Obama just lost the election tonight


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
Please note: I used to be a Republican, then converted to a Democrat in 2008. I voted for Obama in 2008 and have largely defended his actions...

But tonight?

His speech was terrible. He delivered it terribly.

S&P has said that if Boehner's plan is passed, the credit rating of the country will be downgraded. Obama is in a lose-lose situation here and it looks like the Republicans are the only ones who are going to win.

The only thing left for Obama to do right now is let the country go into default and not extend the cap until Republicans increase revenues. Obama MUST stand firm on this. No short term deal. Let the country go into default in order to win this battle.

Unfortunately, we as middle class Americans, are stuck in the middle between the Liberals and the Conservatives and we're both going to have to pay for it.
Obama's pushing a higher ups agenda. He's never had a thought worth talking about.

Months and Months pass by and all of a sudden it has to be done at the last minute..
This whole thing reeks of shit!

Politicians....:eusa_liar: and we buy into it.
You saying he lost the election for 2012 because of tonight's speech...did you post this before or after he gave the speech?

Oh and who exactly will beat him in 2012?
Please note: I used to be a Republican, then converted to a Democrat in 2008. I voted for Obama in 2008 and have largely defended his actions...
But tonight?

His speech was terrible. He delivered it terribly.

S&P has said that if Boehner's plan is passed, the credit rating of the country will be downgraded. Obama is in a lose-lose situation here and it looks like the Republicans are the only ones who are going to win.

The only thing left for Obama to do right now is let the country go into default and not extend the cap until Republicans increase revenues. Obama MUST stand firm on this. No short term deal. Let the country go into default in order to win this battle.

Unfortunately, we as middle class Americans, are stuck in the middle between the Liberals and the Conservatives and we're both going to have to pay for it.

So you fell for the production that was the Obama campaign? That doesn't say much for your judgment, and you still support the man even though he is clueless and in way over his head? Your emotional attachment is truly heartwarming. It seems you are more concerned about Obama then the country :eusa_whistle:
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You saying he lost the election for 2012 because of tonight's speech...did you post this before or after he gave the speech?

Oh and who exactly will beat him in 2012?

At the rate and direction the country is going in, I'd have to guess any Communist.
Please note: I used to be a Republican, then converted to a Democrat in 2008. I voted for Obama in 2008 and have largely defended his actions...

But tonight?

His speech was terrible. He delivered it terribly.

S&P has said that if Boehner's plan is passed, the credit rating of the country will be downgraded. Obama is in a lose-lose situation here and it looks like the Republicans are the only ones who are going to win.

The only thing left for Obama to do right now is let the country go into default and not extend the cap until Republicans increase revenues. Obama MUST stand firm on this. No short term deal. Let the country go into default in order to win this battle.

Unfortunately, we as middle class Americans, are stuck in the middle between the Liberals and the Conservatives and we're both going to have to pay for it.

Try Islam... Maybe that will work for ya. You'll still fit in. The liberals love Muslims.
Please note: I used to be a Republican, then converted to a Democrat in 2008. I voted for Obama in 2008 and have largely defended his actions...

But tonight?

His speech was terrible. He delivered it terribly.

S&P has said that if Boehner's plan is passed, the credit rating of the country will be downgraded. Obama is in a lose-lose situation here and it looks like the Republicans are the only ones who are going to win.

The only thing left for Obama to do right now is let the country go into default and not extend the cap until Republicans increase revenues. Obama MUST stand firm on this. No short term deal. Let the country go into default in order to win this battle.

Unfortunately, we as middle class Americans, are stuck in the middle between the Liberals and the Conservatives and we're both going to have to pay for it.

On the contrary, I think he may have sewed it up. Boehner offered nothing but anecdotes about what he thought would happen. Mr. Obama layed out his position, his willingness to compromise, and his ideology which most Americans agree with by the way.

But on the subject of the election, do you find it strange that Romney, Polenta, Bachmann, Gingrich, and the others are nowhere to be seen right now?

I do. This would be the time to seize the gauntlet and put fourth your brilliant idea for fixing the problem...assuming they have one. Offer your "Pickens Plan", buy 3 minutes on Face the Nation, This Week, Meet the Press, or go Prime Time with 3 minutes on "Breaking Bad" or "The Bachelorette" (sp?) and seize the moment!
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I guess you'll be converting back to a Republican in 2012 and a Democrat in 2016. You're on a 4-year cycle. I bet I could make money off people like you.

I have no intention of becoming a Republican again, but Obama's actions just look like and sound like he has no idea what the hell he's doing in there. He's not showing me leadership. A true leader would let this country go into default before signing a bad bill that will only worsen this country. If the bill will worsen the country and him not passing the bill will worsen the country, all he can do is not pass it and let the country go into default - or at least at 11:59 p.m. next Monday night close the door on any bill that doesn't have revenue increases.

If you cut spending and anticipate revenue decreases, you do not solve the debt problem! You're still going to increase the debt! You must cut spending AND increase income!

It doesn't matter who runs against Obama in 2012 - people will remember how the Republicans won this major battle and they're going to see a lack of leadership in the White House. I'm not saying this as a Republican or a Democrat - I'm saying this as an American. If my country is in a fiscal crisis, I need someone who has effective leadership. He reminds me of Governor David Patterson - he tried so hard to work with the NY State Legislature - but they wouldn't work with him. It had nothing to do with his political identity and everything to do with him not being an effective leader.

Mitt Romney HAS been a leader. He was a leader in business for decades. The problem with him is that he has a case of the John Kerry's... he's flip flopped on issues so the Republicans will vote for him. Right now, he's about the only 2012 candidate I can stomach.
You saying he lost the election for 2012 because of tonight's speech...did you post this before or after he gave the speech?

Oh and who exactly will beat him in 2012?

Look at the timestamp bud. Don't shoot the messenger. If Obama doesn't do a Bay of Pigs alla JFK and refuse to back down, then he's lost 2012. On the contrary, if he stands up to the Republicans, he'll have proved his leadership abilities and he can easily defeat anyone in 2012. Right now the Republicans are playing a game and Obama is buying into it, hook, line and sinker.
You saying he lost the election for 2012 because of tonight's speech...did you post this before or after he gave the speech?

Oh and who exactly will beat him in 2012?

Are you seriously unable to read the time stamp on the post an answer your incredibly silly question?

Personally, I disagree with him. I think Obama will lose the 2012 election because of the: Inflation, high food prices, high energy prices, high unemployment, uncontrolled spending, massive debt, corruption, inability to lead anyone out of a paper bag, failure to even attempt to lead, refusal to take responsibility for anything, and for being a "dick".

I don't think this speech will factor in his defeat in the slightest.

And ill tell you who will beat him when we are done with the Republican primary. Sadly, it won't take much for an improvement.
You saying he lost the election for 2012 because of tonight's speech...did you post this before or after he gave the speech?

Oh and who exactly will beat him in 2012?

Look at the timestamp bud. Don't shoot the messenger. If Obama doesn't do a Bay of Pigs alla JFK and refuse to back down, then he's lost 2012. On the contrary, if he stands up to the Republicans, he'll have proved his leadership abilities and he can easily defeat anyone in 2012. Right now the Republicans are playing a game and Obama is buying into it, hook, line and sinker.

he's been President for over 2 years. If he hasnt proved his leadership ability by now, it's because he doesn't have any.
Please note: I used to be a Republican, then converted to a Democrat in 2008. I voted for Obama in 2008 and have largely defended his actions...

But tonight?

His speech was terrible. He delivered it terribly.

S&P has said that if Boehner's plan is passed, the credit rating of the country will be downgraded. Obama is in a lose-lose situation here and it looks like the Republicans are the only ones who are going to win.

The only thing left for Obama to do right now is let the country go into default and not extend the cap until Republicans increase revenues. Obama MUST stand firm on this. No short term deal. Let the country go into default in order to win this battle.

Unfortunately, we as middle class Americans, are stuck in the middle between the Liberals and the Conservatives and we're both going to have to pay for it.

You do realize what default means right? So many people in here keep referring to Default as if simply letting the Cap be passed with out extending it is Default. Actual Default would only occur when we fail to pay Interest payment, or Honor Bonds etc. IF we did that, the negative effect on our Credit Rating would be even worse than if we passed The GOP plan.

So either your suggesting Obama deliberately not use the 200 Billion a month we take in to cover interest and send us into default, or like so many others you have no fucking clue what you are talking about, when it comes to default.

Suggesting Obama allow the country to default on it's Debts is sheer lunacy.
I think you can safely sit back and see what the international financial boys decide to do.
#1- Please try and remember Obama and the Dems are trying to do the right thing for EVERYONE in the country, even the A-holes, and defaulting is a terrible idea. Period. He won't win or lose the election on this, but WILL gain about 2%.
See my signature- that's what 30 years of voodoo gave us. And bloated rich.
Please note: I used to be a Republican, then converted to a Democrat in 2008. I voted for Obama in 2008 and have largely defended his actions...
But tonight?

His speech was terrible. He delivered it terribly.

S&P has said that if Boehner's plan is passed, the credit rating of the country will be downgraded. Obama is in a lose-lose situation here and it looks like the Republicans are the only ones who are going to win.

The only thing left for Obama to do right now is let the country go into default and not extend the cap until Republicans increase revenues. Obama MUST stand firm on this. No short term deal. Let the country go into default in order to win this battle.

Unfortunately, we as middle class Americans, are stuck in the middle between the Liberals and the Conservatives and we're both going to have to pay for it.

So you fell for the production that was the Obama campaign? That doesn't say much for your judgment, and you still support the man even though he is clueless and in way over his head? Your emotional attachment is truly heartwarming. It seems you are more concerned about Obama then the country :eusa_whistle:

The country is screwed either way. Might as well be screwed with someone who has effectively shown leadership than screwed with a president who has no leadership abilities.
#1- Please try and remember Obama and the Dems are trying to do the right thing for EVERYONE in the country, even the A-holes, and defaulting is a terrible idea. Period. He won't win or lose the election on this, but WILL gain about 2%.
See my signature- that's what 30 years of voodoo gave us. And bloated rich.

I can agree on a couple things you said.

It was a terrible Speech, and Obama Clearly does not have a fucking clue what he is doing. He is lost when it comes to economics, and to fucking arrogant to take good advice. His speech tonight was nothing but a shameless campaign stump speech.

However I have 0 Faith in the idea that he lost the Election tonight. My assessment is that the power of the Liberal Media, Obama's Billion Dollars to spend, and Americans seeming disconnect between How they feel about Obama's Polices, and how they feel about him. Mean Obama will still likely win, and we will get to see how much more Damage he can do in 4 More Years.

By 2016 it wont matter who you vote for Because There will be no recovering. America will be well on it's way of going the same way as every other major Empire in History. If you get down to the Nitty Gritty they all fell because of Debt.

Hell I am not even confident we can recover if we get him out this time Around. I think We fucked. Personally I have started getting prepared for the inevitable Collapse as best I can.
The country is screwed either way. Might as well be screwed with someone who has effectively shown leadership than screwed with a president who has no leadership abilities.

How about we stop presuming the country is screwed either way and actually cut spending so the nation isn't screwed?
Please note: I used to be a Republican, then converted to a Democrat in 2008. I voted for Obama in 2008 and have largely defended his actions...
But tonight?

His speech was terrible. He delivered it terribly.

S&P has said that if Boehner's plan is passed, the credit rating of the country will be downgraded. Obama is in a lose-lose situation here and it looks like the Republicans are the only ones who are going to win.

The only thing left for Obama to do right now is let the country go into default and not extend the cap until Republicans increase revenues. Obama MUST stand firm on this. No short term deal. Let the country go into default in order to win this battle.

Unfortunately, we as middle class Americans, are stuck in the middle between the Liberals and the Conservatives and we're both going to have to pay for it.

So you fell for the production that was the Obama campaign? That doesn't say much for your judgment, and you still support the man even though he is clueless and in way over his head? Your emotional attachment is truly heartwarming. It seems you are more concerned about Obama then the country :eusa_whistle:

The country is screwed either way. Might as well be screwed with someone who has effectively shown leadership than screwed with a president who has no leadership abilities.

Leading from Behind is not leadership maybe you should look up the word and get back to me.

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