Obama Refuses to Take 'Bush' Pledge Not To Criticize His Successor

why should he?

Trump wasn't elected by the American people, he was selected by the Racist Electoral College.

You've gone crazy. Lol.

Can you actually refute the point. A system that racists came up with selected this guy.

The people said no to his racism, misogyny and hate.

Trump won states with more electoral votes (which are based on the size of the population). Lol. It's got nothing to do with racism.
Not only having a break down, but now your showing signs of desperation & delusion. Quit having fantasy's about things you want to happen, but are way out of your control now. Don't you realize that this election has rendered you irrelevant now Joe ? Come back in 4 years and try again maybe.

again, won't have to wait 4 years. Trump will be impeached in less than 2.

By Republicans.

all it's going to take is for him to use his office to benefit his businesses, and the GOP will turn on him in a heartbeat.

You see, there's no downside to impeaching him for Republicans. They's MUCH rather have President Pence in there.

Yes.....Trump will never make it past December......Trump will get tired and just quit......Trump will never win the primary.....Trump will never be the nominee.....Trump is behind hilary in the polls......hilary leads Trump by double digits.....hilary is already preparing her Transition team.......Trump is never going to be President.....

President Trump......

I hope you don't mind if we don't listen to the predictions of leftist totalitarians like yourself..........

I dedicate this to you joe......

Lol. They should have mixed in some liberal crying in that video. :D

Yes...liberal tears make everything taste better.....

I wouldn't get close enough to find out. :lol: I'm sure everything that comes out of a liberal is just as disgusting as the poop that spews from their mouths.
But....my team won the foot ball game because we caught more passes....

Yeah...but you actually win the game by scoring more touch downs...

why should he?

Trump wasn't elected by the American people, he was selected by the Racist Electoral College.
Sucks for Hillary that she doesn't know what is important in winning an Presidential election, even with her 30 years of experience.
obama had the main stream press as his private press team.....what do you expect? Trump has been through the worst grinder of any Presidential Candidate....

And he still won......

No, he didn't, two million more people voted for Hillary.

And frankly, I mostly blame the press for Trump. They gave him billions in free air time, rarely challenged the most ridiculous things he said, because he was good for ratings.

That's the problem when you look at news as having to sell commercials. Who wants to listen to boring old Jeb Bush talk about Common Core when you can have Trump calling Mexicans rapists and murderers?

To say he has no idea what he is doing shows just how stupid you are.....obama had no idea what he was doing, since he never had an actual job before becoming President...

So you are saying being a senator, a state legislator and a lawyer aren't "real jobs'.

Trump was a rich kid who inherited a shitload of money and managed not to lose some of it. That's hardly a "job".

That you left wing totalitarian morons don't understand that Trump has created leadership teams his entire life, and has run organizations that actually had to achieve things is not unexpected....you left wing morons have no clue about anything other than using force to break people to your will....

Trump Airlines - Bankrupt
Trump Steaks - Bankrupt
Trump Casinos - Bankrupt
Trump University - Bankrupt

If he runs the country like he's run his businesses, we are going to be in serious trouble.
Racist means that a white woman wasn't elected. Liberals use words with no knowledge of what those words mean. Joe knows that racist is some kind of bad word. To him it's appropriate to call someone a racist if they overstay at the parking meter.

No, it's appropriate to call them racist when they

Call Mexicans rapists and drug dealers.
Call for the execution of innocent black men after they had been exonerated
Call blocking refugees because they belong to the wrong ethnic group

Trump is racist as shit.
Trump won states with more electoral votes (which are based on the size of the population). Lol. It's got nothing to do with racism.

Except the electoral college gives more weight to places where the population is exclusively white...

So again- Racist.
You guys did not learn a thing did you? Keep attacking your own and blaming whites for every thing that is such a winner of a ticket.
You guys did not learn a thing did you? Keep attacking your own and blaming whites for every thing that is such a winner of a ticket.

I think enough white people get it because- again- hillary won the popular vote.

When you dumb inbred, uneducated white trash all lose your Jobs in the Trump Recession, you'll get it, too.

Talking about yourself again, I see. :D Your constant cries about racism just show everyone how uneducated and unable to discuss any issues you really are. Pathetic.
Talking about yourself again, I see. :D Your constant cries about racism just show everyone how uneducated and unable to discuss any issues you really are. Pathetic.

That was...actually kind of lame.

Look, Trump ran a racist campaign. Long after he's gone, that stain will be on you.

But America got it right. The people said NO.
Talking about yourself again, I see. :D Your constant cries about racism just show everyone how uneducated and unable to discuss any issues you really are. Pathetic.

That was...actually kind of lame.

Look, Trump ran a racist campaign. Long after he's gone, that stain will be on you.

But America got it right. The people said NO.
. You have got to be one of the most idiotic posters I have ever read Joe. Time for you to slither up stairs from your mother's basement, and steal you a glass of milk and cookies now. That living rent free will end soon Joe, so get ready to join the real world after your Demon-crats from which you depend on leave office.:mm:
You must remember that Obama was offered free tickets to Irma la Douce and thought it was a drink made from Summer's Eve....

Of course not. Obama is an attention whore. He can't stand to be out of the spot light.
Obama will be there crying as Trump dismantles his legacy bit by bit, til Obama is only a distant bad memory.
No surprise here... Obama loves to blame other, travel abroad and talk bad about America, and criticize others / Republicans...

Reporter to Obama: Will You Be Like Bush And Not Criticize Your Successor?; Obama: I Will If "Necessary"

Obama stated Bush was extremely gracious to him, saying out of politics once out of office, refusing to criticize his actions as President.

Barry will not agree to do the same.

Of course he won't...

Reporter to Obama: Will You Be Like Bush And Not Criticize Your Successor?; Obama: I Will If "Necessary"
George W. Bush just sharply criticized Obama for the first time

You have got to be one of the most idiotic posters I have ever read Joe. Time for you to slither up stairs from your mother's basement, and steal you a glass of milk and cookies now. That living rent free will end soon Joe, so get ready to join the real world after your Demon-crats from which you depend on leave office.

My parents passed away back in the 1990's, and I probably make more money than you do.

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