Obama labor board stacking denied


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2013
The Supreme Court issued a unanimous rebuke to President Obama on Thursday, saying he had overreached in issuing recess appointments during brief breaks in the Senate’s work.

Mr. Obama violated the Constitution in 2012, the justices said, by appointing officials to the National Labor Relations Board during a break in the Senate’s work when the chamber was convening every three days in short pro forma sessions in which no business was conducted. Those breaks were too short, Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote in a majority opinion joined by the court’s four other more liberal members.

Nice, and further win = invalidates all the decisions made by the illegally stacked National Labor Relations Board. There are checks and balances in the system for a reason, Obama doing an end-around set a terrible precedent.
Now what? So his appointments were illegal. Now what happens? What should happen is that the people who got their appointments shouldn't get paid. The ruling is meaningless if nothing changes and they continue on as if there was no ruling.

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