Obama offered a deal to cut 4 trillion off of the deficit and the Republicans...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...still tore up the deal. Why? Because it included taxing the wealthy. It's absolutely ridiculous. Fox News/Republicans are always touting that taxing the wealthy wouldn't make a big dent in the deficit, which is true. However, just because it's a small dent, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be included in the proposal. The tax hikes on the rich that Obama proposed would have reduced the deficit by 300 billion dollars. As small as that amount is toward reducing the deficit, isn't it a good compromise on the issue of taxes considering that the proposal totalled 4 trillion all together in cuts?

Can the rich really not handle being slightly less rich than they could be for the sake of getting the country back on track?

Now, all we have to show for it is 1.2 trillion in automatic cuts.
Been drinking the cool aide ain't ya Billy?

Obama ain't offered SHIT! He...has been missing in action through this whole thing. As a matter of fact, the FIRST thing he did when he came back to town was to give companies ANOTHER tax loop hole...you know, like the ones he CLAIMS he wants to close...only this one is so magnanimous that he thinks we won't call it what it is. See, it's a TAX BREAK to companies and corporations that hire vets.

Take THAT occupy wall street!

Ain't that wonderful of the man? Set up a system to fail so that it cuts the defense budget in half, puts thousands of soldiers in harm's way without the equipment they need and then give corporations tax breaks to hire them when they come back in wheel chairs and on crutches. Wonderful man ain't he?

This is EXACTLY what Obummer and the democrats WANTED to happen with that stupid super committee crap in exchange for raising the debt ceiling in the first place. If you doubt it, just look at the ideologues they put on the thing.

The only mistake the republicans made was in voting to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for anything short of repealing Obamacare and passing the Ryan budget that actually would have cut 4 TRILLION out of the budget.

This president and the democrat party has not only not passed, but has not even OFFERED A BUDGET since Obama took office...little on offered some grand deficit reduction scheme.

Something that I might add has NEVER HAPPENED before in the history of this country and they damn well could have done since they controlled BOTH HOUSES of Congress for the first 2 years Obama has been in office. 900+ days with out a budget and in contempt of the Constitution.

By the way, the TRUTH of the super committee negotiations is that the democrats didn't off ONE SINGLE PLAN. The republicans offered several and the last one that the democrats rejected out of hand actually included closing the tax loop holds you mistakenly seem to think the democrats want. However, as I said, they rejected it out of hand.

They really only want to SAY they want to close the loop holes. They don't want to get caught actually doing it by their corporate masters and fat cat donors!
Can you post this "torn-up bill" for us to see?
He's listening to John Kerry Photo. Kerry dredged up a proposal from back during the debt ceiling debate in an interview he did today and just flat ass LIED and claimed he and the democrats had offered something similar in the super committee negotiations.

Been drinking the cool aide ain't ya Billy?

Obama ain't offered SHIT! He...has been missing in action through this whole thing. As a matter of fact, the FIRST thing he did when he came back to town was to give companies ANOTHER tax loop hole...you know, like the ones he CLAIMS he wants to close...only this one is so magnanimous that he thinks we won't call it what it is. See, it's a TAX BREAK to companies and corporations that hire vets.

Take THAT occupy wall street!

Ain't that wonderful of the man? Set up a system to fail so that it cuts the defense budget in half, puts thousands of soldiers in harm's way without the equipment they need and then give corporations tax breaks to hire them when they come back in wheel chairs and on crutches. Wonderful man ain't he?

This is EXACTLY what Obummer and the democrats WANTED to happen with that stupid super committee crap in exchange for raising the debt ceiling in the first place. If you doubt it, just look at the ideologues they put on the thing.

The only mistake the republicans made was in voting to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for anything short of repealing Obamacare and passing the Ryan budget that actually would have cut 4 TRILLION out of the budget.

This president and the democrat party has not only not passed, but has not even OFFERED A BUDGET since Obama took office...little on offered some grand deficit reduction scheme.

Something that I might add has NEVER HAPPENED before in the history of this country and they damn well could have done since they controlled BOTH HOUSES of Congress for the first 2 years Obama has been in office. 900+ days with out a budget and in contempt of the Constitution.

By the way, the TRUTH of the super committee negotiations is that the democrats didn't off ONE SINGLE PLAN. The republicans offered several and the last one that the democrats rejected out of hand actually included closing the tax loop holds you mistakenly seem to think the democrats want. However, as I said, they rejected it out of hand.

They really only want to SAY they want to close the loop holes. They don't want to get caught actually doing it by their corporate masters and fat cat donors!

Wow, you Republicans are really into denial. Okay here it is. Proof!


"The Budget Control Act that I signed into law last month will cut annual Government spending by about $1 trillion over the next 10 years. It also charges the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction with finding an additional $1.5 trillion in savings. As part of this jobs bill, I am asking the Congress to increase that amount so that it covers the full cost of the American Jobs Act. In addition, I believe that the Congress should seize the opportunity that this new Committee presents and do much more so that we can put the country on a sustainable fiscal path, which is critical for our long-term economic growth and competitiveness. For this reason, I am sending to the Congress this detailed plan to pay for this jobs bill and realize more than $3 trillion in net deficit reduction over the next 10 years. Combined with the approximately $1 trillion in savings from the first part of the Budget Control Act, this would generate more than $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. This would bring the Nation to the point where current spending is no longer adding to our debt and where our debt is no longer increasing as a share of our economy--an important milestone on the way to restoring fiscal discipline and moving us toward balance." [Living Within Our Means and Investing in the Future: The President's Plan for Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction, WhiteHouse.gov, September 2011]

There you go. Can't argue with facts. However, it should be noted that many democrats didn't support the bill either. I never said democrats shouldn't be to blame for impeding Obama. Contrary to what Fox News will tell you, Obama is on the center of the political spectrum. He has been criticized by Democrats for being too diplomatic.

In other words, don't blame Obama. Blame ALL of congress.
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Been drinking the cool aide ain't ya Billy?

Obama ain't offered SHIT! He...has been missing in action through this whole thing. As a matter of fact, the FIRST thing he did when he came back to town was to give companies ANOTHER tax loop hole...you know, like the ones he CLAIMS he wants to close...only this one is so magnanimous that he thinks we won't call it what it is. See, it's a TAX BREAK to companies and corporations that hire vets.

Take THAT occupy wall street!

Ain't that wonderful of the man? Set up a system to fail so that it cuts the defense budget in half, puts thousands of soldiers in harm's way without the equipment they need and then give corporations tax breaks to hire them when they come back in wheel chairs and on crutches. Wonderful man ain't he?

This is EXACTLY what Obummer and the democrats WANTED to happen with that stupid super committee crap in exchange for raising the debt ceiling in the first place. If you doubt it, just look at the ideologues they put on the thing.

The only mistake the republicans made was in voting to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for anything short of repealing Obamacare and passing the Ryan budget that actually would have cut 4 TRILLION out of the budget.

This president and the democrat party has not only not passed, but has not even OFFERED A BUDGET since Obama took office...little on offered some grand deficit reduction scheme.

Something that I might add has NEVER HAPPENED before in the history of this country and they damn well could have done since they controlled BOTH HOUSES of Congress for the first 2 years Obama has been in office. 900+ days with out a budget and in contempt of the Constitution.

By the way, the TRUTH of the super committee negotiations is that the democrats didn't off ONE SINGLE PLAN. The republicans offered several and the last one that the democrats rejected out of hand actually included closing the tax loop holds you mistakenly seem to think the democrats want. However, as I said, they rejected it out of hand.

They really only want to SAY they want to close the loop holes. They don't want to get caught actually doing it by their corporate masters and fat cat donors!

What put the troops in "harm's way" was invading Iraq for oil..and nation building in Afghanistan. Done right..there would have been no or little loss of life and the whole war on terror would have been over in several weeks..with Osama Bin Laden dead and buried.

Instead what we got was a big fucking mess. Thanks to bozos like Bush and Rumsfeld.
Been drinking the cool aide ain't ya Billy?

Obama ain't offered SHIT! He...has been missing in action through this whole thing. As a matter of fact, the FIRST thing he did when he came back to town was to give companies ANOTHER tax loop hole...you know, like the ones he CLAIMS he wants to close...only this one is so magnanimous that he thinks we won't call it what it is. See, it's a TAX BREAK to companies and corporations that hire vets.

Take THAT occupy wall street!

Ain't that wonderful of the man? Set up a system to fail so that it cuts the defense budget in half, puts thousands of soldiers in harm's way without the equipment they need and then give corporations tax breaks to hire them when they come back in wheel chairs and on crutches. Wonderful man ain't he?

This is EXACTLY what Obummer and the democrats WANTED to happen with that stupid super committee crap in exchange for raising the debt ceiling in the first place. If you doubt it, just look at the ideologues they put on the thing.

The only mistake the republicans made was in voting to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for anything short of repealing Obamacare and passing the Ryan budget that actually would have cut 4 TRILLION out of the budget.

This president and the democrat party has not only not passed, but has not even OFFERED A BUDGET since Obama took office...little on offered some grand deficit reduction scheme.

Something that I might add has NEVER HAPPENED before in the history of this country and they damn well could have done since they controlled BOTH HOUSES of Congress for the first 2 years Obama has been in office. 900+ days with out a budget and in contempt of the Constitution.

By the way, the TRUTH of the super committee negotiations is that the democrats didn't off ONE SINGLE PLAN. The republicans offered several and the last one that the democrats rejected out of hand actually included closing the tax loop holds you mistakenly seem to think the democrats want. However, as I said, they rejected it out of hand.

They really only want to SAY they want to close the loop holes. They don't want to get caught actually doing it by their corporate masters and fat cat donors!

What put the troops in "harm's way" was invading Iraq for oil..and nation building in Afghanistan. Done right..there would have been no or little loss of life and the whole war on terror would have been over in several weeks..with Osama Bin Laden dead and buried.

Instead what we got was a big fucking mess. Thanks to bozos like Bush and Rumsfeld.

Exactly. I can't believe that any wingnuts would have the balls to bring up anything to do with "putting troops in harms way" after their support of the Iraq invasion and occupation.

I have and do support going into Afghanistan after Bin Laden however and so did Bush at first. But then later he said "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
Been drinking the cool aide ain't ya Billy?

Obama ain't offered SHIT! He...has been missing in action through this whole thing. As a matter of fact, the FIRST thing he did when he came back to town was to give companies ANOTHER tax loop hole...you know, like the ones he CLAIMS he wants to close...only this one is so magnanimous that he thinks we won't call it what it is. See, it's a TAX BREAK to companies and corporations that hire vets.

Take THAT occupy wall street!

Ain't that wonderful of the man? Set up a system to fail so that it cuts the defense budget in half, puts thousands of soldiers in harm's way without the equipment they need and then give corporations tax breaks to hire them when they come back in wheel chairs and on crutches. Wonderful man ain't he?

This is EXACTLY what Obummer and the democrats WANTED to happen with that stupid super committee crap in exchange for raising the debt ceiling in the first place. If you doubt it, just look at the ideologues they put on the thing.

The only mistake the republicans made was in voting to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for anything short of repealing Obamacare and passing the Ryan budget that actually would have cut 4 TRILLION out of the budget.

This president and the democrat party has not only not passed, but has not even OFFERED A BUDGET since Obama took office...little on offered some grand deficit reduction scheme.

Something that I might add has NEVER HAPPENED before in the history of this country and they damn well could have done since they controlled BOTH HOUSES of Congress for the first 2 years Obama has been in office. 900+ days with out a budget and in contempt of the Constitution.

By the way, the TRUTH of the super committee negotiations is that the democrats didn't off ONE SINGLE PLAN. The republicans offered several and the last one that the democrats rejected out of hand actually included closing the tax loop holds you mistakenly seem to think the democrats want. However, as I said, they rejected it out of hand.

They really only want to SAY they want to close the loop holes. They don't want to get caught actually doing it by their corporate masters and fat cat donors!

Wow, you Republicans are really into denial. Okay here it is. Proof!


"The Budget Control Act that I signed into law last month will cut annual Government spending by about $1 trillion over the next 10 years. It also charges the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction with finding an additional $1.5 trillion in savings. As part of this jobs bill, I am asking the Congress to increase that amount so that it covers the full cost of the American Jobs Act. In addition, I believe that the Congress should seize the opportunity that this new Committee presents and do much more so that we can put the country on a sustainable fiscal path, which is critical for our long-term economic growth and competitiveness. For this reason, I am sending to the Congress this detailed plan to pay for this jobs bill and realize more than $3 trillion in net deficit reduction over the next 10 years. Combined with the approximately $1 trillion in savings from the first part of the Budget Control Act, this would generate more than $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. This would bring the Nation to the point where current spending is no longer adding to our debt and where our debt is no longer increasing as a share of our economy--an important milestone on the way to restoring fiscal discipline and moving us toward balance." [Living Within Our Means and Investing in the Future: The President's Plan for Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction, WhiteHouse.gov, September 2011]

There you go. Can't argue with facts. However, it should be noted that many democrats didn't support the bill either. I never said democrats shouldn't be to blame for impeding Obama. Contrary to what Fox News will tell you, Obama is on the center of the political spectrum. He has been criticized by Democrats for being too diplomatic.

In other words, don't blame Obama. Blame ALL of congress.

parroting a bunch of comments on the the White House website is not 'proof' of anything other than it was 'promised'.

Do you have the actual bill he proposed, showing the savings mentioned above?
Been drinking the cool aide ain't ya Billy?

Obama ain't offered SHIT! He...has been missing in action through this whole thing. As a matter of fact, the FIRST thing he did when he came back to town was to give companies ANOTHER tax loop hole...you know, like the ones he CLAIMS he wants to close...only this one is so magnanimous that he thinks we won't call it what it is. See, it's a TAX BREAK to companies and corporations that hire vets.

Take THAT occupy wall street!

Ain't that wonderful of the man? Set up a system to fail so that it cuts the defense budget in half, puts thousands of soldiers in harm's way without the equipment they need and then give corporations tax breaks to hire them when they come back in wheel chairs and on crutches. Wonderful man ain't he?

This is EXACTLY what Obummer and the democrats WANTED to happen with that stupid super committee crap in exchange for raising the debt ceiling in the first place. If you doubt it, just look at the ideologues they put on the thing.

The only mistake the republicans made was in voting to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for anything short of repealing Obamacare and passing the Ryan budget that actually would have cut 4 TRILLION out of the budget.

This president and the democrat party has not only not passed, but has not even OFFERED A BUDGET since Obama took office...little on offered some grand deficit reduction scheme.

Something that I might add has NEVER HAPPENED before in the history of this country and they damn well could have done since they controlled BOTH HOUSES of Congress for the first 2 years Obama has been in office. 900+ days with out a budget and in contempt of the Constitution.

By the way, the TRUTH of the super committee negotiations is that the democrats didn't off ONE SINGLE PLAN. The republicans offered several and the last one that the democrats rejected out of hand actually included closing the tax loop holds you mistakenly seem to think the democrats want. However, as I said, they rejected it out of hand.

They really only want to SAY they want to close the loop holes. They don't want to get caught actually doing it by their corporate masters and fat cat donors!

Wow, you Republicans are really into denial. Okay here it is. Proof!


"The Budget Control Act that I signed into law last month will cut annual Government spending by about $1 trillion over the next 10 years. It also charges the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction with finding an additional $1.5 trillion in savings. As part of this jobs bill, I am asking the Congress to increase that amount so that it covers the full cost of the American Jobs Act. In addition, I believe that the Congress should seize the opportunity that this new Committee presents and do much more so that we can put the country on a sustainable fiscal path, which is critical for our long-term economic growth and competitiveness. For this reason, I am sending to the Congress this detailed plan to pay for this jobs bill and realize more than $3 trillion in net deficit reduction over the next 10 years. Combined with the approximately $1 trillion in savings from the first part of the Budget Control Act, this would generate more than $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. This would bring the Nation to the point where current spending is no longer adding to our debt and where our debt is no longer increasing as a share of our economy--an important milestone on the way to restoring fiscal discipline and moving us toward balance." [Living Within Our Means and Investing in the Future: The President's Plan for Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction, WhiteHouse.gov, September 2011]

There you go. Can't argue with facts. However, it should be noted that many democrats didn't support the bill either. I never said democrats shouldn't be to blame for impeding Obama. Contrary to what Fox News will tell you, Obama is on the center of the political spectrum. He has been criticized by Democrats for being too diplomatic.

In other words, don't blame Obama. Blame ALL of congress.

parroting a bunch of comments on the the White House website is not 'proof' of anything other than it was 'promised'.

Do you have the actual bill he proposed, showing the savings mentioned above?

I did not "parrot" a bunch of comments together. That is an exact quote taken directly from whitehouse.gov. Come on, is it really that hard to believe? It's right there in front of you.
Wow, you Republicans are really into denial. Okay here it is. Proof!


"The Budget Control Act that I signed into law last month will cut annual Government spending by about $1 trillion over the next 10 years. It also charges the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction with finding an additional $1.5 trillion in savings. As part of this jobs bill, I am asking the Congress to increase that amount so that it covers the full cost of the American Jobs Act. In addition, I believe that the Congress should seize the opportunity that this new Committee presents and do much more so that we can put the country on a sustainable fiscal path, which is critical for our long-term economic growth and competitiveness. For this reason, I am sending to the Congress this detailed plan to pay for this jobs bill and realize more than $3 trillion in net deficit reduction over the next 10 years. Combined with the approximately $1 trillion in savings from the first part of the Budget Control Act, this would generate more than $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. This would bring the Nation to the point where current spending is no longer adding to our debt and where our debt is no longer increasing as a share of our economy--an important milestone on the way to restoring fiscal discipline and moving us toward balance." [Living Within Our Means and Investing in the Future: The President's Plan for Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction, WhiteHouse.gov, September 2011]

There you go. Can't argue with facts. However, it should be noted that many democrats didn't support the bill either. I never said democrats shouldn't be to blame for impeding Obama. Contrary to what Fox News will tell you, Obama is on the center of the political spectrum. He has been criticized by Democrats for being too diplomatic.

In other words, don't blame Obama. Blame ALL of congress.

parroting a bunch of comments on the the White House website is not 'proof' of anything other than it was 'promised'.

Do you have the actual bill he proposed, showing the savings mentioned above?

I did not "parrot" a bunch of comments together. That is an exact quote taken directly from whitehouse.gov. Come on, is it really that hard to believe? It's right there in front of you.

I did not say 'parrot a bunch of comments together', implying you'd mixed a bunch of stuff together... you read my comment incorrectly.

I said. parroting something from the White House website doesn't count as proof that Obama ever actually submitted what the comments promised.

I want a link to the bill, House or Senate, that Obama introduced, which 'would' be considered proof.

Is that so hard for you to understand?
parroting a bunch of comments on the the White House website is not 'proof' of anything other than it was 'promised'.

Do you have the actual bill he proposed, showing the savings mentioned above?

I did not "parrot" a bunch of comments together. That is an exact quote taken directly from whitehouse.gov. Come on, is it really that hard to believe? It's right there in front of you.

I did not say 'parrot a bunch of comments together', implying you'd mixed a bunch of stuff together... you read my comment incorrectly.

I said. parroting something from the White House website doesn't count as proof that Obama ever actually submitted what the comments promised.

I want a link to the bill, House or Senate, that Obama introduced, which 'would' be considered proof.

Is that so hard for you to understand?

What exactly would stop Obama from sending it to the Congress? He didn't say he was in the process of making the bill. The bill was already finalized. He sent the bill and it was rejected.

I guess will look for the proof that he sent the bill to congress, but I don't understand why you need that level of proof. Where do I even look for something like that?
parroting a bunch of comments on the the White House website is not 'proof' of anything other than it was 'promised'.

Do you have the actual bill he proposed, showing the savings mentioned above?

I did not "parrot" a bunch of comments together. That is an exact quote taken directly from whitehouse.gov. Come on, is it really that hard to believe? It's right there in front of you.

I did not say 'parrot a bunch of comments together', implying you'd mixed a bunch of stuff together... you read my comment incorrectly.

I said. parroting something from the White House website doesn't count as proof that Obama ever actually submitted what the comments promised.

I want a link to the bill, House or Senate, that Obama introduced, which 'would' be considered proof.

Is that so hard for you to understand?

Same ole same ole, the obummer just says something and these clowns eat it up without question. No scrutiny needed, the messiah said it, it's true.
I did not "parrot" a bunch of comments together. That is an exact quote taken directly from whitehouse.gov. Come on, is it really that hard to believe? It's right there in front of you.

I did not say 'parrot a bunch of comments together', implying you'd mixed a bunch of stuff together... you read my comment incorrectly.

I said. parroting something from the White House website doesn't count as proof that Obama ever actually submitted what the comments promised.

I want a link to the bill, House or Senate, that Obama introduced, which 'would' be considered proof.

Is that so hard for you to understand?

What exactly would stop Obama from sending it to the Congress? He didn't say he was in the process of making the bill. The bill was already finalized. He sent the bill and it was rejected.

I guess will look for the proof that he sent the bill to congress, but I don't understand why you need that level of proof. Where do I even look for something like that?

Yes, I do need that as proof. When a bill is 'sent to congress', it means that someone in Congress actually introduces the bill on the Presidents behalf... that's how it works. The President doesn't actually 'introduce' the bill into the process, someone in Congress must.

That being said, once a bill is introduced, there is an ongoing record of every action regarding that bill.

Congress.org - Bill Search
Congressional Bills: Main Page
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Active Legislation
OpenCongress - 112th Congress - Track bills, votes, senators, and representatives in the U.S. Congress
Search Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
This last link is my personal favorite, but use whatever means you wish.
I did not say 'parrot a bunch of comments together', implying you'd mixed a bunch of stuff together... you read my comment incorrectly.

I said. parroting something from the White House website doesn't count as proof that Obama ever actually submitted what the comments promised.

I want a link to the bill, House or Senate, that Obama introduced, which 'would' be considered proof.

Is that so hard for you to understand?

What exactly would stop Obama from sending it to the Congress? He didn't say he was in the process of making the bill. The bill was already finalized. He sent the bill and it was rejected.

I guess will look for the proof that he sent the bill to congress, but I don't understand why you need that level of proof. Where do I even look for something like that?

Yes, I do need that as proof. When a bill is 'sent to congress', it means that someone in Congress actually introduces the bill on the Presidents behalf... that's how it works. The President doesn't actually 'introduce' the bill into the process, someone in Congress must.

That being said, once a bill is introduced, there is an ongoing record of every action regarding that bill.

Congress.org - Bill Search
Congressional Bills: Main Page
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Active Legislation
OpenCongress - 112th Congress - Track bills, votes, senators, and representatives in the U.S. Congress
Search Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
This last link is my personal favorite, but use whatever means you wish.

So the news article I just posted still wasn't good enough? Come on, you're being ridiculous :lol:

Okay, for the sake of putting this to bed, I will look for more proof later in the day.
Okay, here is the next best thing. An outside news article confirming it. It's amazing how easy it is to find this stuff with a simple google search. You should try it sometime.

Obama seeks $4 trillion in cuts; GOP assails call for tax hikes - CNN

you're a pretty big smart ass for being a noob.

You claimed the GOP tore it up. This says the President unveiled it. It says nothing about what actions were or were not taken in Congress on it, assuming it was actually brought before congress.

Sorry, but a news story that doesn't support the accusations you made in the OP does not somehow prove the OP.

Personally, I get a little tired of people on both sides making statements, not supporting them properly, and then whining that no one takes them seriously.
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