Obama Plans To Bail Out Insurance Companies


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Most of us have likely seen the signs in retail stores "It you break it, you own it", so there is some logic to Obama maneuvering to bail out the Insurance Companies he has "broken" with his economically illiterate and liberty destroying ObamaCare...BUT...he's going to use OUR MONEY to do it.

Yet more Obama Big Government Cronyism.

The Obama administration has quietly adjusted key provisions of its signature healthcare law to potentially make billions of additional taxpayer dollars available to the insurance industry if companies providing coverage through the Affordable Care Act lose money.

The move was buried in hundreds of pages of new regulations issued late last week. It comes as part of an intensive administration effort to hold down premium increases for next year, a top priority for the White House as the rates will be announced ahead of this fall's congressional elections.

Administration officials for months have denied charges by opponents that they plan a "bailout" for insurance companies providing coverage under the healthcare law.

They continue to argue that most insurers shouldn't need to substantially increase premiums because safeguards in the healthcare law will protect them over the next several years.

But the change in regulations essentially provides insurers with another backup: If they keep rate increases modest over the next couple of years but lose money, the administration will tap federal funds as needed to cover shortfalls....

Federal funds earmarked to offset Affordable Care Act insurer losses*-*Los Angeles Times
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Of course he does, he's already bailed BIG Corporations with OscamCare

But some still believe the lie the Democrats/progressives are for,the little guy, the poor, middle class
Is health care really affordable when the rates are held artificially low because the government borrows $Billions in order to bail out the Insurance Companies? Given the inflationary and economic growth impacts, the resulting flattening/decline of inflation adjusted middle class incomes makes this health care increasingly expensive.

Obama has been the MOST CORRUPTED, law breaking, lying, cover ups, scandals of any administration I've lived under

Call your Representatives and demand he be IMPEACHED before he does anymore damage to us
Just a matter of time now. The people will cry out for singler payer health care.
The Progs goal all along has been to turn us into Serfs of The State.

Those of us who work are already tax serfs; and those with lots of debt are debt serfs to the Big Government Crony banksters. And now, with healthcare, we are being turned into body serfs.

What could possible go wrong with this?

Federal ‘Biosurveillance’ Plan Seeking Direct Access to Americans’ Private Medical Records

The federal government is piecing together a sweeping national “biosurveillance” system that will give bureaucrats near real-time access to Americans’ private medical information in the name of national security, according to Twila Brase, a public health nurse and co-founder of the Citizens Council for Health Freedom.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is currently seeking public comment on a 52-page draft of the proposed “National Health Security Strategy 2015-2018” (NHSS).

The deadline for comment is 5 pm EST on May 21st. (See Draft National Health Security Strategy 2015-2018.pdf)

“Health situational awareness includes biosurveillance and other health and non-health inputs (e.g., lab/diagnostics, health service utilization, active intelligence, and supply chain information), as well as systems and processes for effective communication among responders and critical health resource monitoring and allocation,” the draft states.

But Brase warns that the NHSS proposal would allow the federal government to monitor an individual’s behavior before, during and after any government-defined health “incident” – which could be anything from a local outbreak of the flu to a terrorist anthrax attack.

“It’s very broad. It doesn’t seem to have any limits, except they say something about, you know, properly protecting the data. But from our perspective, if the government gets access to this kind of data, [and] is allowed to do research with the data…then our privacy has already been compromised. The government has already said that our data is their data for their purposes of national health security,” Brase told CNSNews.com.

“It’s very clear to us that really the government is moving toward real-time access, toward close collaboration of government and doctors for ready access to the electronic medical record and then to conduct research and analysis.”

“I don’t think they ever mentioned the word merging, but this is a very close connection they want between public health, which is the government, and clinical health, which is your doctor’s office and the hospital, for whatever diseases they choose to have reported,” she added.

Brase noted that the information collected by the government will be “all-encompassing” and include “what our health status is, whether we exercise, how often we get a cold, or what kind of medications we’re taking. They’re also looking at the climate, and the economic condition of the country, as all being a party of this National Health Security Strategy.”

“In other words, anything and everything could become a health threat by the government’s standards,” she said.

Federal ?Biosurveillance? Plan Seeking Direct Access to Americans? Private Medical Records | CNS News
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The VA waiting list death panels are a preview of coming Single Payer Attractions.
Are people really this dumb? They will get it from us twx payors either coming or going whether it be through premium increases or some other hidden form of taxation.
Just a matter of time now. The people will cry out for singler payer health care.

I'm not really hearing that. More like 70 percent don't want anything to do with obamacare or single payer.

We are already past the point of no return. Free market solutions are out of the picture now. When ObamaCare fails to drive down health care costs, the people will double down and start demanding single payer.

Watch and see. It will happen within the next 20 years, and that is a conservative guess. It would not surprise me if it happens sooner.
It isn't new, it was built into the ACA.
This is what the Risk Corridors are for, it was always planned this way.....and it is only supposed to last 3 years then g is right, single payor will be the order of the day.
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I understand how frustrated people are about the federal government bailing out private companies.
The ACA, however, is unique in that insurers must take on all comers, regardless of health, within the open enrollment period.
People who are diagnosed with cancer, say in Sept., need to wait for only a few months until coverage must be offered - in full, no riders, no limits, etc.
Three others and I recently applied to the Texas Department of Insurance for a license for a life and health insurer.
We will be offering a unique product, a patented design in which we worked with Milliman, a well-respected actuarial firm for three years, to craft the details.
The plan will be initially offered to self-funded employers of 200 or more employees.
We are deathly afriid of entering the exchanges, with all the potential adverse selection that can occur.
Working with employers, and assuming more of their risk, gradually, over time, is much more palatable for us and will be extremely effective for employers who want to exit the insurance business, albeit more gradually than through the private exchanges. A bit more patience can result in premium savings up to 80% from today's premiums, even including medical inflation.
Don Levit,CLU,ChFC

I am interested in knowing how you can market non compliant plans?
I understand how frustrated people are about the federal government bailing out private companies.
The ACA, however, is unique in that insurers must take on all comers, regardless of health, within the open enrollment period.
People who are diagnosed with cancer, say in Sept., need to wait for only a few months until coverage must be offered - in full, no riders, no limits, etc.
Three others and I recently applied to the Texas Department of Insurance for a license for a life and health insurer.
We will be offering a unique product, a patented design in which we worked with Milliman, a well-respected actuarial firm for three years, to craft the details.
The plan will be initially offered to self-funded employers of 200 or more employees.
We are deathly afriid of entering the exchanges, with all the potential adverse selection that can occur.
Working with employers, and assuming more of their risk, gradually, over time, is much more palatable for us and will be extremely effective for employers who want to exit the insurance business, albeit more gradually than through the private exchanges. A bit more patience can result in premium savings up to 80% from today's premiums, even including medical inflation.
Don Levit,CLU,ChFC

I hate to tell you this, Don, but you can not patent an insurance plan. And 80% saving is premium is impossible, without a comparable savings in benefits.

VandalsHandle, FLMI, CLU, ChFC, HIAA. Former VP of Underwriting and Compliance.
Just a matter of time now. The people will cry out for singler payer health care.

After seeing the mess at the VA? Not likely.

I am not so sure the VA situation does not play right into this.

How? It is basically single payer, itself and look at all the money thrown at it and what do you have? Unimaginable waits, and lack of care, with people dying because of it.
I am not so sure the VA situation does not play right into this.

How? It is basically single payer, itself and look at all the money thrown at it and what do you have? Unimaginable waits, and lack of care, with people dying because of it.

As the grounds for "improving" the broken system in its entirety.
By sweeping in the whole healthcare system that, with a small example in the VA, is proven to be broken? And they think they can sell that by so doing, making it better when you increase its size much more than 10 fold? Anyone with any sense will see the faulty reasoning of that.
Just a matter of time now. The people will cry out for singler payer health care.

Why, Obamacare is here to stay and anyone that bitchs is just a far right hater... Obamacare could never just fail and piss off hundreds of millions on it's own, like it's currently doing. No it has to be some bullshit effort from the side of the Republicans, sabotaging Obamacare right g5?

Point is, Obama can be repealed simply because it will be unsustainable. It will not matter is Republicans chit talk it, it's doomed because it started too big and too late in the game for America, we already are running deficits due to other giant failing programs, but these programs already have most the nation hooked on it's welfare.

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