Obama OWNS Tax Increases


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
The tax increases of ObamaTax are going to be hung around his neck like a giant millstone.


HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes

By Charles Hurt

Conservatives gathering now for a low-tech lynching of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. need to take a quick breath of air and think about what he managed to accomplish by upholding President Obama’s highly unpopular, signature piece of legislation.

Though he shocked many by joining the left plank on the high court, Justice Roberts. pretty much did what he was supposed to do. He finally put a boundary on how much freedom the federal government can gobble up from states and individuals under the “commerce clause” — that most specious scheme for so much federal thievery.

Then he told President Obama and his kleptocrats in Congress that they can have their health care law, but they cannot keep lying about it. A tax is a tax and they are liars if they call it anything else. And they just stuck the crippled American taxpayer with one of the biggest, broadest, most regressive tax-hikes in history — and during a deep recession!

HURT: The silver lining? Now Obama owns his tax hikes - Washington Times
CaféAuLait;5535727 said:
–Pelosi: Senator Kennedy can now rest in peace. Mary Jo Kopechne unavailable for comment.


Maybe Huffington Post can resurrect their article where they said that Mary Jo would have thought Kennedy killing her was worth it given his career?

Melissa Lafsky: The Footnote Speaks: What Would Mary Jo Kopechne Have Thought of Ted's Career?

Yea, Mary Jo regrets that she had but one life to give to Kennedy's career.

This health care reform is the biggest tax increase in history.

Of course, Obama got defensive when he was trying to win support for his Obamacare and insisted that it was NOT a tax.

Obama: Mandate is Not a Tax - Video
Obama: Mandate is Not a Tax - ABC News

The individual mandate was deemed unconstitutional, but Obama-no-care was upheld because it was considered a fucking tax.

Lying Dems.
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CaféAuLait;5535727 said:
–Pelosi: Senator Kennedy can now rest in peace. Mary Jo Kopechne unavailable for comment.


Maybe Huffington Post can resurrect their article where they said that Mary Jo would have thought Kennedy killing her was worth it given his career?

Melissa Lafsky: The Footnote Speaks: What Would Mary Jo Kopechne Have Thought of Ted's Career?

Yea, Mary Jo regrets that she had but one life to give to Kennedy's career.

This health care reform is the biggest tax increase in history.

Of course, Obama got defensive when he was trying to win support for his Obamacare and insisted that it was NOT a tax.

Obama: Mandate is Not a Tax - Video
Obama: Mandate is Not a Tax - ABC News

The individual mandate was deemed unconstitutional, but Obama-no-care was upheld because it was consider a fucking tax.

Lying Dems.

It doesn't matter. Whatever they had to do to get it passed was justified. Don't you realize that, you unpatriotic so-and-so? ;) :rolleyes:
Why are tax increases always bad?

Maybe Americans need to be smart enough to figure out that taxes can not always go down and down and down, and sometimes you are actually better off when they go up.

Your taxes on money earned from shares are far too low, and the US would be in much better financial shape overall if they were at 35%, not 15%.
What "tax increases"?

My taxes won't go up. How will yours?

My taxes won't go up either since I will continue to buy health insurance. I guess all these free loaders who choose to let people like you and I subsidize their healthcare costs are just in a tizzy because they are finally being called out on their mooching ways. Now they will have to pay to mooch.
Why are tax increases always bad?

Maybe Americans need to be smart enough to figure out that taxes can not always go down and down and down, and sometimes you are actually better off when they go up.

Your taxes on money earned from shares are far too low, and the US would be in much better financial shape overall if they were at 35%, not 15%.

----------Raising ANY taxes during a recession is not just stupid it is ludicrus, even Obama said so when he agreed to exrending the Bush tax cuts. To raise taxes sky high in the largest tax hike in history in the same year that Bush tax cuts are due to expire again is beyond idiotic, beyond absurd, unless you WANT the economy to fall into another deep recession if not depression.

Right now the corporate tax rate is at 38%, highest in the world, while the tax on Capital Gains is 15%, this is the rate used in order to incurage investment. So if you what to make sure we punish any investment and guarantee there are no new jobs created and destroy whatever tiny recovery is going on then you have the right idea. In fact you'll probably force whatever companys that have been hanging on by their fingernails over the edge into bankrupcy and start an entire new round of layoffs and downsizing. BRILLIANT!
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What "tax increases"?

My taxes won't go up. How will yours?

My taxes won't go up either since I will continue to buy health insurance. I guess all these free loaders who choose to let people like you and I subsidize their healthcare costs are just in a tizzy because they are finally being called out on their mooching ways. Now they will have to pay to mooch.

------------Famous last words "My taxes arn't going up!" Let me know what your rate is like in January.
What "tax increases"?

My taxes won't go up. How will yours?

Mine will. I won't be able to pay them though, anymore than I can 'opt into' my employer healthcare at $125 per mo.

When the IRS chooses to garnish my wages, I'll stop working. No point.
----------Raising ANY taxes during a recession is not just stupid it is ludicrus,

No, that simply is ot true at all.

A great many countries - including Finland and our conservative government - have raised taxes during the recession, because the government needs more money.
Why are tax increases always bad?

Maybe Americans need to be smart enough to figure out that taxes can not always go down and down and down, and sometimes you are actually better off when they go up.

Your taxes on money earned from shares are far too low, and the US would be in much better financial shape overall if they were at 35%, not 15%.

Your joking right... I mean it isn't exactly the best of economic times in case you have not been paying attention. Unreal.
----------Raising ANY taxes during a recession is not just stupid it is ludicrus,

No, that simply is ot true at all.

A great many countries - including Finland and our conservative government - have raised taxes during the recession, because the government needs more money.

Ah the Scandinavian Liberal Utopia... Why am I not surprised.
What "tax increases"?

My taxes won't go up. How will yours?

My taxes won't go up either since I will continue to buy health insurance. I guess all these free loaders who choose to let people like you and I subsidize their healthcare costs are just in a tizzy because they are finally being called out on their mooching ways. Now they will have to pay to mooch.

There may well be freeloaders, but they are likely on Medicaid. There are many that cannot afford healthcare, even when offered by employer. The monthly cost would not allow them to pay rent, utilities, transportation costs, insurance, and food. So they without. Guess what? They won't be able to pay the tax either, so when IRS begins to garnish, they will quit working.
, while the tax on Capital Gains is 15%, this is the rate used in order to incurage investment. !

Any tax system which means millionires pay a lower tax % than the people who work for them is not encouraging investment.

It is not designed to encourage investment, it is designed to ensure the wealthy and powerful top 1% of Americans - who control 38% of the nations wealth - support the party who gave them the tax advantages.

Setting Capital Gains Tax at 30% would encourage investment, whilst also ensuring the wealthy paid a roughly similar % of tax as the poor. This, however, is not the point of the law.

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