Obama Officials Made List of Secret Russia Probe Documents To Protect Them

Obama administration officials were so concerned about what would happen to key classified documents related to the Russia probe once President Trump took office that they created a list of document serial numbers to give to senior members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, a former Obama official told NBC News.

More: Obama Officials Made List of Secret Russia Probe Documents To Protect Them

Thank you, President Obama! History will judge you kindly for this great act of patriotism!
Is he protecting them at the same place he protected evidence in the Fast and Furious probe and the Benghazi mess?
No, sparky, President Obama had the Trump-Russia documents cataloged by serial numbers to keep them SAFE from destruction. BTW, do you think Adolf Trump would have destroyed any documents that supported any of his conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies? Think about it...

This is what happens when you make enemies for no other reason but to be a bully! Obama wanted to help Trump become a decent President, but he was having none of it! Insulting the man as he walks out the door and continuing to blame stuff on him long after he's left office! I'm so glad Obama's people catalogued that stuff because we all know Bannon would have had a bonfire by now! Someone on the news is pretty sure there are indictments to come down; NO BS! I can't wait! :321: :biggrin:

Continuing to "blame" "long after he left office".

Good grief.....

You morons still blame Bush for things..........

Who else should be blamed for leaving the country in shambles in '09? :9: :anj_stfu: :argue:

Pelosi and Reid were a great help.

More to the point.....that was how many years ago ?

All through Obama's years....it was always Bush.

Now, this moron is saying that Trump is out of line for blaming Obama after 3 months ????

That's beyond a double standard.

Trump said he inherited a mess! He's full of $#!t! He's luckier than what Obama walked into! :argue: :anj_stfu: :alcoholic:
Obamas cluster fuck was actually worse than what Obama 'walked' into.. but that was by design.. he wanted Capitalism to fail and he did everything he could to kill it.
Grassley's letter confirms that as a Clinton Staffer she was granted access up to and through the election by Obama and Kerry.

Now why would that be important?

Sandy Berger was granted access to classified archives two years after he left office. That wasn't unusual either. Security clearances aren't yanked every time you change jobs.
Obamas cluster fuck was actually worse than what Obama 'walked' into.. but that was by design.. he wanted Capitalism to fail and he did everything he could to kill it.

Strange theory, that Obama, like every body else thought Hillary would be the next president, but instead Obama tanked the economy, by doubling the stock market, cutting unemployment in half, slashing the deficit 60% and creating the longest record of private sector job growth, to hand over to Trump.
Grassley's letter confirms that as a Clinton Staffer she was granted access up to and through the election by Obama and Kerry.

Now why would that be important?

Sandy Berger was granted access to classified archives two years after he left office. That wasn't unusual either. Security clearances aren't yanked every time you change jobs.
Berger was still a government employee.. Farkas and the rest of the Clinton staff were not.
Please tell me how it was any less "influencing" in it's effect ?

International espionoge ????

The point is simple. People in the USA have freedom of speech, 1st amendment and all that, and can contribute time, effort, and money to political campaigns. Foreign states aren't allowed to go anywhere near American political campaigns. So when Russia did it by illegally hacking US computers, and fostering the release of illegally obtained information, that's a difference even your brain should be able to see.
SO why was Clinton still accepting major donations to her foundation and her campaign from foreign nations?
Grassley's letter confirms that as a Clinton Staffer she was granted access up to and through the election by Obama and Kerry.

Now why would that be important?

Sandy Berger was granted access to classified archives two years after he left office. That wasn't unusual either. Security clearances aren't yanked every time you change jobs.

You mean the Sandy Berger who got caught stealing documents? That Sandy Berger?
Grassley's letter confirms that as a Clinton Staffer she was granted access up to and through the election by Obama and Kerry.

Now why would that be important?

Sandy Berger was granted access to classified archives two years after he left office. That wasn't unusual either. Security clearances aren't yanked every time you change jobs.

You mean the Sandy Berger who got caught stealing documents? That Sandy Berger?
Seems like that behavior continues as if its ok... Paper or electronic.. and they are good with leaking it as well..
I find it scarily amusing how the libtards are trying so hard to justify the top secret information sharing link between Obama and Clinton.

At what point did we become a Fascist banana republic?
I'm glad we still have Obamacare, because it's fixing to fail, and the Democrats own it 100%. That will give us more seats in 2018. Thanks Obama!

I'm sure you believe that, but it's only the propaganda perpetrated by Republicans! If anything fails from here on out, it's all on them because they're in charge! They have the power to repeal or fix it and if they don't, all the blame will go to the loser Rep. Party! Thanks! :funnyface: :haha: :happy-1::woohoo:
So the onus is on the other people to fix or repeal the failure your people put into law? How the fuck does that work?

The dems voted in a failure of healthcare law on party lines but it's now the republicans fault if they don't fix it. And you think that's a reason for an emoji party.

Let the American people decide whose fault it is for not fixing Obamacare.
You own obamacare not the republicans.

After you failed to repeal it with Trump and a Republican Congress; "YOU OWN IT NOW!" :9: :banana: :biggrin:
You wish...

You dumbocrats still own it...

And when it collapses later this year and 9 million lose their insurance... its going to kill any chance you think you have in the senate while giving Republicans 4-8 more seats..
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SO why was Clinton still accepting major donations to her foundation and her campaign from foreign nations?

Because the Clinton foundation was an international organization. The 'global' in the Clinton global initiative. Duh !!!!
You mean the Sandy Berger who got caught stealing documents? That Sandy Berger?

Yes, the Sandy Berger who left the job in 2001, and retained his top secret security clearance through 2003 under the Bush administration.
Russian hacked the DNC, not the election.
They know that, they just have to find something to cling to. It's better than admitting their candidate was a disgusting, corrupt, lying bitch that nobody could stand to look at or listen to.

Do you suppose that those leaks hurt Clinton's campaign?


There is no way to prove it did or how much it did.

Do you guys ever think about how Billy Bush hurt Trump ? Should Billy be investigated for influencing the election ?
So releasing information about the "disgusting, corrupt, lying bitch" had no effect whatsoever?
Billy Bush was plain old political mudslinging not international espionage.

Please tell me how it was any less "influencing" in it's effect ?

International espionoge ????
International espionoge ????

You don't believe that happened?

You honestly see no difference between the two?
It was an obvious attempt to spread a bunch of fake news to as many as possible so it could be spread and disclosed by barry holdovers.
And again,the info disseminated had nothing to do with russia.

Really? Have you seen the intel?

No. I've seen the reports that the intel that was disseminated had nothing to do with russia.
If it did barry and company would have been screaming it from the rooftops. Instead they changed the rules when it comes to spreading info amongst intell agencies so it would be sure and be leaked.
Evelyn Farkas proved that.

Funny. Evelyn Farkas? Tell us all about her. Don't let facts get in your way...

The former Obama official fired back Friday after Spicer claimed again that she’d uncovered evidence of Barack Obama spying on Donald Trump.

Obama Official Evelyn Farkas Responds To Sean Spicer Tirade

She left DOD IN 2015, how did she have access to our Intel means and methods after that?

Grassley's letter confirms that as a Clinton Staffer she was granted access up to and through the election by Obama and Kerry.

Now why would that be important?

How else would Obama "giving the appearance of legality" give Clinton access to opposition information, obtained illegally using US government intel agencies, and not get caught disseminating it?
If you think about it, why were they partying at 4pm eastern time long before the polls closed> what did they think they knew? and where did they obtain that information?
You dumbocrats still own it...

And when it collapses later this year and 9 million lose their insurance... its going to kill any chance you think you have in the senate while giving Republicans 4-8 more seats..

NOPE. Republicans ran for 7 years on replacing Obamacare, and having the opportunity to fix healthcare, they chose to keep Obamacare instead.
No, sparky, President Obama had the Trump-Russia documents cataloged by serial numbers to keep them SAFE from destruction. BTW, do you think Adolf Trump would have destroyed any documents that supported any of his conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies? Think about it...

This is what happens when you make enemies for no other reason but to be a bully! Obama wanted to help Trump become a decent President, but he was having none of it! Insulting the man as he walks out the door and continuing to blame stuff on him long after he's left office! I'm so glad Obama's people catalogued that stuff because we all know Bannon would have had a bonfire by now! Someone on the news is pretty sure there are indictments to come down; NO BS! I can't wait! :321: :biggrin:

Continuing to "blame" "long after he left office".

Good grief.....

You morons still blame Bush for things..........

Who else should be blamed for leaving the country in shambles in '09? :9: :anj_stfu: :argue:

Pelosi and Reid were a great help.

More to the point.....that was how many years ago ?

All through Obama's years....it was always Bush.

Now, this moron is saying that Trump is out of line for blaming Obama after 3 months ????

That's beyond a double standard.

Trump said he inherited a mess! He's full of $#!t! He's luckier than what Obama walked into! :argue: :anj_stfu: :alcoholic:
Please tell me how it was any less "influencing" in it's effect ?

International espionoge ????

The point is simple. People in the USA have freedom of speech, 1st amendment and all that, and can contribute time, effort, and money to political campaigns. Foreign states aren't allowed to go anywhere near American political campaigns. So when Russia did it by illegally hacking US computers, and fostering the release of illegally obtained information, that's a difference even your brain should be able to see.

Where did you come up with that drivel ?

Foreign states influence things all the time. We influence elections in other countries.

If the Russians took out a political add.....you think we'd stop it ? Guess again.
This is what happens when you make enemies for no other reason but to be a bully! Obama wanted to help Trump become a decent President, but he was having none of it! Insulting the man as he walks out the door and continuing to blame stuff on him long after he's left office! I'm so glad Obama's people catalogued that stuff because we all know Bannon would have had a bonfire by now! Someone on the news is pretty sure there are indictments to come down; NO BS! I can't wait! :321: :biggrin:

Continuing to "blame" "long after he left office".

Good grief.....

You morons still blame Bush for things..........

Who else should be blamed for leaving the country in shambles in '09? :9: :anj_stfu: :argue:

Pelosi and Reid were a great help.

More to the point.....that was how many years ago ?

All through Obama's years....it was always Bush.

Now, this moron is saying that Trump is out of line for blaming Obama after 3 months ????

That's beyond a double standard.

Trump said he inherited a mess! He's full of $#!t! He's luckier than what Obama walked into! :argue: :anj_stfu: :alcoholic:
Obamas cluster fuck was actually worse than what Obama 'walked' into.. but that was by design.. he wanted Capitalism to fail and he did everything he could to kill it.


What is our debt now....double what he got ?
You dumbocrats still own it...

And when it collapses later this year and 9 million lose their insurance... its going to kill any chance you think you have in the senate while giving Republicans 4-8 more seats..

NOPE. Republicans ran for 7 years on replacing Obamacare, and having the opportunity to fix healthcare, they chose to keep Obamacare instead.
Keep on dreaming... You got nothing.. And it isn't over yet:banana::banana::banana:
Russian hacked the DNC, not the election.
They know that, they just have to find something to cling to. It's better than admitting their candidate was a disgusting, corrupt, lying bitch that nobody could stand to look at or listen to.

Do you suppose that those leaks hurt Clinton's campaign?
. Talking about wiki-leaks ????? Are you asking the question as if Clinton was clean ?? Clinton hurt her own campaign without any outside help. Wiki-leaks definitely showed that it was anti-democrat, but hey millions are anti-democrat just like democrats are anti-republican when they meddled in anyway they could (digging up dirt), and the precisely releasing it for maximum advantage. The problem is that when the Democrats took the hit, they acted as if their world came to end. Well with every anti-American thing they had going or group they are associated with I guess they did feel like their world came to and end on January 20th.

It's not just Democrats who say that Russia was behind the hacking and release of material in an effort to influence our election.
For you to characterize it in that way at this late date either makes you a fool or an idiot

If you honestly can't see the difference between regular American electioneering and the Russian involvement, than I would have to put you in the idiot category.

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