Obama off the deep end: Republicans "are scared of widows and orphans coming in"

he's a pos. nothing more than a lowly street thug. but what do you expect from someone who sat in Rev. Wrights racist church for 20years being fed nothing but hate. You were warned about him and you still fell for all his lies
Wrong page, clown. That's showing "sea arrivals" - in other words, illegal immigration into Europe.

Here's the page on Syrian refugees: UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response

As I said before - more than half are children (under 18) and more than half are female.
Bow out with any dignity you think you might be able to get away with. The refugees Obama so badly wants to bring in to America are from ?Europe and Gitmo after all.


Why the fuck would I "bow out", clown? I just proved that your favorite talking point was utter bullshit.

Of course, I have no doubt that you're going to continue to mindless parrot it, but that's only because you're a moron.
No, you didn't. You proved you don't know the route by which "refugees" come.


You think Syrian refugees are coming to the US in rafts and boats?

All refugees that the US will accept come from the UNHCR registered refugee list - which is what I posted.

You can continue to deny the facts in front of your face if you want, but that doesn't mean that we have to as well.
You're the one denying the facts, traitor.


Whatever you say, clown. If denying reality makes you feel better, who am I to stop you?
Bow out with any dignity you think you might be able to get away with. The refugees Obama so badly wants to bring in to America are from ?Europe and Gitmo after all.


Why the fuck would I "bow out", clown? I just proved that your favorite talking point was utter bullshit.

Of course, I have no doubt that you're going to continue to mindless parrot it, but that's only because you're a moron.
No, you didn't. You proved you don't know the route by which "refugees" come.


You think Syrian refugees are coming to the US in rafts and boats?

All refugees that the US will accept come from the UNHCR registered refugee list - which is what I posted.

You can continue to deny the facts in front of your face if you want, but that doesn't mean that we have to as well.
You're the one denying the facts, traitor.


Whatever you say, clown. If denying reality makes you feel better, who am I to stop you?

You're denying reality. You've been doing it ever since your friends started blowing people up. It's what terrorist sympathizers do.

Why the fuck would I "bow out", clown? I just proved that your favorite talking point was utter bullshit.

Of course, I have no doubt that you're going to continue to mindless parrot it, but that's only because you're a moron.
No, you didn't. You proved you don't know the route by which "refugees" come.


You think Syrian refugees are coming to the US in rafts and boats?

All refugees that the US will accept come from the UNHCR registered refugee list - which is what I posted.

You can continue to deny the facts in front of your face if you want, but that doesn't mean that we have to as well.
You're the one denying the facts, traitor.


Whatever you say, clown. If denying reality makes you feel better, who am I to stop you?

You're denying reality. You've been doing it ever since your friends started blowing people up. It's what terrorist sympathizers do.

I'll repeat:


Whatever you say, clown. If denying reality makes you feel better, who am I to stop you?
Bow out with any dignity you think you might be able to get away with. The refugees Obama so badly wants to bring in to America are from ?Europe and Gitmo after all.


Why the fuck would I "bow out", clown? I just proved that your favorite talking point was utter bullshit.

Of course, I have no doubt that you're going to continue to mindless parrot it, but that's only because you're a moron.
No, you didn't. You proved you don't know the route by which "refugees" come.


You think Syrian refugees are coming to the US in rafts and boats?

All refugees that the US will accept come from the UNHCR registered refugee list - which is what I posted.

You can continue to deny the facts in front of your face if you want, but that doesn't mean that we have to as well.
You're the one denying the facts, traitor.


Whatever you say, clown. If denying reality makes you feel better, who am I to stop you?

you need to give up your mod position

Why the fuck would I "bow out", clown? I just proved that your favorite talking point was utter bullshit.

Of course, I have no doubt that you're going to continue to mindless parrot it, but that's only because you're a moron.
No, you didn't. You proved you don't know the route by which "refugees" come.


You think Syrian refugees are coming to the US in rafts and boats?

All refugees that the US will accept come from the UNHCR registered refugee list - which is what I posted.

You can continue to deny the facts in front of your face if you want, but that doesn't mean that we have to as well.
You're the one denying the facts, traitor.


Whatever you say, clown. If denying reality makes you feel better, who am I to stop you?

you need to give up your mod position


Nope, I sure don't.

If you don't like it, feel free to go fuck yourself.
Attacks perpetrated by several 'refugees'
150+ dead, 100+ wounded = a 'setback'
- Minimalizes the terrorist attacks by the refugees and the threat made by ISIS...which they carried out

He mocks Americans' VALID concerns - mocks Americans - basically telling them they are stupid for being concerned for 'no reason'...while ignoring

"SEVENTY have been arrested in America over ISIS plots in last 18 months - including refugees who had been given safe haven but 'turned to terror'"
LINK: 66 arrested in America over ISIS and they include refugees


Why the fuck would I "bow out", clown? I just proved that your favorite talking point was utter bullshit.

Of course, I have no doubt that you're going to continue to mindless parrot it, but that's only because you're a moron.
No, you didn't. You proved you don't know the route by which "refugees" come.


You think Syrian refugees are coming to the US in rafts and boats?

All refugees that the US will accept come from the UNHCR registered refugee list - which is what I posted.

You can continue to deny the facts in front of your face if you want, but that doesn't mean that we have to as well.
You're the one denying the facts, traitor.


Whatever you say, clown. If denying reality makes you feel better, who am I to stop you?

you need to give up your mod position
I would not presume to dictate standards of 'modship', but you do have a point.
just look at ALL those wimmen and kiddies....Obama is a lying dope...

Attacks perpetrated by several 'refugees'
150+ dead, 100+ wounded = a 'setback'
- Minimalizes the terrorist attacks by the refugees and the threat made by ISIS...which they carried out

He mocks Americans' VALID concerns - mocks Americans - basically telling them they are stupid for being concerned for 'no reason'...while ignoring

"SEVENTY have been arrested in America over ISIS plots in last 18 months - including refugees who had been given safe haven but 'turned to terror'"
LINK: 66 arrested in America over ISIS and they include refugees

Pants-shitting fear is not a "VALID concern".

The President basically just slapped you guys upside the head. It's very entertaining watching you try to spin it to "Obama goes off the deep end".

He's absolutely right, of course. I've never seen a group of people more dedicated to living in pants-shitting fear as modern American conservatives.

All he did was confirm he's a terrorist supporter and a muslim.
No, you didn't. You proved you don't know the route by which "refugees" come.


You think Syrian refugees are coming to the US in rafts and boats?

All refugees that the US will accept come from the UNHCR registered refugee list - which is what I posted.

You can continue to deny the facts in front of your face if you want, but that doesn't mean that we have to as well.
You're the one denying the facts, traitor.


Whatever you say, clown. If denying reality makes you feel better, who am I to stop you?

you need to give up your mod position
I would not presume to dictate standards of 'modship', but you do have a point.

I think so. He's becoming very insulting towards people on here. Calling people clowns. It was just a way to show him how hateful he's becoming

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