Obama Seeks Mt. Rushmore Tribute!!!

I've got one foot out the door for partying tonight.

Sassy? Homebound AGAIN?!!! :( Tip- if you didn't tip the scales at 8 stone, people might ask you out once in a while.

As to the OP our two-term President needs a fitting tribute.

I'm married, fag. Have fun at the gay bar
SmellyIrishAss married a fag

Careful there girly man, no family :)

You brought it up you big old c*nt.

Still can't go after my family. Think not try again :)
I've got one foot out the door for partying tonight.

Sassy? Homebound AGAIN?!!! :( Tip- if you didn't tip the scales at 8 stone, people might ask you out once in a while.

As to the OP our two-term President needs a fitting tribute.

I'm married, fag. Have fun at the gay bar
SmellyIrishAss married a fag

Careful there girly man, no family :)

You brought it up you big old c*nt.

Still can't go after my family. Think not try again :)

Then report me for responding to what you brought up.
I've got one foot out the door for partying tonight.

Sassy? Homebound AGAIN?!!! :( Tip- if you didn't tip the scales at 8 stone, people might ask you out once in a while.

As to the OP our two-term President needs a fitting tribute.

I'm married, fag. Have fun at the gay bar
SmellyIrishAss married a fag

Careful there girly man, no family :)

You brought it up you big old c*nt.

Still can't go after my family. Think not try again :)

Quit whining. What would you do if you had no way to silence others? Melt? A tough bitch like you shouldn't cry about someone mentioning your family.....who they have no way of knowing. Try living up to your big mouth.
The president seems more comfortable talking to Seinfeld and Letterman than the American public. Maybe he should consider a career on the stand up circut after his comedy stint in the White House.
The president seems more comfortable talking to Seinfeld and Letterman than the American public. Maybe he should consider a career on the stand up circut after his comedy stint in the White House.

Well.....it appears that the guy has many talents. I'm sure he'll be in the news and on the headlines for the rest of your life. I'll bet that thought warms your cockles.

Good president's don't retire from public life.
The president seems more comfortable talking to Seinfeld and Letterman than the American public. Maybe he should consider a career on the stand up circut after his comedy stint in the White House.

This is a very immature President.

The most immature of them all.....and dangerous.
Maybe they can carve his face into the ass of the horse on the crazy horse memorial.
The president seems more comfortable talking to Seinfeld and Letterman than the American public. Maybe he should consider a career on the stand up circut after his comedy stint in the White House.

He does have the ability to relate to every day people. Smart, cool, and relate-able. The right would do anything for just one of their candidates to have those qualities.
I like how you go from "It's not the president's fault" when it happens under Obama but suddenly it's "Bush's fault" when it happens under his watch. :lol:

Listen here, genius. Bush sucked. Much of what is wrong is his fault. I can't change history.
I was hoping for some consistency. You sound very confused.

Well....lets be honest. You are very easily confused.
You don't seem to be able to decide who is responsible for spending. You've switched back and forth several times now (depending on which president we're talking about, of course).

All spending originates with congress and for $2,000 Alex, who has been in the majority since 2010?

When was the last budget passed that Democrats would allow to even come up for a vote in the Senate with Harry Reid in charge?
Listen here, genius. Bush sucked. Much of what is wrong is his fault. I can't change history.
I was hoping for some consistency. You sound very confused.

Well....lets be honest. You are very easily confused.
You don't seem to be able to decide who is responsible for spending. You've switched back and forth several times now (depending on which president we're talking about, of course).

All spending originates with congress and for $2,000 Alex, who has been in the majority since 2010?
They ran on a balanced budget in 2010

When exactly are Republucans going to deliver what they promised!

When they 60 votes in the Senate and Dingy Harry retires.
I was hoping for some consistency. You sound very confused.

Well....lets be honest. You are very easily confused.
You don't seem to be able to decide who is responsible for spending. You've switched back and forth several times now (depending on which president we're talking about, of course).

All spending originates with congress and for $2,000 Alex, who has been in the majority since 2010?
They ran on a balanced budget in 2010

When exactly are Republucans going to deliver what they promised!

When they 60 votes in the Senate and Dingy Harry retires.
You mean Republucans never had any intention of balancing the budget
Well....lets be honest. You are very easily confused.
You don't seem to be able to decide who is responsible for spending. You've switched back and forth several times now (depending on which president we're talking about, of course).

All spending originates with congress and for $2,000 Alex, who has been in the majority since 2010?
They ran on a balanced budget in 2010

When exactly are Republucans going to deliver what they promised!

When they 60 votes in the Senate and Dingy Harry retires.
You mean Republucans never had any intention of balancing the budget

Do you suffer from liberalism-induced reading comprehension difficulties?

They can't deliver due to Dingy Harry and his stone-walling the process.
In a playful manner......but with a hint of seriousness.....the president told comedian. Jerry Seinfeld that he's thought about joining some of the nation's greatest leaders on Mt. Rushmore.

While I'm sure his detractors can conjur up 10,000 reasons why this should never or could never happen.......it's fun to considers hat commemorations to Barack Obama will follow his final year in office.

It's so adorable when Obama trolls the American public.:D
In a playful manner......but with a hint of seriousness.....the president told comedian. Jerry Seinfeld that he's thought about joining some of the nation's greatest leaders on Mt. Rushmore.

While I'm sure his detractors can conjur up 10,000 reasons why this should never or could never happen.......it's fun to considers hat commemorations to Barack Obama will follow his final year in office.

It's so adorable when Obama trolls the American public.:D

Trolls? Why.....whatever do yo mean by that?
In a playful manner......but with a hint of seriousness.....the president told comedian. Jerry Seinfeld that he's thought about joining some of the nation's greatest leaders on Mt. Rushmore.

While I'm sure his detractors can conjur up 10,000 reasons why this should never or could never happen.......it's fun to considers hat commemorations to Barack Obama will follow his final year in office.

It's so adorable when Obama trolls the American public.:D

Trolls? Why.....whatever do yo mean by that?

"In a playful manner..." He enjoys fucking with people and getting a rise out of them. He doesn't give a flying shit about being carved into the side of a mountain, but why pass up the opportunity to be an instigator for his personal entertainment.:thup:
There used to be a DemocratIC party.

Used to.

Then came Roosevelt.......

You should have been around in the aftermath of Hoover's disaster. My Dad was in his mid twenties and never had a regular job until he began working for Roosevelt's WPA... $3.80 a week for 48 hours work. Screw Republicans! They're all alike. Tax cuts for the wealthy, military spending and corporate welfare are the only things which turn them on. If Roosevelt was so bad it's an absolute miracle that he was elected four times. It pissed the Republicans off so much that they couldn't wait to fix it so that no other president would serve more than 2 terms.

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