Obama Proposes 2 Years of Free Community College

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
So he will give extra funding to the golden apples, who would pass and get a job anyway. While the rest that community colleges are meant to be there for have to pack their bags, as the government attempts to make them as elitist as Harvard.

What this means is that community colleges will accept only students that get the government hand out for 'good grades' or those that can pay upfront.

Once again 'good intentions' of government is destroying American education, just like common core. Thanks Obama, for keeping the poor and struggling students out of education.
Community colleges generally have no academic requirements for admission other than graduation from high school and in some states even that is not required.
And you want taxpayers to fund something that requires nothing but a heartbeat and breathing to enter. Hard to get behind doing something that requires NOTHING to get in.

Research shows that individuals who graduate and have access to education are more likely to find gainful employment, have stable families, and be active and productive citizens. They are also less likely to commit serious crimes, less likely to place high demands on the public health care system, and less likely to be enrolled in welfare assistance programs. A good education provides substantial benefits to individuals and, as individual benefits are aggregated throughout the nation it benefits us all. Investing in education is thus far more cost-effective than paying for the social and economic consequences of not doing so.

What we're talking about is spending 6 billion dollars a year, 1% of what we spend on defense to make 2 years of college available to everyone.
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Let's take a European country like Austria. The incarceration rate is about ten times less per capita than the US, only 70 people per 100,000 as opposed to 700 per 100,000 in the US.

In Austria "The country’s university system was free until 2001; since then studies have been subject to fees (€366 per term for Austrian citizens, about €700 per term for non-Austrians). In 2008, however, the government decided to abolish fees for students who complete their studies in the minimum time and are EU/EEA citizens." Wiki Higher education in Austria has been free, or almost free, pretty much since the end of WWII.

They end up with a highly educated populous, a relatively small prison population, one of the strongest economies in the EU, a nearly zero population growth, and a productive, safe and sane society. Educating people has a very positive effect on a society--no question.
Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
So he will give extra funding to the golden apples, who would pass and get a job anyway. While the rest that community colleges are meant to be there for have to pack their bags, as the government attempts to make them as elitist as Harvard.

What this means is that community colleges will accept only students that get the government hand out for 'good grades' or those that can pay upfront.

Once again 'good intentions' of government is destroying American education, just like common core. Thanks Obama, for keeping the poor and struggling students out of education.
Community colleges generally have no academic requirements for admission other than graduation from high school and in some states even that is not required.
And you want taxpayers to fund something that requires nothing but a heartbeat and breathing to enter. Hard to get behind doing something that requires NOTHING to get in.

Research shows that individuals who graduate and have access to education are more likely to find gainful employment, have stable families, and be active and productive citizens. They are also less likely to commit serious crimes, less likely to place high demands on the public health care system, and less likely to be enrolled in welfare assistance programs. A good education provides substantial benefits to individuals and, as individual benefits are aggregated throughout the nation it benefits us all. Investing in education is thus far more cost-effective than paying for the social and economic consequences of not doing so.

What we're talking about is spending 6 billion dollars a year, 1% of what we spend on defense.
This bears repeating.
Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
So he will give extra funding to the golden apples, who would pass and get a job anyway. While the rest that community colleges are meant to be there for have to pack their bags, as the government attempts to make them as elitist as Harvard.

What this means is that community colleges will accept only students that get the government hand out for 'good grades' or those that can pay upfront.

Once again 'good intentions' of government is destroying American education, just like common core. Thanks Obama, for keeping the poor and struggling students out of education.
Community colleges generally have no academic requirements for admission other than graduation from high school and in some states even that is not required.
And you want taxpayers to fund something that requires nothing but a heartbeat and breathing to enter. Hard to get behind doing something that requires NOTHING to get in.

Research shows that individuals who graduate and have access to education are more likely to find gainful employment, have stable families, and be active and productive citizens. They are also less likely to commit serious crimes, less likely to place high demands on the public health care system, and less likely to be enrolled in welfare assistance programs. A good education provides substantial benefits to individuals and, as individual benefits are aggregated throughout the nation it benefits us all. Investing in education is thus far more cost-effective than paying for the social and economic consequences of not doing so.

What we're talking about is spending 6 billion dollars a year, 1% of what we spend on defense to make two years of college available to everyone in the US.
Let's take a European country like Austria. The incarceration rate is about ten times less per capita than the US, only 70 people per 100,000 as opposed to 700 per 100,000 in the US.

In Austria "The country’s university system was free until 2001; since then studies have been subject to fees (€366 per term for Austrian citizens, about €700 per term for non-Austrians). In 2008, however, the government decided to abolish fees for students who complete their studies in the minimum time and are EU/EEA citizens." Wiki Higher education in Austria has been free, or almost free, pretty much since the end of WWII.

They end up with a highly educated populous, a relatively small prison population, one of the strongest economies in the EU, a nearly zero population growth, and a productive, safe and sane society. Educating people has a very positive effect on a society--no question.

So you're saying that education is directly related with incarceration. In fact, it gotta be it. What you "forgot" to mention is that Austrian crime per capita (68/1000)is higher the in US (48/1000).

Lets try something different. Maybe reason of Austrian success is that they have no illegal immigrants. Or maybe is because they eat a lot of Schweinsbraten (pork roast) and they love Salzburger Nockerl.

Now, if you can prove your theory, I'll be glad to prove mine.
liberals- always good with handing out other peoples money to those who are poor or lazy or both.
What about all the money you hand out to keep people in prison or on welfare? Wouldn't you rather educate them so there are far less people in prison or on welfare? :cuckoo:

What's the guarantee that giving them 2 more years of college education will keep them from crime or getting welfare? None. If there is any, why not to give them 4 more years of free college? Why even stop there? Why not to give them PhD?
The local tech school I referenced offer Associate degrees and college transfer courses. For example, the math courses for the Fire Science degree are for the AA degree. For it to transfer to a 4 year school, it has to be a higher level than the AA Fire Science requires for that degree.

An accredited University will not take credits from an unaccredited institution.

I've been teaching a class for the nations largest private University for the last 5 years, the rules for this are very clear. I'm currently working on my doctorate to enhance this as a retirement job. There are fly-by-night schools, but those units will not transfer to a reputable university.
Would you say the same about a kid just starting jr. high?

That's a funny question to ask Unk; given the utter disaster that is public education in this nation. In fact, I hold up the failure of our education system as an example of why socializing medicine is such a bad idea.

Yes, private education for a kid starting Jr. High would be far more beneficial than the mess we have currently.
It may depend on the community college. I'm not familiar with all of them. I've seen the curriculums in several schools. I would say in about 50% of the curriculums all courses transfer which is what most students choose. Community colleges offer degrees in subjects whose courses do not transfer such as Ceramics, Sculpture, Cosmetology, Dental Hygiene, and Medical Transcription

None of those you list are degree programs.

It's interesting that the only way to make a case for Associates Degrees is to point to vocational certificate programs. My wife teaches Cosmetology, it is NOT a degree program, but rather a certificate followed (in California) with a certification by the State Board.

but most students elect curriculums that do transfer such as Education, Computer Science, Business Administration, Accounting, Economics, Marketing, Management, Advertising, and Engineering, etc.....

Your argument against paying for other peoples education is exactly the same thing I hear at School Board Meeting whenever a tax increase or bond issue is proposed. "I don't want to pay to educate somebody else's kid." The reply is always, "Everybody benefits from better education and it always falls on deaf ears as I'm sure it will now.

The employment opportunity for one with an AA in education, CIS, business, Accounting, etc. consists of "would you like fries with that?"

Obama did not advocate for expanding vocational programs, recognizing that college really isn't the right path for every person in the nation. No, he advocated for free college.

Look, Obama didn't think it through - this is just hyperbole intended to stir up the younger generation. He doesn't expect his proposal to see the light of day, he doesn't WANT it to see the light of day. He simply wants to give the 2016 democrats an opportunity to say "Those MEAN Republicans blocked free college."

His proposal is moronic and unworkable, but then it was never meant to work
Attention all Parasites......pay your own way through community college.

The real joke here is the term "community college."

In the golden years of California, when boom-communities arose and developers sought to attract buyers, one incentive was the community college. Back in those days, it was exactly what it sounds like, a small college which served the community. Many of these were low cost or even free. Neither the state and god forbid the federal government, had any say over them, these were independent schools that were responsible to the residents of the community - who were the only ones admitted.

Title VII fucked that up. The states took over the community colleges, expenses went through the roof, as did tuition rates. Now our Lord Dictator Obama wants to "fix" them by nationalizing community colleges.
Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
So he will give extra funding to the golden apples, who would pass and get a job anyway. While the rest that community colleges are meant to be there for have to pack their bags, as the government attempts to make them as elitist as Harvard.

What this means is that community colleges will accept only students that get the government hand out for 'good grades' or those that can pay upfront.

Once again 'good intentions' of government is destroying American education, just like common core. Thanks Obama, for keeping the poor and struggling students out of education.
Community colleges generally have no academic requirements for admission other than graduation from high school and in some states even that is not required.
And you want taxpayers to fund something that requires nothing but a heartbeat and breathing to enter. Hard to get behind doing something that requires NOTHING to get in.

Research shows that individuals who graduate and have access to education are more likely to find gainful employment, have stable families, and be active and productive citizens. They are also less likely to commit serious crimes, less likely to place high demands on the public health care system, and less likely to be enrolled in welfare assistance programs. A good education provides substantial benefits to individuals and, as individual benefits are aggregated throughout the nation it benefits us all. Investing in education is thus far more cost-effective than paying for the social and economic consequences of not doing so.

What we're talking about is spending 6 billion dollars a year, 1% of what we spend on defense to make two years of college available to everyone in the US.

What you're talking about is yet another program that spends another person's money on something for which the federal government has no Constitutional authority.
Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

President Barack Obama announced a proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community-college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

He also said that this plan will save at least 3.800$ per year, it means that student should continue working, because this plan will not give them: food, clothing and house! What for this circus? I don't know!
So he will give extra funding to the golden apples, who would pass and get a job anyway. While the rest that community colleges are meant to be there for have to pack their bags, as the government attempts to make them as elitist as Harvard.

What this means is that community colleges will accept only students that get the government hand out for 'good grades' or those that can pay upfront.

Once again 'good intentions' of government is destroying American education, just like common core. Thanks Obama, for keeping the poor and struggling students out of education.
Community colleges generally have no academic requirements for admission other than graduation from high school and in some states even that is not required.
And you want taxpayers to fund something that requires nothing but a heartbeat and breathing to enter. Hard to get behind doing something that requires NOTHING to get in.

Research shows that individuals who graduate and have access to education are more likely to find gainful employment, have stable families, and be active and productive citizens. They are also less likely to commit serious crimes, less likely to place high demands on the public health care system, and less likely to be enrolled in welfare assistance programs. A good education provides substantial benefits to individuals and, as individual benefits are aggregated throughout the nation it benefits us all. Investing in education is thus far more cost-effective than paying for the social and economic consequences of not doing so.

What we're talking about is spending 6 billion dollars a year, 1% of what we spend on defense.
This bears repeating.

This bears repeating. One person does not owe another person's kid college.
If we can piss away a trillion dollars on the Iraq fiasco, we certainly afford two years of community college for our own people.
Why shouldn't the parents pay for their own kids instead of expecting taxpayers to do it?
Most likely because their parents don't have the funds to pay for it. One thing we need to do in America is to get people to change their lives and change the cycle of poverty. If people are trained in a vocation, they are far more likely to succeed where their antecedents didn't. They are more likely to get out of the cycle of poverty, to be tax paying citizens, etc. Why anyone would be against that is mystifying.

That doesn't mean, by default, it becomes the responsibility of me to do it for them.

Why anyone thinks I should do for someone else's kid what his/her own parents won't do is mystifying.

People don't change their lives by constantly having something handed to them. The only thing they learn is when they want it, it's supposed to be handed to them.

If you think it's such a good investment, you don't need the government involved at all. All YOU have to do is find someone whose parents can't pay and write a check on their behalf. Why you expect others to "invest" according to your choosing is mystifying.
Clearly, the vast majority of the Dem base pays no taxes, that's the only way they think it's "Free"
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You almost gotta feel sorry for the guy. Obama's last desperate effort to revive "hope and change" revolves around another give-away program aimed at his dwindling base and punishing corporate America. Where was the community college idea when democrats controlled congress? If it wasn't for the media circling the wagons around the administration Obama would have been laughed out of town years ago.
Evil, just evil. Edumacatin' Murkins? We don't want that goin' on. Next thing you know peoples will be makin' dem intelligent arguments and shit. Larnin' reason an' logic, maybe even... science. :ack-1:

Nope, we likes our sheeples dumbed down 'n' stoopid. Give 'em books an' dey gets all uppity. Starts readin' them Constitutionals. I tell ya the old church had it right when they make it illegal to read the Holy Babble. Infermation's a dangerous game, leave it to duh experts. We wunt da common peoples in line and iggerant. When you know too much, you crow too much.
Exactly. It's a tragedy, a terrible tragedy to give people the chance to improve their lot it life, to train for a vocation or to prepare for a chance at completing a university degree. What a great loss to the country it would be to have more people prepared to be valuable members of the work force, to be self supporting, and to contribute in a positive way to society.

What's tragic is forcing someone like me and other taxpayers to do for someone else's kid what they won't do for their own kids.
It is hardly 'tragic.' You people are using terms like 'evil' and 'tragic' for situations that are nothing near those concepts: you obviously don't understand what true tragedy and true evil are. I was using the term 'tragic' ironically; you may not have picked up on that. I was not using it literally.

All you conservatives are complaining about the cost. How much do we pay for prisons every year? There are approximately 2.25 million men and women in American prisons. In California, for example, 70% of them spent time in foster homes as children. First, we cannot at all expect foster parents to foot the bill to put a foster child through college. But, most of all, if you believe in the aphorism, "Idle hands are the devil's playground," then you can possibly understand that if we provide people with a vocation or trade, they are less likely to break the law and end up in prison.

Community colleges mainly offer vocational programs wherein people can learn a trade and be employable. If we foot the bill for 2 years of community college, we are very likely to have far more young people working than not, and, thus, end up with a much smaller prison population, meaning that the money going to supporting prisons (a negative thing) will go to education and training--a positive thing. You are paying for prisons now; why not pay for education and training instead? Oh, and btw, two years of community college is far less expensive than prison, or welfare for that matter.

"we cannot at all expect foster parents to foot the bill to put a foster child through college"

Yet you expect those of us that didn't choose to foster them to do it. Not how it works. Don't make a choice to do something then demand someone else pay the price.

Anytime YOU want to foot the bill for someone else's kid, write a check. MY money goes to MY kids.

By the way, someone that commits a crime by choice. Using that it's the fault of those of us who don't owe them a college education is called an excuse. Also, it's not my place to feed, house, and clothe them either through welfare. If you like the idea so much, write a check for that, too.
Evil, just evil. Edumacatin' Murkins? We don't want that goin' on. Next thing you know peoples will be makin' dem intelligent arguments and shit. Larnin' reason an' logic, maybe even... science. :ack-1:

Nope, we likes our sheeples dumbed down 'n' stoopid. Give 'em books an' dey gets all uppity. Starts readin' them Constitutionals. I tell ya the old church had it right when they make it illegal to read the Holy Babble. Infermation's a dangerous game, leave it to duh experts. We wunt da common peoples in line and iggerant. When you know too much, you crow too much.
Exactly. It's a tragedy, a terrible tragedy to give people the chance to improve their lot it life, to train for a vocation or to prepare for a chance at completing a university degree. What a great loss to the country it would be to have more people prepared to be valuable members of the work force, to be self supporting, and to contribute in a positive way to society.

What's tragic is forcing someone like me and other taxpayers to do for someone else's kid what they won't do for their own kids.
It is hardly 'tragic.' You people are using terms like 'evil' and 'tragic' for situations that are nothing near those concepts: you obviously don't understand what true tragedy and true evil are. I was using the term 'tragic' ironically; you may not have picked up on that. I was not using it literally.

All you conservatives are complaining about the cost. How much do we pay for prisons every year? There are approximately 2.25 million men and women in American prisons. In California, for example, 70% of them spent time in foster homes as children. First, we cannot at all expect foster parents to foot the bill to put a foster child through college. But, most of all, if you believe in the aphorism, "Idle hands are the devil's playground," then you can possibly understand that if we provide people with a vocation or trade, they are less likely to break the law and end up in prison.

Community colleges mainly offer vocational programs wherein people can learn a trade and be employable. If we foot the bill for 2 years of community college, we are very likely to have far more young people working than not, and, thus, end up with a much smaller prison population, meaning that the money going to supporting prisons (a negative thing) will go to education and training--a positive thing. You are paying for prisons now; why not pay for education and training instead? Oh, and btw, two years of community college is far less expensive than prison, or welfare for that matter.

"we cannot at all expect foster parents to foot the bill to put a foster child through college"

Yet you expect those of us that didn't choose to foster them to do it. Not how it works. Don't make a choice to do something then demand someone else pay the price.

Anytime YOU want to foot the bill for someone else's kid, write a check. MY money goes to MY kids.

By the way, someone that commits a crime by choice. Using that it's the fault of those of us who don't owe them a college education is called an excuse. Also, it's not my place to feed, house, and clothe them either through welfare. If you like the idea so much, write a check for that, too.

Does your town have a fire department? A police department?

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