking PEACE TREATY.

Teddy was the last Republican President to win a Nobel Peace Prize and that was over 100 years ago

What does that tell you about Republicans?

That we don't pander well to moronic filthy leftists.

My point stands.

You ask what Teddy won his Nobel for and you have a peace treaty that ended a war.



Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, The Great Obama

All Presidents honored with a Nobel Prize
And what exactly did he DO to "earn" that prize? Other than being a good little lefty.

Mostly he took over for a President who started two wars and moved the US in a new direction of international cooperation

Want to guess if Crooked Donnie will be considered for a Nobel Prize?
Nelson Mandela got a prize while he was in prison.....do you think Crooked Donnie will?

"A new direction of international cooperation"?

Wow. That's thin.

Teddy Roosevelt's Nobel Prize was for negotiating a fucking PEACE TREATY.

Teddy was the last Republican President to win a Nobel Peace Prize and that was over 100 years ago

What does that tell you about Republicans?

That we don't pander well to moronic filthy leftists.

My point stands.

You ask what Teddy won his Nobel for and you have a peace treaty that ended a war.



Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, The Great Obama

All Presidents honored with a Nobel Prize

What was Jimmy Carter accomplishment that won him a Nobel?
Talking about most admired......lets not forget Al Gore


You're not helping your case.

It's pretty obvious that liberals, like it always does, has corrupted the Nobel Committee.

What was Carter's accomplishment that won him a Nobel Prize?

NOw compare that to Obama.
Talking about most admired......lets not forget Al Gore


You're not helping your case.

It's pretty obvious that liberals, like it always does, has corrupted the Nobel Committee.

What was Carter's accomplishment that won him a Nobel Prize?

NOw compare that to Obama.

Can you smell the Butthurt?

<sob> Conservatives never win awards
Retard, April, 2008 came after March, 2008, meaning Obama’s March, 2008 comments on Wright had nothing to do with those poll numbers you posted; which you said Obama only disagreed with Wright because “the polls showed that his initial defense of Wright was not being bought by white voters.”

To prove you didn’t make that shit up, you need to show a poll from before Obama disagreed with Wright; which as I showed, first occurred in April, 2007. Oh, and that has to be a poll of ”white voters.”


The trend lines are clear, as Wright and Obama's support of him were an issue in the campaign.

Gallup discussed that Obama before this time period was ahead and was now behind.
You said Obama only disagreed with Wright because of what polls reflected of white voters.

Obama disagreed with Wright in April, 2007. So either you can prove such a poll existed prior to April 30, 2007, or you tacitly concede you were bullshitting. Which is it...?

IN March of 2008, he position was that Wright was a part of him and that white America needed to understand.

YOu seem to have trouble with the idea that Obama was a filthy liar who said what he felt would serve his purpose at that time.

When a person's words contradict each other, try looking at his actions and his motives to see which is the real him.

I posted is march 2008 speech. That was his public position at that time.
Looks to me like you’re the filthy liar, not Obama. You said he disagreed with Wright after polls showed white America wasn’t buying his defense of Wright.

You’ve failed to show such a poll that was released prior to April 30, 2007, when he disagreed with Wright. You made that pathetic excuse up to justify the lies you’ve been telling.

Obama's words and actions match up when you consider his twenty year membership in Wright's church and his march 2008 speech when he stood by Wright.

That is the real Obama, the one that was strongly attracted to Wright's message of hate and racism.

The one that claimed he was a member of Wright's church and Wright's friend for over twenty years without noticing that he was a racist anti-American bigot? Those words don't match his actions.

That is a fiction, invented by Obama and sold to US by the vile media.

Your pretense that you don't understand this simple truth is you being a filthy liar.
Spits the forum’s filthy vile liar.

You said Obama disagreed with Wright because of a poll. I showed you Obama disagreed with Wright in April, 2007...

Where’s your poll?

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