Obama pushes back


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
He also pressed back against the idea that he and fellow Democrats are insisting the budget be passed exactly as they want it.

“The budget that was passed by the Democrats in the Senate was the Republican budget. It actually has the budget levels that the Republicans themselves asked for,” he said. “So it doesn’t reflect what Democrats want. Democrats have a budget that’s $70 billion higher than the Republican budget. We’ve passed the Republican budget, the only thing we’ve said is, you can’t tack on top of that repeal of the Affordable Care Act.”

He admitted that he cannot guarantee at this point that Social Security beneficiaries and others won’t see their checks stop if the government defaults, saying that Republican threats to potentially not raise the debt ceiling are “unacceptable.”

“If [a bill to raise the debt ceiling] is not passed, then you have serious questions as to whether the federal government can make payments to senior citizens, to small business people who are owed money by the federal government. And this is why we should not even be having this discussion,” he said. “This should be off the table.”

Obama flips the debate: What if I were hurting people just to get my way? ? MSNBC

It's about damn time he started returned fire.
He'll need something better than a freaking slingshot to "return fire." If you and your MSNBC friends were paying attention, when you shut down parks that don't belong to you, deny vets their benefits and their own memorials, close down the NIH and play around with the death benefits of families of fallen soldiers; you're doing harm to get your way politically. As it was explained by a Park Ranger, "we are to inflict as much pain as possible" which exposes the vengeful political agenda of the Obama Administration.

That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard of. It's not a matter of 'what if', it's a matter of 'when'.
I see the lefties are trying to put the best spin possible on this..

Too bad it isn't gonna work.

Obama's approval numbers are still dropping like a rock among independents.
I see the lefties are trying to put the best spin possible on this..

Too bad it isn't gonna work.

Obama's approval numbers are still dropping like a rock among independents.

Gee and how are the GOP's approval ratings among everyone?
I see the lefties are trying to put the best spin possible on this..

Too bad it isn't gonna work.

Obama's approval numbers are still dropping like a rock among independents.

Gee and how are the GOP's approval ratings among everyone?

Dropping rapidly among independents.

Republicans Lose Ground vs. Obama in the Shutdown Blame Game - ABC News

The Republicans in Congress have lost ground against Barack Obama in blame over the government shutdown, with Americans expressing increasing criticism of both parties in Washington, while the president’s avoided that rise in public ire.

Seventy percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll disapprove of how the Republicans in Congress are handling the budget negotiations, up 7 percentage points from a week ago. Far fewer, 51 percent, disapprove of Obama’s approach, essentially unchanged in the past week.
I see the lefties are trying to put the best spin possible on this..

Too bad it isn't gonna work.

Obama's approval numbers are still dropping like a rock among independents.

tell that to the people it will all come out who really the people wants in office come 2014 ... I'll bet republicans, tea bagger republicans, will lose their seat faster then you can blink... you watch how right your not
He's been hurting people from the start!

"I guess shovel ready isn't as shovel ready as I thought. hhahahahahahaha"

Gas is double what it was under Bush, that fucks everyone over.

More Americans have died in Afgan under him than Bush

jezuz krist, a quick glance will tell you you're nothing to him
Please Sheeple ........... you must understand that Obama is the anti-Christ and must not be successful, as this is the pivotal moment in American history, Obama is defiant, he is sending the wrong message to the Sheeple intentionally .......... for the purposes of strengthening the voting Sheeple's choke-hold upon this great nation .......... he must be stopped.
Here is a video that Jesus reveals the anti-Christ name in Hebrew in the book of Isaiah:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlT9SYR6jq4&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]anti-Christ propaganda[/ame]

Now having seen that, you should know what I am saying is true ....... check for yourself in the bible.

Below is another video showing Barack Obama metamorphosis into the anti-Christ .......... his true vile & devilish form inside the Oval Office:
............. now spread the word, Obama is the anti-Christ
Please Sheeple ........... you must understand that Obama is the anti-Christ and must not be successful, as this is the pivotal moment in American history, Obama is defiant, he is sending the wrong message to the Sheeple intentionally .......... for the purposes of strengthening the voting Sheeple's choke-hold upon this great nation .......... he must be stopped.
Here is a video that Jesus reveals the anti-Christ name in Hebrew in the book of Isaiah:
anti-Christ propaganda

Now having seen that, you should know what I am saying is true ....... check for yourself in the bible.

Below is another video showing Barack Obama metamorphosis into the anti-Christ .......... his true vile & devilish form inside the Oval Office:
............. now spread the word, Obama is the anti-Christ

Man you are a nut among nuts. Nothing about Obama tells me he is the anti-Christ. I just laugh when anyone suggests it. If he was, wouldn't his approval ratings being in the 90 percentile? Wouldn't there have to be a false sense of undying loyalty to him by the people? He afterall has to have the general public deceived. The man hasn't even started a war of his own. When is that coming? If anything Bush should have had that myth. He started two wars and the economy took a nose dive under his watch, not Obama's.
He also pressed back against the idea that he and fellow Democrats are insisting the budget be passed exactly as they want it.

“The budget that was passed by the Democrats in the Senate was the Republican budget. It actually has the budget levels that the Republicans themselves asked for,” he said. “So it doesn’t reflect what Democrats want. Democrats have a budget that’s $70 billion higher than the Republican budget. We’ve passed the Republican budget, the only thing we’ve said is, you can’t tack on top of that repeal of the Affordable Care Act.”

He admitted that he cannot guarantee at this point that Social Security beneficiaries and others won’t see their checks stop if the government defaults, saying that Republican threats to potentially not raise the debt ceiling are “unacceptable.”

“If [a bill to raise the debt ceiling] is not passed, then you have serious questions as to whether the federal government can make payments to senior citizens, to small business people who are owed money by the federal government. And this is why we should not even be having this discussion,” he said. “This should be off the table.”

Obama flips the debate: What if I were hurting people just to get my way? ? MSNBC

It's about damn time he started returned fire.

Fortunately, for us, President Obama's preferred method of returning fire is simply telling the truth.
He also pressed back against the idea that he and fellow Democrats are insisting the budget be passed exactly as they want it.

“The budget that was passed by the Democrats in the Senate was the Republican budget. It actually has the budget levels that the Republicans themselves asked for,” he said. “So it doesn’t reflect what Democrats want. Democrats have a budget that’s $70 billion higher than the Republican budget. We’ve passed the Republican budget, the only thing we’ve said is, you can’t tack on top of that repeal of the Affordable Care Act.”

He admitted that he cannot guarantee at this point that Social Security beneficiaries and others won’t see their checks stop if the government defaults, saying that Republican threats to potentially not raise the debt ceiling are “unacceptable.”

“If [a bill to raise the debt ceiling] is not passed, then you have serious questions as to whether the federal government can make payments to senior citizens, to small business people who are owed money by the federal government. And this is why we should not even be having this discussion,” he said. “This should be off the table.”

Obama flips the debate: What if I were hurting people just to get my way? ? MSNBC

It's about damn time he started returned fire.

Obama can't return jack. He's to incompetent and should of never been able to convince you fools to vote for him. Considering how many Americans want to ride in the cart instead of pulling it I'm not surprised they would vote for someone who encourages that outcome

That's why this country is so screwed

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Okay, but you're the idiot who has him acting out a part from a children's book reading in your sig, as though it means something else entirely. I'm not thinking we should trust your judgment.
He also pressed back against the idea that he and fellow Democrats are insisting the budget be passed exactly as they want it.

“The budget that was passed by the Democrats in the Senate was the Republican budget. It actually has the budget levels that the Republicans themselves asked for,” he said. “So it doesn’t reflect what Democrats want. Democrats have a budget that’s $70 billion higher than the Republican budget. We’ve passed the Republican budget, the only thing we’ve said is, you can’t tack on top of that repeal of the Affordable Care Act.”

He admitted that he cannot guarantee at this point that Social Security beneficiaries and others won’t see their checks stop if the government defaults, saying that Republican threats to potentially not raise the debt ceiling are “unacceptable.”

“If [a bill to raise the debt ceiling] is not passed, then you have serious questions as to whether the federal government can make payments to senior citizens, to small business people who are owed money by the federal government. And this is why we should not even be having this discussion,” he said. “This should be off the table.”

Obama flips the debate: What if I were hurting people just to get my way? ? MSNBC

It's about damn time he started returned fire.

Obama can't return jack. He's to incompetent and should of never been able to convince you fools to vote for him. Considering how many Americans want to ride in the cart instead of pulling it I'm not surprised they would would vote for someone who encourages that outcome

That's why this country is so screwed


I think a big problem with politics is critique like this that is nothing but fluff and general, unspecific metaphor.
He been pushing people over the edge and off the cliff since his election

over 7% unemployment now for FIVE years UNDER HIM

He should get a frikken clue the Majority of the people can't STAND HIM so he needs to push his ass to do what the people are telling him...and shut and sit down...
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He been pushing people over the edge and off the cliff since his election

over 7% unemployment now for FIVE years UNDER HIM

He should get a frikken clue the Majority of the people can't STAND HIM so he needs to push his ass to do what the people telling him...and shut and sit down

Hell- The peanut farmers lush brother Billy could of done a better job running this country

The Obama experiment is a disaster and cost prohibitive

He been pushing people over the edge and off the cliff since his election

over 7% unemployment now for FIVE years UNDER HIM

He should get a frikken clue the Majority of the people can't STAND HIM so he needs to push his ass to do what the people telling him...and shut and sit down

Hell- The peanut farmers lush brother Billy could of done a better job running this country

The Obama experiment is a disaster and cost prohibitive


Yeah, this post is pretty much the same standard as your last one.

He been pushing people over the edge and off the cliff since his election

over 7% unemployment now for FIVE years UNDER HIM

He should get a frikken clue the Majority of the people can't STAND HIM so he needs to push his ass to do what the people telling him...and shut and sit down

Hell- The peanut farmers lush brother Billy could of done a better job running this country

The Obama experiment is a disaster and cost prohibitive


Yeah, this post is pretty much the same standard as your last one.


and this post is pretty much your standard postings
nasty and rude

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