Obama: "Parasites of the World Unite"

Socialism didn't improve our situation one bit. In fact, all the greatest economic catastrophes in history have occurred since the "progressives" took over our government and started converting it to socialism.

That is correct.

The worst depression in the nation's history was precipitated by the federal reserve board manipulating the currency.

The fuckers screwed up then used their misdeed to steal our gold.

Love the libertarian spin here.

The criminal by nature will be a lilbertarian.

Pedophiles are good examples of those who adopt libertarianism.

Tis what tis, libers. :lol:

Wow! Yet another king sized turd pulled out of your sizable lazy ass. Who know you were so full of shit?
The only 'crazy assed' people I see these days are rabid conservatives. You guys have long sinced jumped the moon when it comes to over-the-top hyperbolic rhetoric.


Dude, you're a hyper-partisan of the demagogue party, NOTHING the GOP comes up with even compares with the slander and libel that define your party.

That kind of language tells independents (whose votes you need to win the coming election) that you (the collective you) are either not serious people engaging in serious dialogue, or...you're just plain unhinged.

Not like the kind and gentle demagogues, huh?

Say, has Pelosi run her smears on Gingrich yet? Has your shameful party moved anyone next door to Michelle Bachmann to sniff her panties like you did with Palin?

And you know what? People perceived as unhinged (or the more generic, crazy, if you prefer) generally fail to convince rational people that their arguments have merit.

To that I say, keep on truckin'.

See what I mean about being an idiot of epic proportions? You're so brainwashed and ill informed, you actually believe "Russian people supported it for more than seventy years"?!?!? :lol: Dude - they were forced at the barrel of a gun to follow Communism. Why don't you learn your history before making statements on a subject?!?!?

Do you have any idea how many tens of thousands of people Joseph Stalin murdered in the name of their Socialism/Communism? Clearly not.

Stalin murdered between 65 million and 138 million peace time civilians. He is the single most bloody mass murderer in human history.

Dragon views that as just breaking a few eggs to make an omelet.
Socialism didn't improve our situation one bit. In fact, all the greatest economic catastrophes in history have occurred since the "progressives" took over our government and started converting it to socialism.

That is correct.

No, it's not.

Panic of 1837 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Panic of 1857 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Panic of 1873 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Panic of 1893 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Panic of 1907 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Depression of 1920

All of those occurred before the Great Depression, which ended the first era of laissez-faire in this country and began the era of the mixed economy. The Great Depression itself was a panic/depression very similar to those that had gone before it, unique mainly in that it provoked systematic reform at last.

By contrast, the period from the end of the Great Depression (1942) until the Reagan era, when we instituted our second period of laissez-faire, had no such economic collapses at all. There were recessions, but they were much milder and shorter than the ones of the laissez-faire era. And now, as we have returned largely to laissez-faire, again we find ourselves back in the bad old days.

Facts are stubborn things. ;)
Indeed they have. And a mixed socialist-capitalist economy gave us the greatest prosperity in the history of the world. Understandable that people would want to bring that back.

We had the greatest prosperity in the history of the world before the politicians ever started wholesale mixing of socialism into our economy.

Socialism didn't improve our situation one bit. In fact, all the greatest economic catastrophes in history have occurred since the "progressives" took over our government and started converting it to socialism.

You obviously don't know history. Prior to FDR, the American economy had regular boom periods followed by numerous busts (recessions and depressions). The Great Depression was merely the worst of the bunch.

Check out the numbers!

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mr. Dumb Ass, Sir:

Yes , there were recessions - they were small and only small sector of the economy was affected and in ALL cases the government was involved.


The Federal government acquired the constitutional authority to correct "inequality " how?

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; . . . To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;"

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8.

Is the part that says "correct inequality" written in invisible ink, because I keep looking and don't see it? Surely you don't think that "general welfare" means distribute the wealth of individuals among the population so everyone has the same amount do you? If so, you're going to have to provide evidence of such beyond your fantasyland say so.
The federal government has no authority to "fairly divide wealth" - whatever the fuck that means.


One of the distinguishing features between left and right is that the left supports the rule of man, where the right supports the rule of law.

The right supports the concept of codified law, where the duly legislated laws determine what a leader or representative may or may not do. The constitution defines what powers the government has and may assert.

To the left, a ruler has as much authority as he has the guns to back up, limited only by other men who would stop him. To the left, the word of a strongman like Stalin or Obama is the only law, they do as they please and declare law at their whim.

To say to the left that "government has no authority to fairly divide wealth," is a waste of time. To the left, the government has unlimited power to do whatever Barack Obama wants done.
You're kinda right. The Czars were overthrown..at the point of a gun. Much like the most revolutions, including the one in this country.

And many people died after the revolutions. Both of them.

Where's your critique about what happened in America? It wasn't bloodless..and eventually cost the lives of tens of thousands.

I'm curious, Shallow. You also now stand as an open Marxist, which a lot of democrats do. For years the democrats denied their tie to Marxism and desire to create a Soviet style dictatorship in America. Since Obama, that has changed and we see many of you openly defending and advocating Communism.

So were you and the other Marxists just lying all those years you denied being Communists, or did you suddenly convert?
Sheesh..right in the preamble.

The Constitution of the United States

Preamble Note

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

That's the why, not the what.

Like most of the Marxists here, you're not exactly a constitutional scholar.

Yes , there were recessions - they were small and only small sector of the economy was affected

Please check out my links in the post above yours. You are completely factually wrong in this statement.

and in ALL cases the government was involved.

"Involved" -- what a nice, usefully vague term. :tongue:

It amounts to saying "in all cases, the government existed." Well, yes, it did. Can you show that the government CAUSED all of these panics?
We had the greatest prosperity in the history of the world before the politicians ever started wholesale mixing of socialism into our economy.

Socialism didn't improve our situation one bit. In fact, all the greatest economic catastrophes in history have occurred since the "progressives" took over our government and started converting it to socialism.

You obviously don't know history. Prior to FDR, the American economy had regular boom periods followed by numerous busts (recessions and depressions). The Great Depression was merely the worst of the bunch.

Check out the numbers!

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mr. Dumb Ass, Sir:

Yes , there were recessions - they were small and only small sector of the economy was affected and in ALL cases the government was involved.



That's because the "small" sector of society..were the very rich.

Everyone else in America was very poor.

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