Obama Proves To Be anti-American — Again

The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Obama: Racist POS ex-president who uses every situation possible to politicize for personal narcissistic self-aggrandizement at America's expense. The perfect democrat.

Yeah. Right. Provide an example of Obamas racism.

JUST ONE? Sure you don't want a hundred?

Riots during the Obama Administration - Conservapedia
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
You’re as disrespectful as Obama.
In your case, I think it’s because you just don’t get it.
It’s a protocol, respect, courtesy thing.

Ah, your America has royalty, got it.

When I see someone I don't know, they get respect. As I get to know them, they earn or lose it.
Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
You sound like those incredible pussies and cowards on the US Women's soccer team that think going to the White House will somehow "corrupt their mission" whatever that means. As if being in the magical Trump aura will somehow
make the Rapinoe-ites forget all their values and lose their ability to speak for themselves. Some heroes!

I thought they were just a bunch of women who kicked a spotted ball around. Turns out their are on a mission...they are missionaries! Quite literally, it seems.
That smacks of a self admitted political goal and purpose and to me, as a former supporter, that makes them unworthy of my support and any possible financial benefit they might hope to gain from me. I will never root for them again. Certainly not during this Rapinoe regime era , anyway.

You only subjugate yourself if you willingly let yourself be subjugated. Rapinoe and her gang of missionaries (I would love to know but will likely never find out if anyone on that team is silently not allied to her progressive blather) had a golden opportunity to go to the White House and respectfully yet firmly tell Trump where they think he is leading the nation astray but these great social justice warriors decided that was too risky or honest.

So like the knights in the Monty Python movie they decided to "bravely" run away and avoid anything that might actually spark a discussion of their agenda in favor of adding to the nation's great social issues wall by not facing down Trump.

They are careful not to actually forge some sort of common ground and I suspect that's what they are afraid of...that Trump might actually come across as something less than the ogre you and the team hope to make him seem.
People say the left doesn't like walls. That's not true at all. They love separating people into tribes.
It gives them their only strength.
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The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
Still a free country...
Not if Obama has his way.
You need to understand the importance of protocol and how it is vital to trust.

Why don't you hold Trump to the same standard?

You think it's protocol for a sitting US Pres. to criticize a vice president on foreign soil.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Now you believe you have the right to tell people where they can go and who they can see.

Is there any aspect of anyone's life you don't want to control?

Get help. Quick.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
Obama is a traitorous piece of slime.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
Still a free country...
Not if Obama has his way.
You need to understand the importance of protocol and how it is vital to trust.

Why don't you hold Trump to the same standard?

You think it's protocol for a sitting US Pres. to criticize a vice president on foreign soil.
I think protocol has been made passe.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.

Gawd, but you are an idiot - sitting in a puddle of your own making, thinking (let's be charitable) the team has to follow Trump's marching orders or else, confusing the expression of policy disagreements with disrespect, and confusing Trump (the disrespected person) with the U.S. (the nation the team thinks can do better than to elect a vulgar, rude, incompetent pussy-grabber).

You are, of course, free to grab your ankles every day of the week. Just as the team is free not to. More power to them, I say.

But yeah, one has to admit, "breech of protocol" is very funny. One day even you will figure it out.
This has nothing to do with Trump. This is about protocol and system. You really don’t get it.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

It's amazing how everybody in America is suppose to be held to a certain standard, but when it comes to Trump you ass clowns will make an argument for just the opposite. They just won a CHAMPIONSHIP representing this country, but you damn Trump Humpers don't even celebrate that accomplishment because they don't bow down to Trump.
Again, this isn’t about trump. It’s about protocol.
Protocol exists for much more than personal acceptance.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Obama: Racist POS ex-president who uses every situation possible to politicize for personal narcissistic self-aggrandizement at America's expense. The perfect democrat.

Yeah. Right. Provide an example of Obamas racism.
Presuming guilt on cops when an assailant is black. Inviting BLM to the White House. There’s two blatant examples.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
You’re as disrespectful as Obama.
In your case, I think it’s because you just don’t get it.
It’s a protocol, respect, courtesy thing.

Ah, your America has royalty, got it.

When I see someone I don't know, they get respect. As I get to know them, they earn or lose it.
Again, it’s a protocol thing.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
Still a free country...
Not if Obama has his way.
You need to understand the importance of protocol and how it is vital to trust.

Why don't you hold Trump to the same standard?

You think it's protocol for a sitting US Pres. to criticize a vice president on foreign soil.
A bad thing doesn’t justify another bad thing.
Start a thread about trump disrespecting a VP while on foreign soil. Doesn’t do a thing to qualify this Obama/soccer-bitch thing.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Now you believe you have the right to tell people where they can go and who they can see.

Is there any aspect of anyone's life you don't want to control?

Get help. Quick.
When you work for an employer there are consequences regarding that privilege. It’s not a rights thing.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
Still a free country...
Not if Obama has his way.
You need to understand the importance of protocol and how it is vital to trust.

Why don't you hold Trump to the same standard?

You think it's protocol for a sitting US Pres. to criticize a vice president on foreign soil.
I think protocol has been made passe.
When you do that you erode the foundation and the system crumbles. Which Obama the Marxist, et al, would like.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
If turds were the principle then rump should be the high grand master of turds. Barack is doing the same thing i would and never mind rump as he is just a 6 year old mentally.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
You’re as disrespectful as Obama.
In your case, I think it’s because you just don’t get it.
It’s a protocol, respect, courtesy thing.
tRump gets no respect as he is not respectful. He is the antithesis of respectful.
This has nothing to do with Trump. This is about protocol and system. You really don’t get it.

Yeah, that's because there is nothing to get, other than your abject subservience to the Dear Leader. For pity's sake, they accepted "a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team." That has you hyperventilating, because "protocol". Oh, and "system". Protocol and system you made up to have a "cause" to vent your imbecilic spleen. There is no such protocol, and no such system, and no one ever so much as heard of it.

Pitiful. They ditched your Dear Leader. Hence you are hurting. Hence you are looking for targets for your reactionary ire, and an excuse for your choice of targets.

As I said, pitiful.
If turds were the principle then rump should be the high grand master of turds. Barack is doing the same thing i would and never mind rump as he is just a 6 year old mentally.
Pretty ironic post considering your six year old level of potty-mouthed invective. I doubt you can appreciate that however.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
If turds were the principle then rump should be the high grand master of turds. Barack is doing the same thing i would and never mind rump as he is just a 6 year old mentally.
Yet you lack the intellect to comprehend the problem. You don’t seem to get it either. It’s about system.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
You’re as disrespectful as Obama.
In your case, I think it’s because you just don’t get it.
It’s a protocol, respect, courtesy thing.
tRump gets no respect as he is not respectful. He is the antithesis of respectful.
But he’s president of the US and this is the US national team. It’s not a franchise of a pro league. It’s the US national team.

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