Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

And yet the lying piece-of-shit Obama has the audacity to say that his admin. is the "most transparent ever".

Sure it is.

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Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

He has no moral, ethical, or legal reason to do so.

You have no right to see them.

Step along.
What is putative president Obama afraid of? Something is on those passport records, college admissions and transcripts that he doesn't want to be made public. During the last presidential campaign, Donald Trump even offered to have 5 dollars sent to any charity of his choosing if he would release his transcripts but Obama refused to do it. That sent a strong signal that something is seriously wrong with those records. We need to find out what that boy has on those transcripts and how he paid for his college. We need him to release those old passport records of his prior to becoming president. It is something we tax paying Americans are owed from the putative president.

Donald Trump offers Obama 5 million dollars - YouTube
I'm curious, did you scream as loud about Romney not showing his tax returns in the last election or is this just you tossing a few more mud balls at Obama. As a group you people have to be the most whining in the world.
Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

He has no moral, ethical, or legal reason to do so.

You have no right to see them.

Step along.
Completely true, short, and sweet. Your argument is perfect. Bravo Sir! Bravo!!!!
Too Funny, Obama was law processor and headed the Harvard law review

Harvard Law School (1988–1991), Columbia University (1981–1983), Occidental College (1979–1981)
What articles did Obama write for the law review? Have any evidence he did? What articles did he edit?

As for those colleges, how did he pay for them? Why won't he release his admissions? There is no proof he was a honor student.
I have read your post and I have got to ask, are you really as dumb as this posts illustrates.
When Obama was in the primary's the Clinton people probably hired an army of the best researchers on the planet to go through every minute of Obama's life from birth to the present. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
The McCain campaign did exactly the same thing as the Clinton people. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
The RNC did exactly the same as the Clinton and McCain people. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
I have no doubt wealthy texas oil people and people like the Koch brothers did exactly the same as the Clinton, McCain, and RNC did. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
I have no doubt that every scrap of paper from Harvard that had Obama's name on it was studied at least a dozen times. NOTHING WAS FOUND THAT COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
Now, are you really so stupid that you believe that with all these people going through his personal life they could miss something.
Bottom line, your post is about the dumbest post I have ever seen.
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Too Funny, Obama was law processor and headed the Harvard law review

Harvard Law School (1988–1991), Columbia University (1981–1983), Occidental College (1979–1981)
What articles did Obama write for the law review? Have any evidence he did? What articles did he edit?

As for those colleges, how did he pay for them? Why won't he release his admissions? There is no proof he was a honor student.
I have read your post and I have got to ask, are you really as dumb as this posts illustrates.
When Obama was in the primary's the Clinton people probably hired an army of the best researchers on the planet to go through every minute of Obama's life from birth to the present. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
The McCain campaign did exactly the same thing as the Clinton people. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
The RNC did exactly the same as the Clinton and McCain people. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
I have no doubt wealthy texas oil people and people like the Koch brothers did exactly the same as the Clinton, McCain, and RNC did. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
I have no doubt that every scrap of paper from Harvard that had Obama's name on it was studied at least a dozen times. NOTHING WAS FOUND THAT COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
Now, are you really so stupid that you believe that with all these people going through his personal life they could miss something.
Bottom line, your post is about the dumbest post I have ever seen.

Hillary was the first birther and then she quit due to the fact Obama was going to accuse her of being a racist and Hillary couldn't afford to lose the black vote during the primaries. So she backed off. McCain was afraid to bring up Obamas shady past too for fear of being labeled a racist by the media. He told his campaign staffers to not mention Obama's middle name 'Hussein' in the campaign after one of them was calling him Barack Hussein Obama on stage at a McCain campaign rally. The media jumped all over it. Obama and the media subdued his opponents and anyone by playing the race card for trying to vet his past.
Why does the fringe Right want to discredit this president above all others? Why does the fringe Right refer to this president as Kenyan, Marxist, boy? What aspect does this president possess that would continue to draw personal ire from the fringe Right?

Can anyone think of a reason? Anyone? What's different about this particular president?

Hmm ... well, I can say in all honesty: I don't trust tall people. So it might be that. He's quite tall.
hjmick and i had a few beers at our favorite pub the other night and lo and behold heyzus walked in and proclaimed he is actually jesus....and we were like....whaaaat....and he was like....yeeeeeah. sup....brothers....so how is my son barack doing? and then jesus confessed he fucked up by having obama be born in kenya.

imagine that!!!!!!!!
Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

He has no moral, ethical, or legal reason to do so.

You have no right to see them.

Step along.

no legal reason....or moral....but ethical....meh..maybe....bush released his college records and you never whined about the left asking for them....oh wait...because you also asked for them mr. liar rep boy
Too Funny, Obama was law processor and headed the Harvard law review

Harvard Law School (1988–1991), Columbia University (1981–1983), Occidental College (1979–1981)
What articles did Obama write for the law review? Have any evidence he did? What articles did he edit?

As for those colleges, how did he pay for them? Why won't he release his admissions? There is no proof he was a honor student.
I have read your post and I have got to ask, are you really as dumb as this posts illustrates.
When Obama was in the primary's the Clinton people probably hired an army of the best researchers on the planet to go through every minute of Obama's life from birth to the present. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
The McCain campaign did exactly the same thing as the Clinton people. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
The RNC did exactly the same as the Clinton and McCain people. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
I have no doubt wealthy texas oil people and people like the Koch brothers did exactly the same as the Clinton, McCain, and RNC did. THEY FOUND NOTHING THEY COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
I have no doubt that every scrap of paper from Harvard that had Obama's name on it was studied at least a dozen times. NOTHING WAS FOUND THAT COULD USE AGAINST HIM.
Now, are you really so stupid that you believe that with all these people going through his personal life they could miss something.
Bottom line, your post is about the dumbest post I have ever seen.

Records are sealed. No one can look at them, which means no one can find anything that could possibly be used against him. See how that works? If he has nothing to hide, why doesn't he share those records?
Records that don't exist can't be sealed.

When a Manchurian Candidate is created you have to expect that some bits of background that should have been fabricated may have been overlooked. Once somebody has noticed it's too late to go back and create them.

Trust me, you'll NEVER see the "missing" records 'cause they never existed.
What is putative president Obama afraid of? Something is on those passport records, college admissions and transcripts that he doesn't want to be made public. During the last presidential campaign, Donald Trump even offered to have 5 dollars sent to any charity of his choosing if he would release his transcripts but Obama refused to do it. That sent a strong signal that something is seriously wrong with those records. We need to find out what that boy has on those transcripts and how he paid for his college. We need him to release those old passport records of his prior to becoming president. It is something we tax paying Americans are owed from the putative president.

Donald Trump offers Obama 5 million dollars - YouTube
I'm curious, did you scream as loud about Romney not showing his tax returns in the last election or is this just you tossing a few more mud balls at Obama. As a group you people have to be the most whining in the world.

Deflection and misdirecting! You are quite the dumbass! :eek::badgrin:
Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

He has no moral, ethical, or legal reason to do so.

You have no right to see them.

Step along.

no legal reason....or moral....but ethical....meh..maybe....bush released his college records and you never whined about the left asking for them....oh wait...because you also asked for them mr. liar rep boy

I said he had no need to do so way back when.
Obama Refuses To Release His College Applications And Original Passport Records

He has no moral, ethical, or legal reason to do so.

You have no right to see them.

Step along.

no legal reason....or moral....but ethical....meh..maybe....bush released his college records and you never whined about the left asking for them....oh wait...because you also asked for them mr. liar rep boy

I said he had no need to do so way back when.

What is putative president Obama afraid of? Something is on those passport records, college admissions and transcripts that he doesn't want to be made public. During the last presidential campaign, Donald Trump even offered to have 5 dollars sent to any charity of his choosing if he would release his transcripts but Obama refused to do it. That sent a strong signal that something is seriously wrong with those records. We need to find out what that boy has on those transcripts and how he paid for his college. We need him to release those old passport records of his prior to becoming president. It is something we tax paying Americans are owed from the putative president.

Donald Trump offers Obama 5 million dollars - YouTube
Why should he? Does he have a court order to do so? Just because Trump wants it, the president should comply? If he gives him his college transcript, he will will want to know why he took a certain college course and try to tie him to some bad behavior of the professor. If he gives him a passport, he'll want to know why he went to place x and try to tie to some event or person. Presidents, have better things to do than respond to nuts like Trump fishing for something to get his name in the news. Much better he ignore him and privately tell him to fuck off.
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