Obama Policies Fueled Our Economic Boom. Don’t Let Trump And His Rich Man’s Tax Cut Steal The Credit

Don't let Trump steal Obama's credit.

Only in a liberal mind do they think an anti business president was better than a pro business president

It was Quantitive easing that helped Wall Street

It was red State govenors who got the jobs

Obama didn't do shit except slow it down with Obama care , with his fucking EPA
1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).

Mandated by President Barack Obama and finalized in 2016, these regulations “threatened to put domestic extraction companies and their employees at an unfair disadvantage,”White House press secretary Sean Spicer said.

The resolution, signed by Trump in February, repealed the rule and “could save American businesses as much as $600 million annually,” Spicer said.

13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

So, coal production is up then. Like higher than during the Obama administration. And coal exports are up too, right?

Quarterly Coal Report - Energy Information Administration

Ruh Roh. Guess not.
serious? you posted this. Seriously? no third and fourth quarter numbers. so how do you tell 2017 without those numbers? Seriously? did you wake up and stupid entered your body or did you fall asleep with it?

Exports were down, and production is not near levels early in the Obama administration. Those regulations that were eliminated didn't do jack shit for coal production, which is more a factor of natural gas prices than any regulation. That is what has been driving the decline in coal, cheaper natural gas prices due to fracking.

But those regulations did one thing, they prevented companies from externalizing costs. So speaking of stupid, you idiots actually support allowing coal companies to externalize their costs, which means YOU PAY instead of they pay.

And the stock market. Well no shit it is booming. Corporations just got a massive tax cut, naturally their stocks, which is nothing more than the perceived value of their future earnings, went up. But it is an artificial and temporary increase. Once the full value of the tax cut has been built in to the market expect little to any gain and actually, well we should be well on our way to a recession within the next two years, probably see the first signs before the midterms. The interest rate yield curve is about to be inverted and that has always been the first sign of a recession.

Amen! Thank you! Trump is trying to artificially juice a good economy left to him by President Obama. This won't end well. Any fool can juice the economy with deregulation and tax cuts - but at what price later? There is a time and place for government to juice the economy - but now isn't it.

Why is it not the time to juice the economy, is it not as shovel ready as we thought, did you forget about those words and who said it.

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In this economy - Trump should have started out with infrastructure spending which is greatly needed. I don't foresee any corporations voluntarily repairing our infrastructure. Do you?
Are you attempting to classify W as a "conservative?"
Can you tell us precisely what W did that was "conservative?"

1. Deregulation: His regulators backed off lending requirements for subprime loans, and allowed the industry to "self-police"
2. Tax Cuts: Bush erased a budget surplus, producing four record deficits in 8 years that doubled the debt. In fact, Bush credited his tax cuts for the Housing Bubble while campaigning in 2004.
3. Grew debt: Without people using their homes as ATMs, Bush's economy was the worst since the Depression. He also grew debt by more than any single President before him, and nearly doubled what all Presidents had added.
4. Preemptive war: Invading and occupying two middle eastern countries that had nothing to do with 9/11.
5. Bigotry: Pushed anti-LGBT platforms and unconstitutional amendments

Cut, pasted and parroted as usual.

The banks used to be almost unregulated, and we never had a crash like we did in 2008. Government involvement in banking grew by leaps and bounds, and set course for DISASTER when Dem activist FRANKLIN RAINES (who pocketed $200 million personally) started insuring mortgages from people who could not pay...

When BANKS did not have GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE INSURANCE, they did not lend to uncreditworthy homebuyers.

THAT is what BIG GOVERNMENT DOES - in makes a mess and in the end FRANKLIN RAINES get rich and the US people get SCREWED.

tax cuts without spending cuts are not conservative - never have been, never will be = Newt vs. W....

Growing the Debt is not conservative, unless you want to call Obama a "conservative"

War is not conservative. Conservative foreign policy is non-interventionalist.

You are a SUB HUMAN.

You understand NOTHING

All you do is PARROT
Thanks for reminding us what the TAX AND SPENDING CUTS of Newt Gingrich did for the US....

What spending cuts? Every Clinton budget was bigger than the year before. And what tax cuts? Clinton raised taxes in 1993. The only taxes Newt cut were the Corporate Gains taxes, and that cut is specifically what caused the dotcom bubble.

Budget surplus.

Thanks to Clinton. Conservatives tried to pass a tax cut in 1999 that Clinton vetoed that would have erased the surplus. You don't know much history, which is weird because you literally have the world at your fingertips so you can fact-check yourself.

booming economy

Thanks, Clinton. But wait - wasn't NAFTA during Clinton? So....booming economy or not? Make up your mind.

foreign companies re-locating here

??? No, they weren't re-locating, they were expanding into the US consumer market. That's different than merely re-locating your tax headquarters, dumbass.

low end wage inflation

Thanks, Clinton...who raised the minimum wage in 1996 and 1997.

5% real unemployment (unlike Barack's "unemployment number" that wrote off 50 million un/underemployed Americans

The U6 has never been 5%. You just make shit up off the top of your head.
Don't let Trump steal Obama's credit.

Only in a liberal mind do they think an anti business president was better than a pro business president

It was Quantitive easing that helped Wall Street

It was red State govenors who got the jobs

Obama didn't do shit except slow it down with Obama care , with his fucking EPA

President Obama was great for the economy. He gave us a stable and sustainable economy as he lifted us from the Great Bush Recession - while also trying to keep us from choking to death on coal fumes and pollution.
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He gave us a stable and sustainable economy -

Adding $10 trillion to the National Debt every 8 years is "sustainable?"


Just how obsessed are leftists who steal from the US taxpayer???

Who did that? Bush? How much NEW debt did President Obama create that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? Bush's debt obligations didn't just end on the day President Obama was sworn in. President Obama inherited TWO wars that Bush was paying for "OFF THE BOOKS" and Bush cut taxes during wartime - which was unprecedented in American history.
Don't let Trump steal Obama's credit.

Only in a liberal mind do they think an anti business president was better than a pro business president

It was Quantitive easing that helped Wall Street

It was red State govenors who got the jobs

Obama didn't do shit except slow it down with Obama care , with his fucking EPA

That's as stupid as your avatar. President Obama was great for the economy. He gave us a stable and sustainable economy as he lifted us from the Great Bush Recession - while also trying to keep us from choking to death on coal fumes and pollution.

Those are the facts ...prove other wise Obama didn't do shit to create jobs you illegal moron .
W spent and spent and spent too.

W socialized senior drugs, flooding our high schools with addictive pills already paid for at LIST PRICE from the US taxpayer

W flushed a $1 trillion into the public education bureaucracy in NO CHILD and left in 2008 with record low test scores

W was a disaster. Obama was a disaster.


Those who CUT/CONTROL spending are Patriotic Americans.
He gave us a stable and sustainable economy -

Adding $10 trillion to the National Debt every 8 years is "sustainable?"


Just how obsessed are leftists who steal from the US taxpayer???

Who did that? Bush? Bush left President Obama with two wars that were kept "off the books" and tax cuts that were unprecedented during wartime. President Obama cleaned up his mess.

Clean up what mess he gave rise to ISIS , started another war in Libya he was a complete cluster fuck
Cut, pasted and parroted as usual.

I'm no Conservative...I don't copy and paste other people's work while trying to take credit for it. All of what I posted are my original writings of Conservative policy that you embraced along with Bush the Dumber who you also embraced but want us all to believe you didn't so you can have credibility on an anonymous message board. Punch it into a search engine -anywhere- and you'll see it was a 100% Derp original.

And really, if that's why you're doing that...then just kill yourself.

The banks used to be almost unregulated, and we never had a crash like we did in 2008. Government involvement in banking grew by leaps and bounds, and set course for DISASTER when Dem activist FRANKLIN RAINES (who pocketed $200 million personally) started insuring mortgages from people who could not pay...

We had a crash very similar to 2008 in 1989 and 1929. You don't know much about this.

When BANKS did not have GOVERNMENT MORTGAGE INSURANCE, they did not lend to uncreditworthy homebuyers.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING? That's exactly what they were doing throughout the 1920's. Fuck fuck's sake, if you're going to lie at least make the lie fucking believable. Why do you think prompted the Glass-Steagall rules in 1933? Why do you think the government separated investment banks from commercial banks? WHAT DO YOU THINK THE S&L SCANDAL WAS ALL ABOUT??????

Seriously, Dexter, you need a big-time time-out. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. This is embarrassing.

tax cuts without spending cuts are not conservative - never have been, never will be = Newt vs. W....

Keep moving those goalposts...you forget that the Conservatives tried to pass a deficit-inducing tax cut in 1999 that Clinton vetoed. That tax cut would pass in 2001 and were known as The Bush Tax Cuts.

Growing the Debt is not conservative, unless you want to call Obama a "conservative"

Growing debt is entirely Conservative. In fact, debt was the only thing that kept Bush's economy afloat. People using their homes as ATMs is what grew Bush's economy. That's debt. But it's even worse because it's debt-on-debt. Bush grew debt by nearly 100%, Reagan grew debt by nearly 200%...at the time, you Conservatives didn't say squat about the debt. Not a peep. So I don't believe your debt concern is genuine, mostly because I think you don't even understand what debt is.

War is not conservative. Conservative foreign policy is non-interventionalist.

LOL! That's hilarious. Must be why all those Conservatives were celebrating Obama's withdrawal from Iraq. Wait - they didn't!? WHAAAAAAAAA? How could that be? I have a Conservative right here telling me that they oppose interventionist policy, yet they oppose pulling out of Iraq? I think y'all are confused or have brain damage.
We had a crash very similar to 2008 in 1989 and 1929.


The 1989 "crash" cost the US taxpayer what???

1929 was the stock market bubble bursting.

You understand nothing, because you LIE about NOT BEING A PARROT when, in reality, all you do is PARROT because


Zionists are not "conservatives." Rupert Murdoch is not a "conservative," he is a Zionist who backed BILL CLINTON in 1992 because BILL CLINTON promised to INVADE IRAQ....

Time to get a clue.

Was that a 757 or a cruise missile?

You didn't cut and paste someone else's answer yet...
8 years of Obama, some good, some bad, lots in the middle, but must be given at least some credit for getting us through a very bad time that was thrown at him from day one.it's a big hard job to start with, the big banks failing, was scary.
Growing debt is entirely Conservative.

So, by your standard....

The "most conservative" President in US history was


who ran up National Debt to the tune of $10 trillion, twice what his completely sold out treasonous big spending predecessor did....
8 years of Obama, some good, some bad, lots in the middle, but must be given at least some credit for getting us through a very bad time that was thrown at him from day one.it's a big hard job to start with, the big banks failing, was scary.
Actually, I don't believe he deserves any credit at all.

The economy is a self-correcting instrument, if left alone to its natural forces. I would maintain that Obama's mucking with it slowed the recovery, and cost the people trillions of dollars. (I'm not even going to talk about the national debt). Obama completely mismanaged the recovery.

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