Obama off the deep end: Republicans "are scared of widows and orphans coming in"

Looks like the usual leftist fanatics have succeeded in hijacking the thread and turning it into a namecalling purse fight among members, instead of the original topic (Obama using leftist-fanatics lies to try to avoid discussing the actual issue of terrorists hiding among Syrian refugees). And normal people are falling for it and namecalling merrily away, thus helping the leftists achieve their goal of diversion.

This is, of course, what the sticky at the top of the forum was put there for:
Trolling/"Off Topic" Posts Will be Removed From the Politics Section | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Only problem is, the moderators are the ones doing the hijacking and diversion that the sticky complains about.

Back to the subject:

It's been a long time in coming, but as inevitably as a sunrise, silly comments typical of liberal fanatics are now being publicly recited by the President of the United States.

It always happens that liberals spew so many lies so frequently, that they start to believe them themselves. And once they believe them, it's a short step to believing that normal people around them, accept them too.

A sure sign is that the fanatics start reciting their nonsense publicly, with the same matter-of-fact air they would use to comment that grass is green.

Unfortunately, such assumptions usually lead instead to the normal people realizing how irrational the fanatics are.

That stage has now been reached, not just by the run-of-the-mill liberal fanatics, but the President of the U.S. himself. He is so secure in his assumptions, that he feels secure in mentioning that Republicans oppose immigration of thousands of Syrian refugees, because they are afraid of widows and orphans.

The Democrat party's loss of contact with normal Americans has reached a significant point. Their top guy thinks they will find such disparagement funny and inconsequential.

It apparently didn't occur to him that, in such a serious matter as militant Islamic fanatics infiltrating the refugees, the American people might not appreciate a condescending smirk directed at them from the highest office in the land, when he should be seeking solutions that actually work instead.

I'm happy to see the Democrats coming to this and making such comments from their elected offices. It's a tipping point they have slid over without qualm and without even noticing. They have begun showing normal Americans how misguided and arrogant they are... just at a critical time when those people are starting to decide who they will elect to carry the nation forward in the direction the citizens actually want.


Critics of Syrian refugees are 'scared of widows and orphans,' Obama says

Critics of Syrian refugees are 'scared of widows and orphans,' Obama says

Gregory Korte, USA TODAY 12:47 p.m. EST November 18, 2015

WASHINGTON — President Obama mocked critics of his administration's refugee policy Wednesday amid a growing clamor from Republican governors, congressmen and presidential candidates for a moratorium on new arrivals from Syria.

"Apparently, they’re scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion."

"it’s irresponsible. And it’s contrary to who we are. And it needs to stop, because the world is watching," he said.
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Looks like the usual leftist fanatics have succeeded in hijacking the thread and turning it into a namecalling purse fight among members, instead of the original topic (Obama using leftist-fanatics lies to try to avoid discussing the actual issue of terrorists hiding among Syrian refugees). And normal people are falling for it and namecalling merrily away, thus helping the leftists achieve their goal of diversion.

This is, of course, what the sticky at the top of the forum was put there for:
Trolling/"Off Topic" Posts Will be Removed From the Politics Section | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Only problem is, the moderators are the ones doing the hijacking and diversion that the sticky complains about.

Back to the subject:

It's been a long time in coming, but as inevitably as a sunrise, silly comments typical of liberal fanatics are now being publicly recited by the President of the United States.

It always happens that liberals spew so many lies so frequently, that they start to believe them themselves. And once they believe them, it's a short step to believing that normal people around them, accept them too.

A sure sign is that the fanatics start reciting their nonsense publicly, with the same matter-of-fact air they would use to comment that grass is green.

Unfortunately, such assumptions usually lead instead to the normal people realizing how irrational the fanatics are.

That stage has now been reached, not just by the run-of-the-mill liberal fanatics, but the President of the U.S. himself. He is so secure in his assumptions, that he feels secure in mentioning that Republicans oppose immigration of thousands of Syrian refugees, because they are afraid of widows and orphans.

The Democrat party's loss of contact with normal Americans has reached a significant point. Their top guy thinks they will find such disparagement funny and inconsequential.

It apparently didn't occur to him that, in such a serious matter as militant Islamic fanatics infiltrating the refugees, the American people might not appreciate a condescending smirk directed at them from the highest office in the land, when he should be seeking solutions that actually work instead.

I'm happy to see the Democrats coming to this and making such comments from their elected offices. It's a tipping point they have slid over without qualm and without even noticing. They have begun showing normal Americans how misguided and arrogant they are... just at a critical time when those people are starting to decide who they will elect to carry the nation forward in the direction the citizens actually want.


Critics of Syrian refugees are 'scared of widows and orphans,' Obama says

Critics of Syrian refugees are 'scared of widows and orphans,' Obama says

Gregory Korte, USA TODAY 12:47 p.m. EST November 18, 2015

WASHINGTON — President Obama mocked critics of his administration's refugee policy Wednesday amid a growing clamor from Republican governors, congressmen and presidential candidates for a moratorium on new arrivals from Syria.

"Apparently, they’re scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion."

"it’s irresponsible. And it’s contrary to who we are. And it needs to stop, because the world is watching," he said.
Hmm, the leftist fanatics sure got quiet in a hurry.

They seem to have nothing but insults and lies to offer about those who disagree.

And when those don't work... they have nothing.
one reason it is 75% men is because it costs them too much money to bring the whole family......they obviously expect to bring the wife(s) and kids later....
Let me get this straight.

They are fleeing Syria because of the dreadful war there. They believe that anyone who stays there, is vulnerable to attack by terrorists, hostile armies, etc.

So what do these 75% men do? They leave their families there, and get themselves out.

Yup, I believe 100% that they are ordinary family men leaving for fear for their families' safety. Uh-huh.
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Looks like the usual leftist fanatics have succeeded in hijacking the thread and turning it into a namecalling purse fight among members, instead of the original topic (Obama using leftist-fanatics lies to try to avoid discussing the actual issue of terrorists hiding among Syrian refugees). And normal people are falling for it and namecalling merrily away, thus helping the leftists achieve their goal of diversion.

This is, of course, what the sticky at the top of the forum was put there for:
Trolling/"Off Topic" Posts Will be Removed From the Politics Section | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Only problem is, the moderators are the ones doing the hijacking and diversion that the sticky complains about.

Back to the subject:

It's been a long time in coming, but as inevitably as a sunrise, silly comments typical of liberal fanatics are now being publicly recited by the President of the United States.

It always happens that liberals spew so many lies so frequently, that they start to believe them themselves. And once they believe them, it's a short step to believing that normal people around them, accept them too.

A sure sign is that the fanatics start reciting their nonsense publicly, with the same matter-of-fact air they would use to comment that grass is green.

Unfortunately, such assumptions usually lead instead to the normal people realizing how irrational the fanatics are.

That stage has now been reached, not just by the run-of-the-mill liberal fanatics, but the President of the U.S. himself. He is so secure in his assumptions, that he feels secure in mentioning that Republicans oppose immigration of thousands of Syrian refugees, because they are afraid of widows and orphans.

The Democrat party's loss of contact with normal Americans has reached a significant point. Their top guy thinks they will find such disparagement funny and inconsequential.

It apparently didn't occur to him that, in such a serious matter as militant Islamic fanatics infiltrating the refugees, the American people might not appreciate a condescending smirk directed at them from the highest office in the land, when he should be seeking solutions that actually work instead.

I'm happy to see the Democrats coming to this and making such comments from their elected offices. It's a tipping point they have slid over without qualm and without even noticing. They have begun showing normal Americans how misguided and arrogant they are... just at a critical time when those people are starting to decide who they will elect to carry the nation forward in the direction the citizens actually want.


Critics of Syrian refugees are 'scared of widows and orphans,' Obama says

Critics of Syrian refugees are 'scared of widows and orphans,' Obama says

Gregory Korte, USA TODAY 12:47 p.m. EST November 18, 2015

WASHINGTON — President Obama mocked critics of his administration's refugee policy Wednesday amid a growing clamor from Republican governors, congressmen and presidential candidates for a moratorium on new arrivals from Syria.

"Apparently, they’re scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion."

"it’s irresponsible. And it’s contrary to who we are. And it needs to stop, because the world is watching," he said.
Hmm, the leftist fanatics sure got quiet in a hurry.

They seem to have nothing but insults and lies to offer about those who disagree.

And when those don't work... they have nothing.
They're all down at the food mart cashing in their welfare checks, and scoffing at the man in front of them that earned his paycheck from a job.
even a left wing rag like abc news shows syrian terrorist can enter US thru refugee program. Some have even killed Americans.
This is no chicken little con post. Make your argument against ABC news.
Terrorists Once Used Refugee Program to Settle in US
Fewer and fewer people are believing the liberal fanatics' desperate dodges.

Comments like Obama's "They are afraid of widows and orphans coming in" just make it worse for his fellow fanatics.

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