Obama shames America, again

Anyone who has lived under a Progressive Dictatorship would disagree. In the 20th century alone, Progressive Dictators murdered over 100 million of their own unarmed citizens. Look at North Korea, it's 4 generation of total Progressive dictatorship and they can STILL find some offense to torture or murder they own unarmed people.

Listening to you Progressive fuckers, today you can smell the blood lust. You're already calling us "the enemy". So there's no chance at all we're giving up our weapons

You think North Korea is progressive? Are you some relation to Sarah? I can hear the family resemblance in your statements.

All of history's mass Murderers were true Progressives who thought the State should trump individuals. Hitler, Stalin and Mao are the founding fathers of the modern Progressive movement, they did Progressive government right
Such nonsense randomly thrown into conversations. What is the purpose other than some kind of warped effort to promote disinformation. Fathers of fascism and ultra conservative right wing dictators being called progressives as if they are in some fashion or way comparable to how the term progressive is used in today's modern world is just a perversion.

Anyone who has lived under a Progressive Dictatorship would disagree. In the 20th century alone, Progressive Dictators murdered over 100 million of their own unarmed citizens. Look at North Korea, it's 4 generation of total Progressive dictatorship and they can STILL find some offense to torture or murder they own unarmed people.

Listening to you Progressive fuckers, today you can smell the blood lust. You're already calling us "the enemy". So there's no chance at all we're giving up our weapons

You think North Korea is progressive? Are you some relation to Sarah? I can hear the family resemblance in your statements.

All of history's mass Murderers were true Progressives who thought the State should trump individuals. Hitler, Stalin and Mao are the founding fathers of the modern Progressive movement, they did Progressive government right
Such nonsense randomly thrown into conversations. What is the purpose other than some kind of warped effort to promote disinformation. Fathers of fascism and ultra conservative right wing dictators being called progressives as if they are in some fashion or way comparable to how the term progressive is used in today's modern world is just a perversion.

Progressives lie so much they believe their own bullshit. Progressives support the all powerful state trumping and trampling the individual. That's who they are. Right now in the USA we still have a second amendment so the jury is still out of how much further toward progressive fascism we'll march. If the sad day ever comes when Marxist democrats and their statist republican brothers get us to their utopia, Hitler Mao and Stalin will be reveared as true heroes


No, it isn't. It comes from knowing who's pulling your strings
I guess I missed all of those foreign leaders coming here right after 9/11 and Marching in a public parade.... of solidarity....?

Here's what you're missing.

Back during 9/11 the world did not see the significance of what was going on compared to today.
Back then, Islamic terror was not feared, nor taken any where near as serious as it is now. Today, we are all fed up, and now is the time to show unity and it's now much more important for the leaders of the world to come together.

That's bullshit b

It's 100% accurate, and you are simply stupid if you do not realize there was a huge difference back then as there is now. Islamic terror was not a household phrase as it is today, and it's more important than ever that the world comes together and call it out.
they cant just call it out though.....they actually have to start doing something against these assholes....like finding them and send in the Orkin man and exterminate them....violent people only understand violence.....when they do this type of shit you make them respect and fear our violence that will come....
I as well would like to formally apologize to the world for the vile behavior of American conservatives.

Along with the rest of the world, we understand that they are America's shame. It's the burden of all decent people in America, to have keep those conservative savages under control. That's a difficult task, given their numbers and their enthusiasm for vile behavior.
1.5 million people marching in France. Many major world leaders showing up and symbolically marching for human rights and free speech. Yet the U.S. president and the leader of the free world didn't find it necessary to either attend or at least send his Vice President or secretary of state to send a message of solitary with the the free world and democracy on such a historical event?!

Shame on the US. Shame shame shame.

Shame on the left and the leftist media for not holding Obama accountable for this huge mistake.


That tells us more about you than me.

One wonders if the rest of the world sees Americans as the weak trash they see the president and his crew. I am sure many do. I am sure very few see the truth and know about the November 4, 2014 midterm elections and how many voters are trying to throw the bums out!

Let's spread the contumely to Obama voters who proved what Gruber said about them: they're stupid.
1.5 million people marching in France. Many major world leaders showing up and symbolically marching for human rights and free speech. Yet the U.S. president and the leader of the free world didn't find it necessary to either attend or at least send his Vice President or secretary of state to send a message of solitary with the the free world and democracy on such a historical event?!

Shame on the US. Shame shame shame.

Shame on the left and the leftist media for not holding Obama accountable for this huge mistake.

US was abset today.



Four who couldn't care less:


A little more: facilitators of the Islamic terrorists.
1.5 million people marching in France. Many major world leaders showing up and symbolically marching for human rights and free speech. Yet the U.S. president and the leader of the free world didn't find it necessary to either attend or at least send his Vice President or secretary of state to send a message of solitary with the the free world and democracy on such a historical event?!

Shame on the US. Shame shame shame.

Shame on the left and the leftist media for not holding Obama accountable for this huge mistake.


That tells us more about you than me.

One wonders if the rest of the world sees Americans as the weak trash they see the president and his crew. I am sure many do. I am sure very few see the truth and know about the November 4, 2014 midterm elections and how many voters are trying to throw the bums out!

Let's spread the contumely to Obama voters who proved what Gruber said about them: they're stupid.

Yes...lol...and they thought he meant the rest of us...:rofl:
Did anyone from the GOP show any leadership and show up in France?

Heck no , the GOP big wigs are war mongers.

There's a war a-comin' if Islam doesn't reform.

And they won't in the next two years while these clowns are in power:


Reality is defined by actions,not words.

How long will the Leftists/Liberals refuse to acknowledge that Obama's interests are inimical to those of the free world.

How many of his actions support, give aid and comfort to the terrorists.

Detroit is dead and Nidal Malik Hasan is alive.
Did anyone from the GOP show any leadership and show up in France?

Heck no , the GOP big wigs are war mongers.

There's a war a-comin' if Islam doesn't reform.

Your blaming this on Islam? No WWIII will not be due to any terrorist attack, it will be over land, water and oil. and has stated with the boom at 911, when Israel and the GOP neocons in our gov. begun the war on terror. Also I don't remember a time we have not been at war, whether a cold war or one fought with arms.
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Bottom line is Obama is so arrogant, he felt it was beneath him to go.

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