Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

Yes, the last time I was employed (before they sent my job to India) I had to provide my college records
You had to provide your college records to anyone who asks?

Cool, where were they publicly posted? I'd like to see them.

I had to provide them to my employer. We are the president's employer. Nice try though.

Sorry, it's not quite the same thing. You, yourself may not fire the president.

Nor did you require that any of his predecessors submit to the same colonoscopy.
You had to provide your college records to anyone who asks?

Cool, where were they publicly posted? I'd like to see them.

I had to provide them to my employer. We are the president's employer. Nice try though.

Sorry, it's not quite the same thing. You, yourself may not fire the president.

Nor did you require that any of his predecessors submit to the same colonoscopy.

True, in representative democracy , which is what we once had in this country, the Congress had that responsibility - it was called "Impeachment" . Nowever , since the Clintonians made a mockery of that process with two simple words "Define Sex" it no longer carries much weight - it's a joke.

The heirs of the Clintonians - the Obamaites - have taken it a step further and established that the constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on , he has his pen and will do as he pleases , and he doesn't need to be an American to sit as the "De-Facto" El Presidente - lets see what 2016 holds ... lock and load MFers
I had to provide them to my employer. We are the president's employer. Nice try though.

Sorry, it's not quite the same thing. You, yourself may not fire the president.

Nor did you require that any of his predecessors submit to the same colonoscopy.

True, in representative democracy , which is what we once had in this country, the Congress had that responsibility - it was called "Impeachment" . Nowever , since the Clintonians made a mockery of that process with two simple words "Define Sex" it no longer carries much weight - it's a joke.

The heirs of the Clintonians - the Obamaites - have taken it a step further and established that the constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on , he has his pen and will do as he pleases , and he doesn't need to be an American to sit as the "De-Facto" El Presidente - lets see what 2016 holds ... lock and load MFers

Remember this - if impeachment ever becomes a viable tool in order to jettison presidents that we don't wan't in office, YOUR GUY (whomever that might be) is certain to be next.

I'm glad the process is not that easy. I would like to enjoy a little bit of stability for ANY president and not have him facing impeachment every step of the way.

NO ONE would be effective looking over their shoulder like that.
Sorry, it's not quite the same thing. You, yourself may not fire the president.

Nor did you require that any of his predecessors submit to the same colonoscopy.

True, in representative democracy , which is what we once had in this country, the Congress had that responsibility - it was called "Impeachment" . Nowever , since the Clintonians made a mockery of that process with two simple words "Define Sex" it no longer carries much weight - it's a joke.

The heirs of the Clintonians - the Obamaites - have taken it a step further and established that the constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on , he has his pen and will do as he pleases , and he doesn't need to be an American to sit as the "De-Facto" El Presidente - lets see what 2016 holds ... lock and load MFers

Remember this - if impeachment ever becomes a viable tool in order to jettison presidents that we don't wan't in office, YOUR GUY (whomever that might be) is certain to be next.

I'm glad the process is not that easy. I would like to enjoy a little bit of stability for ANY president and not have him facing impeachment every step of the way.

NO ONE would be effective looking over their shoulder like that.

The framers expect us to use the power of the purse to reel in a lawless POTUS like Obama when impeachment is not a viable option.

Sorry, it's not quite the same thing. You, yourself may not fire the president.

Nor did you require that any of his predecessors submit to the same colonoscopy.

True, in representative democracy , which is what we once had in this country, the Congress had that responsibility - it was called "Impeachment" . Nowever , since the Clintonians made a mockery of that process with two simple words "Define Sex" it no longer carries much weight - it's a joke.

The heirs of the Clintonians - the Obamaites - have taken it a step further and established that the constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on , he has his pen and will do as he pleases , and he doesn't need to be an American to sit as the "De-Facto" El Presidente - lets see what 2016 holds ... lock and load MFers

Remember this - if impeachment ever becomes a viable tool in order to jettison presidents that we don't wan't in office, YOUR GUY (whomever that might be) is certain to be next.

I'm glad the process is not that easy. I would like to enjoy a little bit of stability for ANY president and not have him facing impeachment every step of the way.

NO ONE would be effective looking over their shoulder like that.

You make a good point Cabbie, but it's not simply a tool to "Jettison presidents that we don't want in office" - It's to jettison criminals who have no right being in office

Richard Nixon, had he not resigned, would certainly have been impeached - and he was a competent , but dishonest leader. His crimes were what he felt for the greater good of his country and cause, however misguided that cause may have been.

Bill Clinton - had no cause , other than his own personal gluttony for money, power and pussy and he was a loathing misogynist. He allied himself with socio-fascists because that is the political persuassion that lacked any moral fiber or ethical standards and shared his gluttony .

Barry Obama - has a cause - Socialism and Fascism and has no respect for America, Americans or what made this Nation Great - and it certainly isn't Socialism.

Reason for Impeachment -

He has failed to prove that he is legally qualified to serve as "de-jure" president,and submitted a blatantly fraudulent Birth Certifcate. He has claimed citizen in Indonesia, and is fact Kenyan born.

misappropriated over 300 million dollars in donations meant for the education of Chicago’s minority students. They routed the money to Obama’s "community activist" buddies who then tried to indoctrinate the students for the radical left

Accepted millions in illegal campaign contributions from foreign credit cards after the credit card filters used to screen out foreign money, was switched off. This also allowed domestic donors, who were over the legal limit, to contribute more.

Attempted to move control of the Census Bureau to the White House, to be managed by then socio-fascist Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel for he purpose of tampering with the figures and falsifying census data,as wellas suppressing data unfavorable to his agenda.

Creation of a “shadow government” of over 30 individuals who are not confirmed by the Senate and respond only to the el-presidente, yet have tremendous regulatory powers – a clear violation of the separation of powers concept.

As Illinois State Senator, he redirected tens of millions in Illinois state funds to Valerie Jarrett and Tony Rezko, to provide low income housing. They returned the favor with huge political donations. The housing units they built werre hastily slapped together , with unskilled labor and cheap materials after a few years they are simply uninhabitable and need to be bulldozed.

Backdoor implementation of the DREAM Act which would grant 22 million illegals amnesty.

Communicating troop reductions to our enemies – while embracing , the Taliban, and recognizing another, the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Al-Qaeda

Obama illegally fired the IG Walpin for investigating an Obama Allie, Mayor Kevin Johnson (Sacramento), for fraud - $850,000 with AmeriCorps.

Obama and Silly Hilly Clinton misappropriated, $23 million in US taxpayer funds to help Obama’s homeland of Kenya move to a communist nation where the freedom of speech, private property rights, and other rights are subservient to “social justice”. This includes the fact that the Kenyan constitution adopted Sharia Law, which violates the basic human rights of women.
True, in representative democracy , which is what we once had in this country, the Congress had that responsibility - it was called "Impeachment" . Nowever , since the Clintonians made a mockery of that process with two simple words "Define Sex" it no longer carries much weight - it's a joke.

The heirs of the Clintonians - the Obamaites - have taken it a step further and established that the constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on , he has his pen and will do as he pleases , and he doesn't need to be an American to sit as the "De-Facto" El Presidente - lets see what 2016 holds ... lock and load MFers

Remember this - if impeachment ever becomes a viable tool in order to jettison presidents that we don't wan't in office, YOUR GUY (whomever that might be) is certain to be next.

I'm glad the process is not that easy. I would like to enjoy a little bit of stability for ANY president and not have him facing impeachment every step of the way.

NO ONE would be effective looking over their shoulder like that.

The framers expect us to use the power of the purse to reel in a lawless POTUS like Obama when impeachment is not a viable option.


Would you trust the liberals to be fair with am investigation of the next republican president?
Remember this - if impeachment ever becomes a viable tool in order to jettison presidents that we don't wan't in office, YOUR GUY (whomever that might be) is certain to be next.

I'm glad the process is not that easy. I would like to enjoy a little bit of stability for ANY president and not have him facing impeachment every step of the way.

NO ONE would be effective looking over their shoulder like that.

The framers expect us to use the power of the purse to reel in a lawless POTUS like Obama when impeachment is not a viable option.


Would you trust the liberals to be fair with am investigation of the next republican president?

I could care less.

I'm not Republican

The framers expect us to use the power of the purse to reel in a lawless POTUS like Obama when impeachment is not a viable option.


Would you trust the liberals to be fair with am investigation of the next republican president?

I could care less.

I'm not Republican


When your through trying to be all dark and mysterious, please change the word to Republican to reflect someone whom you might vote for and answer the question.
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The GOP also sufferred from some of their own blunders, such as their choice of John McCain, a poor candidate .

But they suffered more so from the decades of left wing societal manipulation, and years of Bush Bashing which took its toll.

Yeah. McCain was a really BAD choice. Romney was even a little too left for me but better than McCain. At least Romney knows how to run a business whereas Barry hasn't a clue -- even in his second term. Still as "junior" as he was the day he stepped foot in D.C.
Yet, Romney will be but a forgotten asterisk in the history books, and Obama is one of only 21 men in all of US history to be reelected to two presidential terms.

If he makes to the end of his term, one of only 13 Presidents, in all of American history.

Aw, that makes ole the ole 47% asterisk look pretty junior by comparison. :lol:

And (and this is a big AND) he will be remembered as the very worst President in the history of the USA (unless it's possible to find one worse). So he, too, will have an asterisk next to his name -- sadly. :(
I had to provide them to my employer. We are the president's employer.
Okay where might I find the college transcripts of my mailman, the ranger at the Grand Canyon who took my entrance fee, the IRS guy who I discussed calculating cost basis with, the lady at the social security office I talked to about missing W-2 info on my earnings history, my local congressman, and the really cute army chick I sat next to last time I flew to Tampa?

Can you please point me to the website, I think it would be neat to see their records.

Remember this - if impeachment ever becomes a viable tool in order to jettison presidents that we don't wan't in office, YOUR GUY (whomever that might be) is certain to be next.

I'm glad the process is not that easy. I would like to enjoy a little bit of stability for ANY president and not have him facing impeachment every step of the way.

NO ONE would be effective looking over their shoulder like that.

The framers expect us to use the power of the purse to reel in a lawless POTUS like Obama when impeachment is not a viable option.


Would you trust the liberals to be fair with am investigation of the next republican president?

The impeachment process [theoretically] involves bipartisan participation.
Barack Obama is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. There is so much we don't know about him. Some believe the Ayers Family paid for his Education. Others believe he lied to get Foreign Aid assistance. But who knows? All we do know is that he still refuses to release all his records. We'll likely never get any real answers to this, and many other Obama questions.

I had to provide them to my employer. We are the president's employer.
Okay where might I find the college transcripts of my mailman, the ranger at the Grand Canyon who took my entrance fee, the IRS guy who I discussed calculating cost basis with, the lady at the social security office I talked to about missing W-2 info on my earnings history, my local congressman, and the really cute army chick I sat next to last time I flew to Tampa?

Can you please point me to the website, I think it would be neat to see their records.


Wow, who knew the Democrat field seeking THE NOMINATION TO BE ELECTED PRESIDENT was that far-ranging!

When they do that they need to 'fess up. Are you running? Or does fear of releasing some of that scare you off? Can't always count on a compliant media covering one's sorry ass, now can one?
Wow, who knew the Democrat field seeking THE NOMINATION TO BE ELECTED PRESIDENT was that far-ranging!
Dang my fault, I was going by what AgainSheila said where since Obama is a public servant he works for us and should thus provide his college transcripts to us as his employer.

I'll let you guys fight that one out.

Are you running? Or does fear of releasing some of that scare you off? Can't always count on a compliant media covering one's sorry ass, now can one?
Nope not running. I'll release mine when AgainSheila posts hers.
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Sorry, it's not quite the same thing. You, yourself may not fire the president.

Nor did you require that any of his predecessors submit to the same colonoscopy.

True, in representative democracy , which is what we once had in this country, the Congress had that responsibility - it was called "Impeachment" . Nowever , since the Clintonians made a mockery of that process with two simple words "Define Sex" it no longer carries much weight - it's a joke.

The heirs of the Clintonians - the Obamaites - have taken it a step further and established that the constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on , he has his pen and will do as he pleases , and he doesn't need to be an American to sit as the "De-Facto" El Presidente - lets see what 2016 holds ... lock and load MFers

Remember this - if impeachment ever becomes a viable tool in order to jettison presidents that we don't wan't in office, YOUR GUY (whomever that might be) is certain to be next.

I'm glad the process is not that easy. I would like to enjoy a little bit of stability for ANY president and not have him facing impeachment every step of the way.

NO ONE would be effective looking over their shoulder like that.

So you think that if someone will face punishment for doing a bad job, they will do a bad job? What the heck kind of logic is that?

No worries, thanks to the Senate under Clinton, the impeachment process is worthless and it doesn't matter how bad our president is, he could be the reincarnation of Hitler and we wouldn't be able to get him out of power.
he won't release his records, in my opinion, because he is the very first birther. Claiming, or letting it stand, that he was born in Kenya. Thus using that for monetary gain enrolling as a foreign student.
That doesn't make sense.

International students almost always pay full tuition, in fact attracting foreign students is a cash cow for US colleges for this reason.

If one's goal in financial benefit the best path is applying as an American minority, not saying you were born overseas.
What is putative president Obama afraid of? Something is on those passport records, college admissions and transcripts that he doesn't want to be made public. During the last presidential campaign, Donald Trump even offered to have 5 dollars sent to any charity of his choosing if he would release his transcripts but Obama refused to do it. That sent a strong signal that something is seriously wrong with those records. We need to find out what that boy has on those transcripts and how he paid for his college. We need him to release those old passport records of his prior to becoming president. It is something we tax paying Americans are owed from the putative president.

Donald Trump offers Obama 5 million dollars - YouTube

since when does any government officer have the authority to withhold records that are of constitutional public concern?
I seriously doubt we'll ever really know who Barack Obama is. His whole existence is a murky mystery. We've never had a President we knew so little about. It's uncharted waters for Americans. We usually know everything about our President. Oh well, only a couple of dismal years left for the mysterious interloper. Let's not repeat this awful mistake.
I seriously doubt we'll ever really know who Barack Obama is. His whole existence is a murky mystery. We've never had a President we knew so little about. It's uncharted waters for Americans. We usually know everything about our President. Oh well, only a couple of dismal years left for the mysterious interloper. Let's not repeat this awful mistake.

... And I seriously doubt that the nutters will ever actually listen to people who said that they knew Barack Obama and stop listening to people who did NOT know him and insist that no one else did either.

For every crack-pot like Larry Sinclair, who makes outrageous claims with no intentions of backing anything up, there are people who went to school with him and remember him.

For every Mia Marie Pope, who claims that Obama engaged in sexual activity in exchange for cocaine, there are actual stories of people who say that, they did indeed know Obama and that he was a brilliant, likable child:

"We liked to make fun of Barry and tease him," said Harmon Askiar, a 54-year-old contractor who still lives in the house where young Obama came to play. "He got angry but he liked it, because he felt welcome with our family." Another friend, Ronny Amir, recalls some children from another area disturbing their game of football. "Barry was very upset. He went home, got his baby crocodile and chased them with it," he said. "Those children never came back."
Mr Obama was registered as a Muslim at St Francis Assissi school, but the entry is rife with errors including that "Barry Soetoro" was Indonesian. His old friends all insist that he was not a Muslim.
"I've asked all the neighbours whether they saw him pray at the mosque and the answer is no, but he played around the mosque," said Zulfan Adi, 47, who runs an internet café.

Barack Obama's childhood friends deny he was a Muslim - Telegraph

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