Obama: Less war/More healthcare; THAT TYRANT!

Bambi's panties are in an uproar over 85 Billion in the Brian Sequest Thing (however u pronounce it), well? what about the 100 Billion or so wasted on Solar Panel factories? when will the tax payers get the money back?
Oh my gawd, can ya'll believe this tyrant? He wants less wars, but more healthcare?

And, can you believe how his evil tyrannical plan is being done? He's sneakily trying to cut the military budget, just to one day turn around and use it against us! And he's filing lawsuits to stop local police from gaining more powers over us! That tyrant!

For a tyrant, he sure is doing a shitty job of taking away the pleasures of living in America!!!!

Wants to spend money on Americans?

Fucking Socialist

how will he pay for his drones? by taking money away from Amercians...duh

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