obama: Please Pull Your Troops Back, Putin: Piss Off, Punk

So war with Russia is a good idea? I'm missing what Obama has done wrong here. So friggin what if Russia takes back land that has mostly Russians on it.

And being all macho in foreign policy is already a proven flop anyway, after the Bushies encouraged Georgia to fight Russia, and Russia swatted Georgia down. The chest-beating Bushtards got totally depantsed by Pooty Poot, and it happened in front of the whole world. I loved it.

obama has done so many things wrong, it will fill history books for years to come. There is no single thing that he was stupid about. That said, one of the major errors was making threats when he never had any intention of backing them up. This started way back with the famous red line in Syria.

I believe he had every intention of bombing Syria, like he did with Libya. The American people stopped him from repeating the mistake of Libya. We learned our lesson from the failed & flopped Iraq Debacle.
Bottom line is this.... Putin has NO respect for the boy. He is going to do whatever it is he wants to do and the boy isn't going to do anything about it.


the boy stabbed Iraq in the back. the boy stabbed Egypt in the back. the boy stabbed Israel in the back, the boy stabbed the Syrian rebels in the back. the boy stabbed Karzai and the Afghan people in the back. And the boy is in the process of stabbing Ukraine in the back.

he is a punk, a coward, a back-stabbing bitch and the worst president this Country has ever had.

No wonder dimocrap scum love him

Forgot about Libya. he stabbed them in the back, too
this is just obama bashing, and, people have conveniently forgotten what tough talk followed by action - when the tough talk was ignored - got us in the past...

...20 years mired in iraq, at great cost.

why did obama go on an apology tour from jump street which was like blowing a dog whistle?

Come and get us world, we deserve it


what's this "we" crap? Conservatives americans are the cause of anti-americanism. The world deserves an apology from conservative americans, because they make the world worse than it otherwise would be.

Over half of Syria's chemical weapons have now been destroyed or secured. How many American lives were lost?

And you know this because obama told you.

Syria misses deadline on chemical weapons

Syria missed another deadline Wednesday for destroying its chemical weapons amid a British report that Bashar Assad's regime is stockpiling the weaponry for use in case the country is partitioned.

The few facts are, Russia IS prepared to go to war to achieve its goals. The US is NOT prepared to go to war to stop them. There will be no war. Instead, obama is both downgrading and downsizing our ability to go to war for any reason at all. Not even in defense of the country. obama thinks this is a debate in the faculty lounge. All he has to do is explain to Putin, very carefully, why he can't do what he's doing and Putin will see the light and stop. The annexing of Crimea wasn't an act of hostility. It was because Putin got some bad legal advice. Send over some lawyers with an appropriate legal brief, it will be over.

All you idiots do is bash Obama and NEVER offer a viable alternative.

Do you want to put half a million American troops in the Ukraine to try to keep Putin out?

A viable alternative is to impeach this sorry ass excuse for a presidunce and put someone in office who is capable of dealing with reality instead of faculty lounge hypotheticals.

At this point, we should not put anyone in the Ukraine at all. Congratulate the Crimean people on their use of democracy and exercise of self determination and move on. There is nothing we can do to stop Russia in Ukraine. Begging isn't going to work. Threatening with absolutely no intention of following through just makes obama look even more ridiculous than he already is and offering catering services to the battle made it worse.

At the very least, obama could check with Europe before running off half cocked threatening sanctions when Europe wasn't behind him.
And you know this because obama told you.

Syria misses deadline on chemical weapons

Syria missed another deadline Wednesday for destroying its chemical weapons amid a British report that Bashar Assad's regime is stockpiling the weaponry for use in case the country is partitioned.

The few facts are, Russia IS prepared to go to war to achieve its goals. The US is NOT prepared to go to war to stop them. There will be no war. Instead, obama is both downgrading and downsizing our ability to go to war for any reason at all. Not even in defense of the country. obama thinks this is a debate in the faculty lounge. All he has to do is explain to Putin, very carefully, why he can't do what he's doing and Putin will see the light and stop. The annexing of Crimea wasn't an act of hostility. It was because Putin got some bad legal advice. Send over some lawyers with an appropriate legal brief, it will be over.

All you idiots do is bash Obama and NEVER offer a viable alternative.

Do you want to put half a million American troops in the Ukraine to try to keep Putin out?

I already gave you, specifically, a plan of action.

My first alternative would be for the boy to resign. Then for biden to resign. At that point we'd have Boehner in Office. He could break into tears in front of Putin and appear tougher than the boy is.

And STILL you can't figure out why so many of your threads end up in the garbage dump.
Bottom line is this: It should have never come to this. With a mature, intelligent, adult running things in the Whiet House, it almost certainly would have never gotten this bad.

The mistake was invading Iraq illegally, and then expecting Russia to follow international law, that we broke.
This is just Obama bashing, and, people have conveniently forgotten what tough talk followed by action - when the tough talk was ignored - got us in the past...

...20 years mired in Iraq, at great cost.

Why did Obama go on an apology tour from jump street which was like blowing a dog whistle?

Come and get us world, we deserve it


He didn't, and it wouldn't matter.

Oh? meh- I stand corrected...

Thanks for the clarity :eusa_shifty:

Oh yes. Forget this absurd idea that if we unilaterally disarm we can bring peace to the world.
All you idiots do is bash Obama and NEVER offer a viable alternative.

Do you want to put half a million American troops in the Ukraine to try to keep Putin out?

I already gave you, specifically, a plan of action.

My first alternative would be for the boy to resign. Then for biden to resign. At that point we'd have Boehner in Office. He could break into tears in front of Putin and appear tougher than the boy is.

And STILL you can't figure out why so many of your threads end up in the garbage dump.

I already know why so many of my threads get sent to the hinterlands of the Forum.

You people mass-complain about them to the Mods while you're starting flame wars inside the threads.

Maybe the Mods will figure this tactic out someday.

Or not :dunno:
You sound like a scared pussy to me. Shivering in your bed at night, scared that you might get called up to serve.

Typical coward.

I have $50,000 on hand RIGHT now that says I can prove I am decorated Combat Veteran of the United States Army's 5th Special Forces Group.

I will put it up against your $50k RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

We can find a neutral spot that will hold the money. You can pick one Special Forces Officer or Enlisted Veteran, I will pick one and we can bilaterally agree on a Third.

And I will then enjoy taking your $50k.... That you don't have. And will have to borrow from your mommy.

I have it. Right now. Right fucking now.

I'm willing to put it up. We'll have to use an offshore account since gambling is illegal in the United States. But, you see something punk-ass bitch cockbreath scumbag.....

I ain't gambling. I'll take your money.

But I've run into lying, scum-sucking, mommy's boys like you on every Message Board on the 'net.

Put the money up.

You won't.

Because you're a coward. I can find an offshore account to hold the money in. Might take a few days to make sure it's not compromised, but I can find it.

You're a punk and you're coward.

You couldn't carry my shoes, bitch.

If you wanna make your self feel better about backing away like the coward you are, ask mudwhistle what he thinks about my claim.

Do yourself a favor and run away like the coward you were born to be.

One other thing...... Be careful about calling men like me out in person.

It might be the last thing you ever do.

edgetho, stfu, you pussy! And stop the threats you will regret.

I don't make threats. Never have, never will.

That was some free advice.

John, your advice is worthless, always has been.
Bottom line is this: It should have never come to this. With a mature, intelligent, adult running things in the Whiet House, it almost certainly would have never gotten this bad.

The mistake was invading Iraq illegally, and then expecting Russia to follow international law, that we broke.

That's what democrats say. What Putin says is that we broke that international law when BJ Clinton went to battle in Kosovo to support breakaway muslims.
lol, I'm sure this will all disappear when the conservatives' new champion Rand Paul gets elected in 2016,

given the Paul-ist attitudes on defense spending and foreign interventionism.
All you idiots do is bash Obama and NEVER offer a viable alternative.

Do you want to put half a million American troops in the Ukraine to try to keep Putin out?

The viable alternative is to fire his sick ass. However, there is no will in Washington to impeach the first black POTUS- that's because yes, we are as a nation... RACIST
We refuse to treat Obama like a white man... thus... no impeachment.

We need diversity training obviously :lol:


That's it, don't miss your opportunity to make this about race;

I am so glad we have you as a perfect representative of the modern American conservative on this board,

racist and clueless.

I said we are racist didn't I? Now, if we had the nads to impeach his ass then yes, maybe I could entertain the notion that America has turned the tide of racism within our borders. Well, what's left of them. But that's for another day

Bottom line is this: It should have never come to this. With a mature, intelligent, adult running things in the Whiet House, it almost certainly would have never gotten this bad.

The mistake was invading Iraq illegally, and then expecting Russia to follow international law, that we broke.

That's what democrats say. What Putin says is that we broke that international law when BJ Clinton went to battle in Kosovo to support breakaway muslims.

That's what honest Americans of all persuasion say, while Clinton worked legally within international conventions. Bush reneged on them when he entered office.
I already gave you, specifically, a plan of action.

My first alternative would be for the boy to resign. Then for biden to resign. At that point we'd have Boehner in Office. He could break into tears in front of Putin and appear tougher than the boy is.

And STILL you can't figure out why so many of your threads end up in the garbage dump.

I already know why so many of my threads get sent to the hinterlands of the Forum.

You people mass-complain about them to the Mods while you're starting flame wars inside the threads.

Maybe the Mods will figure this tactic out someday.

Or not :dunno:

Try acting like a civilized adult and see if that helps.




Bottom line is this.... Putin has NO respect for the boy. He is going to do whatever it is he wants to do and the boy isn't going to do anything about it.


the boy stabbed Iraq in the back. the boy stabbed Egypt in the back. the boy stabbed Israel in the back, the boy stabbed the Syrian rebels in the back. the boy stabbed Karzai and the Afghan people in the back. And the boy is in the process of stabbing Ukraine in the back.

he is a punk, a coward, a back-stabbing bitch and the worst president this Country has ever had.

No wonder dimocrap scum love him

Forgot about Libya. he stabbed them in the back, too

Wow. What a delusional wingtard you are.

Here's some truth:

Invading Iraq was the error, not the withdrawal. Doing anything to keep Mubarek in power would have been overly meddlesome, increased anti-American terrorism, and was impossible anyway. Israel is an overly aggressive warmonger whose parasitic, socialist residents spooge on the American taxpayer, and who now wants to lick their fingers clean of our soldiers' blood in a war on Iran. I'm glad the Syrian rebels got no help, and are now losing. Assad is awful, but better than the Sunni warlords who would slaughter non-Sunnis if they won. We should have left Afghanistan after we finally got OBL. Who cares about that place now? Not me. And the Ukraine never should have been given Crimea to begin with. The USSR gave them Crimea in the 1950s. Why should we be so respectful of a Soviet dictator's decision, which no doubt displeased the people actually living on Crimea? Russia took over land populated with Russians. Ooooh, big deal.
This is just Obama bashing, and, people have conveniently forgotten what tough talk followed by action - when the tough talk was ignored - got us in the past...

...20 years mired in Iraq, at great cost.

Why did Obama go on an apology tour from jump street which was like blowing a dog whistle?

Come and get us world, we deserve it


What's this "we" crap? Conservatives Americans are the cause of Anti-Americanism. The world deserves an apology from conservative Americans, because they make the world worse than it otherwise would be.
You stupid shit, obama has been president coming on 6 years. Anything going on democrats own it.
Why did Obama go on an apology tour from jump street which was like blowing a dog whistle?

Come and get us world, we deserve it


What's this "we" crap? Conservatives Americans are the cause of Anti-Americanism. The world deserves an apology from conservative Americans, because they make the world worse than it otherwise would be.
You stupid shit, obama has been president coming on 6 years. Anything going on democrats own it.

What's the problem that Obama has caused? Not enough wars? :eusa_boohoo:

Conservatives' preferred macho-man foreign policy had two times to make its pitch to the voters, in 08 and 12, and lost. Deservedly so too.

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