Obama is most admired American for the 10th year running

Aww, poor baby. :itsok:

You are also vile lying filth.
Spits the liar who canā€™t post the polls he cites. :eusa_doh:

You asked, I posted.

YOu however are still just vile lying filth.
First and foremost, I admit when Iā€™m wrong and Iā€™m partly wrong because I didnā€™t see your post with the link to polls ā€” which you did in fact post.

However, I say ā€œpartly wrongā€ because while I didnā€™t see your post with a poll until I went back to look for it after you said you posted it; when I looked at it, I see itā€™s not the poll you were citing.

You tried to pull a fast one but you get caught. Looks like you too are merely projecting when you call others vile lying filth.

In response to me pointing out how Obama disagreed with the Wright comment you kept harping about, you tried to dismiss Obamaā€™s rejection as nothing more than a political response to polls unfavorable of Wright...
Obama disagreed publicly with that Wright comment whether you can deal with that reality or not.
SUre. After the polls showed that his initial defense of Wright was not being bought by white voters.
...such a poll would have to have come out before Obama rejected Wrightā€™s statement in order for his rejection to have been a response to the poll you claim exists...

Your problem is that Obama rejected Wrightā€™s statement in April, 2007; while the poll you linked was released more than a year after that in May, 2008.

So who the fuck did you think you could fool by basing your position on lies?

Listen asshole, you ask me to find a specific poll from 10 years ago on Obama.

I will find it and support my position on this.

First, for you, here is Obama first response to the Wright controversy where he stood by his Pastor. As I described.

Barack Obamaā€™s Speech on Race

A lot of political back and forth trying to cover both sides of the issue, but it comes down to this.

"And this helps explain, perhaps, my relationship with Reverend Wright. As imperfect as he may be, he has been like family to me. He strengthened my faith, officiated my wedding, and baptized my children. Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect. He contains within him the contradictions ā€“ the good and the bad ā€“ of the community that he has served diligently for so many years.

I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother ā€“ a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."

His advice to white America? This about you, and you need to do shit to fix it.

"In the white community, the path to a more perfect union means acknowledging that what ails the African-American community does not just exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination - and current incidents of discrimination, while less overt than in the past - are real and must be addressed. Not just with words, but with deeds ā€“ by investing in our schools and our communities; by enforcing our civil rights laws and ensuring fairness in our criminal justice system; by providing this generation with ladders of opportunity that were unavailable for previous generations. It requires all Americans to realize that your dreams do not have to come at the expense of my dreams; that investing in the health, welfare, and education of black and brown and white children will ultimately help all of America prosper."

Tomorrow, I will find the link to the numbers showing how this was not popular. And leading to Obama throwing Wright under the bus.
Why do you get so easily triggered just because youā€™re an idiot...?

The first time I can find Obama was asked how he felt about Wrightā€™s comment that youā€™ve been quoting came in April, 2007, about a year before the article you posted...

On the Sunday after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Mr. Wright said the attacks were a consequence of violent American policies. Four years later he wrote that the attacks had proved that ā€œpeople of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ā€˜disappearedā€™ as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns.ā€

Provocative Assertions

Such statements involve ā€œa certain deeply embedded anti-Americanism,ā€ said Michael Cromartie, vice president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a conservative group that studies religious issues and public policy. ā€œA lot of people are going to say to Mr. Obama, are these your views?ā€

Mr. Obama says they are not.

ā€œThe violence of 9/11 was inexcusable and without justification,ā€ he said in a recent interview. He was not at Trinity the day Mr. Wright delivered his remarks shortly after the attacks, Mr. Obama said, but ā€œit sounds like he was trying to be provocative.ā€

A Candidate, His Minister and the Search for Faith

So either you can post proof of the poll you claim inspired Obama to disagree came before that April, 2007 article... or everyone here sees for themselves that you are full of shit.

I believe that this will be increasingly how Obama is seen:


Yesterday I posted for you Obama's initial response to the Wright revelation as a racist and anti-American bigot, where, despite a lot of sophist rhetoric, the point was that white American had to understand Wright.

That was March 18, 2008.

Here is some polling from mid April to show how well that did NOT work with voters.

Gallup Daily: Clinton 49%, Obama 45%



Here is the analysis of Gallup on the trends.

"Obama has had a rough few weeks in the campaign, with his widely publicized remarks about "bitter" voters, Clinton's decisive win in the crucial Pennsylvania primary, and renewed media attention to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial former pastor of Obama's church, with Wright speaking out publicly this past week. Obama has also come under criticism from both Clinton and John McCain for opposing a proposal to suspend the federal gasoline tax during the summer months. As a result, Obama has moved from a consistent lead over Clinton to a deficit. Obama has just a few days to reverse the tide going into next Tuesday's Indiana and North Carolina primaries.

The latest general election results show Obama now trailing McCain by a statistically significant 47% to 43% margin among registered voters. Clinton and McCain are now tied in the general election at 46%, "

This was the situation just prior to his final story on his relationship with the racist and anti-American bigot, Rev Wright.

He had told white America the same old con that libs had been using for decades, that it was up to them to understand the experiences and anger of the black man.

And, kudos to white voters, finally it was not working.

Next we will review his response to this.
By the way, I came across this important bit during my research.

Right after Obama's first position speech on the Wright issue, the response from politicians, both right and left was fairly positive.

They bought, or pretended to buy his shit, about Wright's words.

Charles Krauthammer was not one of them. He rightfully dismissed it a sophistry.

After poor polling drove Obama to renounce Wright and to claim that he was surprised and shocked by Wright's statements now.


Krauthammer derided "the speech [that] was not just believed [but] was hailed, celebrated, canonized as the greatest pronouncement on race in America since Lincoln at Cooper Union" as a "shameful, brilliantly executed, 5,000-word intellectual fraud." He argued that it was based on moral "equivalences [that have] been revealed as the cheap rhetorical tricks they always were", a "pretense that this 'endless loop' of sermon excerpts being shown on 'television sets and YouTube' had been taken out of context" that had now been destroyed, and an assertion that white surprise at Wright's anger was based on ignorance, rendered inoperative by Obama's own new admission of surprise.[54]

Obama didn't just throw Wright under the bus. He threw all those pinheads who had spoken out in support of his first speech under the bus as well.

But no one ever made an issue of that, because they always knew it was a lie. So, no harm, no foul.
Yesterday I posted for you Obama's initial response to the Wright revelation as a racist and anti-American bigot, where, despite a lot of sophist rhetoric, the point was that white American had to understand Wright.

That was March 18, 2008.

Here is some polling from mid April to show how well that did NOT work with voters.

Gallup Daily: Clinton 49%, Obama 45%



Here is the analysis of Gallup on the trends.

"Obama has had a rough few weeks in the campaign, with his widely publicized remarks about "bitter" voters, Clinton's decisive win in the crucial Pennsylvania primary, and renewed media attention to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial former pastor of Obama's church, with Wright speaking out publicly this past week. Obama has also come under criticism from both Clinton and John McCain for opposing a proposal to suspend the federal gasoline tax during the summer months. As a result, Obama has moved from a consistent lead over Clinton to a deficit. Obama has just a few days to reverse the tide going into next Tuesday's Indiana and North Carolina primaries.

The latest general election results show Obama now trailing McCain by a statistically significant 47% to 43% margin among registered voters. Clinton and McCain are now tied in the general election at 46%, "

This was the situation just prior to his final story on his relationship with the racist and anti-American bigot, Rev Wright.

He had told white America the same old con that libs had been using for decades, that it was up to them to understand the experiences and anger of the black man.

And, kudos to white voters, finally it was not working.

Next we will review his response to this.
Retard, April, 2008 came after March, 2008, meaning Obamaā€™s March, 2008 comments on Wright had nothing to do with those poll numbers you posted; which you said Obama only disagreed with Wright because ā€œthe polls showed that his initial defense of Wright was not being bought by white voters.ā€

To prove you didnā€™t make that shit up, you need to show a poll from before Obama disagreed with Wright; which as I showed, first occurred in April, 2007. Oh, and that has to be a poll of ā€white voters.ā€


Obama "painted" himself as a racist based on his decades long membership in a racist and anti-American congregation led by a raving, hateful, racist and anti-American pastor.

HIs lie was about who and what he was.
Nope. Obama disagreed with that Wright comment. I also note, youā€™re not quoting Obama ever making racist comments.

Sure. After he got caught.

Before that, for decades, his words and actions showed otherwise.

And he didn't just pretend to disagree.

His defense was that, despite being the man's freind for over twenty years, that he never noticed that Wright was a raving, racist, anti-American.

Total bullshit.

Youā€™re a nut. :cuckoo:

No one ever asked him about that quote. There isnā€™t even any evidence he ever heard that quote prior to being asked about it; and when asked about it, he rejected it.

Whatā€™s sad is that youā€™re so butthurt over Obama beating Trump as the most admired man, youā€™re actually trying to claim itā€™s unworthy based on your 10 year old fake claims of Obamaā€™s a racist because Wright was a racist. Meanwhile, Obama is the most admired man because of his stature now, not 10 years ago. So you lose again. :badgrin:


Obama joined a racist and anti-American organization, because, in his own words, he was greatly attracted by the message.

He stayed a member of that organization for over twenty years.

He was so taken with that racist and anti-American organization, that he raised his children in it.

Obama won his poll because the media sold his lies to the American people.

Only a lying piece of shit would pretend to believe that Obama did not know who and what Wright was.

Fat Donnie's father joined the KKK and yet he still hung out with him

That's a pretty serious change based on very weak evidence.

Almost like you don't care whether it's true or not.
Yep. Media lies work.

Someday, there will be a cost.
Worked for Crazy Donald.

The media lied against Trump and for Obama, and Hillary.

NOt the least of their crimes.

YOur pretense that you didn't understand that, was you being a dick.
Awww, poor baby. :itsok:

There was also plenty of rightwing media lying about Obama and Hillary.

Youā€™re never going to win an argument by crying like a little butthurt baby.

I've been citing Obama's actions as my primary argument.

Yours have been his words, AFTER he got caught.

And you think you're winning?


How fucking stupid and deluded are you?
Youā€™re a sycophant, citing what you consider to be racist through a sycophantā€™s tainted view. Thatā€™s why you canā€™t quote Obama saying anything racist.


Wright's words are clearly racist.

Hell, Obama admitted as much when he FINALLY, grudgingly renounced Wright.

Your denial of this is clearly dishonest and dismissed.
Obama was in that church for twenty years.

He knew what Wright was all about.

He claimed he disagreed with that quote when the polls showed the voters did not like his initial defense of Wright.

His actions showed that he agreed with Wright. HIs earlier words, before the Truth came out, showed that he thought the world of Wright.
You citing polls you refuse to prove exist are meaningless. Again, despite being influenced by Wright, he didnā€™t agree with 100% of everything he said. And disagreed with the comment you claim is racist.

He agreed enough that he felt comfortable raising his daughters in that hate.

He didnā€™t agree with everything, even if he agreed with most. He apparently didnā€™t agree with any racist comments since you can neither find racist comments he agreed with nor racist comments he made himself.

And again, Obama is admired more than Trump based on Obama now, not based on Wright 20 years ago. You lose again.


Agreed, he mostly agreed with the raving, hate filled, racist, anti-American piece of shit, Wright.

THat makes Obama a hate filled, racist anti-American piece of shit.

ANd it was not something that happened twenty years ago.

It was something that happened for OVER TWENTY SOLID YEARS. You moron.

Obama is admired based on lies, and stupid lies at that.
My mistake, it was a typo. I meant to say, And again, Obama is admired more than Trump based on Obama now, not based on Wright 10 years ago. As in when the right attacked Obama for his associations with Wright.

The Right was pointing out the Truth. That Wright was a raving hate filled racist anti-American.

That is a truth that Obama eventually admitted.

His defense for his actions of joining the church and staying for twenty years, raising his children in it, ect.


is an absurd lie that should have been laughed at.
Nope. Obama disagreed with that Wright comment. I also note, youā€™re not quoting Obama ever making racist comments.

Sure. After he got caught.

Before that, for decades, his words and actions showed otherwise.

And he didn't just pretend to disagree.

His defense was that, despite being the man's freind for over twenty years, that he never noticed that Wright was a raving, racist, anti-American.

Total bullshit.

Youā€™re a nut. :cuckoo:

No one ever asked him about that quote. There isnā€™t even any evidence he ever heard that quote prior to being asked about it; and when asked about it, he rejected it.

Whatā€™s sad is that youā€™re so butthurt over Obama beating Trump as the most admired man, youā€™re actually trying to claim itā€™s unworthy based on your 10 year old fake claims of Obamaā€™s a racist because Wright was a racist. Meanwhile, Obama is the most admired man because of his stature now, not 10 years ago. So you lose again. :badgrin:


Obama joined a racist and anti-American organization, because, in his own words, he was greatly attracted by the message.

He stayed a member of that organization for over twenty years.

He was so taken with that racist and anti-American organization, that he raised his children in it.

Obama won his poll because the media sold his lies to the American people.

Only a lying piece of shit would pretend to believe that Obama did not know who and what Wright was.

Fat Donnie's father joined the KKK and yet he still hung out with him

That's a pretty serious change based on very weak evidence.

Almost like you don't care whether it's true or not.

Lets see.....

Fat Donnie's father was arrested at a KKK rally...it was in all the papers
Fat Donnie claims......some of them are good people

Obama "painted" himself as a racist based on his decades long membership in a racist and anti-American congregation led by a raving, hateful, racist and anti-American pastor.

HIs lie was about who and what he was.
Nope. Obama disagreed with that Wright comment. I also note, youā€™re not quoting Obama ever making racist comments.

Sure. After he got caught.

Before that, for decades, his words and actions showed otherwise.

And he didn't just pretend to disagree.

His defense was that, despite being the man's freind for over twenty years, that he never noticed that Wright was a raving, racist, anti-American.

Total bullshit.

Youā€™re a nut. :cuckoo:

No one ever asked him about that quote. There isnā€™t even any evidence he ever heard that quote prior to being asked about it; and when asked about it, he rejected it.

Whatā€™s sad is that youā€™re so butthurt over Obama beating Trump as the most admired man, youā€™re actually trying to claim itā€™s unworthy based on your 10 year old fake claims of Obamaā€™s a racist because Wright was a racist. Meanwhile, Obama is the most admired man because of his stature now, not 10 years ago. So you lose again. :badgrin:


Obama joined a racist and anti-American organization, because, in his own words, he was greatly attracted by the message.

He stayed a member of that organization for over twenty years.

He was so taken with that racist and anti-American organization, that he raised his children in it.

Obama won his poll because the media sold his lies to the American people.

Only a lying piece of shit would pretend to believe that Obama did not know who and what Wright was.
Again, racist to you, someone who doesnā€™t share the same American experience as a black man like Wright. And again, Obama didnā€™t agree with everything Wright said. And again, you canā€™t quote Obama saying anything racist, so you try to paint Wright as racist and Obama by association. And again, the only reason for this is because youā€™re butthurt that Obama is admired more than Trump.

Nothing in Wright's experience excuses his insane and racist belief that the American government invented AIDS to commit genocide on black people.

For one example.

Why are you making excuses for a racist person?

Obama agreed with enough of Wright's message that he joined his church, and stayed for over twenty years.

THat is a pretty strong association.
Yesterday I posted for you Obama's initial response to the Wright revelation as a racist and anti-American bigot, where, despite a lot of sophist rhetoric, the point was that white American had to understand Wright.

That was March 18, 2008.

Here is some polling from mid April to show how well that did NOT work with voters.

Gallup Daily: Clinton 49%, Obama 45%



Here is the analysis of Gallup on the trends.

"Obama has had a rough few weeks in the campaign, with his widely publicized remarks about "bitter" voters, Clinton's decisive win in the crucial Pennsylvania primary, and renewed media attention to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial former pastor of Obama's church, with Wright speaking out publicly this past week. Obama has also come under criticism from both Clinton and John McCain for opposing a proposal to suspend the federal gasoline tax during the summer months. As a result, Obama has moved from a consistent lead over Clinton to a deficit. Obama has just a few days to reverse the tide going into next Tuesday's Indiana and North Carolina primaries.

The latest general election results show Obama now trailing McCain by a statistically significant 47% to 43% margin among registered voters. Clinton and McCain are now tied in the general election at 46%, "

This was the situation just prior to his final story on his relationship with the racist and anti-American bigot, Rev Wright.

He had told white America the same old con that libs had been using for decades, that it was up to them to understand the experiences and anger of the black man.

And, kudos to white voters, finally it was not working.

Next we will review his response to this.
Retard, April, 2008 came after March, 2008, meaning Obamaā€™s March, 2008 comments on Wright had nothing to do with those poll numbers you posted; which you said Obama only disagreed with Wright because ā€œthe polls showed that his initial defense of Wright was not being bought by white voters.ā€

To prove you didnā€™t make that shit up, you need to show a poll from before Obama disagreed with Wright; which as I showed, first occurred in April, 2007. Oh, and that has to be a poll of ā€white voters.ā€


The trend lines are clear, as Wright and Obama's support of him were an issue in the campaign.

Gallup discussed that Obama before this time period was ahead and was now behind.
Sure. After he got caught.

Before that, for decades, his words and actions showed otherwise.

And he didn't just pretend to disagree.

His defense was that, despite being the man's freind for over twenty years, that he never noticed that Wright was a raving, racist, anti-American.

Total bullshit.

Youā€™re a nut. :cuckoo:

No one ever asked him about that quote. There isnā€™t even any evidence he ever heard that quote prior to being asked about it; and when asked about it, he rejected it.

Whatā€™s sad is that youā€™re so butthurt over Obama beating Trump as the most admired man, youā€™re actually trying to claim itā€™s unworthy based on your 10 year old fake claims of Obamaā€™s a racist because Wright was a racist. Meanwhile, Obama is the most admired man because of his stature now, not 10 years ago. So you lose again. :badgrin:


Obama joined a racist and anti-American organization, because, in his own words, he was greatly attracted by the message.

He stayed a member of that organization for over twenty years.

He was so taken with that racist and anti-American organization, that he raised his children in it.

Obama won his poll because the media sold his lies to the American people.

Only a lying piece of shit would pretend to believe that Obama did not know who and what Wright was.

Fat Donnie's father joined the KKK and yet he still hung out with him

That's a pretty serious change based on very weak evidence.

Almost like you don't care whether it's true or not.

Lets see.....

Fat Donnie's father was arrested at a KKK rally...it was in all the papers
Fat Donnie claims......some of them are good people

It was in one paper that he was swept up in a mass arrest. He was not charged with anything.

Could easily have been a bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time.

THe rest of your post is just a vile lie, because you are a piece of shit.
The Weakest Job Growth In 6 Years

January 5, 2018
Steve Benen: ā€œProviding some additional context, now that we have data for all of the previous calendar year, we can note that the U.S. added 1.84 million jobs in 2011, 2.19 million jobs in 2012, 2.33 million in 2013, 3.11 million in 2014, 2.74 million in 2015, 2.24 million in 2016, and 2.05 million in 2017.ā€

ā€œOr put another way, while Donald Trumpā€™s first year as president has been pretty good overall for job creation, Americans nevertheless saw the slowest job growth in six years.ā€

Worked for Crazy Donald.

The media lied against Trump and for Obama, and Hillary.

NOt the least of their crimes.

YOur pretense that you didn't understand that, was you being a dick.
Awww, poor baby. :itsok:

There was also plenty of rightwing media lying about Obama and Hillary.

Youā€™re never going to win an argument by crying like a little butthurt baby.

I've been citing Obama's actions as my primary argument.

Yours have been his words, AFTER he got caught.

And you think you're winning?


How fucking stupid and deluded are you?
Youā€™re a sycophant, citing what you consider to be racist through a sycophantā€™s tainted view. Thatā€™s why you canā€™t quote Obama saying anything racist.


Wright's words are clearly racist.

Hell, Obama admitted as much when he FINALLY, grudgingly renounced Wright.

Your denial of this is clearly dishonest and dismissed.
So? Wright wasnā€™t running for president. Obama was and Obama disagreed with Wright on the quote you posted earlier, which you claim was racist.
Yesterday I posted for you Obama's initial response to the Wright revelation as a racist and anti-American bigot, where, despite a lot of sophist rhetoric, the point was that white American had to understand Wright.

That was March 18, 2008.

Here is some polling from mid April to show how well that did NOT work with voters.

Gallup Daily: Clinton 49%, Obama 45%



Here is the analysis of Gallup on the trends.

"Obama has had a rough few weeks in the campaign, with his widely publicized remarks about "bitter" voters, Clinton's decisive win in the crucial Pennsylvania primary, and renewed media attention to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial former pastor of Obama's church, with Wright speaking out publicly this past week. Obama has also come under criticism from both Clinton and John McCain for opposing a proposal to suspend the federal gasoline tax during the summer months. As a result, Obama has moved from a consistent lead over Clinton to a deficit. Obama has just a few days to reverse the tide going into next Tuesday's Indiana and North Carolina primaries.

The latest general election results show Obama now trailing McCain by a statistically significant 47% to 43% margin among registered voters. Clinton and McCain are now tied in the general election at 46%, "

This was the situation just prior to his final story on his relationship with the racist and anti-American bigot, Rev Wright.

He had told white America the same old con that libs had been using for decades, that it was up to them to understand the experiences and anger of the black man.

And, kudos to white voters, finally it was not working.

Next we will review his response to this.
Retard, April, 2008 came after March, 2008, meaning Obamaā€™s March, 2008 comments on Wright had nothing to do with those poll numbers you posted; which you said Obama only disagreed with Wright because ā€œthe polls showed that his initial defense of Wright was not being bought by white voters.ā€

To prove you didnā€™t make that shit up, you need to show a poll from before Obama disagreed with Wright; which as I showed, first occurred in April, 2007. Oh, and that has to be a poll of ā€white voters.ā€


The trend lines are clear, as Wright and Obama's support of him were an issue in the campaign.

Gallup discussed that Obama before this time period was ahead and was now behind.
You said Obama only disagreed with Wright because of what polls reflected of white voters.

Obama disagreed with Wright in April, 2007. So either you can prove such a poll existed prior to April 30, 2007, or you tacitly concede you were bullshitting. Which is it...?
You are also vile lying filth.
Spits the liar who canā€™t post the polls he cites. :eusa_doh:

You asked, I posted.

YOu however are still just vile lying filth.
First and foremost, I admit when Iā€™m wrong and Iā€™m partly wrong because I didnā€™t see your post with the link to polls ā€” which you did in fact post.

However, I say ā€œpartly wrongā€ because while I didnā€™t see your post with a poll until I went back to look for it after you said you posted it; when I looked at it, I see itā€™s not the poll you were citing.

You tried to pull a fast one but you get caught. Looks like you too are merely projecting when you call others vile lying filth.

In response to me pointing out how Obama disagreed with the Wright comment you kept harping about, you tried to dismiss Obamaā€™s rejection as nothing more than a political response to polls unfavorable of Wright...
Obama disagreed publicly with that Wright comment whether you can deal with that reality or not.
SUre. After the polls showed that his initial defense of Wright was not being bought by white voters.
...such a poll would have to have come out before Obama rejected Wrightā€™s statement in order for his rejection to have been a response to the poll you claim exists...

Your problem is that Obama rejected Wrightā€™s statement in April, 2007; while the poll you linked was released more than a year after that in May, 2008.

So who the fuck did you think you could fool by basing your position on lies?

Listen asshole, you ask me to find a specific poll from 10 years ago on Obama.

I will find it and support my position on this.

First, for you, here is Obama first response to the Wright controversy where he stood by his Pastor. As I described.

Barack Obamaā€™s Speech on Race

A lot of political back and forth trying to cover both sides of the issue, but it comes down to this.

"And this helps explain, perhaps, my relationship with Reverend Wright. As imperfect as he may be, he has been like family to me. He strengthened my faith, officiated my wedding, and baptized my children. Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect. He contains within him the contradictions ā€“ the good and the bad ā€“ of the community that he has served diligently for so many years.

I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother ā€“ a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."

His advice to white America? This about you, and you need to do shit to fix it.

"In the white community, the path to a more perfect union means acknowledging that what ails the African-American community does not just exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination - and current incidents of discrimination, while less overt than in the past - are real and must be addressed. Not just with words, but with deeds ā€“ by investing in our schools and our communities; by enforcing our civil rights laws and ensuring fairness in our criminal justice system; by providing this generation with ladders of opportunity that were unavailable for previous generations. It requires all Americans to realize that your dreams do not have to come at the expense of my dreams; that investing in the health, welfare, and education of black and brown and white children will ultimately help all of America prosper."

Tomorrow, I will find the link to the numbers showing how this was not popular. And leading to Obama throwing Wright under the bus.
Why do you get so easily triggered just because youā€™re an idiot...?

The first time I can find Obama was asked how he felt about Wrightā€™s comment that youā€™ve been quoting came in April, 2007, about a year before the article you posted...

On the Sunday after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Mr. Wright said the attacks were a consequence of violent American policies. Four years later he wrote that the attacks had proved that ā€œpeople of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ā€˜disappearedā€™ as the Great White West went on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns.ā€

Provocative Assertions

Such statements involve ā€œa certain deeply embedded anti-Americanism,ā€ said Michael Cromartie, vice president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a conservative group that studies religious issues and public policy. ā€œA lot of people are going to say to Mr. Obama, are these your views?ā€

Mr. Obama says they are not.

ā€œThe violence of 9/11 was inexcusable and without justification,ā€ he said in a recent interview. He was not at Trinity the day Mr. Wright delivered his remarks shortly after the attacks, Mr. Obama said, but ā€œit sounds like he was trying to be provocative.ā€

A Candidate, His Minister and the Search for Faith

So either you can post proof of the poll you claim inspired Obama to disagree came before that April, 2007 article... or everyone here sees for themselves that you are full of shit.


THe speech I linked to, and cited, was a major speech from 2008 where he stood by Wright and told white America needed to understand Wright and to do more to help black America.

That was his position during that period of the Campaign, and remained his position until the polls showed it was not working with white voters.

I note that your constant excuse for Wright's racism, are pretty much the same as Obama's March 2008 position.

It is odd that you defend both Wright and Obama, even though Obama eventually denounced Wright and

Obama's CURRENT standing position is that he does NOT support Wright's views.
The Great Obama: Most admired man in America
Fat Donnie: Most admired man in Russia

Based on lies.

The Great Obama is admired for a reason and was awarded a Nobel Prize
Crooked Donnie will be awarded a prison sentence

And what exactly did he DO to "earn" that prize? Other than being a good little lefty.

Mostly he took over for a President who started two wars and moved the US in a new direction of international cooperation

Want to guess if Crooked Donnie will be considered for a Nobel Prize?
Nelson Mandela got a prize while he was in prison.....do you think Crooked Donnie will?

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