Obama off the Ballot in Georgia due to Elligibility

I think Obama should show up at the hearing......nothing will humiliate the Republicans more or enrage the voters more

He'd probably end up being charged with Contempt of Court. Not a good idea, RW. Does Georgia still have chain gangs? :eek:

Yes they do

A federal court will issue a stay for now, and the FEC will get involved, slap down GA and impose suspended sanctions (for now), and all will go back to normal.
I'm still curious if he ever enrolled in a US School as a Foreign Student. :eek:

Did he renounce his Citizenship, ever?
I enjoy birther threads. It's like a visit to the zoo. Thank you.

Just make sure you always have your papers with you, also make sure to know the alternate exits, and have cab fare, in case you have problems with Security, getting out. :)
The judge made a decision but the final say is the Secretary of state.

*sigh* Now I wonder if I should have bothered with my edit in the previous post. In all 3 of the articles I linked it states the judge has NOT made a decision. In fact, if you'll look in the third link, you will find this quote, "Judge Mahili has deferred making a decision until February 5 when another hearing will take place."

bigreb, your inability to accept the totality of your mistake is amazing.

From the last source I posted which I also said I don't know when it was reported before or after

Judge Malihi will render a decision, but the final say comes down to the Secretary of State. A spokesman in Brian Kemp's office said the secretary will review the entire case, including the judge's findings, and make a ruling.

From an earlier post
Update: Dean Haskins at Obama Release Your Records is saying that the Judge is entering a default judgement against Obama because he did not appear. This could mean that Obama might not appear on Georgia’s ballot, although the Obama administration will certainly appeal.

Results Of Obama's Eligibility Hearing In Georgia | Western Journalism.com

He's not off the ballot, it seems. Not yet, anyway.

So there it is.

So there it is. Every actual news organization seen on this thread has reported that no decision has been made by the judge. However, you are going to use the words of one birther blog to stick to your guns and say the judge really did make a ruling.

It really is fun to watch you scramble! :lol:
So you say, big fail.

I am not the only one jokey. Who was the one that started calling you Jokey?

Don't sell yourself short... you're a MUCH bigger FAIL than Jake.

LittleDeb's problem is that he, and his far right militia wacks and libertarians, have been on the run for two years, and they hate it. The generally Fail in their OPs and hate it. Many of them don't like me because I demonstrate what they really are for the rest of the Board to see: a source of unending amusement, grins and chuckles.

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