Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

he won't release his records, in my opinion, because he is the very first birther. Claiming, or letting it stand, that he was born in Kenya. Thus using that for monetary gain enrolling as a foreign student.

Horse-feathers - he has always denied it. The BC scandal was around since BEFORE he was POTUS - he had his BC hanging on his wall in his Chicago office FOR ANYONE TO COME LOOK AT ... no one who was a critic came.
I seriously doubt we'll ever really know who Barack Obama is. His whole existence is a murky mystery. We've never had a President we knew so little about. It's uncharted waters for Americans. We usually know everything about our President. Oh well, only a couple of dismal years left for the mysterious interloper. Let's not repeat this awful mistake.

... And I seriously doubt that the nutters will ever actually listen to people who said that they knew Barack Obama and stop listening to people who did NOT know him and insist that no one else did either.

For every crack-pot like Larry Sinclair, who makes outrageous claims with no intentions of backing anything up, there are people who went to school with him and remember him.

For every Mia Marie Pope, who claims that Obama engaged in sexual activity in exchange for cocaine, there are actual stories of people who say that, they did indeed know Obama and that he was a brilliant, likable child:

"We liked to make fun of Barry and tease him," said Harmon Askiar, a 54-year-old contractor who still lives in the house where young Obama came to play. "He got angry but he liked it, because he felt welcome with our family." Another friend, Ronny Amir, recalls some children from another area disturbing their game of football. "Barry was very upset. He went home, got his baby crocodile and chased them with it," he said. "Those children never came back."
Mr Obama was registered as a Muslim at St Francis Assissi school, but the entry is rife with errors including that "Barry Soetoro" was Indonesian. His old friends all insist that he was not a Muslim.
"I've asked all the neighbours whether they saw him pray at the mosque and the answer is no, but he played around the mosque," said Zulfan Adi, 47, who runs an internet café.

Barack Obama's childhood friends deny he was a Muslim - Telegraph


Who is Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro?? I don't think we'll ever know.
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Who is Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro?? I don't think we'll ever know.

You won't know shit unless you take the blinders off and quit falling for every STUPID scandal that comes down the pike.

Barack Obama, or whatever his name is, is likely a Globalist Elite New World Order plant. He was placed into power to destroy America. And he certainly has done quite a job there so far. He sure has 'Transformed' the Nation.

It's all part of the New World Order. The American Constitution needs to go. It's just an obstacle for the Globalist Elites and the creation of their Global Fascist State. Next, they want Hitlery in there. I hope that doesn't happen though. But I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Hah poor Paulitician has been reduced to regurgitating random nutter soundbytes. What do you have some app that puts those together?
Who is Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro?? I don't think we'll ever know.

You won't know shit unless you take the blinders off and quit falling for every STUPID scandal that comes down the pike.

Barack Obama, or whatever his name is, is likely a Globalist Elite New World Order plant. He was placed into power to destroy America. And he certainly has done quite a job there so far. He sure has 'Transformed' the Nation.

It's all part of the New World Order. The American Constitution needs to go. It's just an obstacle for the Globalist Elites and the creation of their Global Fascist State. Next, they want Hitlery in there. I hope that doesn't happen though. But I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

Okay, even though I think you're all but unhinged and even though I've thought that about you from your first posts ... just what is a "Globalist Elite New World Order plant" and "New World Order"? Is that the silly lame shit Alex Jones goes on about?

As always, I would like to see you look up the definition of "fascism". if you did, you would realize you're looking at the wrong people.

And EXACTLY what has he done to "destroy America"? And don't say create jobs and help the middle class.

And, "Hitlery"? WTH is that supposed to mean?
You won't know shit unless you take the blinders off and quit falling for every STUPID scandal that comes down the pike.

Barack Obama, or whatever his name is, is likely a Globalist Elite New World Order plant. He was placed into power to destroy America. And he certainly has done quite a job there so far. He sure has 'Transformed' the Nation.

It's all part of the New World Order. The American Constitution needs to go. It's just an obstacle for the Globalist Elites and the creation of their Global Fascist State. Next, they want Hitlery in there. I hope that doesn't happen though. But I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

Okay, even though I think you're all but unhinged and even though I've thought that about you from your first posts ... just what is a "Globalist Elite New World Order plant" and "New World Order"? Is that the silly lame shit Alex Jones goes on about?

As always, I would like to see you look up the definition of "fascism". if you did, you would realize you're looking at the wrong people.

And EXACTLY what has he done to "destroy America"? And don't say create jobs and help the middle class.

And, "Hitlery"? WTH is that supposed to mean?

The goal of the Globalist Elites ultimately, is to create a Global Fascist State. And they're well on their way to achieving their goal. It is an evil Global Government/Corporate cabal. Make no mistake about that. You may want to pretend it's not happening. But it is happening.
Barack Obama, or whatever his name is, is likely a Globalist Elite New World Order plant. He was placed into power to destroy America. And he certainly has done quite a job there so far. He sure has 'Transformed' the Nation.

It's all part of the New World Order. The American Constitution needs to go. It's just an obstacle for the Globalist Elites and the creation of their Global Fascist State. Next, they want Hitlery in there. I hope that doesn't happen though. But I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

Okay, even though I think you're all but unhinged and even though I've thought that about you from your first posts ... just what is a "Globalist Elite New World Order plant" and "New World Order"? Is that the silly lame shit Alex Jones goes on about?

As always, I would like to see you look up the definition of "fascism". if you did, you would realize you're looking at the wrong people.

And EXACTLY what has he done to "destroy America"? And don't say create jobs and help the middle class.

And, "Hitlery"? WTH is that supposed to mean?

The goal of the Globalist Elites ultimately, is to create a Global Fascist State. And they're well on their way to achieving their goal. It is an evil Global Government/Corporate cabal. Make no mistake about that. You may want to pretend it's not happening. But it is happening.

Uh yeah, okay.

So why didn't you answer my questions?
Is the OP trying to say that Obama is dishonest to the bone? Surely you're mistaken ... and don't call me Shirley.

Just funnin'. Yeah ... Obama's a bald-faced liar. We all know that.
Okay, even though I think you're all but unhinged and even though I've thought that about you from your first posts ... just what is a "Globalist Elite New World Order plant" and "New World Order"? Is that the silly lame shit Alex Jones goes on about?

As always, I would like to see you look up the definition of "fascism". if you did, you would realize you're looking at the wrong people.

And EXACTLY what has he done to "destroy America"? And don't say create jobs and help the middle class.

And, "Hitlery"? WTH is that supposed to mean?

The goal of the Globalist Elites ultimately, is to create a Global Fascist State. And they're well on their way to achieving their goal. It is an evil Global Government/Corporate cabal. Make no mistake about that. You may want to pretend it's not happening. But it is happening.

Uh yeah, okay.

So why didn't you answer my questions?

Obviously nothing i say will convince you that a Global Fascist State is in the making. So your questions are pointless, no?
Sometime it's not "low T" - it's NO T.

And the world's terrorists are very much aware of His deficiency.
Sometime it's not "low T" - it's NO T.

And the world's terrorists are very much aware of His deficiency.

The ones that he turned into a sidewalk-Slurpee with his "ILLEGAL" drone strikes?


Yes, I imagine that they think he's light in the loafers....

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What is putative president Obama afraid of? Something is on those passport records, college admissions and transcripts that he doesn't want to be made public. During the last presidential campaign, Donald Trump even offered to have 5 dollars sent to any charity of his choosing if he would release his transcripts but Obama refused to do it. That sent a strong signal that something is seriously wrong with those records. We need to find out what that boy has on those transcripts and how he paid for his college. We need him to release those old passport records of his prior to becoming president. It is something we tax paying Americans are owed from the putative president.

Donald Trump offers Obama 5 million dollars - YouTube

since when does any government officer have the authority to withhold records that are of constitutional public concern?

Did you ask Bush, Nixon, Johnson, Reagan,Truman, Roosevelt, Eisenhower......................

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