Obama: Lincoln Came Close To My Trials

Obama faces off with the Tea Party. Lincoln faced off with the Confederacy.

Which adversary is the greater dynamo?

He claimed Words, pictures and comments were worse for him then Lincoln, what part of " you can not say the things they said back then" escapes you?

Further Lincoln eventually was KILLED by a Confederate sympathizer. Go ahead now and claim anyone will kill Obama.

Are you kidding?

Conservatives here would relish taking out Obama. They tried to take out Giffords..with a surrogate prompted by Palin.

All Conservatives know is anger and violence.

They love killing people.
I AGREE!!!look at the millions of unborn children conservatives have slaughtered...and look at all the rioting going on around the world today by conservatives!!.....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:.....LIBERALS TELL LIES AND THEN BACK UP THEIR FALSE ACCUSATIONS WITH EVEN MORE LIES!!
After what you posted,

im sure i will be the one with the last laugh.

God willing of course.

And again..

I point to California Girl's playmate here.

Who's offering up cryptic threats to me about "justice" and the like.

Violent people to be sure.

Since you love to assume should i assume you are a typical aMerican?

Over weight, needs 15 pills to get started in the morning, due for a triple by-pass soon.

The only thing you have to fear is mersa from your fine medical system you have going.

Enjoy the free care you wish for so much, what you get...

Will be what you deserve.
Last edited:
He claimed Words, pictures and comments were worse for him then Lincoln, what part of " you can not say the things they said back then" escapes you?

Further Lincoln eventually was KILLED by a Confederate sympathizer. Go ahead now and claim anyone will kill Obama.

Are you kidding?

Conservatives here would relish taking out Obama. They tried to take out Giffords..with a surrogate prompted by Palin.

All Conservatives know is anger and violence.

They love killing people.
I AGREE!!!look at the millions of unborn children conservatives have slaughtered...and look at all the rioting going on around the world today by conservatives!!.....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:.....LIBERALS TELL LIES AND THEN BACK UP THEIR FALSE ACCUSATIONS WITH EVEN MORE LIES!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B5yACr99No&feature=related]Oklahoma City Bombing in April 1995 - YouTube[/ame]

Nuff said.
I think Swallow is pissed. :lol: His hyperbole has gone into overdrive. :lol:


Bust a cap in my noggin or swallow my load..

Make up your mind...Fickle (tricky) bitch.

Again, your fantasies are not reality. I choose none of the above, sweetie. I know it's hard for you to understand but woman have choices. I choose not to hate you, or like you. You are pretty much without consequence to me.

I will, however, mock you without mercy for your pathetic whining. You act like a two year old in a toy store. Brat.

Must spread.... and all that.:clap2::lol:
After what you posted,

im sure i will be the one with the last laugh.

God willing of course.

And again..

I point to California Girl's playmate here.

Who's offering up cryptic threats to me about "justice" and the like.

Violent people to be sure.

Since you love to assume should i assume you are a typical aMerican?

Over weight, needs 15 pills to get started in the morning, due for a triple by-pass soon.

The only thing you have to fear is mersa from your fine medical system you have going.

Enjoy the free care you wish for so much, what you get...

Will be what you deserve.


I'm 50. I do some 100-150 push ups daily and 200-250 situps. I do 8 handstand pushups in a set and I run about a mile to a mile and a half every 2 or so days.

But not quite as difficult. Yes, really.

Yes, he said this. :rolleyes:

Abe Lincoln | Barack Obama | Federalists | Presidential Critics | The Daily Caller

Obama: I have it tougher than Abe Lincoln
Published: 4:07 PM 08/16/2011 | Updated: 12:41 AM 08/17/2011

President Barack Obama said yesterday in Decorah, Iowa, that he absorbs more political criticism than Abraham Lincoln, the assassinated 16th U.S. president, attracted from his Civil War critics.

The comment came during a question-and-answer session where one invited audience member asked Obama how he deals with his congressional critics in the GOP. “The Congress doesn’t seem to be a good partner. You said so yourself, they’re more interested in seeing you lose than [seeing] the country win,” the questioner lamented.

“Democracy is always a messy business in a big country like this,” Obama responded. “When you listen to what the federalists said about the anti-federalists … those guys were tough. Lincoln, they used to talk about him almost as bad as they talk about me.”

The comparison “is hysterical … that is really laughable in many respects,” said Alvin Felzenberg, the author of a book on American presidents. “You couldn’t print things today they said about Lincoln.” Felzenberg teaches at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and was the chief spokesman for the 9/11 Commission...
Well he has sort of created a civil war in Congress. :eusa_whistle:
Well case in point.

And from, interestingly enough, Khmer Rouge boi!


That didn't take long.

So. One persons viewpoint on a subject is everybody's viewpoint??

Don't think so.

From what I've read the shooter in the Giffords case is crazy. Hell. They can't even try him for his crimes because he's mentally incompetant.

The day you can figure out what goes on in the mind of a nutjob let me know. I'm sure phyciatrists across the world would love to get your insight.

Just a dumb bunch of statements S.

One persons?

Rick Perry, just yesterday said that Bernake would be committing treason if he did his job and that President Obama doesn't love his country (shades of birthism).

Not only that..he basically threatened violence against Bernake...who isn't even a Democratic appointment. Rove spoke out against it..but only because Bernake was part of the Bushes.

And this? This is a serious Presidential candidate?

And you call me crazy for pointing out the violent intent of Conservatives?

Oh gosh.

No. Your not crazy at all and most of the time I enjoy your posts even if I don't agree with em.

Politicians stick their foot in their mouths all the time. Look at Biden. Jesus that guys is sticking his foot in his mouth every time he opens it for Christs sakes and he's the VP. Perry stuck his in big time and he'll have to answer the LSM questions on it I'm sure.

Thats Perry's fight and I'm sure he'll come up with some spiffy answer. He's a politician after all and a darned good one at that.

Anyone who takes anything a politician says seriously 100% of the time is the crazy one in my book.

Chill S.
Lincoln was ridiculed by both the North and the South. He was looked at as a buffoon, ape, country bumpkin. Most thought he had no right to run the country. Obama faces strong political opposition and a 24/7 news network that opposes everything he does, but he is nowhere close to Lincolns abuse

All President's face strong opposition - and rightly so. What they don't all do is whine like fucking 2 year olds about it. That seems to be a trait with this one particular President. More's the pity.

Poor obammy!


  • $meantome.jpg
    13.5 KB · Views: 61
Not enough negative points can be given for that post.

Projection at its worst, for you libs look more like the

the Khmer Rouge every day and in every way.


What projection?

You fuckers were happy as clams to invade a country over nothing. You know how many people died as a result of Iraq? It's over 200,000. I've been on conservative blogs that show machine guns taking out Iraqis to the music of heavy metal.

You guys think it's a football game.

It's not. Real people died.

"You fuckers"? Let me write this so the peanut your brain is can record it.

im a Irish national, what country has Ireland invaded again?

LIAMD :cuckoo:

Cá bhfuil tú i do chónaí?
And again..

I point to California Girl's playmate here.

Who's offering up cryptic threats to me about "justice" and the like.

Violent people to be sure.

Since you love to assume should i assume you are a typical aMerican?

Over weight, needs 15 pills to get started in the morning, due for a triple by-pass soon.

The only thing you have to fear is mersa from your fine medical system you have going.

Enjoy the free care you wish for so much, what you get...

Will be what you deserve.


I'm 50. I do some 100-150 push ups daily and 200-250 situps. I do 8 handstand pushups in a set and I run about a mile to a mile and a half every 2 or so days.


All the while a hand never leaving the key board. IM IMPRESSED. :lol:
And again..

I point to California Girl's playmate here.

Who's offering up cryptic threats to me about "justice" and the like.

Violent people to be sure.

Since you love to assume should i assume you are a typical aMerican?

Over weight, needs 15 pills to get started in the morning, due for a triple by-pass soon.

The only thing you have to fear is mersa from your fine medical system you have going.

Enjoy the free care you wish for so much, what you get...

Will be what you deserve.


I'm 50. I do some 100-150 push ups daily and 200-250 situps. I do 8 handstand pushups in a set and I run about a mile to a mile and a half every 2 or so days.


me, im a butt model for Mens magaZines,

welcome to the internet where you can say you are anything you want.

But not quite as difficult. Yes, really.

Yes, he said this. :rolleyes:

Abe Lincoln | Barack Obama | Federalists | Presidential Critics | The Daily Caller

Obama: I have it tougher than Abe Lincoln
Published: 4:07 PM 08/16/2011 | Updated: 12:41 AM 08/17/2011

President Barack Obama said yesterday in Decorah, Iowa, that he absorbs more political criticism than Abraham Lincoln, the assassinated 16th U.S. president, attracted from his Civil War critics.

The comment came during a question-and-answer session where one invited audience member asked Obama how he deals with his congressional critics in the GOP. “The Congress doesn’t seem to be a good partner. You said so yourself, they’re more interested in seeing you lose than [seeing] the country win,” the questioner lamented.

“Democracy is always a messy business in a big country like this,” Obama responded. “When you listen to what the federalists said about the anti-federalists … those guys were tough. Lincoln, they used to talk about him almost as bad as they talk about me.”

The comparison “is hysterical … that is really laughable in many respects,” said Alvin Felzenberg, the author of a book on American presidents. “You couldn’t print things today they said about Lincoln.” Felzenberg teaches at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and was the chief spokesman for the 9/11 Commission...
Well he has sort of created a civil war in Congress. :eusa_whistle:

I know you guys have and will read into it what you want, and perhaps I'm doing the same, but I have a feeling that if we had a video of this it'd be plain to see the comment was meant as a joke.

could be wrong, doubt i am.
Once again Obama does what he came to power to do... divide the country as much as fucking possible... Not to mention Obama tries to draw dramatic similarities between himself and all the "great" or popular presidents, it's fucking weird.

Who here says "I'm like so n so" when confronted with proof that you suck? I mean really, wtf is wrong with this man? Oh I know, he has never worked an honest day in his life, so any real work is exhausting.

It's like Bush building himself that library, only more awkward. If you're a great person you don't have to run around telling people to think you are, people should just pick up on it.
It's desperation time in the O camp.

No it's not, he/they are just trying to find something solid to stand on for 2012, having troubles yes but that's all they are doing... "Winning the future" didn't go over well. Desperation will come in the last few months before the GE, unless we get someone like Mitt, then it will be all "lolz" and "this is dumb" from the voters just like it was with McCain and Obama.

Voter responce: "No really, I said I'd vote for anyone over Obama... so why would I be happy my options are Mittbama or Obama?"
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Since you love to assume should i assume you are a typical aMerican?

Over weight, needs 15 pills to get started in the morning, due for a triple by-pass soon.

The only thing you have to fear is mersa from your fine medical system you have going.

Enjoy the free care you wish for so much, what you get...

Will be what you deserve.


I'm 50. I do some 100-150 push ups daily and 200-250 situps. I do 8 handstand pushups in a set and I run about a mile to a mile and a half every 2 or so days.


me, im a butt model for Mens magaZines,

welcome to the internet where you can say you are anything you want.


Well I got my picture up on my profile here.

I'm no male model..but it should be apparent I ain't taking 15 pills a day..

In case you are too lazy..


That's me at the Sugarloaf in Brazil.

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