Obama: Lose—or—be Impeached!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
By - J.D. Longstreet @ Obama:  Lose—or—be Impeached!
” ... Obama’s loss of nerve and decision to call off a military strike that could have taken out the Benghazi insurgents, and instead—just letting Americans die an agonizing, lonely death—is the most quintessential aspect of the story. This is because it reveals Barack as he truly is inside—an immoral, gutless, unfeeling, selfish, hypocritical, overly ambitious and hideously uncaring person. Obama ONLY cares about what he personally finds valuable, which obviously does not include individual Americans, or any random human beings.”Full story follows.

I totally agree. If it were any other president, Congress would be screaming for impeachment proceedings.

Don't get your blood boiling over it. Much like everything else in politics this story will simply fade away into nothing. Keep screaming impeachment all you want, you know nothing will happen.
This has been happening to the majority of presidents since Regan. The Ford administration set the policy of never ever prosecuting former presidents. This policy has held from Iran / Contra to Clinton and Lewinsky to Bush and the WMD's, and now it will hold to anything they try to hang on Obama. This is just alot of hot air.
By - J.D. Longstreet @ Obama:* Lose—or—be Impeached!
” ... Obama’s loss of nerve and decision to call off a military strike that could have taken out the Benghazi insurgents, and instead—just letting Americans die an agonizing, lonely death—is the most quintessential aspect of the story. This is because it reveals Barack as he truly is inside—an immoral, gutless, unfeeling, selfish, hypocritical, overly ambitious and hideously uncaring person. Obama ONLY cares about what he personally finds valuable, which obviously does not include individual Americans, or any random human beings.”Full story follows.

I totally agree. If it were any other president, Congress would be screaming for impeachment proceedings.


Do you have any clue as to what the grounds for impeachment are?

By your standards, every president in the last 30 years would have been impeached...especially the one who gave up a terrorist attack that killed 3000 Americans
By - J.D. Longstreet @ Obama:* Lose—or—be Impeached!
” ... Obama’s loss of nerve and decision to call off a military strike that could have taken out the Benghazi insurgents, and instead—just letting Americans die an agonizing, lonely death—is the most quintessential aspect of the story. This is because it reveals Barack as he truly is inside—an immoral, gutless, unfeeling, selfish, hypocritical, overly ambitious and hideously uncaring person. Obama ONLY cares about what he personally finds valuable, which obviously does not include individual Americans, or any random human beings.”Full story follows.

I totally agree. If it were any other president, Congress would be screaming for impeachment proceedings.

Impeach now, convict, and throw his sorry arse in prison.
By - J.D. Longstreet @ Obama:* Lose—or—be Impeached!
” ... Obama’s loss of nerve and decision to call off a military strike that could have taken out the Benghazi insurgents, and instead—just letting Americans die an agonizing, lonely death—is the most quintessential aspect of the story. This is because it reveals Barack as he truly is inside—an immoral, gutless, unfeeling, selfish, hypocritical, overly ambitious and hideously uncaring person. Obama ONLY cares about what he personally finds valuable, which obviously does not include individual Americans, or any random human beings.”Full story follows.

I totally agree. If it were any other president, Congress would be screaming for impeachment proceedings.


That's the Hell of this kind of call for action against a sitting president. Many rally and drums are beat but little is ever followed through on of meaningful value--value to the people. I strongly agree however that our current President has pushed the envelope of what can be identified with and recognized as "American" and that further, the shield of disinformation thus far protecting his administration needs be penetrated and closely monitored for intent in conflict with our heritage and the spirit of our forefathers.
By - J.D. Longstreet @ Obama:* Lose—or—be Impeached!
” ... Obama’s loss of nerve and decision to call off a military strike that could have taken out the Benghazi insurgents, and instead—just letting Americans die an agonizing, lonely death—is the most quintessential aspect of the story. This is because it reveals Barack as he truly is inside—an immoral, gutless, unfeeling, selfish, hypocritical, overly ambitious and hideously uncaring person. Obama ONLY cares about what he personally finds valuable, which obviously does not include individual Americans, or any random human beings.”Full story follows.

I totally agree. If it were any other president, Congress would be screaming for impeachment proceedings.


Sorry... right wing nuts don't control the Senate.
By - J.D. Longstreet @ Obama:* Lose—or—be Impeached!
” ... Obama’s loss of nerve and decision to call off a military strike that could have taken out the Benghazi insurgents, and instead—just letting Americans die an agonizing, lonely death—is the most quintessential aspect of the story. This is because it reveals Barack as he truly is inside—an immoral, gutless, unfeeling, selfish, hypocritical, overly ambitious and hideously uncaring person. Obama ONLY cares about what he personally finds valuable, which obviously does not include individual Americans, or any random human beings.”Full story follows.

I totally agree. If it were any other president, Congress would be screaming for impeachment proceedings.


You don't have a clue do you. If you keep listening to FOX, your ability to reason will be lost. But I understand the apparent desperation. Lies and fabrication are to be expected I suppose...
administration needs be penetrated and closely monitored for intent in conflict with our heritage and the spirit of our forefathers.

ya, sure wish we could have gathered this ground swell of energy when we were throwing away Trillions in Iraq and losing American lives.

If nothing happened to Bush II, Obama is practically a Saint.
By - J.D. Longstreet @ Obama:* Lose—or—be Impeached!
” ... Obama’s loss of nerve and decision to call off a military strike that could have taken out the Benghazi insurgents, and instead—just letting Americans die an agonizing, lonely death—is the most quintessential aspect of the story. This is because it reveals Barack as he truly is inside—an immoral, gutless, unfeeling, selfish, hypocritical, overly ambitious and hideously uncaring person. Obama ONLY cares about what he personally finds valuable, which obviously does not include individual Americans, or any random human beings.”Full story follows.

I totally agree. If it were any other president, Congress would be screaming for impeachment proceedings.


You don't have a clue do you. If you keep listening to FOX, your ability to reason will be lost. But I understand the apparent desperation. Lies and fabrication are to be expected I suppose...
Fox is good, the other obamaturd butt kissing networks are for the idiots who kiss obamaturds butt.
By - J.D. Longstreet @ Obama:* Lose—or—be Impeached!
” ... Obama’s loss of nerve and decision to call off a military strike that could have taken out the Benghazi insurgents, and instead—just letting Americans die an agonizing, lonely death—is the most quintessential aspect of the story. This is because it reveals Barack as he truly is inside—an immoral, gutless, unfeeling, selfish, hypocritical, overly ambitious and hideously uncaring person. Obama ONLY cares about what he personally finds valuable, which obviously does not include individual Americans, or any random human beings.”Full story follows.

I totally agree. If it were any other president, Congress would be screaming for impeachment proceedings.


You don't have a clue do you. If you keep listening to FOX, your ability to reason will be lost. But I understand the apparent desperation. Lies and fabrication are to be expected I suppose...
Fox is good, the other obamaturd butt kissing networks are for the idiots who kiss obamaturds butt.

Thanks for makng this thread even more worthless with your socially retarded post.

Something I've noticed about the wingnuts is that they ADORE grand ostentatious ceremony - they can't just say that they don't like Obama, no - he must be impeached! A huge, formal, grand gathering of alleged statesmen pronouncing doom upon him...

Fucking ridiculous.
There people are fucking nuts, nothing is blow them, lock this retarded ass post, and kick the op off for being as about uneducated as it gets.

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