Obama on Kenya: There's a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama (Yes, We Know Why)

I see on CNN where after Kenya's President Kenyatta and Kenya told him don't be bringing that gay shit here he went right ahead and mentioned gay shit...then promptly got smacked down by Kenyatta.

The man is a moron
I see on CNN where after Kenya's President Kenyatta and Kenya told him don't be bringing that gay shit here he went right ahead and mentioned gay shit...then promptly got smacked down by Kenyatta.

The man is a moron
His goal is to disrupt his home country.
I see on CNN where after Kenya's President Kenyatta and Kenya told him don't be bringing that gay shit here he went right ahead and mentioned gay shit...then promptly got smacked down by Kenyatta.

The man is a moron
His goal is to disrupt his home country.

Just more embarrassment. If Kenya wants nothing to do with it then he should have avoided it all together, most certainly after they asked him not to do it.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider

So someone's name defines their religion?

That's gotta be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, considering the source I tend to grade you on a bit of a curve.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider

So someone's name defines their religion?

That's gotta be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, considering the source I tend to grade you on a bit of a curve.

have you ever been out of the country idiot left-wing nutjob?

barack hussein obama most certainly is a Muslim name. there ARE christians in the Middle East and south asia, africa etc, but you will have to look REALLY REALLY HARD to find one named barack or hussein
yes dummy lib. barack hussein obama was given a Muslim name by his Muslim father. for at least part of his life obama was raised as a Muslim
you dont have to like it; but its a fact
I wonder if the formerly curious "investigative' arm of the liberal media will ever look into allegations that Barry Sotoro Hussein received a discount in tuition at Harvard for being an alien resident? If Barry Hussein Obama freely admits to his middle name why did former Vietnam POW John McCain forbid his staff to make an issue out of it? Trump was right. There is nothing about McCain that would qualify him as a hero except the fact that he was shot down and captured. His conduct as a POW is suspect and every political issue he was ever involved with is also tainted by timid and over cautious behavior.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider

So someone's name defines their religion?

That's gotta be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, considering the source I tend to grade you on a bit of a curve.
Political correctness blinds you.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider

So someone's name defines their religion?

That's gotta be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, considering the source I tend to grade you on a bit of a curve.

have you ever been out of the country idiot left-wing nutjob?

barack hussein obama most certainly is a Muslim name. there ARE christians in the Middle East and south asia, africa etc, but you will have to look REALLY REALLY HARD to find one named barack or hussein
But they do exist, right? I've been out of this country and I can tell you people in other countries think the US right wing are loons. Dangerous and ignorant loons. I have never heard anyone from Germany, Spain or France or the Japanese or Chinese that come here to visit say anything good about US right wingers. In fact, they don't understand why America votes for people so wrong, ignorant and dangerous. This is absolutely true.
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider

So someone's name defines their religion?

That's gotta be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, considering the source I tend to grade you on a bit of a curve.

have you ever been out of the country idiot left-wing nutjob?

barack hussein obama most certainly is a Muslim name. there ARE christians in the Middle East and south asia, africa etc, but you will have to look REALLY REALLY HARD to find one named barack or hussein
But they do exist, right? I've been out of this country and I can tell you people in other countries think the US right wing are loons. Dangerous and ignorant loons. I have never heard anyone from Germany, Spain or France or the Japanese or Chinese that come here to visit say anything good about US right wingers. In fact, they don't understand why America votes for people so wrong, ignorant and dangerous. This is absolutely true.

The sad thing is you think we're buying that nonsense
Yes, there is a reason. It’s because he’s a muslim and no man named Hussein is NOT a muslim. He was born a Muslim through his alleged father.

Business Insider

MOD NOTE: --- Corrected link to BInsider story -- FlaCalTenn
Obama on Kenya There s a reason my name is Barack Hussein Obama - Business Insider

So someone's name defines their religion?

That's gotta be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. But then, considering the source I tend to grade you on a bit of a curve.

have you ever been out of the country idiot left-wing nutjob?

barack hussein obama most certainly is a Muslim name. there ARE christians in the Middle East and south asia, africa etc, but you will have to look REALLY REALLY HARD to find one named barack or hussein
But they do exist, right? I've been out of this country and I can tell you people in other countries think the US right wing are loons. Dangerous and ignorant loons. I have never heard anyone from Germany, Spain or France or the Japanese or Chinese that come here to visit say anything good about US right wingers. In fact, they don't understand why America votes for people so wrong, ignorant and dangerous. This is absolutely true.

you're a complete idiot

so why would anybody be surprised you found other complete idiots in foreign countries?
if you hate your own country left-wing loser; you will naturally gravitate to others that also hate your country

It isnt a reflection on others; it's a reflection on you
Apparently there is a huge nest of "birthers" out there


signs all over the place saying "WELCOME HOME MR PRESIDENT!!"

some of our left-wingnuts need to go over there and scream at them for being racist, paranoid, and delusional!!

Obama, suffering fools gladly with a kind of amazing grace. Fuck the haters.
"amazing grace"

how is an inept idiot so full of grace?

self-deprecating humor?

ok he's a great guy to go have a beer with or something

big phukin deal

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