Obama organizing trolls to go after Trump

It demonstrates who Obama is. Really, it's consistent with how the modern liberal thinks, which operates from the lower intestine. Obama has poor character. We'd be a better country if he wasn't a household name.
My God when will you idiots find facts important? Obama was brought into the frey by Trump, it was your leader that dragged Obama into this shit....so help me, I'm losing it over you white whores who refuse to get with reality...you lunatics have got to stop it....stop being so gotdamned fuckin gullable, gotdamn you whores

Doesn't take much to trigger you and send you into a name calling rant.

No one forced Obama to move close to WH with Valerie Jarrett and set up a shadow government. He planned it all along and wasn't dragged into anything.
Obama can live any place he pleases....he stayed in Washington for his daughters to finish out their education...just as Von Trump's kid stays in NY to finish out his....listen, stop being stupid, I'm sick of you nut, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it....can't take you mf's much longer
I have a 40 you can put to your chin when you can't take anymore. Hell, I'll hold it and pull the trigger.

Time is running out for Trump to provide evidence on Obama authorizing phone taps at Trump Tower

Otherwise.......he will be declared a liar
Not even close, douche bag. Trump has all the time in the world.
They seem to have all the time in the world to keep going with this russia bullshit. But the statute of limitations against the dems has a seven day expiration date? Makes me wonder who is worried more.

They want everything to have a deadline because they know the public is quickly growing tired of this scam.
Gawd, how much fake news can you Deplorables spread? Morons the lot of ya...
These idiots are soo use to lies and being spoon fed bullshit, its a waste of time even talking to these people. They're locked in, and nothing short of dynamite can penetrate a brain composed of concrete and horse shit......so do I so, put em on ignore.

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