Obama loves Erdogan and Erdogan loves Hitler and Executive Power

One ISIS fighter is one too many.

And he is fighting in Ukraine after an invitation of Ukrainian government?

Chechen jihadists pledged their allegiance to ISIS last summer. Baghdadi's right hand man is Chechen. These are facts. Nothing is in dispute.

And what does it prove? That all Chechens are ISIS-lovers in the same way as all Ukrainians are Nazi-lovers?

One ISIS fighter is one too many.

And he is fighting in Ukraine after an invitation of Ukrainian government?

Chechen jihadists pledged their allegiance to ISIS last summer. Baghdadi's right hand man is Chechen. These are facts. Nothing is in dispute.

And what does it prove? That all Chechens are ISIS-lovers in the same way as all Ukrainians are Nazi-lovers?

It *****PROVES****** that the filth exists ----in fact----you are probably part and parcel of the STINK. Anyone who relies on the old "ALL" disclaimer is a pile
lying, hypocritical, putrid SHIT. It need not be **** ALL ***** It needs only to
be ****ENOUGH****
One ISIS fighter is one too many.

And he is fighting in Ukraine after an invitation of Ukrainian government?

Chechen jihadists pledged their allegiance to ISIS last summer. Baghdadi's right hand man is Chechen. These are facts. Nothing is in dispute.

And what does it prove? That all Chechens are ISIS-lovers in the same way as all Ukrainians are Nazi-lovers?

Of course not. I admire Kadyrov greatly. BUT it is a fact that Chechen jihadists have pledged up to 15,000 warriors to ISIS.

This is not an Alex Jones moment. It's for real.

And I am very aware of the division in the Ukraine. Western Ukraine just loves their nazis. Hell's bells they ran with the nazis. This is historical fact.
I think we should just leave and let them all duke it out amongst themselves.... we have no idea on how to "fix" things, we only make them worse and get our sons and fathers killed over other people's problems.

Enough is enough.....
So your Idol starts WWIII, and you walk away....

Typical Lib....
I think we should just leave and let them all duke it out amongst themselves.... we have no idea on how to "fix" things, we only make them worse and get our sons and fathers killed over other people's problems.

Enough is enough.....
So your Idol starts WWIII, and you walk away....

Typical Lib....

If I use the old worn out "it's a growing cancer" ----will everyone yawn? ------sorry----
but it really is a good analogy------it IS a growing cancer-------sorry folks ----another comment to annoy>>>>> When Netanyahu said ------"now its like 1939, he was
absolutely right" <<< sorry-------

Saudi Arabia will join the nuclear club by buying “off the shelf” atomic weapons from Pakistan, US officials told a London newspaper.

The Saudis — who financed much of Pakistan’s nuke program — are fearful of international efforts to keep its enemy Iran from acquiring a bomb, the Sunday Times of London reports. The Saudis think the deal, backed by President Obama, will actually accelerate Iran’s nuke push.

Saudi Arabia has talked for years about acquiring a bomb from the Pakistanis. “The House of Saud has now made the strategic decision to move forward,” a former US defense official said.

Historical fact. They were the 14th. If you are a Waffen division in the German army you are a nazi.


14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And other European nations that were under Nazi control had voluntary SS units also..It had nothing to do with the nation as a whole , but everything to do with individual actions...

you continue to think and write with your anus
I ruined my wrist by to many years of bricklaying.....

Saudi Arabia will join the nuclear club by buying “off the shelf” atomic weapons from Pakistan, US officials told a London newspaper.

The Saudis — who financed much of Pakistan’s nuke program — are fearful of international efforts to keep its enemy Iran from acquiring a bomb, the Sunday Times of London reports. The Saudis think the deal, backed by President Obama, will actually accelerate Iran’s nuke push.

Saudi Arabia has talked for years about acquiring a bomb from the Pakistanis. “The House of Saud has now made the strategic decision to move forward,” a former US defense official said.

It would have been impossible for humans to contain nuclear weapons forever.....
Well that will certainly work out.........A black president pushing a Neo-Nazi regime....

I am a bit-------cynical about that idea------I see no reason to suspect
that OBAMA loves Erdogan. I cannot imagine ANYONE loving
that dog. Dancer, you REALLY believe that Obama supports that pig?
Historical fact. They were the 14th. If you are a Waffen division in the German army you are a nazi.


14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And other European nations that were under Nazi control had voluntary SS units also..It had nothing to do with the nation as a whole , but everything to do with individual actions...

you continue to think and write with your anus
I ruined my wrist by to many years of bricklaying.....

does that mean your median and ulnar nerve?--------do you use a splint?
Saudi Arabia Announces 34-Nation Islamic Alliance Against Terrorism

Saudi Arabia announced Tuesday what it called a new Islamic military alliance made up of 34 countries to fight terrorism.

The state-run Saudi Press Agency published a statement saying the initiative will include an operations center in Riyadh to coordinate military operations.

The alliance includes Jordan, Bahrain, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, which are conducting airstrikes in Syria as part of a U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State. Others from the Middle East include Tunisia, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt. Pakistan, Bangladesh and Malaysia are also part of the effort, as are a number of African countries such as Sudan, Somalia, Mali and Nigeria.

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