Obama Officials Made List of Secret Russia Probe Documents To Protect Them

Oh I see. The democrats pass a shit law and all of the damage it's done over the last seven years is suddenly our problem to fix. Typical fucking liberal.

Trump promised to fix:
The tax code
The budget
Affordable healthcare
The war on ISIS
GDP growth

So, YES, it's his problem to fix. That's what he promised to do.
Ironic when you remember the shit that Obama inherited:
8% unemployment
$1.5 trillion annual deficits
700,000 jobs lost a month
Two wars, in afghanistan and Iraq
The 2007 Bush recession
The DOW down from 14,000 to 8,000

It was up to Obama to fix all that.
And Obama fixed none of it.
Unemployment 5% (down 40%)
$400 billion annual deficit (down over 60%)
250,000 jobs gained a month (reversal of job loss)
The DOW from 8,000 to 19,000

You must be stupid to say Obama didn't fix any of those things.
For not fixing? Hey you fake Indian retard. The Dems have been decimated for passing it in the first place. And now you think it's our job to fix this cluster fuck?

Now you know how Obama felt with the war in Iraq.

Add on the stock market crash; IIRC The DOW dropped to 6600! Unemployment soared well over 10%, now well under 5%! The whole world hated our fk'n guts and Obama brought us back where World leaders couldn't wait to see him! They were burning "W" in effigy if anyone has a memory! All that needed repair and what did the rightwing nuts do? Fought him in every way possible; actually filibustering normal admin. fair like raising the debt ceiling and continuing budget resolutions! They shut the gov't down so they could listen to that pinhead from Texas read Dr. Seuss', "Green Eggs & Ham!" That's just off the top of my head! If I were Obama, I'd resent it that they tried to delegitimize his very Presidency! If I were him I would laugh and say "this country deserves someone like TRUMP so they will see what fools they were when I was in charge!" :blahblah: :badgrin: :clap:
Ironic when you remember the shit that Obama inherited:
8% unemployment
$1.5 trillion annual deficits
700,000 jobs lost a month
Two wars, in afghanistan and Iraq
The 2007 Bush recession
The DOW down from 14,000 to 8,000

It was up to Obama to fix all that.
And Obama fixed none of it.
Unemployment 5% (down 40%)
$400 billion annual deficit (down over 60%)
250,000 jobs gained a month (reversal of job loss)
The DOW from 8,000 to 19,000

You must be stupid to say Obama didn't fix any of those things.

Be specific moron how he did it, he didn't help the economy he hindered it and slowed down the recovery

He didn't lower the unemployment rate by any of his polices if he did, why did most of the jobs go to the red states?

The Dow? The fucking feds were pumping in 85 billion dollars a month kid.... Obama didn't have anything to do with it.

When he started we were in two wars when he finished we were fighting in like 6 countries with our drones.

Quit your revisionary history Obama was useless.
Add on the stock market crash; IIRC The DOW dropped to 6600! Unemployment soared well over 10%, now well under 5%! The whole world hated our fk'n guts and Obama brought us back where World leaders couldn't wait to see him! They were burning "W" in effigy if anyone has a memory! All that needed repair and what did the rightwing nuts do? Fought him in every way possible; actually filibustering normal admin. fair like raising the debt ceiling and continuing budget resolutions! They shut the gov't down so they could listen to that pinhead from Texas read Dr. Seuss', "Green Eggs & Ham!" That's just off the top of my head! If I were Obama, I'd resent it that they tried to delegitimize his very Presidency! If I were him I would laugh and say "this country deserves someone like TRUMP so they will see what fools they were when I was in charge!" :blahblah: :badgrin: :clap:

Republicans have very short memories. They don't remember how Bush left the USA.
Ironic when you remember the shit that Obama inherited:
8% unemployment
$1.5 trillion annual deficits
700,000 jobs lost a month
Two wars, in afghanistan and Iraq
The 2007 Bush recession
The DOW down from 14,000 to 8,000

It was up to Obama to fix all that.

Unemployment 5% (down 40%)
$400 billion annual deficit (down over 60%)
250,000 jobs gained a month (reversal of job loss)
The DOW from 8,000 to 19,000
You must be stupid to say Obama didn't fix any of those things.

Be specific moron how he did it, he didn't help the economy he hindered it and slowed down the recovery

Specifically Obama cut unemployment 40%, cut deficits 60%, more than doubled the DOW, set a record for continuous private sector job growth

And how specifically did Obama do it?

Without any republican support.
Oh I see. The democrats pass a shit law and all of the damage it's done over the last seven years is suddenly our problem to fix. Typical fucking liberal.

Oh I see, Bush starts an illegal war in Iraq, and all the damage it's done over the previous 7 years was suddenly Obama's problem to fix.

You see how that works?
Did he fix it or make it worse? ISIS anyone?

You can thank the Bushes for ISIS.

Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure. We must never forget.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than twenty-six years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The Downing Street Memo
She left DOD IN 2015, how did she have access to our Intel means and methods after that?
LOL you are Gish Galloping ...Farkas is of no help to Orange Anus

You could have said, "I have no idea" and that would have been more honest
Fuck you a dip shit Trump rube like you knows nothing of Honesty..,..Farkas is Not going to be of any help to the Orange Agent..its DEFLECTION fAIL...
Sean Spicer Misquotes Evelyn Farkas in Latest Defense of Trump's ..

Missing from many of the “Farkas spilled the beans” reports is the context of what she was talking about: officials trying to preserve intelligence rather than a concerted push to gather it in the waning days of Obama’s presidency for the current investigations.


You're demented.

How did she have access to intelligence means and methods. Why isn't she in protective custody?
Actually a whole hell of a lot has been done.. But the lying libtards wont report it.

The Obama fascist climate change lie has been defunded and the control dismantled. Sensible ME policy has been implemented even though dimocrats tried to block the refugee brakes being put on but it was just done another ways and defunded.

Funny how you guys whined about Obama and his Executive Orders; that's all you losers have been able to do since taking over! You already dropped the ball on repealing Obamacare! :blahblah: :anj_stfu: :argue:

I'm glad we still have Obamacare, because it's fixing to fail, and the Democrats own it 100%. That will give us more seats in 2018. Thanks Obama!

I'm sure you believe that, but it's only the propaganda perpetrated by Republicans! If anything fails from here on out, it's all on them because they're in charge! They have the power to repeal or fix it and if they don't, all the blame will go to the loser Rep. Party! Thanks! :funnyface: :haha: :happy-1::woohoo:
So the onus is on the other people to fix or repeal the failure your people put into law? How the fuck does that work?

The dems voted in a failure of healthcare law on party lines but it's now the republicans fault if they don't fix it. And you think that's a reason for an emoji party.

Let the American people decide whose fault it is for not fixing Obamacare.
You own obamacare not the republicans.
Funny how you guys whined about Obama and his Executive Orders; that's all you losers have been able to do since taking over! You already dropped the ball on repealing Obamacare! :blahblah: :anj_stfu: :argue:

I'm glad we still have Obamacare, because it's fixing to fail, and the Democrats own it 100%. That will give us more seats in 2018. Thanks Obama!

I'm sure you believe that, but it's only the propaganda perpetrated by Republicans! If anything fails from here on out, it's all on them because they're in charge! They have the power to repeal or fix it and if they don't, all the blame will go to the loser Rep. Party! Thanks! :funnyface: :haha: :happy-1::woohoo:
So the onus is on the other people to fix or repeal the failure your people put into law? How the fuck does that work?

The dems voted in a failure of healthcare law on party lines but it's now the republicans fault if they don't fix it. And you think that's a reason for an emoji party.

Let the American people decide whose fault it is for not fixing Obamacare.
You own obamacare not the republicans.

After you failed to repeal it with Trump and a Republican Congress; "YOU OWN IT NOW!" :9: :banana: :biggrin:
Obama administration officials were so concerned about what would happen to key classified documents related to the Russia probe once President Trump took office that they created a list of document serial numbers to give to senior members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, a former Obama official told NBC News.

More: Obama Officials Made List of Secret Russia Probe Documents To Protect Them

Thank you, President Obama! History will judge you kindly for this great act of patriotism!
. Kinda what he was doing with trying to get Hillary elected (probably assured her the position), but that failed so now it's onto bringing out the actual evidence on himself, you know where him and his administration used surveillance to hopefully destroy a political foe whom was a future threat to the radicalized liberal agenda in this nation, so it was onto plan B once Hillary fell literally from his clutches.

So I guess you just bent over & pushed that log out of your ass.
I'm glad we still have Obamacare, because it's fixing to fail, and the Democrats own it 100%. That will give us more seats in 2018. Thanks Obama!

I'm sure you believe that, but it's only the propaganda perpetrated by Republicans! If anything fails from here on out, it's all on them because they're in charge! They have the power to repeal or fix it and if they don't, all the blame will go to the loser Rep. Party! Thanks! :funnyface: :haha: :happy-1::woohoo:
So the onus is on the other people to fix or repeal the failure your people put into law? How the fuck does that work?

The dems voted in a failure of healthcare law on party lines but it's now the republicans fault if they don't fix it. And you think that's a reason for an emoji party.

Let the American people decide whose fault it is for not fixing Obamacare.
You own obamacare not the republicans.

After you failed to repeal it with Trump and a Republican Congress; "YOU OWN IT NOW!" :9: :banana: :biggrin:
So if by a miracle if it turns out to be a success. You will give republicans 100% credit?
I'm glad we still have Obamacare, because it's fixing to fail, and the Democrats own it 100%. That will give us more seats in 2018. Thanks Obama!

I'm sure you believe that, but it's only the propaganda perpetrated by Republicans! If anything fails from here on out, it's all on them because they're in charge! They have the power to repeal or fix it and if they don't, all the blame will go to the loser Rep. Party! Thanks! :funnyface: :haha: :happy-1::woohoo:
So the onus is on the other people to fix or repeal the failure your people put into law? How the fuck does that work?

The dems voted in a failure of healthcare law on party lines but it's now the republicans fault if they don't fix it. And you think that's a reason for an emoji party.

Let the American people decide whose fault it is for not fixing Obamacare.
You own obamacare not the republicans.

After you failed to repeal it with Trump and a Republican Congress; "YOU OWN IT NOW!" :9: :banana: :biggrin:
Bullshit, there are only democrat fingerprints on "Obamacare". If/when the GOP replaces it, then they own it.
I'm sure you believe that, but it's only the propaganda perpetrated by Republicans! If anything fails from here on out, it's all on them because they're in charge! They have the power to repeal or fix it and if they don't, all the blame will go to the loser Rep. Party! Thanks! :funnyface: :haha: :happy-1::woohoo:
So the onus is on the other people to fix or repeal the failure your people put into law? How the fuck does that work?

The dems voted in a failure of healthcare law on party lines but it's now the republicans fault if they don't fix it. And you think that's a reason for an emoji party.

Let the American people decide whose fault it is for not fixing Obamacare.
You own obamacare not the republicans.

After you failed to repeal it with Trump and a Republican Congress; "YOU OWN IT NOW!" :9: :banana: :biggrin:
So if by a miracle if it turns out to be a success. You will give republicans 100% credit?
That would be a yes or no.
I'm sure you believe that, but it's only the propaganda perpetrated by Republicans! If anything fails from here on out, it's all on them because they're in charge! They have the power to repeal or fix it and if they don't, all the blame will go to the loser Rep. Party! Thanks! :funnyface: :haha: :happy-1::woohoo:
So the onus is on the other people to fix or repeal the failure your people put into law? How the fuck does that work?

The dems voted in a failure of healthcare law on party lines but it's now the republicans fault if they don't fix it. And you think that's a reason for an emoji party.

Let the American people decide whose fault it is for not fixing Obamacare.
You own obamacare not the republicans.

After you failed to repeal it with Trump and a Republican Congress; "YOU OWN IT NOW!" :9: :banana: :biggrin:
So if by a miracle if it turns out to be a success. You will give Republicans 100% credit?

You Funny! :hellno: :ahole-1: :meow: :talktothehand: :tongue-44:
So the onus is on the other people to fix or repeal the failure your people put into law? How the fuck does that work?

The dems voted in a failure of healthcare law on party lines but it's now the republicans fault if they don't fix it. And you think that's a reason for an emoji party.

Let the American people decide whose fault it is for not fixing Obamacare.
You own obamacare not the republicans.

After you failed to repeal it with Trump and a Republican Congress; "YOU OWN IT NOW!" :9: :banana: :biggrin:
So if by a miracle if it turns out to be a success. You will give Republicans 100% credit?

You Funny! :hellno: :ahole-1: :meow: :talktothehand: :tongue-44:
I see, you're a hack. Thanks for proving my point.
**Another delusional deranged trump syndrome loon speaks. You guys are a hoot. Stupid, but still a laugher.

another Crawling on glass for Trump Moron Rube ...smegma breath Galoot

FBI Director James Comey: “No Information” To Back Up Trump’s Wiretap Claim. FBI Director James Comey testified in a House committee hearing on March 20 that he “has no information that supports” Trump’s wiretap claim. NBC News reported that Comey “did not say ... that no Trump associate was ever picked up by American surveillance.” From the March 20 article:

The FBI director also dealt the president's credibility a blow when he said he "has no information that supports" Trump's allegation from two weeks ago that President Obama ordered surveillance of his communications in Trump Tower during the campaign.

Only courts grant permission for electronic surveillance, Comey told lawmakers, and "no individual in the United States can direct electronic surveillance of anyone."

Comey did not say, however, that no Trump associate was ever picked up by American surveillance. He declined to comment on anything related to surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows the FBI to eavesdrop, with a court order, on people they suspect are agents of a foreign power. [NBC News, 3/20/17]

Comey? Seriously? Lol. You are a pigeon.
I'm glad we still have Obamacare, because it's fixing to fail, and the Democrats own it 100%. That will give us more seats in 2018. Thanks Obama!

I'm sure you believe that, but it's only the propaganda perpetrated by Republicans! If anything fails from here on out, it's all on them because they're in charge! They have the power to repeal or fix it and if they don't, all the blame will go to the loser Rep. Party! Thanks! :funnyface: :haha: :happy-1::woohoo:
So the onus is on the other people to fix or repeal the failure your people put into law? How the fuck does that work?

The dems voted in a failure of healthcare law on party lines but it's now the republicans fault if they don't fix it. And you think that's a reason for an emoji party.

Let the American people decide whose fault it is for not fixing Obamacare.
For not fixing? Hey you fake indian retard. The dems have been decimated for passing it in the first place. And now you think it's our job to fix this cluster fuck?

Funny. Well, then let Adolf Trump replace it with something better. America is waiting for Trumpcare...like he promised. If he can't pass Trumpcare - he sure as hell better fix Obamacare.

Lol. Now we have to fix obamacare. It should have never passed in the first place but libs will shove anything down the throat for perception.
Talk about convoluted propaganda. Stalinist Russia couldn't do any better and the left slurps it up like pablum. Now they say the Obama administration spied on Trump and leaked information "because they wanted to keep the documents secret". Go figure.

No, sparky, President Obama had the Trump-Russia documents cataloged by serial numbers to keep them SAFE from destruction. BTW, do you think Adolf Trump would have destroyed any documents that supported any of his conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies? Think about it...

This is what happens when you make enemies for no other reason but to be a bully! Obama wanted to help Trump become a decent President, but he was having none of it! Insulting the man as he walks out the door and continuing to blame stuff on him long after he's left office! I'm so glad Obama's people catalogued that stuff because we all know Bannon would have had a bonfire by now! Someone on the news is pretty sure there are indictments to come down; NO BS! I can't wait! :321: :biggrin:

Continuing to "blame" "long after he left office".

Good grief.....

You morons still blame Bush for things..........

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