Obama Says No To Landmines

We both know you hate the fact that you can only support your position with dishonesty and logical fallacies -- but that's your fault, and your problem, not mine..
You're an idiot...
Says the guy that hates the fact that he can only support his position with dishonesty and logical fallacies.

What a unique debating tactic. Maybe you could switch off to "I know you are, but what am I?" once in a while.
What a unique debating tactic. Maybe you could switch off to "I know you are, but what am I?" once in a while.
Until you present a position not based on an appeal to emotion, et al, there's no need for me to do anything other than note your logical fallacies and laugh -- your argument, being necessarily unsound, defeats itself, leaving me with little else to do.
They just need to come up with a land mine that has a shelf life.
That is no longer necessary.

Land mines are strategically placed using GPS and when the front advances, those that have not been detonated are surgically removed/intentionally detonated by a land mine removing team.

Obama is well aware of this so I am not sure what his reasoning is.

Obviously folks like regent and oldschool are NOT aware of this......
Here you go land mine supporting bastards:
Landmine Victims Pictures Images Photos Photobucket

Let's hear it for people learning NOTHING from the past! Bravo cowards :thup:
Hey.....actually, we learned PLENTY from the past.

That is why we no longer lay land mines haphazardly. Our land mines are high in technology, placed strategically and specifically recorded with a GPS location, and removed when the front advances. We do not leave land mines behind anymore.

So yes, we have learned plenty from the past ......you military hating asshole.
Says the guy that hates the fact that he can only support his position with dishonesty and logical fallacies.
Says a coward.
It's not MY fault you cannot present a sound argument.
you are dealing with a guy who knows absolutely nothing about military technology...and still compares our tactics of today with world war 2 and Vietnam war tactics and technology.

If he were dealing with any military knowledge at all, he would be well aware that there is no "humanitarian" argument in regard to US land mines.
I could buy Obama refusing to use landmines were He to sincerely believe He was doing that on humanitarian grounds. However since He is a pathological liar we could never know for sure that the allegation of anything humanitarian might be sincere.

But deep down we know He will refuse to use them out of fear. Fear that they might be effective.
I could buy Obama refusing to use landmines were He to sincerely believe He was doing that on humanitarian grounds. However since He is a pathological liar we could never know for sure that the allegation of anything humanitarian might be sincere.

But deep down we know He will refuse to use them out of fear. Fear that they might be effective.
Fear that they might unnecessarily harm Muslim extremists, even. :lol:
I could buy Obama refusing to use landmines were He to sincerely believe He was doing that on humanitarian grounds. However since He is a pathological liar we could never know for sure that the allegation of anything humanitarian might be sincere.

But deep down we know He will refuse to use them out of fear. Fear that they might be effective.
Obama is well aware that land mines are no longer laid by US military in a haphazard way. He is well aware that they are now strategically placed with GPS coordinates and immediately extracted when the front advances. None are left behind for civilians to accidentally trip.

And if he is not aware, then he should MAYBE ask his generals before eliminating one of our greatest defensive AND offensive tools of war.
Why isn't the fuhrer against cluster munitions too? They waste a lot of kids after the fact.

Why doesn't the Nobel Prize Laureate speak out when one of his drones does a double tap on a target which is waiting for civilians to come in and try to help the ones left alive?

All hail the king.
They just need to come up with a land mine that has a shelf life.
That is no longer necessary.

Land mines are strategically placed using GPS and when the front advances, those that have not been detonated are surgically removed/intentionally detonated by a land mine removing team.

Obama is well aware of this so I am not sure what his reasoning is.

Obviously folks like regent and oldschool are NOT aware of this......
Boy that sounds so much better, I mean the land mine removing team comes in and problem solved. Who supplies the land mine removing team. If they miss a mine or two can they be sued? Suppose the land removing team doesn't even show up or leaves the mines for another team? I'll wait for the movie.
Boy that sounds so much better, I mean the land mine removing team comes in and problem solved. Who supplies the land mine removing team. If they miss a mine or two can they be sued? Suppose the land removing team doesn't even show up or leaves the mines for another team? I'll wait for the movie.
I'm sorry... is this supposed to pass as a sound argument against the military use of mines?
That, despite our best efforts, we might not get all of them and therefore should use none?
They just need to come up with a land mine that has a shelf life.
That is no longer necessary.

Land mines are strategically placed using GPS and when the front advances, those that have not been detonated are surgically removed/intentionally detonated by a land mine removing team.

Obama is well aware of this so I am not sure what his reasoning is.

Obviously folks like regent and oldschool are NOT aware of this......
Boy that sounds so much better, I mean the land mine removing team comes in and problem solved. Who supplies the land mine removing team. If they miss a mine or two can they be sued? Suppose the land removing team doesn't even show up or leaves the mines for another team? I'll wait for the movie.
what happens if an f-22 raptor is not properly maintained? What if the munitions are defective? What if a soldiers night vision goggles crack? What if His/Her boots were defective off the assembly line?

So your argument is nothing more than "what about a mistake?"

OK...what if the GPS guidance of a tomahawk mal functions and hits a school? Obama approves of tomahawks. What if an f-16 has a malfunction and crashes into a hospital?


Your argument is nothing more than "what about human error?"

Well, in that case, we should just eliminate the military and hope and pray.
Always in a rush.

Democrats still HOPE to ELIMINATE the military. Give them a little time on those.

But they have done pretty damn well on eliminating prayer. Both in the formal sense and in anyone having a prayer that their future holds other than greater dependence on government handouts.
They just need to come up with a land mine that has a shelf life.
That is no longer necessary.

Land mines are strategically placed using GPS and when the front advances, those that have not been detonated are surgically removed/intentionally detonated by a land mine removing team.

Obama is well aware of this so I am not sure what his reasoning is.

Obviously folks like regent and oldschool are NOT aware of this......
Boy that sounds so much better, I mean the land mine removing team comes in and problem solved. Who supplies the land mine removing team. If they miss a mine or two can they be sued? Suppose the land removing team doesn't even show up or leaves the mines for another team? I'll wait for the movie.
what happens if an f-22 raptor is not properly maintained? What if the munitions are defective? What if a soldiers night vision goggles crack? What if His/Her boots were defective off the assembly line?

So your argument is nothing more than "what about a mistake?"

OK...what if the GPS guidance of a tomahawk mal functions and hits a school? Obama approves of tomahawks. What if an f-16 has a malfunction and crashes into a hospital?


Your argument is nothing more than "what about human error?"

Well, in that case, we should just eliminate the military and hope and pray.
Human error and technological error can take place. You are citing the those problems have been solved but your evidence is all the other problems that could take place for the same reasons.
Always in a rush.

Democrats still HOPE to ELIMINATE the military. Give them a little time on those.

But they have done pretty damn well on eliminating prayer. Both in the formal sense and in anyone having a prayer that their future holds other than greater dependence on government handouts.

"Democrats still HOPE to ELIMINATE the military"? Really? I've never heard ANY Democrats wanting to "ELIMINATE" the military. As for prayer, you can get better odds in Vegas. Personally, I believe in Santa - he actually delivers.
Always in a rush.

Democrats still HOPE to ELIMINATE the military. Give them a little time on those.

But they have done pretty damn well on eliminating prayer. Both in the formal sense and in anyone having a prayer that their future holds other than greater dependence on government handouts.

"Democrats still HOPE to ELIMINATE the military"? Really? I've never heard ANY Democrats wanting to "ELIMINATE" the military. As for prayer, you can get better odds in Vegas. Personally, I believe in Santa - he actually delivers.

Perhaps you should contact Mr. Limbaugh. His hearing problem seems to have been well dealt with by the wonders of modern medicine. Who knows, perhaps Medicaid will treat you generously.
Always in a rush.

Democrats still HOPE to ELIMINATE the military. Give them a little time on those.

But they have done pretty damn well on eliminating prayer. Both in the formal sense and in anyone having a prayer that their future holds other than greater dependence on government handouts.

"Democrats still HOPE to ELIMINATE the military"? Really? I've never heard ANY Democrats wanting to "ELIMINATE" the military. As for prayer, you can get better odds in Vegas. Personally, I believe in Santa - he actually delivers.

Perhaps you should contact Mr. Limbaugh. His hearing problem seems to have been well dealt with by the wonders of modern medicine. Who knows, perhaps Medicaid will treat you generously.

Mr. Limbaugh? Holy shit, you really are fucked up.
Steps back in war only occur when you declare what you won't do in order to win. A step forward from where we are now would be unleashing the full military might on our target. The steps back are your limitations on what they are allowed to do.

Land mines are a cowards weapon. You know what else is a great military tool? Raping the women of your enemies and sending their captured soldiers into gas chambers. That would REALLY show them right? Where do you draw the line? Do you claim to be a Christian?

What a piece of shit.

I draw the line at cowards like you, you've never served anything other than yourself....HAD you ever served you'd want every weapon at your disposal.

You're right. We should start using chemical weapons too! We could drop small pox on the fuckers or maybe some mustard gas! In fact if you don't support the use of those methods then YOU'RE A COWARD!

Go fuck yourself.

Quite weak intellectually......when cornered go to straight to an illogical extreme.
You are an ignorant coward old man....it would have been fun to have you in our Unit.

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