Obama Proves To Be anti-American — Again

Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
You sound like those incredible pussies and cowards on the US Women's soccer team that think going to the White House will somehow "corrupt their mission" whatever that means. As if being in the magical Trump aura will somehow
make the Rapinoe-ites forget all their values and lose their ability to speak for themselves. Some heroes!

I thought they were just a bunch of women who kicked a spotted ball around. Turns out their are on a mission...they are missionaries! Quite literally, it seems.
That smacks of a self admitted political goal and purpose and to me, as a former supporter, that makes them unworthy of my support and any possible financial benefit they might hope to gain from me. I will never root for them again. Certainly not during this Rapinoe regime era , anyway.

You only subjugate yourself if you willingly let yourself be subjugated. Rapinoe and her gang of missionaries (I would love to know but will likely never find out if anyone on that team is silently not allied to her progressive blather) had a golden opportunity to go to the White House and respectfully yet firmly tell Trump where they think he is leading the nation astray but these great social justice warriors decided that was too risky or honest.

So like the knights in the Monty Python movie they decided to "bravely" run away and avoid anything that might actually spark a discussion of their agenda in favor of adding to the nation's great social issues wall by not facing down Trump.

They are careful not to actually forge some sort of common ground and I suspect that's what they are afraid of...that Trump might actually come across as something less than the ogre you and the team hope to make him seem.
People say the left doesn't like walls. That's not true at all. They love separating people into tribes.
It gives them their only strength.

Eh, they decided to protest by not going. Maybe they're less insane than the average poster on here who yells their beliefs into the grey walls and change no one's minds.

Either way, I admire you for not supporting things you don't agree with. I boycott the local baseball team and cringe when I hear a Michael Jackson song on the radio. U2 and the IRA I'm on the fence about.

If you boycott the NFL and these soccer gals because of their political beliefs more power to you.

FWIW, we're discussing their actions and agenda on this board all over the place because of their refusal to go. Maybe these soccer gals know they're not as articulate as our reality star bottom grabber in chief and figured they'd just give him a chance to Rush Limbaugh them by yelling them down if they said something.

Also, I'm not a rabid Trump hater. I generally like tariffs despite the Republicans spending decades telling me they were a tool of free government which breaks the free market. I also think he did/is doing the right thing talking with North Korea despite what the "no preconditions, no talks" folks used to say.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
You’re as disrespectful as Obama.
In your case, I think it’s because you just don’t get it.
It’s a protocol, respect, courtesy thing.

Ah, your America has royalty, got it.

When I see someone I don't know, they get respect. As I get to know them, they earn or lose it.
Again, it’s a protocol thing.
I refuse to kow-tow to protocol and so should the small government folks.

I'm not going to lie towards Mecca a few times a day.

I'm not going to be overly concerned if you are a sir or madam or some combination.

I'm not going to let a priest or minister tell me I have to take in illegals or not have an abortion w/o arguing.

I'm not going to avoid buying beer on Sunday because it offends some cross snowflake.

Call it the American revolutionary spirit.

P.S. can we try to stop short of protesting funerals though?
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
No one is doing that, liar. We don't have a king. We had a muslim queer, however.

Good. Then you'll tell the non king whenever you disagree with him and not fear a threat of deportation?
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Sorry, Obama is an ex-President and that is it. I liked when Clinton and Bush Sr. teamed up to benefit those in need. Just don't care about Obama needing to stoke his ego.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
You’re as disrespectful as Obama.
In your case, I think it’s because you just don’t get it.
It’s a protocol, respect, courtesy thing.

Ah, your America has royalty, got it.

When I see someone I don't know, they get respect. As I get to know them, they earn or lose it.
Again, it’s a protocol thing.
I refuse to kow-tow to protocol and so should the small government folks.

I'm not going to lie towards Mecca a few times a day.

I'm not going to be overly concerned if you are a sir or madam or some combination.

I'm not going to let a priest or minister tell me I have to take in illegals or not have an abortion w/o arguing.

I'm not going to avoid buying beer on Sunday because it offends some cross snowflake.

Call it the American revolutionary spirit.

P.S. can we try to stop short of protesting funerals though?
But you’re not representing the US as part of US national team so it’s moot what you do individually.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Sorry, Obama is an ex-President and that is it. I liked when Clinton and Bush Sr. teamed up to benefit those in need. Just don't care about Obama needing to stoke his ego.
Obama, as a former president, still has an obligation of respect and dignity.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Sorry, Obama is an ex-President and that is it. I liked when Clinton and Bush Sr. teamed up to benefit those in need. Just don't care about Obama needing to stoke his ego.
Obama, as a former president, still has an obligation of respect and dignity.

Why don't you expect the same respect and dignity from Trump?
Actually it doesn't. Still, there is a far larger variety supporting them.
A large variety of America-haters.


I think he's proven that he loves America more than you ever will.
How did he prove it?

Allowing the Caliphate to form, being flexible with Vlad, or sending cash to fund terrorism?
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Sorry, Obama is an ex-President and that is it. I liked when Clinton and Bush Sr. teamed up to benefit those in need. Just don't care about Obama needing to stoke his ego.
Obama, as a former president, still has an obligation of respect and dignity.

Why don't you expect the same respect and dignity from Trump?
I don’t recall trump accepting a gift from anyone who disrespected the Obama presidency during Obama’s term. If he did I would object. And it wouldn’t justify Obama’s disrespect for the office.
Why don't you expect the same respect and dignity from Trump?
It would be nice if Trump were more dignified.

But it's more important that he doesn't hate America like the Democrat party does.

It would be nice if right wing fools would quit spreading that lie. In today's right wing world if you don't agree with Trump you hate America. What a fucking joke.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Sorry, Obama is an ex-President and that is it. I liked when Clinton and Bush Sr. teamed up to benefit those in need. Just don't care about Obama needing to stoke his ego.
Obama, as a former president, still has an obligation of respect and dignity.

Why don't you expect the same respect and dignity from Trump?
I don’t recall trump accepting a gift from anyone who disrespected the Obama presidency during Obama’s term. If he did I would object. And it wouldn’t justify Obama’s disrespect for the office.

That's because your head is stuck up your ass, it has to be if you think this guy has carried himself with dignity and respect.
Why don't you expect the same respect and dignity from Trump?
It would be nice if Trump were more dignified.

But it's more important that he doesn't hate America like the Democrat party does.

It would be nice if right wing fools would quit spreading that lie. In today's right wing world if you don't agree with Trump you hate America. What a fucking joke.
Both sides are saying the same is is amazing how unhinged the two corrupt parties are acting.
Why don't you expect the same respect and dignity from Trump?
It would be nice if Trump were more dignified.

But it's more important that he doesn't hate America like the Democrat party does.

It would be nice if right wing fools would quit spreading that lie. In today's right wing world if you don't agree with Trump you hate America. What a fucking joke.
Both sides are saying the same is is amazing how unhinged the two corrupt parties are asking.
Peas in a pod.
Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
You’re as disrespectful as Obama.
In your case, I think it’s because you just don’t get it.
It’s a protocol, respect, courtesy thing.

Ah, your America has royalty, got it.

When I see someone I don't know, they get respect. As I get to know them, they earn or lose it.
Again, it’s a protocol thing.
I refuse to kow-tow to protocol and so should the small government folks.

I'm not going to lie towards Mecca a few times a day.

I'm not going to be overly concerned if you are a sir or madam or some combination.

I'm not going to let a priest or minister tell me I have to take in illegals or not have an abortion w/o arguing.

I'm not going to avoid buying beer on Sunday because it offends some cross snowflake.

Call it the American revolutionary spirit.

P.S. can we try to stop short of protesting funerals though?
But you’re not representing the US as part of US national team so it’s moot what you do individually.

I still think we're demanding too much kow-towing from Olympians or Soccer players or NFL players who can't protest our favorite song or whatever.

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