Obama Proves To Be anti-American — Again

This has nothing to do with Trump. This is about protocol and system. You really don’t get it.

Yeah, that's because there is nothing to get, other than your abject subservience to the Dear Leader. For pity's sake, they accepted "a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team." That has you hyperventilating, because "protocol". Oh, and "system". Protocol and system you made up to have a "cause" to vent your imbecilic spleen. There is no such protocol, and no such system, and no one ever so much as heard of it.

Pitiful. They ditched your Dear Leader. Hence you are hurting. Hence you are looking for targets for your reactionary ire, and an excuse for your choice of targets.

As I said, pitiful.
Another moron.
This is like military. If you dis’ the CIC you get demoted if not discharged.
Obama abetting the breach of protocol.
But he’s president of the US and this is the US national team. It’s not a franchise of a pro league. It’s the US national team.
Rapinoe and her acolytes don't really care. That's how it is when you are at the center of the universe.
Then they should be stripped of their team membership if not their medal.
This isn’t about her or them. This is a US thing and all of us.
Obama should know this, too.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

It's amazing how everybody in America is suppose to be held to a certain standard, but when it comes to Trump you ass clowns will make an argument for just the opposite. They just won a CHAMPIONSHIP representing this country, but you damn Trump Humpers don't even celebrate that accomplishment because they don't bow down to Trump.
Again, this isn’t about trump. It’s about protocol.
Protocol exists for much more than personal acceptance.

Again why don't you hold Trump to the same protocol you think everyone else should adhere to?
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
Still a free country...
Not if Obama has his way.
You need to understand the importance of protocol and how it is vital to trust.

Why don't you hold Trump to the same standard?

You think it's protocol for a sitting US Pres. to criticize a vice president on foreign soil.
A bad thing doesn’t justify another bad thing.
Start a thread about trump disrespecting a VP while on foreign soil. Doesn’t do a thing to qualify this Obama/soccer-bitch thing.

For what, all you are to do is what you are doing here. Deflect, defend and make excuses.
Another moron.
This is like military. If you dis’ the CIC you get demoted if not discharged.
Obama abetting the breach of protocol.

You know dummy, when making up things you should make sure they aren't completely implausible. More importantly, you should try not to fall for your own fantasies. This is "like military". What an idiot.

Nonetheless, you've now learned the difference between "breech" and "breach", so the day wasn't completely wasted, eh?
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

It's amazing how everybody in America is suppose to be held to a certain standard, but when it comes to Trump you ass clowns will make an argument for just the opposite. They just won a CHAMPIONSHIP representing this country, but you damn Trump Humpers don't even celebrate that accomplishment because they don't bow down to Trump.
Again, this isn’t about trump. It’s about protocol.
Protocol exists for much more than personal acceptance.

Again why don't you hold Trump to the same protocol you think everyone else should adhere to?
I do. Show me where he’s dissed the US? And even where he has, it doesn’t justify this and especially Obama who should know better.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
Still a free country...
Not if Obama has his way.
You need to understand the importance of protocol and how it is vital to trust.

Why don't you hold Trump to the same standard?

You think it's protocol for a sitting US Pres. to criticize a vice president on foreign soil.
A bad thing doesn’t justify another bad thing.
Start a thread about trump disrespecting a VP while on foreign soil. Doesn’t do a thing to qualify this Obama/soccer-bitch thing.

For what, all you are to do is what you are doing here. Deflect, defend and make excuses.
Speak for yourself.
There is no deflection in this thread by me. This is straight up and obvious.
Another moron.
This is like military. If you dis’ the CIC you get demoted if not discharged.
Obama abetting the breach of protocol.

You know dummy, when making up things you should make sure they aren't completely implausible. More importantly, you should try not to fall for your own fantasies. This is "like military". What an idiot.

Nonetheless, you've now learned the difference between "breech" and "breach", so the day wasn't completely wasted, eh?
Maybe you had a vocabulary lesson.
I cited a precedent that explains this situation perfectly.
Try analysis and rebuttal before you make yourself look stupider.
Worst president ever.

Before he earned that award,Bush held that honor. Everyone of them that gets in is always wore than the previous one and has been since that bastard that got elected in 1981. Trump as of now looks like he is going to break that cycle though.Not really a good president but at least he has not started any new wars as all the other clowns did spanning the last five admiistrations with bigger wars in each administration.

Obama is a traitorous piece of slime.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Telling people they must kowtow to a king is un-american in my version of reality.

lie prostrate in front of your orange savior while he fondles your women if he finds them attractive enough.

But just to prove I'm not party of your "my way or the highway world, I'll say I like orange talking with North Korea despite what the "pre-conditioners" demanded and I like tariffs despite what the open market small government capitalism crowd told me for the last two decades.
No one is doing that, liar. We don't have a king. We had a muslim queer, however.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

It's amazing how everybody in America is suppose to be held to a certain standard, but when it comes to Trump you ass clowns will make an argument for just the opposite. They just won a CHAMPIONSHIP representing this country, but you damn Trump Humpers don't even celebrate that accomplishment because they don't bow down to Trump.

form your avatar,it looks like you are a fan of Big Ears.talk about an assclown.:lmao::laughing0301:
Another moron.
This is like military. If you dis’ the CIC you get demoted if not discharged.
Obama abetting the breach of protocol.

You know dummy, when making up things you should make sure they aren't completely implausible. More importantly, you should try not to fall for your own fantasies. This is "like military". What an idiot.

Nonetheless, you've now learned the difference between "breech" and "breach", so the day wasn't completely wasted, eh?
Maybe you had a vocabulary lesson.
I cited a precedent that explains this situation perfectly.
Try analysis and rebuttal before you make yourself look stupider.

Usually, with rightards I assume they are lying their fat arses off. With you, I am not so certain. You plainly forget that you've made things up the moment you do it. The U.S. Soccer Federation is a private 501(c)(3) organization - that is, quite unlike "the military", not even a part of the U.S. government. If they (or the women's team) were "like military", Trump could order them to alight at the White House, or their medals revoked. Not even Trump is that delusional, but you obviously are.

Naw, I was just kidding. You are lying your fat arse off, all the time, and being bereft of a capacity for shame helps you a great deal.

Again, no such protocol, no such system, not "like military", just you fluffing your Dear Leader, hurt because he had been dissed. That is too hard for you to endure.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
If turds were the principle then rump should be the high grand master of turds. Barack is doing the same thing i would and never mind rump as he is just a 6 year old mentally.

Big Ears is doing the same thing you have done? well that just speaks VOLUMES about your character the fact you are a fan of non citizen of the united states who took a shit on the constituion same as his pal Bush did,was a warmonger same as Bush,and lied about everything he said he was going to do reversing Bush UNpatriot act not only reinstating it but expanding on it and you love this mother fucker? what kind of sick monster are you?

oh and I am not saying trump is any different than Bus or obama in the least,far from it.

Pretty ironic post considering your six year old level of potty-mouthed invective. I doubt you can appreciate that however

Worst president ever.

Before he earned that award,Bush held that honor. Everyone of them that gets in is always wore than the previous one and has been since that bastard that got elected in 1981. Trump as of now looks like he is going to break that cycle though.Not really a good president but at least he has not started any new wars as all the other clowns did spanning the last five admiistrations with bigger wars in each administration.

Obama is a traitorous piece of slime.
You must be too young. Carter was the worst until Obama.
See, Carter reacted poorly to tough situations and Obama intentionally created tough situations.
Another moron.
This is like military. If you dis’ the CIC you get demoted if not discharged.
Obama abetting the breach of protocol.

You know dummy, when making up things you should make sure they aren't completely implausible. More importantly, you should try not to fall for your own fantasies. This is "like military". What an idiot.

Nonetheless, you've now learned the difference between "breech" and "breach", so the day wasn't completely wasted, eh?
Maybe you had a vocabulary lesson.
I cited a precedent that explains this situation perfectly.
Try analysis and rebuttal before you make yourself look stupider.

Usually, with rightards I assume they are lying their fat arses off. With you, I am not so certain. You plainly forget that you've made things up the moment you do it. The U.S. Soccer Federation is a private 501(c)(3) organization - that is, quite unlike "the military", not even a part of the U.S. government. If they (or the women's team) were "like military", Trump could order them to alight at the White House, or their medals revoked. Not even Trump is that delusional, but you obviously are.

Naw, I was just kidding. You are lying your fat arse off, all the time, and being bereft of a capacity for shame helps you a great deal.

Again, no such protocol, no such system, not "like military", just you fluffing your Dear Leader, hurt because he had been dissed. That is too hard for you to endure.
No one has a right to officially represent my country. When they earn that privilege they carry responsibilities.
You can do any semantic dance you wish, it only makes you appear equally rude and disrespectful.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
The thing about freedom is they can give that jersey to the person THEY respect the most.

Also former presidents deserves respect but all Trum
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Since this is a democracy they can give the jersey to whom they feel deserve it

Obama is a former president and he is an important person that does represent the US

Yet where is the complaints when Trump complains about former presidents which is disrespectful to men who were the president.

Is it disrespectful for people to NOT acknowledge Obama ?
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House
The thing about freedom is they can give that jersey to the person THEY respect the most.

Also former presidents deserves respect but all Trum
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Since this is a democracy they can give the jersey to whom they feel deserve it

Obama is a former president and he is an important person that does represent the US

Yet where is the complaints when Trump complains about former presidents which is disrespectful to men who were the president.

Is it disrespectful for people to NOT acknowledge Obama ?
Again, it’s a matter of protocol and system.
Americans have the freedom to be rude and disrespectful but that does not supersede the privilege of representing the US internationally.
The US women soccer team is supposed to represent the US, therefore they should acknowledge the president that is and not spitefully one who is no more.
As a former president, Obama should understand and honor that more than common Americans.
Instead, he (and Biden) accept a jersey from a disrespectful ‘American’ soccer team.
Rudeness and serious breech of protocol.
He should have graciously rejected the offer, admonishing that team and explaining why they were wrong and how they disrespected the country they’re suppose to represent.
But not with a Marxist ideologue with an ego as enormous as obama’s.
Turds of a feather...

Obama reps custom women's soccer jersey after World Cup champs say they won't visit Trump's White House

Obama: Racist POS ex-president who uses every situation possible to politicize for personal narcissistic self-aggrandizement at America's expense. The perfect democrat.

Yeah. Right. Provide an example of Obamas racism.
You dont accept proof.

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