Obama says Yahoo is a jerk, and he's right. RW liar.

Yahoo is done. Like the Dodo far RW jerks here. They just don't know it. See vigilante. lol
Netanyahu likely will never be elected POTUS, so in that respect, he is done, but US policy doesn't mean shit in Israeli elections. Sorry. (not)
He saidhe wouldn't allow a 2 state solution. THE WHOLE WORLD thinks he's a lying a-hole. Except ugly American racist RW haters and dupes...of course. Including Israeli ones.

YOU are not the "whole world".
Before the hater dupes get started- Dems will never let anything happen to Israel, but it's past time the Palestinian/Arab/Iranian side got something. Yahoo was never going to anything but screw with the poor Palestinians- and non-rich Israelis, as far as I can tell. Same damn RW thing these days, fear mongered hater dupes, including RW Israeli ones.
Still a confused idiot you are.
from your NY Times article:
Mr. Obama said the disagreements would not interfere with the military and intelligence cooperation between the United States and Israel. But he made clear that his administration was unhappy with the current policies under Mr. Netanyahu.

Tough shit! obama wasn't elected Prime Minister, Netanyahu was in spite of obumbler's meddling.
And what about all the US RW meddling, brainwashed functional moron?
You are the moron, you retard.
from your NY Times article:
Mr. Obama said the disagreements would not interfere with the military and intelligence cooperation between the United States and Israel. But he made clear that his administration was unhappy with the current policies under Mr. Netanyahu.

Tough shit! obama wasn't elected Prime Minister, Netanyahu was in spite of obumbler's meddling.
And what about all the US RW meddling, brainwashed functional moron?
An invitation to speak is meddling now, brain dead non functioning idiot?
2 weeks before Yahoo's election? Yes shit stain.,
from your NY Times article:
Mr. Obama said the disagreements would not interfere with the military and intelligence cooperation between the United States and Israel. But he made clear that his administration was unhappy with the current policies under Mr. Netanyahu.

Tough shit! obama wasn't elected Prime Minister, Netanyahu was in spite of obumbler's meddling.
And what about all the US RW meddling, brainwashed functional moron?
An invitation to speak is meddling now, brain dead non functioning idiot?
2 weeks before Yahoo's election? Yes shit stain.,
And what was that shit stain, obama doing just before the election?

Can't have it both ways, shithead.
from your NY Times article:
Mr. Obama said the disagreements would not interfere with the military and intelligence cooperation between the United States and Israel. But he made clear that his administration was unhappy with the current policies under Mr. Netanyahu.

Tough shit! obama wasn't elected Prime Minister, Netanyahu was in spite of obumbler's meddling.
And what about all the US RW meddling, brainwashed functional moron?
An invitation to speak is meddling now, brain dead non functioning idiot?
2 weeks before Yahoo's election? Yes shit stain.,
And what was that shit stain, obama doing just before the election?

Can't have it both ways, shithead.
you tell me. You're the :up: ODS sufferer :tinfoil:
You have no idea what a communist IS lol. Tell me a lie I believe in, hater dupe.

That we could keep our plans.
Keep our Dr's.
That the average family would save 2500 a year.

To name just a couple ;)
.."the plans you like"- he didn't realize hater dupes are so dumb they love scam plans that only led to bankruptcy and ruin when really needed...functional morons.
...people were losing their doctors BEFORE O-Care., part of the new NETWORK bs,...and many didn't check that their doctors were covered by new plans. Much of this is caused by Pub and Doctor/insurer non-cooperation. It'll be fixed
...after a while, NOT immediately DUH, dipstick.

Last edited:
from your NY Times article:
Mr. Obama said the disagreements would not interfere with the military and intelligence cooperation between the United States and Israel. But he made clear that his administration was unhappy with the current policies under Mr. Netanyahu.

Tough shit! obama wasn't elected Prime Minister, Netanyahu was in spite of obumbler's meddling.
And what about all the US RW meddling, brainwashed functional moron?
An invitation to speak is meddling now, brain dead non functioning idiot?
2 weeks before Yahoo's election? Yes shit stain.,
And what was that shit stain, obama doing just before the election?

Can't have it both ways, shithead.
And you believe American RWers were hands off in the election of Yahoo the a-hole? lol
You have no evidence Obama was ordering any aid for Herzog etc. Just innuendo, fear mongering propaganda, tin foil dupe of the greedy idiot megarich GOP.
You have no idea what a communist IS lol. Tell me a lie I believe in, hater dupe.

That we could keep our plans.
Keep our Dr's.
That the average family would save 2500 a year.

To name just a couple ;)
.."the plans you like"- he didn't realize hater dupes are so dumb they love scam plans that only led to bankruptcy and ruin when really needed...functional morons.
...after a while, NOT immediately DUH, dipstick.


He lied through his teeth, he knew the plans would have to go, he knew they weren't compliant.

He's not nearly as stupid as you are.
Any actual argument, misinformed functional shytteheads?
I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
Frankie is armed....better direct that at dottie.....Frankie at least aint afraid to fire back...dottie is a pussy who is scared
of anyone who has a different opinion...

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