Obama says he feels sorry for the senators that signed the letter.

I feel sorry for them too. They disparaged their country in the most egregious of ways.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
Biggest jerk I've had to live under as a President.

He's says this, he says that. blaaa blaaa blaaa blaa barf
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
In no way, did these Senators do anything that even resembles, protecting or even caring about, our Nation....period. They made a HUGE mistake, and IT HURT US, as a Nation, and it hurt the Senate as an institution.
Biggest jerk I've had to live under as a President.

He's says this, he says that. blaaa blaaa blaaa blaa barf

If he was just a jerk it might be tolerable. But he has an agenda, and its a very anti-america agenda.

We have never before had a president who hated this country and everything it stands for. Obama represents the greatest danger to our nation since 1776.
Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
In no way, did these Senators do anything that even resembles, protecting or even caring about, our Nation....period. They made a HUGE mistake, and IT HURT US, as a Nation, and it hurt the Senate as an institution.

Well how funny the majority of the people don't feel it hurt us. The people voted IN REPUBLICANS to take control of Congress. You all are just pissed they went over that Obama who was going behind their backs and has excluded them for SIX years. times are a changing. tsk tsk
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
In no way, did these Senators do anything that even resembles, protecting or even caring about, our Nation....period. They made a HUGE mistake, and IT HURT US, as a Nation, and it hurt the Senate as an institution.

We'll see. Did you say that when Pelosi went to Syria while Bush was trying to negotiate with them?

But tell us--------why does obama want Iran to have a nuclear bomb? He has to want that since it is the end state of his "deal".
Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.

actually the amateurs are in the whitehouse. why don't you tell us why obozo wants Iran to have nuclear weapons?
Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.

actually the amateurs are in the whitehouse. why don't you tell us why obozo wants Iran to have nuclear weapons?

I'm amazed they are still standing up for him acting as if he's our dictator. Many things he's done has been OVERTURNED in the courts, yet here they are acting like only he has the right to deal in Iran
Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.

actually the amateurs are in the whitehouse. why don't you tell us why obozo wants Iran to have nuclear weapons?

I'm amazed they are still standing up for him acting as if he's our dictator. Many things he's done has been OVERTURNED in the courts, yet here they are acting like only he has the right to deal in Iran

what the idiots on the left also refuse to comprehend is that obozo's deal has no enforcement provisions, and its not a valid treaty unless congress approves it.

Obama "yo, ayatollah lets make a deal, you lie about your nuke building and I'll lie about stopping you".

Ayatollah " sure, dude" then aside to ayatollah #2 "what a buffoon"
I don't.

There's no excuse for what they did and they just proved they are the Party of Stupid.

The good news is, they can never again blame the president for their anti-America actions.

They did the right thing. Obama is about to make a terrible deal and the Iranians need to know that the next administration won't let it stand.

It was a bold and politically dangerous move---------------protecting the country sometimes requires bold and dangerous moves
In no way, did these Senators do anything that even resembles, protecting or even caring about, our Nation....period. They made a HUGE mistake, and IT HURT US, as a Nation, and it hurt the Senate as an institution.

We'll see. Did you say that when Pelosi went to Syria while Bush was trying to negotiate with them?

But tell us--------why does obama want Iran to have a nuclear bomb? He has to want that since it is the end state of his "deal".

No they didn't say jack when Pelosi went to Syria. that was WORSE than writing some damn letter. but boy now they say Republicans hurt us. bs
this is pretty much what I figured. many people hasn't even heard about it. and then yougov polling asked if it was Appropriate. I mean really. The Democrats with the lamestream media and Obama are just slimy as hell

YouGov: Plurality of Americans think Senate GOP’s letter to Iran was inappropriate
posted at 4:01 pm on March 13, 2015 by Allahpundit

Ineffective, fine. Stupid? Maybe, yeah. But “inappropriate”?

Never underestimate the Democratic messaging machine, my friends.

Many Americans haven’t noticed the story yet, according to a new survey conducted by YouGov from 10-11 March. 41% said they had heard nothing at all about “a letter written by a group of Republican lawmakers warning the leaders of Iran that any agreement they make with President Obama will only be an ‘executive agreement’ that could be revoked unless it gets congressional approval.”

Yet when asked whether writing such a letter was appropriate, 42% say it was not, compared to only 28% who say it was. 31% are undecided.

That’s a lot of people who haven’t heard about the letter yet. Could that explain the partisan tilt here? If, for instance, it turns out that many more liberals have heard about the letter than conservatives — which isn’t implausible given that the outrage is being driven by Obama and lefty media — then yeah, go figure that overall opinion might lean against the GOP. When you look at the actual numbers, though, that effect seems minor: 27 percent of Democrats say they’ve heard a lot about the letter versus 24 percent of independents and 21 percent of Republicans. Dems are overrepresented but not so much to explain a 14-point gap on the “inappropriate” question. Also, if you include people who’ve heard “a little” about the letter, GOPers actually outnumber Dems — 66 percent to 63. This isn’t a pure partisan phenomenon.

Speaking of which, here’s how the parties shake out on whether the deal was appropriate. Top line is yes, second line is no, third is not sure:

all of it here:
YouGov Plurality of Americans think Senate GOP s letter to Iran was inappropriate Hot Air
Amateur hour at the senate. That letter was designed to undermine and weaken the US. They wanted to let Iran know they don't/won't support any action against anything they do, any action they take against the US.

actually the amateurs are in the whitehouse. why don't you tell us why obozo wants Iran to have nuclear weapons?

The R senators wrote Iran to tell them they would not stop Iran from getting the nuclear weapons Obama is trying to stop.
Why does the left want a king so bad? Obama once again overstepped the powers of his position and now it's the Senate fault for reminding everyone that Obama does not actually have this authority... What's interesting is the Senate had to bypass Obama seeing as he has a record of not listening to others mixed with immeasurable arrogance. Obama is no Hitler, he's far too lazy and uninvolved with leading to be so, and that's a good thing so don't misinterpret.

Obama has been the most divisive President, the most afk president... the most secretive president from this country's citizens, the most openly racist President... He also seems to have a pretty stunning lack of understanding of what his powers are as President, and he counts on his "base" to share that lack of education.

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