Obama Policies Fueled Our Economic Boom. Don’t Let Trump And His Rich Man’s Tax Cut Steal The Credit

Don't let Trump steal Obama's credit.

Trump didn’t steal Obables credit, Obable added it to our US debts, 9 trillion, your Obable was wonderful wasn’t he?

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Funny. Please answer the following with "credible" sources:

How much new debt did Obama create that wasn't a direct/indirect result of Bush actions/policies?
credible? no point in answering that then. you think only libturd news is news. fake, but news.
Don't let Trump steal Obama's credit.

Trump didn’t steal Obables credit, Obable added it to our US debts, 9 trillion, your Obable was wonderful wasn’t he?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Funny. Please answer the following with "credible" sources:

How much new debt did Obama create that wasn't a direct/indirect result of Bush actions/policies?

Donald Trump is good at certain things. (Please take a deep breath and don’t throw your mouse or laptop at the wall.) I have not come to praise Mr. Lost The Popular Vote By 2.9 Million. But the truth is the truth—even if the truth is something Trump wouldn’t recognize if it landed right on the dyed bird’s nest that covers his dome. In any case, we must acknowledge that the man has demonstrated the ability to shape the media narrative for his own nefarious purposes.

For example, when the term “fake news” first gained widespread usage during the 2016 campaign, it most often referred to anti-Hillary, pro-Trump stories planted by non-journalists on social media. Trump, however, has over the past year co-opted the term successfully enough so that, for many, it now primarily refers to mainstream journalists’ supposed anti-Trump bias. Similarly, he has sought to control the narrative about the strong performance of the American economy, and last week’s passage of the rich man’s tax cut is going to be a crucial pivot point in that narrative. The mainstream media and the American people simply cannot allow him to control it the way he has controlled the narrative on fake news.

Throughout his time in the White House, Trump has been obsessed with denigrating the accomplishments of Barack Obama (Think: “Obamacare is imploding”—it isn’t, but who knows what will happen next year as a result of Trump’s repeal of the individual mandate and other steps taken to sabotage the health care law).

Washington Post fact-checker Nicole Lewis offered a detailed comparison of the economy under Trump thus far and Obama. There’s far too much detail to go into here, but here are some highlights. First, the stock market growth in Trump’s first 10 months doesn’t look nearly as impressive when you learn that it is no better than the market’s performance in peer countries like the UK, Germany, and Japan. This isn’t a Trump bull market, it’s a global one. By comparison, under Obama the U.S. stock market, as measured by the S&P 500, not only tripled over eight years, it significantly outperformed the markets in those same peer countries.

Job growth under Trump lags behind job growth under Obama (in a comparable time period, i.e., February through November) in each of the previous four years, and five out of the last seven years of the Obama presidency. And while we’re on the topic of media narrative, Trump now touts the big drop of about one-half of 1 percent in the unemployment rate since he took office, but while Obama was president he denigratedthe unemployment rate as “nonsense.” That’s not surprising given that it fell almost five points during the final five years of the Obama presidency.

Overall, the economy under Trump thus far looks no better by most measures than the economy in the last years under Obama. Furthermore, whereas Trump inherited the strong Obama economy, Obama inherited the Great Recession from George W. Bush—the worst economic crash since the Great Depression. That crash followed years of Republican control of Congress and a round of tax cuts whose benefits flowed mostly to the wealthy (sound familiar?). Until the passage of the Trump tax scheme, there were no significant changes to the economic policies put in place during the Obama presidency—policies that brought our economy out of the Great Recession and which have given us the longest lasting period of job growth in our history.

Trump’s comments above about his tax scheme and “rocket fuel” make clear that he will go even further than he has so far in claiming credit for anything good happening in the economy. He and his right-wing minions have in fact begun doing so. Here’s a headline from the Conservative Review: “The Trump tax cuts are ALREADY raising wages” (all-caps makes it much more convincing, doesn’t it?). Don’t buy it. As Conor Sen at Bloomberg explained, the rich man’s tax cut is merely the “excuse to raise wages. The tight labor market is the real reason.” And of course the tight labor market reflects years of a strong economy bequeathed to us by none other than President Barack Obama. Don’t let Donald Trump steal the credit.

More: Obama Policies Fueled Our Economic Boom. Don’t Let Trump And His Rich Man’s Tax Cut Steal The Credit

Trump continues riding President Obama's coattails and trying to steal his thunder. President Obama gave us a stable and sustainable economy; whereas, Trump is trying to give us a rocket ship economy that may propel us into another Great Depression. The current economy does not need deregulation and tax cuts for stimulation.
I'm really glad that obummer left. he's done more since he's been gone then he ever did as president. Thanks to trump for letting it ride then right? ya-----hooooo

good thing he kept all those regulations and shit to keep it going. right?

Oh wait.....hmmmmmmmmm something happened with the regs, did they actually keep prosperity from occurring for the years under obummer? yes they did. thanks Donald, you unleashed the obummmer fuel.

You can't name a single significant regulation that is gone.

Here ya go slick, here's a sample, guessing you could have done this on your own.

13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

So pick one and we will discuss its impact.
1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).

Mandated by President Barack Obama and finalized in 2016, these regulations “threatened to put domestic extraction companies and their employees at an unfair disadvantage,”White House press secretary Sean Spicer said.

The resolution, signed by Trump in February, repealed the rule and “could save American businesses as much as $600 million annually,” Spicer said.

13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days
Ending the obungle's regulations is what is remaking the economy. All we ask of the black Bejesus is to either stand by and enjoy watching his legacy removed bit by bit, or die of a cocaine overdose.

Which regulations, specifically? Because corporate profits routinely reached record highs despite these unnamed and unmentioned "regulations".

So, coal production is up then. Like higher than during the Obama administration. And coal exports are up too, right?

Quarterly Coal Report - Energy Information Administration

Ruh Roh. Guess not.
Our economy has something in common with the stock market in that it responds to the “Business Climate”.

As anyone who plays or has played the markets knows, the current business climate affects what businesses do and how the market responds.

Barack Hussein Obama was a self proclaimed enemy of business and the free market. He created a hostile business climate. This stifled our economy throughout his regime. The only reason it was better when he left than when he began is that even 0bama couldn’t keep the America Economy down forever.

Two things happened to make our economy better. A man who is well known to be a friend of business and the free market won the election, and the enemy of business was gone.

This ends the lesson.

No charge, you’re welcome.
This is how ignorant a far rightwing jackass like PredFan is...

His stupid, simple argument is "Trump won, therefore economy good." Although not a damned thing has changed.


Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Denial, that’s how you left wing nutters keep from slashing your wrists every day.

All this year they have been bitching and moaning about how Trump has changed everything, now they say nothing has changed.

You can’t fix stupid folks, just point at them and laugh.
Our economy has something in common with the stock market in that it responds to the “Business Climate”.

As anyone who plays or has played the markets knows, the current business climate affects what businesses do and how the market responds.

Barack Hussein Obama was a self proclaimed enemy of business and the free market. He created a hostile business climate. This stifled our economy throughout his regime. The only reason it was better when he left than when he began is that even 0bama couldn’t keep the America Economy down forever.

Two things happened to make our economy better. A man who is well known to be a friend of business and the free market won the election, and the enemy of business was gone.

This ends the lesson.

No charge, you’re welcome.
This is how ignorant a far rightwing jackass like PredFan is...

His stupid, simple argument is "Trump won, therefore economy good." Although not a damned thing has changed.


Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
so the reaction of the UN because Trump recognized Jerusalem as a capital is actually doing nothing. and yet look at the reaction. hly fk were you born this way or did you grow into it?

The nutters have to lie to themselves constantly. It’s the only way they can soothe their butthurt.
1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).

Mandated by President Barack Obama and finalized in 2016, these regulations “threatened to put domestic extraction companies and their employees at an unfair disadvantage,”White House press secretary Sean Spicer said.

The resolution, signed by Trump in February, repealed the rule and “could save American businesses as much as $600 million annually,” Spicer said.

13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days
Ending the obungle's regulations is what is remaking the economy. All we ask of the black Bejesus is to either stand by and enjoy watching his legacy removed bit by bit, or die of a cocaine overdose.

Which regulations, specifically? Because corporate profits routinely reached record highs despite these unnamed and unmentioned "regulations".

So, coal production is up then. Like higher than during the Obama administration. And coal exports are up too, right?

Quarterly Coal Report - Energy Information Administration

Ruh Roh. Guess not.
serious? you posted this. Seriously? no third and fourth quarter numbers. so how do you tell 2017 without those numbers? Seriously? did you wake up and stupid entered your body or did you fall asleep with it?

Donald Trump is good at certain things. (Please take a deep breath and don’t throw your mouse or laptop at the wall.) I have not come to praise Mr. Lost The Popular Vote By 2.9 Million. But the truth is the truth—even if the truth is something Trump wouldn’t recognize if it landed right on the dyed bird’s nest that covers his dome. In any case, we must acknowledge that the man has demonstrated the ability to shape the media narrative for his own nefarious purposes.

For example, when the term “fake news” first gained widespread usage during the 2016 campaign, it most often referred to anti-Hillary, pro-Trump stories planted by non-journalists on social media. Trump, however, has over the past year co-opted the term successfully enough so that, for many, it now primarily refers to mainstream journalists’ supposed anti-Trump bias. Similarly, he has sought to control the narrative about the strong performance of the American economy, and last week’s passage of the rich man’s tax cut is going to be a crucial pivot point in that narrative. The mainstream media and the American people simply cannot allow him to control it the way he has controlled the narrative on fake news.

Throughout his time in the White House, Trump has been obsessed with denigrating the accomplishments of Barack Obama (Think: “Obamacare is imploding”—it isn’t, but who knows what will happen next year as a result of Trump’s repeal of the individual mandate and other steps taken to sabotage the health care law).

Washington Post fact-checker Nicole Lewis offered a detailed comparison of the economy under Trump thus far and Obama. There’s far too much detail to go into here, but here are some highlights. First, the stock market growth in Trump’s first 10 months doesn’t look nearly as impressive when you learn that it is no better than the market’s performance in peer countries like the UK, Germany, and Japan. This isn’t a Trump bull market, it’s a global one. By comparison, under Obama the U.S. stock market, as measured by the S&P 500, not only tripled over eight years, it significantly outperformed the markets in those same peer countries.

Job growth under Trump lags behind job growth under Obama (in a comparable time period, i.e., February through November) in each of the previous four years, and five out of the last seven years of the Obama presidency. And while we’re on the topic of media narrative, Trump now touts the big drop of about one-half of 1 percent in the unemployment rate since he took office, but while Obama was president he denigratedthe unemployment rate as “nonsense.” That’s not surprising given that it fell almost five points during the final five years of the Obama presidency.

Overall, the economy under Trump thus far looks no better by most measures than the economy in the last years under Obama. Furthermore, whereas Trump inherited the strong Obama economy, Obama inherited the Great Recession from George W. Bush—the worst economic crash since the Great Depression. That crash followed years of Republican control of Congress and a round of tax cuts whose benefits flowed mostly to the wealthy (sound familiar?). Until the passage of the Trump tax scheme, there were no significant changes to the economic policies put in place during the Obama presidency—policies that brought our economy out of the Great Recession and which have given us the longest lasting period of job growth in our history.

Trump’s comments above about his tax scheme and “rocket fuel” make clear that he will go even further than he has so far in claiming credit for anything good happening in the economy. He and his right-wing minions have in fact begun doing so. Here’s a headline from the Conservative Review: “The Trump tax cuts are ALREADY raising wages” (all-caps makes it much more convincing, doesn’t it?). Don’t buy it. As Conor Sen at Bloomberg explained, the rich man’s tax cut is merely the “excuse to raise wages. The tight labor market is the real reason.” And of course the tight labor market reflects years of a strong economy bequeathed to us by none other than President Barack Obama. Don’t let Donald Trump steal the credit.

More: Obama Policies Fueled Our Economic Boom. Don’t Let Trump And His Rich Man’s Tax Cut Steal The Credit

Trump continues riding President Obama's coattails and trying to steal his thunder. President Obama gave us a stable and sustainable economy; whereas, Trump is trying to give us a rocket ship economy that may propel us into another Great Depression. The current economy does not need deregulation and tax cuts for stimulation.
The Bernank fueled the comeback, and the fed will kill it if inflation utters a single breath

Donald Trump is good at certain things. (Please take a deep breath and don’t throw your mouse or laptop at the wall.) I have not come to praise Mr. Lost The Popular Vote By 2.9 Million. But the truth is the truth—even if the truth is something Trump wouldn’t recognize if it landed right on the dyed bird’s nest that covers his dome. In any case, we must acknowledge that the man has demonstrated the ability to shape the media narrative for his own nefarious purposes.

For example, when the term “fake news” first gained widespread usage during the 2016 campaign, it most often referred to anti-Hillary, pro-Trump stories planted by non-journalists on social media. Trump, however, has over the past year co-opted the term successfully enough so that, for many, it now primarily refers to mainstream journalists’ supposed anti-Trump bias. Similarly, he has sought to control the narrative about the strong performance of the American economy, and last week’s passage of the rich man’s tax cut is going to be a crucial pivot point in that narrative. The mainstream media and the American people simply cannot allow him to control it the way he has controlled the narrative on fake news.

Throughout his time in the White House, Trump has been obsessed with denigrating the accomplishments of Barack Obama (Think: “Obamacare is imploding”—it isn’t, but who knows what will happen next year as a result of Trump’s repeal of the individual mandate and other steps taken to sabotage the health care law).

Washington Post fact-checker Nicole Lewis offered a detailed comparison of the economy under Trump thus far and Obama. There’s far too much detail to go into here, but here are some highlights. First, the stock market growth in Trump’s first 10 months doesn’t look nearly as impressive when you learn that it is no better than the market’s performance in peer countries like the UK, Germany, and Japan. This isn’t a Trump bull market, it’s a global one. By comparison, under Obama the U.S. stock market, as measured by the S&P 500, not only tripled over eight years, it significantly outperformed the markets in those same peer countries.

Job growth under Trump lags behind job growth under Obama (in a comparable time period, i.e., February through November) in each of the previous four years, and five out of the last seven years of the Obama presidency. And while we’re on the topic of media narrative, Trump now touts the big drop of about one-half of 1 percent in the unemployment rate since he took office, but while Obama was president he denigratedthe unemployment rate as “nonsense.” That’s not surprising given that it fell almost five points during the final five years of the Obama presidency.

Overall, the economy under Trump thus far looks no better by most measures than the economy in the last years under Obama. Furthermore, whereas Trump inherited the strong Obama economy, Obama inherited the Great Recession from George W. Bush—the worst economic crash since the Great Depression. That crash followed years of Republican control of Congress and a round of tax cuts whose benefits flowed mostly to the wealthy (sound familiar?). Until the passage of the Trump tax scheme, there were no significant changes to the economic policies put in place during the Obama presidency—policies that brought our economy out of the Great Recession and which have given us the longest lasting period of job growth in our history.

Trump’s comments above about his tax scheme and “rocket fuel” make clear that he will go even further than he has so far in claiming credit for anything good happening in the economy. He and his right-wing minions have in fact begun doing so. Here’s a headline from the Conservative Review: “The Trump tax cuts are ALREADY raising wages” (all-caps makes it much more convincing, doesn’t it?). Don’t buy it. As Conor Sen at Bloomberg explained, the rich man’s tax cut is merely the “excuse to raise wages. The tight labor market is the real reason.” And of course the tight labor market reflects years of a strong economy bequeathed to us by none other than President Barack Obama. Don’t let Donald Trump steal the credit.

More: Obama Policies Fueled Our Economic Boom. Don’t Let Trump And His Rich Man’s Tax Cut Steal The Credit

Trump continues riding President Obama's coattails and trying to steal his thunder. President Obama gave us a stable and sustainable economy; whereas, Trump is trying to give us a rocket ship economy that may propel us into another Great Depression. The current economy does not need deregulation and tax cuts for stimulation.
The Bernank fueled the comeback, and the fed will kill it if inflation utters a single breath
inflation will go up. It has to. It will go up .25%. It will have to based on all the money coming in. Just like what happened with Reagan. It's what one does to boost an economy. Even JFK knew this.Back in the day with smart democrats.
1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).

Mandated by President Barack Obama and finalized in 2016, these regulations “threatened to put domestic extraction companies and their employees at an unfair disadvantage,”White House press secretary Sean Spicer said.

The resolution, signed by Trump in February, repealed the rule and “could save American businesses as much as $600 million annually,” Spicer said.

13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days
Ending the obungle's regulations is what is remaking the economy. All we ask of the black Bejesus is to either stand by and enjoy watching his legacy removed bit by bit, or die of a cocaine overdose.

Which regulations, specifically? Because corporate profits routinely reached record highs despite these unnamed and unmentioned "regulations".

So, coal production is up then. Like higher than during the Obama administration. And coal exports are up too, right?

Quarterly Coal Report - Energy Information Administration

Ruh Roh. Guess not.
serious? you posted this. Seriously? no third and fourth quarter numbers. so how do you tell 2017 without those numbers? Seriously? did you wake up and stupid entered your body or did you fall asleep with it?

Exports were down, and production is not near levels early in the Obama administration. Those regulations that were eliminated didn't do jack shit for coal production, which is more a factor of natural gas prices than any regulation. That is what has been driving the decline in coal, cheaper natural gas prices due to fracking.

But those regulations did one thing, they prevented companies from externalizing costs. So speaking of stupid, you idiots actually support allowing coal companies to externalize their costs, which means YOU PAY instead of they pay.

And the stock market. Well no shit it is booming. Corporations just got a massive tax cut, naturally their stocks, which is nothing more than the perceived value of their future earnings, went up. But it is an artificial and temporary increase. Once the full value of the tax cut has been built in to the market expect little to any gain and actually, well we should be well on our way to a recession within the next two years, probably see the first signs before the midterms. The interest rate yield curve is about to be inverted and that has always been the first sign of a recession.

Those regulation changes have ZERO to do with the color of anyone's skin, and the author is dishonest for claiming it does, as are you for repeating such lies.

Why the need to make everything about race? Why can't the author, and you, just say "I disagree with these changes" without making it seem as if blacks were targeted?

So dishonest.
photo meet lakota....expect to be called a nazicon when you disagree with him...thats not allowed in his strange little world...
Making $10 trillion vanish into the pockets of non-white leftists around the globe had to "fuel" something....
1. Regulations governing the coal mining industry (H.J. Res 41).

Mandated by President Barack Obama and finalized in 2016, these regulations “threatened to put domestic extraction companies and their employees at an unfair disadvantage,”White House press secretary Sean Spicer said.

The resolution, signed by Trump in February, repealed the rule and “could save American businesses as much as $600 million annually,” Spicer said.

13 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days
Ending the obungle's regulations is what is remaking the economy. All we ask of the black Bejesus is to either stand by and enjoy watching his legacy removed bit by bit, or die of a cocaine overdose.

Which regulations, specifically? Because corporate profits routinely reached record highs despite these unnamed and unmentioned "regulations".

So, coal production is up then. Like higher than during the Obama administration. And coal exports are up too, right?

Quarterly Coal Report - Energy Information Administration

Ruh Roh. Guess not.
serious? you posted this. Seriously? no third and fourth quarter numbers. so how do you tell 2017 without those numbers? Seriously? did you wake up and stupid entered your body or did you fall asleep with it?

Exports were down, and production is not near levels early in the Obama administration. Those regulations that were eliminated didn't do jack shit for coal production, which is more a factor of natural gas prices than any regulation. That is what has been driving the decline in coal, cheaper natural gas prices due to fracking.

But those regulations did one thing, they prevented companies from externalizing costs. So speaking of stupid, you idiots actually support allowing coal companies to externalize their costs, which means YOU PAY instead of they pay.

And the stock market. Well no shit it is booming. Corporations just got a massive tax cut, naturally their stocks, which is nothing more than the perceived value of their future earnings, went up. But it is an artificial and temporary increase. Once the full value of the tax cut has been built in to the market expect little to any gain and actually, well we should be well on our way to a recession within the next two years, probably see the first signs before the midterms. The interest rate yield curve is about to be inverted and that has always been the first sign of a recession.

Amen! Thank you! Trump is trying to artificially juice a good economy left to him by President Obama. This won't end well. Any fool can juice the economy with deregulation and tax cuts - but at what price later? There is a time and place for government to juice the economy - but now isn't it.
Obama's economy had already chased Burger King to Canada and dozens of others to re-locate.

Obama's tax and spend socialism was putting the US on course to end up like GREECE, the Democrat "model" of left wing utopia....
Obama's economy had already chased Burger King to Canada and dozens of others to re-locate.

Obama's tax and spend socialism was putting the US on course to end up like GREECE, the Democrat "model" of left wing utopia....

Corporations leave the country for cheap taxes and cheap labor. Even if they paid zero taxes - they would still chase cheap labor around the world.
Obama's economy had already chased Burger King to Canada and dozens of others to re-locate.

No, they moved their corporate HQ's to Canada, but the restaurants are all still in the US. You conflate moving a tax haven to moving production, and you do that because you are an idiot.

Obama's tax and spend socialism was putting the US on course to end up like GREECE, the Democrat "model" of left wing utopia....

Trump has created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama did in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.

Obama grew the S&P 500, NASDAQ, and the Dow Jones more in his first year than Trump did in his first year...and Obama had a recession for half his first year. So what's Trump's excuse? The economy's too good for him to have better gains than Obama? LOL!
No, they moved their corporate HQ's to Canada, but the restaurants are all still in the US.



The above is a great example of just what kind of economics invalid still defends Barack the BIGOT IN CHIEF...
and there you are cheering to chase them out with higher taxes....which is what GREECE DID....

Nope. That's not what happened in Greece at all. Conservatives like to vomit out "Greece" because they think it is a catch-all insult for any policy they oppose. What happened to Greece was that it borrowed from banks that were betting against it, and because it can't control its currency, was forced to adopt draconian cuts that only pushed Greece deeper into a recession and higher unemployment. FWIW, the head of the European Central Bank at the time now says it was a mistake to impose austerity on Greece. That's due, in part, to the fake study Conservatives like you were pushing in 2010 that falsely concluded once debt reached 90% of GDP the economy "falls off a cliff"...that's not true and you only get that conclusion by manipulating spreadsheets and excluding data that produces different conclusions, which is exactly what y'all did.

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