Obama shooting a gun.....

This is what should lead to disliking someone...outrageous and non-ambiguous actions where there is a clear right and wrong. Obamacare, for all of it's faults, will extend health benefits to 40+ Million Americans who do not have the insurance coverage to go get a lump in their breast looked at and will have to just "hope it goes away". You hate the man for that? Fuck you then.

Yes I know using sick people is almost a good as using murdered children as the exclamation points to your positions.

using them?

you are saying the parents of the dead babies are using them because they dont want to see other children turned into swiss cheese like their own babies?
What policies were those?

"Obamacare", gun bans, attacks on religious freedom and contraception, lying about Bengahzi, failure / refusal to put forth a budget, immigration, suing a State trying to protect it borders, quantitative easing x 3, "you didn't build that", punitive taxation policy....for starters.

So you hate any Republicans who side with him on those too, then, right?

Ah yes on cue: But, but the Republicans. Classic.

I would not vote for any politican who voted for the policies on the issues above as put forth by the Obama administration.
What do you see???


I see bullshit. He's firing awfully low to be shooting at clay pigeons.
What policies were those?

"Obamacare", gun bans, attacks on religious freedom and contraception, lying about Bengahzi, failure / refusal to put forth a budget, immigration, suing a State trying to protect it borders, quantitative easing x 3, "you didn't build that", punitive taxation policy....for starters.

So you hate any Republicans who side with him on those too, then, right?

He did put forth a budget by the way.

You mean a budget that got zero votes? Quit deflecting. Obama is the biggest divider this country has ever had in office and the most over-promoted president in history.
A Political propaganda photo.

if he said he hated guns and would never touch one, you'd write a fauxrage thread about that.


for those who aren't obama-deranted, aside from him being left-handed, his stance is wrong. but that's probably because he's never been taught properly.

Obama hates it when "WE" own guns.

"They cling to their guns and their religion" - Barack H. Obama

Obama has a problem with the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 14th, and the 22nd amendment.
This is what should lead to disliking someone...outrageous and non-ambiguous actions where there is a clear right and wrong. Obamacare, for all of it's faults, will extend health benefits to 40+ Million Americans who do not have the insurance coverage to go get a lump in their breast looked at and will have to just "hope it goes away". You hate the man for that? Fuck you then.

Yes I know using sick people is almost a good as using murdered children as the exclamation points to your positions.

Sorry if the facts make you uncomfortable. That, as always, is your problem.
"Obamacare", gun bans, attacks on religious freedom and contraception, lying about Bengahzi, failure / refusal to put forth a budget, immigration, suing a State trying to protect it borders, quantitative easing x 3, "you didn't build that", punitive taxation policy....for starters.

So you hate any Republicans who side with him on those too, then, right?

Ah yes on cue: But, but the Republicans. Classic.

I would not vote for any politican who voted for the policies on the issues above as put forth by the Obama administration.

Thats not the question...do you HATE them. Given that Romneycare was the blueprint for Obama care....it's hilarious that you picked THAT as your motive for your seething hatred of the man.

Your words loser...not mine.
This is what should lead to disliking someone...outrageous and non-ambiguous actions where there is a clear right and wrong. Obamacare, for all of it's faults, will extend health benefits to 40+ Million Americans who do not have the insurance coverage to go get a lump in their breast looked at and will have to just "hope it goes away". You hate the man for that? Fuck you then.

Yes I know using sick people is almost a good as using murdered children as the exclamation points to your positions.

Sorry if the facts make you uncomfortable. That, as always, is your problem.

Except those arent the facts. Obamacare will restrict access for many more people.
In fact, every claim made for Obamacare at the outset--that people would be covered, that medical costs would fall, that people could keep their insurance--are all false. Every one of them.
Of course all of you crazy right wingers are going to make nasty comments about this picture!!! You criticize EVERYTHING he does!! Grow up.
What do you see???



Exaggerations and hyperbole are the purview of LIARS!
Remember Obama told us..
Obama said in his own words... his book "Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem
angry all the time."
Now where did I hear that phrase "all the time"???? OH RIGHT Obama shoots SKEET ALL THE TIME!!!

Look at his hair. This photo is very recent...as in, to adjust to the the fucking lie he told about skeet shooting all the time.
What do you see???



Exaggerations and hyperbole are the purview of LIARS!
Remember Obama told us..
Obama said in his own words... his book "Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem
angry all the time."
Now where did I hear that phrase "all the time"???? OH RIGHT Obama shoots SKEET ALL THE TIME!!!

Look at his hair. This photo is very recent...as in, to adjust to the the fucking lie he told about skeet shooting all the time.

Umm... look at the green foliage. And the light shirt he's wearing. Maryland does not look like that this time of year, nor is it warm enough to be dressed like that.

This sin't "very recent" -- it's from six months ago. We established that way back in the thread.

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It would surprise me if the whole damn thing were photoshopped. You dont shoot skeet like that btw, not at that angle.

So you hate any Republicans who side with him on those too, then, right?

Ah yes on cue: But, but the Republicans. Classic.

I would not vote for any politican who voted for the policies on the issues above as put forth by the Obama administration.

Thats not the question...do you HATE them. Given that Romneycare was the blueprint for Obama care....it's hilarious that you picked THAT as your motive for your seething hatred of the man.

Your words loser...not mine.

Romneycare = 10th Amendment
Do Not Photoshop...... I think some people took that as a dare.



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I probably shouldn't but I just can't resist tearing something apart that was put together by jamming pieces together.

As stated earlier those glasses sure are dark for trying to track small, fast moving objects. The stance is wrong as the stock is not firm into the shoulder, although that firearm probably has minimal kick. (I haven't seen exactly what kind of firearm that is and what is that smoke coming out the side?) Also with the stance you can kind of swing left but if you try to swing right you'll fall on your ass. Also you pull the firearm in tight with your bicep. The forearm shows a death grip on the stock that is do more out of being unfamiliar than serving a purpose.

Than again it might all be legit. Frankly I don't give a damn.

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