Obama is most admired American for the 10th year running

Sure. That is what he said.

What he did was spend twenty years going to that Church, until the Truth came out.

So which is more believable?

Twenty years of actions, or the word of a politician?
No one agrees with 100% of what anyone says. Obama disagreed with the comment you claim is racist. Try harder next time.

Obama was in that church for twenty years.

He knew what Wright was all

He claimed he disagreed with that quote when the polls showed the voters did not like his initial defense of Wright.

His actions showed that he agreed with Wright. HIs earlier words, before the Truth came out, showed that he thought the world of Wright.
You citing polls you refuse to prove exist are meaningless. Again, despite being influenced by Wright, he didn’t agree with 100% of everything he said. And disagreed with the comment you claim is racist.
Obama was great,totally unlike the Baffoon,you now have,Trump needs to fcuk off out of world polotik and concentrate on the US only

News just recieved in Australia is that China are on Full Alert and Mobilizing all their Military...Trump thinks he can rile the Palestinians,Iranians,China and N.Korea and get away with it....Trump is not a fit and proper person to be President...he is a fcukwit...and deranged enough to press the button...time for americans get rid of him before he fries you all.


Jughead was great at:

Increasing the deficit to unheard of heights
Dividing the races.
telling illegals they can vote
Crippling the military.
Honoring dead criminals
putting men in womens rest rooms
Fining people for not having insurance
Increasing the size of government
increasing regulations
creating unemployment
Crippling the oil industry
Obama was Great,he had vision not division for Americans,created MASSIVE EMPLOYMENT GROWTH,which has benefited into the Trump era.

He gave and made some Americans take responsibiliy for themselves,you are such a moron truly Mike of two-bit-texas

An Ode to Mike

Poor Old Micky Banged his Head,
On the Wanted Poster by his Bed

As his Brain Drained and Sank
It was then he started to heavily Wank

Wank on Mick,you cock sucking,dick licking piece of Shit

See Mike Like You,I can talk shit
Prisons overflowing in england

over crowding in British prisons.png
I believe that this will be increasingly how Obama is seen:


How will Trump be seen after 4 years in office?
How will Trump be seen?

Through prison bars
That's how many of the cons had to see TV when I worked at the prison, so he well may be seen by many of his peers through prison bars.
Crooked Donnie will look good in orange
Talking about most admired......lets not forget Al Gore


You're not helping your case.

It's pretty obvious that liberals, like it always does, has corrupted the Nobel Committee.

What was Carter's accomplishment that won him a Nobel Prize?

NOw compare that to Obama.

Can you smell the Butthurt?

<sob> Conservatives never win awards

I asked you what Carter did to win the Nobel. YOu didn't answer. How come?
The trend lines are clear, as Wright and Obama's support of him were an issue in the campaign.

Gallup discussed that Obama before this time period was ahead and was now behind.
You said Obama only disagreed with Wright because of what polls reflected of white voters.

Obama disagreed with Wright in April, 2007. So either you can prove such a poll existed prior to April 30, 2007, or you tacitly concede you were bullshitting. Which is it...?

IN March of 2008, he position was that Wright was a part of him and that white America needed to understand.

YOu seem to have trouble with the idea that Obama was a filthy liar who said what he felt would serve his purpose at that time.

When a person's words contradict each other, try looking at his actions and his motives to see which is the real him.

I posted is march 2008 speech. That was his public position at that time.
Looks to me like you’re the filthy liar, not Obama. You said he disagreed with Wright after polls showed white America wasn’t buying his defense of Wright.

You’ve failed to show such a poll that was released prior to April 30, 2007, when he disagreed with Wright. You made that pathetic excuse up to justify the lies you’ve been telling.

Obama's words and actions match up when you consider his twenty year membership in Wright's church and his march 2008 speech when he stood by Wright.

That is the real Obama, the one that was strongly attracted to Wright's message of hate and racism.

The one that claimed he was a member of Wright's church and Wright's friend for over twenty years without noticing that he was a racist anti-American bigot? Those words don't match his actions.

That is a fiction, invented by Obama and sold to US by the vile media.

Your pretense that you don't understand this simple truth is you being a filthy liar.
Spits the forum’s filthy vile liar.

You said Obama disagreed with Wright because of a poll. I showed you Obama disagreed with Wright in April, 2007...

Where’s your poll?

SUre, he said he disagreed in 2007.

But then when the issue came up again, he stood by his man.

Until the polls showed that wasn't flying with the voters any more.

You seem to be having a problem understanding how to tell when someone is lying.

Look to their actions.

Obama was a member of that church for over twenty years.

He knew what Wright's message was, and he agreed with it.

That is the real Obama.

And the Obama that won the poll, was a fiction, created by Obama and sold to the people by the vile media.
Talking about most admired......lets not forget Al Gore


You're not helping your case.

It's pretty obvious that liberals, like it always does, has corrupted the Nobel Committee.

What was Carter's accomplishment that won him a Nobel Prize?

NOw compare that to Obama.

Can you smell the Butthurt?

<sob> Conservatives never win awards

I asked you what Carter did to win the Nobel. YOu didn't answer. How come?
Glad to assist

I believe that this will be increasingly how Obama is seen:



As the Ray Nagin of the presidency.
Trump will lie in 2018 as much as he lied in 2017,

1. Lie???

Like this?

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

2. And let's not forget that President Trump is doing for the economy what the ingrate was never able to accomplish.

3. While there was always an overarching question about Obama: Shiite or Sunni....
We got the answer with the Iran Deal.
I believe that this will be increasingly how Obama is seen:



As the Ray Nagin of the presidency.
Trump will lie in 2018 as much as he lied in 2017,

1. Lie???

Like this?

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

2. And let's not forget that President Trump is doing for the economy what the ingrate was never able to accomplish.

3. While there was always an overarching question about Obama: Shiite or Sunni....
We got the answer with the Iran Deal.

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