Obama is NOT who you think he is

daveman and The T doing their predictable dance

The President is doing EXACTLY what he campaigned on you condrones.
Big Bad Saul Alinsky and "the world as it is"

...and then we have all these Right Wing Lunatics @ USMB ranting and raving about the influence of 'radical' Saul Alinsky on Obama.

:lol: Poor dopes, fed spin by FAUX News and the right wing noise machine...they buy the whole bs story...

Big Bad Saul Alinsky - advocate of community organizing in "the world as it is and not as we would like it to be."

Radical!!!!! :rofl:

By 2001, if there was any maxim from community organizing that Obama lived by, it was the Realpolitik commandment of Saul Alinsky, the founding practitioner of community organizing, to operate in “the world as it is and not as we would like it to be.”

How Chicago politics shaped Barack Obama : The New Yorker
You are right, for once, radical. Alinskey is a commie who obamaturd praises. 'Nough said.
Big Bad Saul Alinsky and "the world as it is"

...and then we have all these Right Wing Lunatics @ USMB ranting and raving about the influence of 'radical' Saul Alinsky on Obama.

:lol: Poor dopes, fed spin by FAUX News and the right wing noise machine...they buy the whole bs story...

Big Bad Saul Alinsky - advocate of community organizing in "the world as it is and not as we would like it to be."

Radical!!!!! :rofl:
But you retards got it wrong. You don't operate in the United States of America as it is...you operate in the United Soviets of Amerika as you'd like it to be.

Alinsky was not a good guy.
Alinsky was a subversive. Obama bought into his tripe.

not a good guy, yeah

Born in Chicago in 1909, Alinsky organized communities in his birth city and California, helping minorities in poor neighborhoods exert political force by collectively demanding better working conditions and getting them to polling stations.

Alinsky's most famous book, "Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals," describes a confrontational method for curing economic inequality -
Big Bad Saul Alinsky and "the world as it is"

...and then we have all these Right Wing Lunatics @ USMB ranting and raving about the influence of 'radical' Saul Alinsky on Obama.

:lol: Poor dopes, fed spin by FAUX News and the right wing noise machine...they buy the whole bs story...

Big Bad Saul Alinsky - advocate of community organizing in "the world as it is and not as we would like it to be."

Radical!!!!! :rofl:

By 2001, if there was any maxim from community organizing that Obama lived by, it was the Realpolitik commandment of Saul Alinsky, the founding practitioner of community organizing, to operate in “the world as it is and not as we would like it to be.”

How Chicago politics shaped Barack Obama : The New Yorker
But you retards got it wrong. You don't operate in the United States of America as it is...you operate in the United Soviets of Amerika as you'd like it to be.

Alinsky was not a good guy.

"First rule of change is controversy," Alinsky said. "You can't get away from it for the simple reason all issues are controversial. Change means movement and movement means friction, and friction means heat, and heat means controversy."
But you retards got it wrong. You don't operate in the United States of America as it is...you operate in the United Soviets of Amerika as you'd like it to be.

Alinsky was not a good guy.
Alinsky was a subversive. Obama bought into his tripe.

not a good guy, yeah

Born in Chicago in 1909, Alinsky organized communities in his birth city and California, helping minorities in poor neighborhoods exert political force by collectively demanding better working conditions and getting them to polling stations.

Alinsky's most famous book, "Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals," describes a confrontational method for curing economic inequality -
Yep, proves our point. Alinsky was a idiot radical.
But you retards got it wrong. You don't operate in the United States of America as it is...you operate in the United Soviets of Amerika as you'd like it to be.

Alinsky was not a good guy.
Alinsky was a subversive. Obama bought into his tripe.

not a good guy, yeah

Born in Chicago in 1909, Alinsky organized communities in his birth city and California, helping minorities in poor neighborhoods exert political force by collectively demanding better working conditions and getting them to polling stations.

Alinsky's most famous book, "Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals," describes a confrontational method for curing economic inequality -

Did YOU have a point?
Alinsky was a subversive. Obama bought into his tripe.

not a good guy, yeah

Born in Chicago in 1909, Alinsky organized communities in his birth city and California, helping minorities in poor neighborhoods exert political force by collectively demanding better working conditions and getting them to polling stations.

Alinsky's most famous book, "Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals," describes a confrontational method for curing economic inequality -
Yep, proves our point. Alinsky was a idiot radical.

Newt Gingrich since the days of Speaker O'Neil, has called himself and his ideas radical.
so Obama is definitely NOT the big socialist big spender the right has claimed he is:

Summers informed Obama...the government was already spending well beyond its means... in the coming months Obama would have to sign, in addition to a stimulus bill, several pieces of legislation left over from the Bush Administration: a hundred-billion-dollar funding bill for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; perhaps three hundred and fifty billion dollars more in funds from Bush’s TARP program, to prop up banks; and a four-hundred-and-ten-billion-dollar spending bill that was stuck in Congress...save G.M. and Chrysler, which were close to bankruptcy, and to address the collapsing housing market, which he was told would be hit with five million foreclosures during his first two years in office.

Summers cautioned Obama, who had run as a fiscal conservative and attacked his Republican opponent for wanting to raise taxes, that he was about to preside over an explosion of government spending: “This could come as a considerable sticker shock to the American public and the American political system, potentially reducing your ability to pass your agenda and undermining economic confidence at a critical time.”

Read more The Obama Memos: How Washington Remade the President : The New Yorker


Fox NEWS vs Alinsky Politics | Obama is NOT who you think he is
Obama is a balless wuss.

Bush had balls but was an idiot.

Not sure which is worse but both suck.

anyone who is/was a fan of either one is a fool.
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not a good guy, yeah

Yep, proves our point. Alinsky was a idiot radical.

Newt Gingrich since the days of Speaker O'Neil, has called himself and his ideas radical.


His ideas? Maybe.

Himself? No.

The notion of having a Constitutionally LIMITED Federal Republic HAS become kind of radical. But not in the sense of "revolution."

It is simply a very significant departure from how far we have moved away from the principles which SHOULD have been guiding us all along. Seeking to return us to those principles is now ridiculed as "quaint" or reactionary. But it's not.

What it is is necessary and crucial.
Yep, proves our point. Alinsky was a idiot radical.

Newt Gingrich since the days of Speaker O'Neil, has called himself and his ideas radical.


His ideas? Maybe.

Himself? No.

The notion of having a Constitutionally LIMITED Federal Republic HAS become kind of radical. But not in the sense of "revolution."

It is simply a very significant departure from how far we have moved away from the principles which SHOULD have been guiding us all along. Seeking to return us to those principles is now ridiculed as "quaint" or reactionary. But it's not.

What it is is necessary and crucial.

The Hyperbolic hysterics aside, the US Constitution and the Republic are just fine.

Newt described himself and his ideas as radical. your argument is with him.

daveman and The T doing their predictable dance

The President is doing EXACTLY what he campaigned on you condrones.
And you applaud him taking this nation down the road to ruin.

YOU must be so proud of yourself helping ruin the lives of millions of your countrymen for a man that HATES you and YOUR nation.

Take a bow, will you?
daveman and The T doing their predictable dance

The President is doing EXACTLY what he campaigned on you condrones.
Is Gitmo closed?

Is this the "most transparent Administration in history"?

Are there any lobbyists working in the White House?

Is every bill available to the public for five days before the President signs it?

Guess you forgot about those promises, huh?
Big Bad Saul Alinsky and "the world as it is"

...and then we have all these Right Wing Lunatics @ USMB ranting and raving about the influence of 'radical' Saul Alinsky on Obama.

:lol: Poor dopes, fed spin by FAUX News and the right wing noise machine...they buy the whole bs story...

Big Bad Saul Alinsky - advocate of community organizing in "the world as it is and not as we would like it to be."

Radical!!!!! :rofl:
But you retards got it wrong. You don't operate in the United States of America as it is...you operate in the United Soviets of Amerika as you'd like it to be.

Alinsky was not a good guy.

"First rule of change is controversy," Alinsky said. "You can't get away from it for the simple reason all issues are controversial. Change means movement and movement means friction, and friction means heat, and heat means controversy."
In other words, you have to be a pain in the ass to effect change?

Well, at least Obama got that right.
Obama is a balless wuss.

Bush had balls but was an idiot.

Not sure which is worse but both suck.

anyone who is/was a fan of either one is a fool.
ball less? he fought a huge battle or two. :cuckoo:

and honesty now makes one a fan?

This view—that Congress would serve as a partner to a popular new President trying to repair the economy—proved to be wrong.

Read more The Obama Memos: How Washington Remade the President : The New Yorker

Obama promised to get us out of Iraq, now he is using the Bush timetable.
He promised to close GITMO.
And I forget the other promises he broke.

And he just wimpily goes along with the suck ass congress.
Obama is a moderate. Why you think Progressives like me aren't satisfied w/ his incremental approach. I wanted single-payer :cool:
Obama is a moderate. Why you think Progressives like me aren't satisfied w/ his incremental approach. I wanted single-payer :cool:

Thank you, Another Obama wuss out.

and how much has he pushed for regulations to prevent another financial meltdown?
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With all due respect I believe Obama is exactly who I think he is first though I will tell you what I know he is NOT and that is a communist, socialist, or Muslim. What I believe he is though is a very far left liberal who believes it is the job of Government to level the playing through higher taxes,fees, regulations to give to those who have less for whatever the reasons instead of helping those who are down to get back on their feet and have a chance of success he seems to just want to take from those who have succeeded and give to those who have not.

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