Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

I've never believed Obama was a natural born citizen but this is just one more reason to solidify that belief. Just another crime to add to his growing list.

But hey, at least America got to witness the complete and utter failure of the first black POTUS.

Obama's reputation proceeded him



True. It's a bit sad that the very first black President in America's long history turned out to be the very worst President in America's long history. That's certainly not a legacy I'd want to be burdened with for the rest of my life if I were black.

Now, future generations will have to decide which was the worst black leader on earth -- Idi Amin or Barry Soetoro?

Many blacks are now saying Obama isn't really black. It's kind of confusing for me because all the blacks I know were saying Clinton was the first black president. Then Obama was elected and he was the first black president. Now he's not black. ?!??
Guys, I'm sorry, I'm not talking right now as partisan - I promise.

Do you honestly believe that Obama releases his collage transcripts and every thing will be all tits and champagne?

I can hear Rush now ... "well folks, looks like me and a lot of my constituents were dead wrong about Obama; he seems to be a very smart guy who liked to learn and ... what's this? Seems that we have just learned that Obama was born in the states after all. Who-da-thunk-it?"

I, somehow don't get the feeling that it will go down that way. The more papers and certificates that are "demanded" by the angry mob of torch carrying "inquisitors," the more they demand.

You guys don't see it like that?
Guys, I'm sorry, I'm not talking right now as partisan - I promise.

Do you honestly believe that Obama releases his collage transcripts and every thing will be all tits and champagne?

I can hear Rush now ... "well folks, looks like me and a lot of my constituents were dead wrong about Obama; he seems to be a very smart guy who liked to learn and ... what's this? Seems that we have just learned that Obama was born in the states after all. Who-da-thunk-it?"

I, somehow don't get the feeling that it will go down that way. The more papers and certificates that are "demanded" by the angry mob of torch carrying "inquisitors," the more they demand.

You guys don't see it like that?

What I see is that Obama who promised the most transparent administration in history has done just the opposite.

No worries, he won't release his college transcripts, he doesn't dare.

Oh, and FYI, even if Obama was born in the USA, he went to Indonesia to live where he was raised by this step father. After the age of majority, he went to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport. Indonesia didn't accept dual citizenship, that means he gave up his American citizenship AFTER the age of majority so he could go to Pakistan.
It's one of only two things: he either was really born in Kenya, or he lied and told his colleges that he was born in Kenya

Thanks, be sure and post this one more time, in case anyone missed it.

YOUR opinion is VERY important here.

What? You missed the pamphlet?

Take off the partisan shades for a sec; I know what it says, what I am saying is that there could be a third possibility that is not being allowed for here, that being what I believe actually transpired - that the author of the pamphlet made an error and that it did not involve some dastardly cover-up or vast left-wing conspiracy.

That's all, and no - thanks to the right-wing propaganda jalopy, NO ONE missed the stupid pamphlet!!! We were treated to it ad nauseam, til we could recite it while deep in REM sleep!
Thanks, be sure and post this one more time, in case anyone missed it.

YOUR opinion is VERY important here.

What? You missed the pamphlet?

Take off the partisan shades for a sec; I know what it says, what I am saying is that there could be a third possibility that is not being allowed for here, that being what I believe actually transpired - that the author of the pamphlet made an error and that it did not involve some dastardly cover-up or vast left-wing conspiracy.

That's all, and no - thanks to the right-wing propaganda jalopy, NO ONE missed the stupid pamphlet!!! We were treated to it ad nauseam, til we could recite it while deep in REM sleep!

In order to take off the partisan shades, I would first have to BE partisan. I'm an independent. I hate Bush and Obama equally.
Guys, I'm sorry, I'm not talking right now as partisan - I promise.

Do you honestly believe that Obama releases his collage transcripts and every thing will be all tits and champagne?

I can hear Rush now ... "well folks, looks like me and a lot of my constituents were dead wrong about Obama; he seems to be a very smart guy who liked to learn and ... what's this? Seems that we have just learned that Obama was born in the states after all. Who-da-thunk-it?"

I, somehow don't get the feeling that it will go down that way. The more papers and certificates that are "demanded" by the angry mob of torch carrying "inquisitors," the more they demand.

You guys don't see it like that?

What I see is that Obama who promised the most transparent administration in history has done just the opposite.

No worries, he won't release his college transcripts, he doesn't dare.

Oh, and FYI, even if Obama was born in the USA, he went to Indonesia to live where he was raised by this step father. After the age of majority, he went to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport. Indonesia didn't accept dual citizenship, that means he gave up his American citizenship AFTER the age of majority so he could go to Pakistan.

He gave up his citizenship?

During a fundraiser in San Francisco in April 2008, Barack Obama made reference to a visit he had undertaken to Pakistan during his college years (a journey he had not mentioned in either of his books). His campaign press secretary, Bill Burton, later provided some additional detail about that trip to curious journalists: During the summer of 1981, when he was twenty years old, Barack Obama visited with his mother and half-sister in Indonesia, then embarked on a three-week trip to Pakistan with a college friend whose family lived in Karachi. However, the claim that Barack Obama must have set out on that trip to Pakistan using a non-U.S. passport is false: The U.S. State Department did not include Pakistan on a "no travel" list barring Americans from traveling there in mid-1981, and evidence documents that Americans could in fact freely visit that country at that time.

The U.S. State Department issues Travel Warnings (which caution travelers about "long-term, protracted conditions that make a country dangerous or unstable") and Travel Alerts (which caution travelers about "short-term conditions, generally within a particular country, that pose imminent risks to the security of U.S. citizens") but those warnings are purely advisory — they do not prohibit Americans from traveling to the listed countries. The fact that the U.S. State Department issued an informative Travel Advisory for Pakistan in August 1981 (to make American citizens aware of updated visa requirements for entering that country) demonstrates that U.S. passport holders could freely travel to and from Pakistan at the time of Barack Obama's visit there.

Moreover, during that same time period (mid-1981), New York Times assistant news editor Barbara Crossette visited Pakistan and wrote a column about her experiences, a piece in which she offered tips to other Americans who might wish to visit that country. Additionally, her column prompted a follow-up letter from John S. Brims, then the U.S. Consul General in Lahore, Pakistan, in which he "welcome[d] an influx of Americans" who might have been inspired to come to Pakistan by her article and also offered helpful tips for tourists traveling to that country by rail from India:
One of the pleasures of the Foreign Service is being able to serve in cities like Lahore, and I would welcome an influx of Americans who might have been inspired to come by Barbara Crossette's piece, "Lahore, a Survivor With a Bittersweet History."

But please caution them.

While tourists can obtain a free, 30-day, non-extendable visa to Pakistan at the Wagah border crossing (on the rail route from New Delhi to Lahore), tourists cannot make the reverse journey from Pakistan to India through the same crossing unless they already have an Indian visa. The Indians only offer this service, so far as I know, to tourists debarking at airports. We have had a number of Americans stranded in Lahore who did not know this, and they tend to be too discouraged to enjoy the city.
Many other news articles from 1981 reference either Americans' traveling to Pakistan or the Pakistan government's making efforts to encourage visits from U.S. tourists.

In short, if Barack Obama did visit Pakistan in the summer of 1981, he — like all other Americans — could have openly done so bearing a U.S. passport.

Read more at snopes.com: Barack Obama's Passport

Americans do not "give up" their US citizenship - it must be decided by the US court system.
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What? You missed the pamphlet?

Take off the partisan shades for a sec; I know what it says, what I am saying is that there could be a third possibility that is not being allowed for here, that being what I believe actually transpired - that the author of the pamphlet made an error and that it did not involve some dastardly cover-up or vast left-wing conspiracy.

That's all, and no - thanks to the right-wing propaganda jalopy, NO ONE missed the stupid pamphlet!!! We were treated to it ad nauseam, til we could recite it while deep in REM sleep!

In order to take off the partisan shades, I would first have to BE partisan. I'm an independent. I hate Bush and Obama equally.

With all due respect, you don't sound very independent. You sound like a ditto-head.

My guess is that you call yourself an "independent" because Republicans are not conservative enough for you. Am I correct?
Guys, I'm sorry, I'm not talking right now as partisan - I promise.

Do you honestly believe that Obama releases his collage transcripts and every thing will be all tits and champagne?

I can hear Rush now ... "well folks, looks like me and a lot of my constituents were dead wrong about Obama; he seems to be a very smart guy who liked to learn and ... what's this? Seems that we have just learned that Obama was born in the states after all. Who-da-thunk-it?"

I, somehow don't get the feeling that it will go down that way. The more papers and certificates that are "demanded" by the angry mob of torch carrying "inquisitors," the more they demand.

You guys don't see it like that?

What I see is that Obama who promised the most transparent administration in history has done just the opposite.

No worries, he won't release his college transcripts, he doesn't dare.

Oh, and FYI, even if Obama was born in the USA, he went to Indonesia to live where he was raised by this step father. After the age of majority, he went to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport. Indonesia didn't accept dual citizenship, that means he gave up his American citizenship AFTER the age of majority so he could go to Pakistan.

He gave up his citizenship?

During a fundraiser in San Francisco in April 2008, Barack Obama made reference to a visit he had undertaken to Pakistan during his college years (a journey he had not mentioned in either of his books). His campaign press secretary, Bill Burton, later provided some additional detail about that trip to curious journalists: During the summer of 1981, when he was twenty years old, Barack Obama visited with his mother and half-sister in Indonesia, then embarked on a three-week trip to Pakistan with a college friend whose family lived in Karachi. However, the claim that Barack Obama must have set out on that trip to Pakistan using a non-U.S. passport is false: The U.S. State Department did not include Pakistan on a "no travel" list barring Americans from traveling there in mid-1981, and evidence documents that Americans could in fact freely visit that country at that time.

The U.S. State Department issues Travel Warnings (which caution travelers about "long-term, protracted conditions that make a country dangerous or unstable") and Travel Alerts (which caution travelers about "short-term conditions, generally within a particular country, that pose imminent risks to the security of U.S. citizens") but those warnings are purely advisory — they do not prohibit Americans from traveling to the listed countries. The fact that the U.S. State Department issued an informative Travel Advisory for Pakistan in August 1981 (to make American citizens aware of updated visa requirements for entering that country) demonstrates that U.S. passport holders could freely travel to and from Pakistan at the time of Barack Obama's visit there.

Moreover, during that same time period (mid-1981), New York Times assistant news editor Barbara Crossette visited Pakistan and wrote a column about her experiences, a piece in which she offered tips to other Americans who might wish to visit that country. Additionally, her column prompted a follow-up letter from John S. Brims, then the U.S. Consul General in Lahore, Pakistan, in which he "welcome[d] an influx of Americans" who might have been inspired to come to Pakistan by her article and also offered helpful tips for tourists traveling to that country by rail from India:
One of the pleasures of the Foreign Service is being able to serve in cities like Lahore, and I would welcome an influx of Americans who might have been inspired to come by Barbara Crossette's piece, "Lahore, a Survivor With a Bittersweet History."

But please caution them.

While tourists can obtain a free, 30-day, non-extendable visa to Pakistan at the Wagah border crossing (on the rail route from New Delhi to Lahore), tourists cannot make the reverse journey from Pakistan to India through the same crossing unless they already have an Indian visa. The Indians only offer this service, so far as I know, to tourists debarking at airports. We have had a number of Americans stranded in Lahore who did not know this, and they tend to be too discouraged to enjoy the city.
Many other news articles from 1981 reference either Americans' traveling to Pakistan or the Pakistan government's making efforts to encourage visits from U.S. tourists.

In short, if Barack Obama did visit Pakistan in the summer of 1981, . he — like all other Americans — could have openly done so bearing a U.S. passport

Read more at snopes.com: Barack Obama's Passport

Then why are his passport records sealed as well? Face it, he's hiding way too much.
What I see is that Obama who promised the most transparent administration in history has done just the opposite.

No worries, he won't release his college transcripts, he doesn't dare.

Oh, and FYI, even if Obama was born in the USA, he went to Indonesia to live where he was raised by this step father. After the age of majority, he went to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport. Indonesia didn't accept dual citizenship, that means he gave up his American citizenship AFTER the age of majority so he could go to Pakistan.

He gave up his citizenship?

During a fundraiser.....

Then why are his passport records sealed as well? Face it, he's hiding way too much.

Would you like to see his blood glucose readings and maybe have him pee in a cup?

How many other presidents were forced to release their BC?
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Then why are his passport records sealed as well? Face it, he's hiding way too much.
This is pretty standard tin-hatter procedure.

Get one of your "but what about" shot down, you don't even acknowledge it or bother to take a step back and wonder why you were claiming something as evidence that is easily debunked, just hop onto the next bullshit reasoning behind your conspiracy theory.
Then why are his passport records sealed as well? Face it, he's hiding way too much.

Would you like to see his blood glucose readings and maybe have him pee in a cup?

How many other presidents were forced to release their BC?

How many of them didn't release their college records?

I don't truthfully know or care. What the hell does it have to do with running the country? Did your employer make this request of you? I'd quit if they did and tell them to shove their crappy job up there ass. Just me, though - I've been known to tell people off with a quickness.
Just listening to him speak about US Law and the Constitution, it's pretty obvious Obama never actually attended class at Harvard
Just listening to him speak about US Law and the Constitution, it's pretty obvious Obama never actually attended class at Harvard


Wow, I better call Donnie Trump about this right away!!!

Would you like to see his blood glucose readings and maybe have him pee in a cup?

How many other presidents were forced to release their BC?

How many of them didn't release their college records?

I don't truthfully know or care. What the hell does it have to do with running the country? Did your employer make this request of you? I'd quit if they did and tell them to shove their crappy job up there ass. Just me, though - I've been known to tell people off with a quickness.

Yes, the last time I was employed (before they sent my job to India) I had to provide my college records, my high school records, a drug test, etc. I think our presidents should have to do the same thing.

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