Obama Says His Daughters Are Like Palestinians

Obama claimed that the plight of Palestinians is similar to the plight he remembers his daughters could of at one time went through. He made this claim about 15 mins ago in a speech to Hamas.

Civil Rights has been in effect since the 60s when Obama was born. How old does he think his daughters are?

rw's usually lie about these things so you'll understand that I want to see a link to what he really said.


I'll check back later to see what you posted.

You really want to talk about liars? What about the democrat that went out of his way to walk through a tea party event. To come out of it and say he was called all kind of names. A hundred thousand dollar reward was offered for proof, well he was proven a liar. I wonder why the liberal media didn't ask him why he did it?

Those Tea Party assholes had some nerve demonstrating against Obamacare, expecting spending cuts, and especially cuz they was a bunch of racists clinging to ther guns and ammo,...............and their friggen religion.

A pox on them.
It always has to be about Obama...
Unless it's about his shitty economy...
Then it's not.

Link to follow....
The exact quote:

“There was a time when my daughters could not expect to have the same opportunites in their own country as someone else’s daughters,” he said, suggesting that if change can happen in the US, it can happen here too.

The rest of his nonsense here.

Reversing policy of first term, Obama says no preconditions to talks | The Times of Israel

Except his daughters were raised in lives of privilege.

Wow, holy shit, what a fucking low life douche to lie and use his own children like that.

what a disgrace, what a fucking disgrace.
I can see why Conservatives are so upset...

Obama: 'Peace is possible,' but see the world as Palestinians do - CNN.com

On a personal note, the president told how he met with young Palestinians before his speech and they differed little from his own daughters, adding that he believed Israeli parents would want Palestinian youths to succeed if they had a chance to talk to them.

My......how touching.......I'm a little verklempt.


Talk among yourselves.

Here's a topic.........why is the Congressional Medal of Honor always awarded by the president.........discuss.
The air-heads on MSNBC are singing Obama's praises this morning.

According to them his farts smell like Chanel 5.

I got tired of hearing the same ole dumb shit on Fox and tuned into MSNBC's "Morning Joe" and wanted to hear what the Obama Administration thinks is important right now.
It's sickening to watch these adults in the media fawn and swoon over this man even though he treats them like shit..

I've never seen anything like it before

we are so screwed when we don't have unbiased media
I can see why Conservatives are so upset...

Obama: 'Peace is possible,' but see the world as Palestinians do - CNN.com

On a personal note, the president told how he met with young Palestinians before his speech and they differed little from his own daughters, adding that he believed Israeli parents would want Palestinian youths to succeed if they had a chance to talk to them.

My......how touching.......I'm a little verklempt.


Talk among yourselves.

Here's a topic.........why is the Congressional Medal of Honor always awarded by the president.........discuss.

I can see why you were outraged to the extent you couldn't wait to start a thread

How dare he imply that children around the world are the same?
Doesn't he know about American Exceptionalism??
I can see why Conservatives are so upset...

Obama: 'Peace is possible,' but see the world as Palestinians do - CNN.com

On a personal note, the president told how he met with young Palestinians before his speech and they differed little from his own daughters, adding that he believed Israeli parents would want Palestinian youths to succeed if they had a chance to talk to them.

My......how touching.......I'm a little verklempt.


Talk among yourselves.

Here's a topic.........why is the Congressional Medal of Honor always awarded by the president.........discuss.

I can see why you were outraged to the extent you couldn't wait to start a thread

How dare he imply that children around the world are the same?
Doesn't he know about American Exceptionalism??

Sorry if you're media isn't talking about it so of course you don't think it's important.

Wait till they start making it important. That's the safe bet.

Also......of course our kids are better off than Palestinian kids. What are you, a fucken idiot???
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My......how touching.......I'm a little verklempt.


Talk among yourselves.

Here's a topic.........why is the Congressional Medal of Honor always awarded by the president.........discuss.

I can see why you were outraged to the extent you couldn't wait to start a thread

How dare he imply that children around the world are the same?
Doesn't he know about American Exceptionalism??

Sorry if you're media isn't talking about it so of course you don't think it's important.

Wait till they start making it important. That's the safe bet.

Also......of course our kids are better off than Palestinian kids. What are you, a fucken idiot???

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
I can see why you were outraged to the extent you couldn't wait to start a thread

How dare he imply that children around the world are the same?
Doesn't he know about American Exceptionalism??

Sorry if you're media isn't talking about it so of course you don't think it's important.

Wait till they start making it important. That's the safe bet.

Also......of course our kids are better off than Palestinian kids. What are you, a fucken idiot???

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

how sweet, and your contribution of taking care of the whole world is?
sending all your earnings that is for your family to the care the world? or just putting up pretty songs
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You really want to talk about liars? What about the democrat that went out of his way to walk through a tea party event. To come out of it and say he was called all kind of names. A hundred thousand dollar reward was offered for proof, well he was proven a liar. I wonder why the liberal media didn't ask him why he did it?

How else can we find out what the beliefs of any given cult is? Quit whining just because someone told the truth about the idiot potters because, really, no one cares what the Koch's want.

As for the OP - you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. FACT is he said his 'daughters are like your daughters and like Palestine's daughters' and that 'we have more in common than we have differences'.

Not a thing wrong with what he said and all the lies from the right won't change that.

His entire trip was an unmitigated success and the right is in a real snit about it.

Don't like his latest success? Who cares? Fuck off.
I always knew Obama was raising his daughters to be Mooooslum


Sasha and Malia

Obama claimed that the plight of Palestinians is similar to the plight he remembers his daughters could of at one time went through. He made this claim about 15 mins ago in a speech to Hamas.

Civil Rights has been in effect since the 60s when Obama was born. How old does he think his daughters are?

rw's usually lie about these things so you'll understand that I want to see a link to what he really said.


I'll check back later to see what you posted.

:confused:And whys that? Even when the proof is right in front of your eyes all you lefties do is either deny it or cover it up.

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