Obama Officials Made List of Secret Russia Probe Documents To Protect Them

Archiving available Intel is not breaking the law, fool.
Using your office to spy on your political opponents IS illegal, fool. And leaking the information is also a felony, fool.

How did Obama do any of that?
They simply archived existing Intel reports. There is no indication anywhere that Obama ordered any surveillance or leaking.

Reality is not your friend.

Who is the commander and Chief under whom did the I. R. S. target political foes?

There is no investigation that came to that conclusion.

That's your answer when Louis was not indicted? And you had the corrupt held in contempt Eric Holder running the DOJ?


There is no investigation that came to that conclusion. That is reality. You idiots really need to stop covering the gaps in your logic with conspiracies. It just comes across as dumb.
Where did you come up with that drivel ?

Foreign states influence things all the time. We influence elections in other countries.

If the Russians took out a political add.....you think we'd stop it ? Guess again.

The CIA influenced a lot of foreign elections, they're assassinated people, bribed people, done al sorts of highly illegal things. So that's not a good example.
NOPE. Republicans ran for 7 years on replacing Obamacare, and having the opportunity to fix healthcare, they chose to keep Obamacare instead.
Keep on dreaming... You got nothing.. And it isn't over yet:banana::banana::banana:[/QUOTE]

Not a single republican voted to repeal Obamacare. You own it.
SO why was Clinton still accepting major donations to her foundation and her campaign from foreign nations?

Because the Clinton foundation was an international organization. The 'global' in the Clinton global initiative. Duh !!!!
In violation of US law.. And your good with that.. ??
It's not. You're in violation of the laws of nature. It's a violation to be that dumb and live past the age of five.
NOPE. Republicans ran for 7 years on replacing Obamacare, and having the opportunity to fix healthcare, they chose to keep Obamacare instead.
Keep on dreaming... You got nothing.. And it isn't over yet:banana::banana::banana:

Not a single republican voted to repeal Obamacare. You own it.
Keep telling yourself that... Had the vote been taken all but 38 hardliners would have said no. And the people know it.. SO keep drooling moron..
SO why was Clinton still accepting major donations to her foundation and her campaign from foreign nations?

Because the Clinton foundation was an international organization. The 'global' in the Clinton global initiative. Duh !!!!
In violation of US law.. And your good with that.. ??
It's not. You're in violation of the laws of nature. It's a violation to be that dumb and live past the age of five.
Nothing intelligent to say? Go right to Adhom.. You got your Alyinsky talking points down pat.. Troll..
SO why was Clinton still accepting major donations to her foundation and her campaign from foreign nations?

Because the Clinton foundation was an international organization. The 'global' in the Clinton global initiative. Duh !!!!
In violation of US law.. And your good with that.. ??
It's not. You're in violation of the laws of nature. It's a violation to be that dumb and live past the age of five.
Nothing intelligent to say? Go right to Adhom.. You got your Alyinsky talking points down pat.. Troll..
Ad hom?
No. When you state that the Clinton foundation was illegally accepting donations, you're showing us all that you don't understand the subject at all.
Because the Clinton foundation was an international organization. The 'global' in the Clinton global initiative. Duh !!!!
In violation of US law.. And your good with that.. ??

Accepting international money by an international foundation does not violate the law. The Clintons received no emoluments from the Clinton foundation.
Accepting over 12.5 million dollars after giving away 20% of US uranium to the Russians.. While she was Secretary Of State is ok to you..

SO why was Clinton still accepting major donations to her foundation and her campaign from foreign nations?

Because the Clinton foundation was an international organization. The 'global' in the Clinton global initiative. Duh !!!!
In violation of US law.. And your good with that.. ??
It's not. You're in violation of the laws of nature. It's a violation to be that dumb and live past the age of five.
Nothing intelligent to say? Go right to Adhom.. You got your Alyinsky talking points down pat.. Troll..
Ad hom?
No. When you state that the Clinton foundation was illegally accepting donations, you're showing us all that you don't understand the subject at all.

I understand the subject clearly. You do not and when you lose you cry and call names...
Dont feed the troll.JPG
Shiff is an idiot.... He went to review the documents, and was told that these are the same documents that was shown to Nunes, and then Shiff said on TV "well that was curious" because the white house said that it didn't know what Nunes was shown prior to Nunes being shown the information when Nunes viewed it. What Shiff doesn't realize or remember when spoke, is of course at this point the Whitehouse knows what Nunes was shown, because uh well Nunes traveled to the Whitehouse after his reviewing the information in order to let Trump understand what he had seen. So why is Shiif letting his pride get in the way of his understanding that the documents weren't the smoking gun in which they had hoped for ?? The Demon-crats just want to kick a dead horse as long as they can, and to hell with the country.
Because the Clinton foundation was an international organization. The 'global' in the Clinton global initiative. Duh !!!!
In violation of US law.. And your good with that.. ??

Accepting international money by an international foundation does not violate the law. The Clintons received no emoluments from the Clinton foundation.
How do you know what the Clinton's received or did'nt recieve ?? The women destroyed 33,000 e-mails of Chelsea's brithday parties for goodness sakes. LOL.
Shiff is an idiot.... He went to review the documents, and was told that these are the same documents that was shown to Nunes, and then Shiff said on TV "well that was curious" because the white house said that it didn't know what Nunes was shown prior to Nunes being shown the information when Nunes viewed it. What Shiff doesn't realize or remember when spoke, is of course at this point the Whitehouse knows what Nunes was shown, because uh well Nunes traveled to the Whitehouse after his reviewing the information in order to let Trump understand what he had seen. So why is Shiif letting his pride get in the way of his understanding that the documents weren't the smoking gun in which they had hoped for ?? The Demon-crats just want to kick a dead horse as long as they can, and to hell with the country.

Oh please; it was Nunes who was the one with his hair on fire telling us how disgusting and unbelievable the info he had received was that he had to run to Trump to let him know! Supposedly his committee members were trying to hold him back! We later found out he stopped by Ryan who didn't stop him either, so both their reputations are up for scrutiny! This is Intel and oversight! Nunes doesn't work for the President! :9: :badgrin: :blahblah:
Because the Clinton foundation was an international organization. The 'global' in the Clinton global initiative. Duh !!!!
In violation of US law.. And your good with that.. ??

Accepting international money by an international foundation does not violate the law. The Clintons received no emoluments from the Clinton foundation.
How do you know what the Clinton's received or did'nt recieve ?? The women destroyed 33,000 e-mails of Chelsea's brithday parties for goodness sakes. LOL.

Still on the emails when Russia operatives inside the White House! Hard to believe this is still the Republican Party! Commentators said Trump would drag them down and that's no lie! They are a mere shell of themselves with little integrity or common sense! Their patriotism flew out the door ages ago trying to undermine Clinton over the same BS they were doing; later to be found out! ...And speaking of dead horse; BENGHAZI anyone?:9: :bang3: :blahblah:
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Because the Clinton foundation was an international organization. The 'global' in the Clinton global initiative. Duh !!!!
In violation of US law.. And your good with that.. ??

Accepting international money by an international foundation does not violate the law. The Clintons received no emoluments from the Clinton foundation.
Accepting over 12.5 million dollars after giving away 20% of US uranium to the Russians.. While she was Secretary Of State is ok to you..


So you make yet another empty, mindless post. You obviously have no understanding of the nature and process of the "uranium deal". If you did, you would understand that she had no unilateral authority to ensure the successful completion of that deal.

My assessment stands.
Russian hacked the DNC, not the election.
They know that, they just have to find something to cling to. It's better than admitting their candidate was a disgusting, corrupt, lying bitch that nobody could stand to look at or listen to.

Do you suppose that those leaks hurt Clinton's campaign?
. Talking about wiki-leaks ????? Are you asking the question as if Clinton was clean ?? Clinton hurt her own campaign without any outside help. Wiki-leaks definitely showed that it was anti-democrat, but hey millions are anti-democrat just like democrats are anti-republican when they meddled in anyway they could (digging up dirt), and the precisely releasing it for maximum advantage. The problem is that when the Democrats took the hit, they acted as if their world came to end. Well with every anti-American thing they had going or group they are associated with I guess they did feel like their world came to and end on January 20th.

It's not just Democrats who say that Russia was behind the hacking and release of material in an effort to influence our election.
For you to characterize it in that way at this late date either makes you a fool or an idiot

If you honestly can't see the difference between regular American electioneering and the Russian involvement, than I would have to put you in the idiot category.

Oh...I am crushed.

I've held that position from the start.

This is simply a distraction.

Tell me....would you be any more upset and bunched up if Hillary had won ?
They know that, they just have to find something to cling to. It's better than admitting their candidate was a disgusting, corrupt, lying bitch that nobody could stand to look at or listen to.

Do you suppose that those leaks hurt Clinton's campaign?


There is no way to prove it did or how much it did.

Do you guys ever think about how Billy Bush hurt Trump ? Should Billy be investigated for influencing the election ?
So releasing information about the "disgusting, corrupt, lying bitch" had no effect whatsoever?
Billy Bush was plain old political mudslinging not international espionage.

Please tell me how it was any less "influencing" in it's effect ?

International espionoge ????
International espionoge ????

You don't believe that happened?

You honestly see no difference between the two?

Not at all...

Hacking the DNC is no big deal.

Perhaps this will help your little wedgie.....the U.S. has allowed Russia to screw the U.S. for a long time.

Russian hackers are the worst at Ransomware and the U.S. government has done jack to stop it.

You reap what you sow.
Where did you come up with that drivel ?

Foreign states influence things all the time. We influence elections in other countries.

If the Russians took out a political add.....you think we'd stop it ? Guess again.

The CIA influenced a lot of foreign elections, they're assassinated people, bribed people, done al sorts of highly illegal things. So that's not a good example.

If the Russians took out a political ad, do you think we'd prevent it ?

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