Obama passes cognitive test by reciting the first fifty digits of pi!

Who gives a fuck about Obama? He already ruined the country. And he isn't running, so why make a thread about it?

The question is the child molester Biden still sharp? Me thinks not.
Biden will be Obama 2.0

America can’t wait

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Barack Obama recently passed a cognitive test that required him to recite the first fifty digits of pi, the former President has disclosed.​
Obama took the test voluntarily, he said, in order to reassure his employers at Netflix that he was “of sound mind.”​
“Netflix has made a big investment in me as a producer, and I thought it was important for them to know that I was all right upstairs,” Obama said.​
The former President said that he enjoyed taking the test, including a section that required him to memorize and then recite a hundred verses of the Iliad.​
“That was actually a lot of fun,” Obama said. “Greek is such a beautiful language.”​
Although he passed the test, Obama said that there were moments when he felt “rusty” and “not as sharp as I was back in the day.”​
“I definitely need to do some more mental exercises,” he said. “One hour of three-dimensional chess with Bill Gates every morning isn’t getting it done.”​

He can manage to recite the first 50 digits of pie, but failed to reduce my health care bill by even a penny.

Still a failure.
Who gives a fuck about Obama? He already ruined the country. And he isn't running, so why make a thread about it?

The question is the child molester Biden still sharp? Me thinks not.
Biden will be Obama 2.0

America can’t wait

BWAHAHAHAHA! Good heavens you people are mentally damaged.

Let's pretend we lived in the communist single-party state you guys dream of.

Even then, Biden would certainly not be on the same level as Obama, and that's saying something given how low Obama was.
And then reciting the first 50 pages of the Koran.

While Trump tear gasses protestors so he can get a photo op of a book he's never read.


i bet he read mein kampf.
It's been reported the only book in his apartment was one of Hitler's speeches.
Was that 50 or 57 ?

LOL, beat me to it... somebody wasn't thinking when they came up with idiotic schtick. Zero has no idea how many states are in the US, much less anything about sophisticated geometric relationships.

Hey Hussein, how many blacks were killed in Shitcongo last year?
And then reciting the first 50 pages of the Koran.

While Trump tear gasses protestors so he can get a photo op of a book he's never read.


i bet he read mein kampf.
It's been reported the only book in his apartment was one of Hitler's speeches.

This is true - And I'm betting he read them.
Almost indistinguishable from the garbage that flies out his pie-hole daily.
Bet ya Stephen Miller read those too!

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