Obama Posts Chilling Message to Teens Organizing For Gun Control ‘We’ve Been Waiting For You'

And low and behold, here comes the community agitator attempting to stir up the masses. He needs to butt out!

Obama Posts Chilling Message to Teens Marching and Organizing For Gun Control 'We've Been Waiting For You'
I can imagine Obama is drooling over this.
He's finally created what he's always wanted.
Domestic Terrorists that he thinks cannot be stopped.
"Dana Loesch: I Wouldnt Have Been Able To Exit CNN Town Hall
If I Didn't Have A Security Detail
There were people rushing the stage screaming "burn her."

NRA's Loesch: I Wouldn't Have Been Able To Exit CNN Town Hall If I Didn't Have A Security Detail

Another reason gun sales are up right now! #ChaChing #CNNTownHall'
Show me the video where they were screaming "burn her." I must have missed it when I watched that Town Hall.
Well, the generation of 'School shootings" is coming of age. What did you expect, kudus for the NRA? They know who has been contributing to the death of their generation, and they are ready to exact retribution, and I am with them 100%.
Most Americans know who has been contributing to the death of their generation > their parents, their teachers, their school boards, and you, and anyone else who supports the abomination concept of "gun-free zones" (ie. opposition to arming school employees), which give invitations to mass shooters, to commit mass murder.
Given the Democrats penchant for exploiting anyone for furthering their agenda, it certainly is chilling. Especially considering they are using confused high school kids as pawns in their game now.
Unquestionably, that's exactly what they are doing. and those Democrats include teachers, parents, advisors, school boards, politicians, etc
Contacts for media:
Christine Gillette, 978-934-2209 or [email protected]
Nancy Cicco, 978-934-4944 or [email protected]
Detailed poll results and analysis are available at www.uml.edu/polls.

UMass Lowell representatives are available for interviews about today’s poll.

TV assignment desks – UMass Lowell offers live interviews via ReadyCam by VideoLink.

LOWELL, Mass. – A majority of Americans – more than three-quarters in some cases – support major policy changes when it comes to gun control, including expanding background checks and banning assault weapons, according to a new national poll from the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
The survey of 1,000 American adults found that 78 percent favor more thorough background checks for those buying guns, including in-depth psychological evaluations, and 80 percent support closing what is known as the “gun show loophole,” which allows individuals to purchase guns without the same background checks used in other types of sales, said Associate Prof. Joshua Dyck, co-director of the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
While large percentages of those who said they support more thorough background checks identified themselves as Democrats and independents, 70 percent of Republicans surveyed also said they support such a move. Tea party members were nearly split on expanding background checks, with only a slim majority opposed (51 percent) compared to 49 percent in favor. Similar bipartisan support was found for closing the “gun show loophole” and a greater number of tea party members (65 percent) said they are in favor of the reform.
In addition, 60 percent of those polled said they support banning the sale of assault weapons. Those who identify as strongly Democratic (70 percent) stated the strongest support for the measure, while only 18 percent of tea party members were in favor and 45 percent were strongly opposed. About a third of all Republicans (32 percent strongly identifying as Republican and 36 percent of others) said they favor a ban.
“The most striking finding in this survey is that the public appears to be far more supportive of reforming our gun laws than Congress appears willing or able to respond. In particular, large super-majorities favor making background checks tougher and expanding them to include gun shows; the latter reform is even supported by 65 percent of self-identified members of the tea party movement, while 49 percent of tea party members would support making background checks tougher,” said Dyck, who analyzed the poll results. “The policy window on reforming gun laws may have closed in the wake of a series of gun-violence tragedies in the last few years, but the support for change still strongly exists among the public. More than anything this suggests to me that the National Rifle Association remains one of the most powerful and influential interest groups in the United States.”
Poll: Majority of Americans Favor Gun Control | UMass Lowell

As the generation of 'School Shootings" matures, we are going to see gun control measures enacted. If the NRA and the wing nuts here push back too hard, we will see laws that even affect the guns that I have. There is zero reason for private citizens to own weapons of war. And those are the weapons that the crazies prefer using. We have seen that again and again.
Generally, gun owner and CCW licensed conservatives like myself support stronger background checks and closing the gun show loophole, and have held these views all along.

As for the assault weapon question, this is something that is blown way out of bounds. The closest I've been able to discern as a meaning of this widely thrown about term, is guns that have SELECTIVE FIRE, IE. they can be selected to shoot semi-automatic (fired with each trigger pull), burst (3-5 shots fire at once), or fully automatic (like a machine gun).

To the best of my knowledge, these guns are not sold legally anywhere in the USA.
Gun nuts should be afraid. They should be very afraid.
Everyone should be afraid if the anti-gun nuts get their way in establishing schools and other places as "gun-free zones". (opposition to arming teachers).

Gun-free zones (ex. Parkland, Newtown, Pulse Club, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Chattanooga) have already been turned into shooting galleries. Very odd how some people want to repeat the same things that allowed these massacres.

Ordinarily, when things go bad, you take steps to fix them, not let conditions remain the same.
Hussaine has the chutzpah to Tweet anything after the Russian Charade has been proven to be his doing? :p
There were other things before that which were much worse than the Russian thing.
Example: Fort Hood, 2011 Iraq troop removal, ISIS collusion
Those conservatives who are pulling down the Republic's civil liberties and undermining its foundations have every right to fear what is coming.
Liberals are pulling down the Republic's civil liberties and undermining its foundations. Examples >>

1. Restricting 2nd amendment freedoms beyond reason. (such as calling for bans on ordinary guns (ex. AR-15, and calling them assault weapons)

2. Taking away life by promoting gun free zones - abominations that have gotten hundreds of Americans killed (ex. Parkland, Newtown, Pulse Club, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, etc)

3. Harming Americans by welcoming foreigners into the country, contrary to our protective immigration laws (ex. amnesty, sanctuary cities, anchor baby racket, etc)

4. Racially discriminating in affirmative action, depriving whites of jobs, job promotions, business loans, college admission, college $$ aid, etc

5. Promoting the seditious, immoral, illegal ideology of Islam.

6. Endangering Americans by opposing the death penalty.

7. Killing healthy kids getting ready to be born.
And low and behold, here comes the community agitator attempting to stir up the masses. He needs to butt out!

Obama Posts Chilling Message to Teens Marching and Organizing For Gun Control 'We've Been Waiting For You'
And the racists are quaking in fear as well they should be.

Obama is far more popular than Trump, and Obama must get behind this effort.
Those conservatives who are pulling down the Republic's civil liberties and undermining its foundations have every right to fear what is coming.
Liberals are pulling down the Republic's civil liberties and undermining its foundations. Examples >>

1. Restricting 2nd amendment freedoms beyond reason. (such as calling for bans on ordinary guns (ex. AR-15, and calling them assault weapons)

2. Taking away life by promoting gun free zones - abominations that have gotten hundreds of Americans killed (ex. Parkland, Newtown, Pulse Club, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Chattanooga, etc)

3. Harming Americans by welcoming foreigners into the country, contrary to our protective immigration laws (ex. amnesty, sanctuary cities, anchor baby racket, etc)

4. Racially discriminating in affirmative action, depriving whites of jobs, job promotions, business loans, college admission, college $$ aid, etc

5. Promoting the seditious, immoral, illegal ideology of Islam.

6. Endangering Americans by opposing the death penalty.

7. Killing healthy kids getting ready to be born.
Horse picky. You are an alt right crazy, so I am not concerned with your arguments at all.

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