Obama owes china over 3.2 trillion dollars , how will hillary pay his debt if she is elected?

Gee, who do we call to collect Ronnie’s debt? It’s about 20 years past due.

Ronnies debt is chump change compared to Obama's.

Yes, it’s 20 years past due with interest. Who do we call to collect?

So in your world of 2016 you wanted a map of America to look like this?


Just tell us how Ronnie is going to repay the debt fucktard.

Wtf darling I thought we had a mutual love for one another baby.. News flash Ronnie has been dead for years now, his two trillion was a compromise with tippy and the democrat controled house...he wanted to destroy the U.S.S.R..tippy wanted tax increase

Win win for both freedom and stupid liberal social programs

What did obama spend his 10 trillion on?

If you know how to do mathematics..that would be times 5 what Ronnie and tippy spent 30 years ago..

And what did we get for our buck?




What the fuck Did obama spend 10 trillion dollars on ?

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt
Facts like this nation ran for no budget like 6 years?

...is that in English?

Obama doesn't owe china a single penny. OP is silly.

AMERICA owes Chinese bond holders.

Why? Because ultimately America has priorities: 1 [tax-cuts], 2 [not cutting spending]...5[national debt], in that order.

NOTHING will be done about budget until the right will accept some compromise, without it any real reform is not politically possible. Democrats will not budge on SS and Medicare/Medicaid unless conservatives budge on revenues.
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Just tell us how Ronnie is going to repay the debt fucktard.

It would, on the off chance Hillary is other than (once again) Former Candidate Clinton, be her debt. And I can assure you, Ronnie is not gonna pay it 'cause he's dead....though you Democrat Party Adherents (like snot that has congealed in one's nose) have, so fair, failed to comprehend that.

Just patching into the insanity of the thread. Congress appropriated every dime of Reagan's debt as it did Obama's. But somehow, Obama is the only one responsible....

We had 7 government shutdowns during the Reagan years. Two of them by Reagan in an attempt to curtail spending. And the Democrat controlled House did appropriate every dime of the Reagan debt.
Obama owes china over 3.2 trillion dollars , how will hillary pay his debt if she is elected?

The left hates it when you point out their hypocrisy and double standards. Trump owes China but a tiny fraction of the money they borrowed from China and they start foaming at the mouth threads about it. We point out the trillions of dollars the Dem's borrowed from China to fund their social programs and its total crickets from these assholes.

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