Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Christians started the Iraq war? You sure it wasn't the Crab People?
Iraq was a basically republican driven war. And republican's claim their Christian's. And many democrats that voted for the war claim their Christian's to. The problem is much like a neutered dog, they just don't get it. You cannot be "for God" and "for war". It's either one or the other. Not both! You cannot have a gun in one hand and a bible in the other. It doesn't work that way.
Sergeant York would disagree. In any event, wars are not started by religions, they're started by kings and politicians. Your hatred toward Christianity is blinding you.
The tinydancers of 2065 will be explaining that many Christians were actually in favor of equal marriage. Christianity is going to distance itself from this sort of message as fervently as it now distances itself from slavery.

Do you guys live in la la land? I'm not distancing myself from anything.

Slavery was practiced by Christians. It's history. And Christians fought to abolish the practice. It's history.

Gay marriage? I'm conflicted as can be. As many Christians are. Wanting equal unions for people. The debate is over the term marriage.

For all my years in the music business I had many gay friends and associates who had far longer relationships than many straight people I knew. Cripes myself included.

I'm the last person on the planet to ever pull a holier than thou. And anyone like me .....you know..... the tiny dancers of 2065 will be saying we were conflicted with our feelings for our friends and family members in the LGBT community and still trying to live by the Word.

Well...I'll be honest and say that's a much nicer post than I was expecting. But there were "conflicted" people in 1865, too. Your Word will evolve. Islam's will, too.

Which was Obama's whole point.
Some people don't learn until they are knocked hard over the head. How many people are in prison finally considering the error of their way? I truly hope Islam evolves, but I'm certain it won't happen until they are crushed by the international community. there's too much lust for violence and bloodshed. Many people need to be brought to their knees before they learn humility and stop being aggressive. Japan is a good example.
Maybe we need that lesson. Bet isis thinks so. Bet Russia hopes so. China too.
Nonsense. We're the ones who deliver that lesson, like we did to Germany and Japan after they made war on their neighbors. The lot of the ungodly is to confuse good and evil, to call evil good and good evil. That is you, morally confused and in need of the light of Christ.
We're terrified Iran will acquire nukes because we fear they'll take exactly that attitude.
And where does Obama get off blaming Christianity for slavery without mentioning how many good Christian men and women were against slavery.

It was Christians who led the fight to abolish it. And maybe someone should let the President in on what's happening with slavery today in the here and now and who the hell is practicing it.

Some one show him Mauritana on a map. Glaring example of slavery in the present.

He's the one that needs to get down off his freaking high horse lecturing Christians as if we are living in a never never land and don't know our very own darker periods of time.

My heavens he's such an asshole.
Abolition as a concept was created by British Protestants. Can't get
Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic - The Washington Post
By Sudarsan Raghavan February 7, 2014

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.

Isn't it a coincidence wherever muslims are in large numbers there are conflicts like this? Poor misunderstood victims they are. Curious thing is that war was started by Muslims in the first place. War is hell and there are atrocities on both sides i condemn but don't act like muslims didn't start it. Also those militias aren't exclusively christian. They have animists as well who fear Muslim persecution

Who really cares who started it to be honest. We have to win this thing and that means make peace with the moderate Muslim leaders of the middle east.

Pakistan has to be on board after all queda slaughtered a military town women children and all.

Turkeys on board. Saudi agrees with us.

We don't want war with Iran I don't care what israel says.
What are you blabbering on about now? This war in CAR and how muslims started it has nothing to do with what you are talking about. You are just changing the subject.I am not American. But Turkey and Saudi Arabia can go to hell and so can America if they support them. They are parties responsible in funding these violent radicals in syria and Iraq because they dislike Assad. Assad is one of the decent moderate and pro christian leaders in the regio. Syria Iran and Iraq are the only ones confronting these radicals head on and I support them.

Iran? They are terrorist supporting scum as bad as Isis. They fund Hamas and Hazballah. They fund terrorist who place roadside bombs that kill our troops. Most of the Iranian people are good people, but the mullahs are no better than ISIS
Do you guys live in la la land? I'm not distancing myself from anything.

Slavery was practiced by Christians. It's history. And Christians fought to abolish the practice. It's history.

Gay marriage? I'm conflicted as can be. As many Christians are. Wanting equal unions for people. The debate is over the term marriage.

For all my years in the music business I had many gay friends and associates who had far longer relationships than many straight people I knew. Cripes myself included.

I'm the last person on the planet to ever pull a holier than thou. And anyone like me .....you know..... the tiny dancers of 2065 will be saying we were conflicted with our feelings for our friends and family members in the LGBT community and still trying to live by the Word.

Well...I'll be honest and say that's a much nicer post than I was expecting. But there were "conflicted" people in 1865, too. Your Word will evolve. Islam's will, too.

Which was Obama's whole point.
Some people don't learn until they are knocked hard over the head. How many people are in prison finally considering the error of their way? I truly hope Islam evolves, but I'm certain it won't happen until they are crushed by the international community. there's too much lust for violence and bloodshed. Many people need to be brought to their knees before they learn humility and stop being aggressive. Japan is a good example.
Maybe we need that lesson. Bet isis thinks so. Bet Russia hopes so. China too.
Nonsense. We're the ones who deliver that lesson, like we did to Germany and Japan after they made war on their neighbors. The lot of the ungodly is to confuse good and evil, to call evil good and good evil. That is you, morally confused and in need of the light of Christ.
We're terrified Iran will acquire nukes because we fear they'll take exactly that attitude.
You too are morally confused, not discerning good and evil.
They are religious, they are radical islamists. You aren't going to seriously deny this are you?
In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?

Yet you argue Timothy McVeigh is a Christian because he said he believes in a non-specific to any religion deity. Yet a group calling themselves the "Islamic State" isn't religion. Care to work up one standard?
I claim he's a Christian because he claimed he was a Christian. He was born and raised Roman Catholic - as I showed.

He also stated that he still maintained the core beliefs of Catholicism.

And before his execution he took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

So why are you lying?

If you claim to be a midget, but I observe you are not, am I to believe you or my own eyes?

Seriously synth, you are better then that.
Being a midget is a physical characteristic that is provable.

Saying you are a Christian is a spiritual characterization that is unprovable.

No, one acts in a christian manner. Charles Manson saying he's a christian while instructing his followers to kill innocents is akin to Charles Barkley saying he's a midget.
Christians started the Iraq war? You sure it wasn't the Crab People?
Iraq was a basically republican driven war. And republican's claim their Christian's. And many democrats that voted for the war claim their Christian's to. The problem is much like a neutered dog, they just don't get it. You cannot be "for God" and "for war". It's either one or the other. Not both! You cannot have a gun in one hand and a bible in the other. It doesn't work that way.
Sergeant York would disagree. In any event, wars are not started by religions, they're started by kings and politicians. Your hatred toward Christianity is blinding you.

Conscientious objector Sergeant York?
Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists.
You have no idea how many people the Soviet Union and China alone have killed. LOL, you don't know what you are talking about, you never do...
They killed in the name of atheism?

Again, I don't know what I can tell you other then that you are like all liberals unable to read and process simple information.
You can weasel all you want but, in response to "Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists" you claimed that the Soviets and Chinese killed more.

Theists kill in the name of their religion, dumbass. Your response was knee-jerk with brain unengaged.

Individuals do, post a leader of a major christian organization ordering their followers to kill in the name of God.

And please let's attempt to keep this recent.
Sergeant York would disagree. In any event, wars are not started by religions, they're started by kings and politicians. Your hatred toward Christianity is blinding you.
I don't hate Christianity. I'm a white, Irish Catholic. And these politician's who started these wars, claimed their Christian's. I'm saying, they're full of shit! They have nothing to do with Christ.
Well...I'll be honest and say that's a much nicer post than I was expecting. But there were "conflicted" people in 1865, too. Your Word will evolve. Islam's will, too.

Which was Obama's whole point.
Some people don't learn until they are knocked hard over the head. How many people are in prison finally considering the error of their way? I truly hope Islam evolves, but I'm certain it won't happen until they are crushed by the international community. there's too much lust for violence and bloodshed. Many people need to be brought to their knees before they learn humility and stop being aggressive. Japan is a good example.
Maybe we need that lesson. Bet isis thinks so. Bet Russia hopes so. China too.
Nonsense. We're the ones who deliver that lesson, like we did to Germany and Japan after they made war on their neighbors. The lot of the ungodly is to confuse good and evil, to call evil good and good evil. That is you, morally confused and in need of the light of Christ.
We're terrified Iran will acquire nukes because we fear they'll take exactly that attitude.
You too are morally confused, not discerning good and evil.

It's not confusion, it's humility.
Iran? They are terrorist supporting scum as bad as Isis. They fund Hamas and Hazballah. They fund terrorist who place roadside bombs that kill our troops. Most of the Iranian people are good people, but the mullahs are no better than ISIS
75% of Iran's population is under 30. They're just waiting for those old mullah's to die off before they start wearing Levi's in public again.

That looks like South Beach. They don't look like the kind of crowd that's into berka's.
Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists.
You have no idea how many people the Soviet Union and China alone have killed. LOL, you don't know what you are talking about, you never do...
They killed in the name of atheism?

Again, I don't know what I can tell you other then that you are like all liberals unable to read and process simple information.
You can weasel all you want but, in response to "Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists" you claimed that the Soviets and Chinese killed more.

Theists kill in the name of their religion, dumbass. Your response was knee-jerk with brain unengaged.

Individuals do, post a leader of a major christian organization ordering their followers to kill in the name of God.

And please let's attempt to keep this recent.

Army of God United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

AOG supports the Second Defensive Action Statement, as produced by the Defenders of the Defenders of Life, which reads:[7]

  • We the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all Godly action necessary, including the use of force, to defend innocent human life (born and unborn). We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.
The tinydancers of 2065 will be explaining that many Christians were actually in favor of equal marriage. Christianity is going to distance itself from this sort of message as fervently as it now distances itself from slavery.

Do you guys live in la la land? I'm not distancing myself from anything.

Slavery was practiced by Christians. It's history. And Christians fought to abolish the practice. It's history.

Gay marriage? I'm conflicted as can be. As many Christians are. Wanting equal unions for people. The debate is over the term marriage.

For all my years in the music business I had many gay friends and associates who had far longer relationships than many straight people I knew. Cripes myself included.

I'm the last person on the planet to ever pull a holier than thou. And anyone like me .....you know..... the tiny dancers of 2065 will be saying we were conflicted with our feelings for our friends and family members in the LGBT community and still trying to live by the Word.

Well...I'll be honest and say that's a much nicer post than I was expecting. But there were "conflicted" people in 1865, too. Your Word will evolve. Islam's will, too.

Which was Obama's whole point.
Some people don't learn until they are knocked hard over the head. How many people are in prison finally considering the error of their way? I truly hope Islam evolves, but I'm certain it won't happen until they are crushed by the international community. there's too much lust for violence and bloodshed. Many people need to be brought to their knees before they learn humility and stop being aggressive. Japan is a good example.
Maybe we need that lesson. Bet isis thinks so. Bet Russia hopes so. China too.
Nonsense. We're the ones who deliver that lesson, like we did to Germany and Japan after they made war on their neighbors. The lot of the ungodly is to confuse good and evil, to call evil good and good evil. That is you, morally confused and in need of the light of Christ.
Yea were all good and they're all bad. Even they know it right(

The winners write history. Just make sure we win.
You have no idea how many people the Soviet Union and China alone have killed. LOL, you don't know what you are talking about, you never do...
They killed in the name of atheism?

Again, I don't know what I can tell you other then that you are like all liberals unable to read and process simple information.
You can weasel all you want but, in response to "Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists" you claimed that the Soviets and Chinese killed more.

Theists kill in the name of their religion, dumbass. Your response was knee-jerk with brain unengaged.

Individuals do, post a leader of a major christian organization ordering their followers to kill in the name of God.

And please let's attempt to keep this recent.

Army of God United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

AOG supports the Second Defensive Action Statement, as produced by the Defenders of the Defenders of Life, which reads:[7]

  • We the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all Godly action necessary, including the use of force, to defend innocent human life (born and unborn). We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.

Maybe I should have underlined and bolded the word major.

Oh my
They killed in the name of atheism?

Again, I don't know what I can tell you other then that you are like all liberals unable to read and process simple information.
You can weasel all you want but, in response to "Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists" you claimed that the Soviets and Chinese killed more.

Theists kill in the name of their religion, dumbass. Your response was knee-jerk with brain unengaged.

Individuals do, post a leader of a major christian organization ordering their followers to kill in the name of God.

And please let's attempt to keep this recent.

Army of God United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

AOG supports the Second Defensive Action Statement, as produced by the Defenders of the Defenders of Life, which reads:[7]

  • We the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all Godly action necessary, including the use of force, to defend innocent human life (born and unborn). We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.

Maybe I should have underlined and bolded the word major.

Oh my

People at the dozen or so abortion clinics and the 1996 Summer Olympics, which were bombed by associates of the organization, might consider it somewhat major.


The LRA was initially formed to resist the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF), called the National Resistance Army(NRA) before it took control of the country. The NRA/UPDF has been accused of widespread murder, rape, and pillage.[12][13]In June 2006, Radhika Coomaraswamy, the UN's special representative for children, found more than 5000 children recruited in the Ugandan government army.[14]
In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?

Yet you argue Timothy McVeigh is a Christian because he said he believes in a non-specific to any religion deity. Yet a group calling themselves the "Islamic State" isn't religion. Care to work up one standard?
I claim he's a Christian because he claimed he was a Christian. He was born and raised Roman Catholic - as I showed.

He also stated that he still maintained the core beliefs of Catholicism.

And before his execution he took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

So why are you lying?

If you claim to be a midget, but I observe you are not, am I to believe you or my own eyes?

Seriously synth, you are better then that.
Being a midget is a physical characteristic that is provable.

Saying you are a Christian is a spiritual characterization that is unprovable.

No, one acts in a christian manner. Charles Manson saying he's a christian while instructing his followers to kill innocents is akin to Charles Barkley saying he's a midget.

Yet people believe that shit all too easy. Its why we believe belief in gods no good for people.
Sergeant York would disagree. In any event, wars are not started by religions, they're started by kings and politicians. Your hatred toward Christianity is blinding you.
I don't hate Christianity. I'm a white, Irish Catholic. And these politician's who started these wars, claimed their Christian's. I'm saying, they're full of shit! They have nothing to do with Christ.
You should read the gospels more, white Irish Catholic. Jesus set up a heavenly kingdom, distinctly not an earthly kingdom. His teachings apply to Christians and have no bearing on the prerogative of nations. Your error is common, for most people ignore the teachings of Christ while feigning loyalty to them. Jesus said, "If my kingdom were an earthly kingdom, my soldiers would fight that I wouldn't be delivered to the Jews". John 18:36 There you have it, even Jesus says that earthly kingdoms go to war to protect their people.

More Bible reading, less guessing.
Again, I don't know what I can tell you other then that you are like all liberals unable to read and process simple information.
You can weasel all you want but, in response to "Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists" you claimed that the Soviets and Chinese killed more.

Theists kill in the name of their religion, dumbass. Your response was knee-jerk with brain unengaged.

Individuals do, post a leader of a major christian organization ordering their followers to kill in the name of God.

And please let's attempt to keep this recent.

Army of God United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

AOG supports the Second Defensive Action Statement, as produced by the Defenders of the Defenders of Life, which reads:[7]

  • We the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all Godly action necessary, including the use of force, to defend innocent human life (born and unborn). We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.

Maybe I should have underlined and bolded the word major.

Oh my

People at the dozen or so abortion clinics and the 1996 Summer Olympics, which were bombed by associates of the organization, might consider it somewhat major.


The LRA was initially formed to resist the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF), called the National Resistance Army(NRA) before it took control of the country. The NRA/UPDF has been accused of widespread murder, rape, and pillage.[12][13]In June 2006, Radhika Coomaraswamy, the UN's special representative for children, found more than 5000 children recruited in the Ugandan government army.[14]

If your going to disagree with my post, please do so in a sane manner.

The name of the major Christian religion that instructs its people to kill in the name of God please?

It's easier to just say " I can't think of one"

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