Obama Should Have Been Vetted 'At First Mention'

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I don't use words I don't understand. Go interrogate someone else if you have to try to derail the thread.

Oh, I'm not interrogating you. I'm asking you to share with us what you believe. If you understand the meaning of the term, then tell us the backstory on Obama and your use of it.

People that understand, know what I'm saying...

I could explain it to you but I can't help you understand...now run along and bother someone else or derail some other thread, scooter.

people speak idiot ?

who knew.

trying to derail the thread won't help you....

thread ? LMAO

nice try ... your stupidity hasn't been VETTED, you don't qualify for a thread.

and you completely abandon the topic to talk about me...pretty weak, scooter.
How is Obama being a 'manchurian' muslim off the topic of him being properly vetted? If the 'manchurian' part of the claim were true, wouldn't that be immediately relevant to his role as president?

For someone who was so eager to use the term....you sure seem to have backpedaled rather sharply. Should I share with everyone what the terms means? Or would you like to?
Oh, I'm not interrogating you. I'm asking you to share with us what you believe. If you understand the meaning of the term, then tell us the backstory on Obama and your use of it.

People that understand, know what I'm saying...

I could explain it to you but I can't help you understand...now run along and bother someone else or derail some other thread, scooter.

people speak idiot ?

who knew.

trying to derail the thread won't help you....

thread ? LMAO

nice try ... your stupidity hasn't been VETTED, you don't qualify for a thread.

and you completely abandon the topic to talk about me...pretty weak, scooter.

your topic is horseshit, you should be flattered Rotgut.
People that understand, know what I'm saying...

I could explain it to you but I can't help you understand...now run along and bother someone else or derail some other thread, scooter.

people speak idiot ?

who knew.

trying to derail the thread won't help you....

thread ? LMAO

nice try ... your stupidity hasn't been VETTED, you don't qualify for a thread.

and you completely abandon the topic to talk about me...pretty weak, scooter.

your topic is horseshit, you should be flattered Rotgut.

it's not "my" topic..I just pointed out you guys favorite tactic when losing a debate is to try to distract and derail...case in point.
people speak idiot ?

who knew.

trying to derail the thread won't help you....

thread ? LMAO

nice try ... your stupidity hasn't been VETTED, you don't qualify for a thread.

and you completely abandon the topic to talk about me...pretty weak, scooter.

your topic is horseshit, you should be flattered Rotgut.

it's not "my" topic..I just pointed out you guys favorite tactic when losing a debate is to try to distract and derail...case in point.

Well, since you won't share what 'manchurian' means, I will. Its drawn from a book called 'The Manchurian Candidate'.
Major Bennett Marco, Sergeant Raymond Shaw, and the rest of their infantry platoon are kidnapped during the Korean War in 1952. They are taken to Manchuria, and are brainwashed to believe that Shaw saved their lives in combat — for which Congress awards him the Medal of Honor.

Years after the war, Marco, now back in the United States working as an intelligence officer, begins suffering the recurring nightmare of Shaw murdering two of his comrades, all while clinically observed by Chinese andSoviet intelligence officials. When Marco learns that another soldier from the platoon also has been suffering the same nightmare, he sets to uncovering the mystery and its meaning.

It is revealed that the Communists have been using Shaw as a sleeper agent, a guiltless assassin subconsciously activated by seeing the “Queen of Diamonds” playing card while playing solitaire. Provoked by the appearance of the card, he obeys orders which he then forgets. Shaw’s KGB handler is his domineering mother Eleanor, a ruthless power broker working with the Communists to execute a "palace coup d’état" to quietly overthrow the U.S. government, with her husband, McCarthy-esque Senator Johnny Iselin, as a puppet dictator.

So is this what you're accusing obama of? If yes, wouldn't this be immediately relevant to the Vetting of Barack Obama?

Laughing.....or you can just keep backpedalling!
oh, but they just HAD to have their "black" president, though....

And by 'they', you mean the American people who elected Obama with an clear majority of the popular vote. Twice.

A feat a republican has managed a grand total of once in the last generation.

Yes..that's exactly what I mean.

If white people voted for what's in their own best interests, we wouldn't be in the mess this country is in now.
They just HAD to have their "black" president, though...

Huh.....and voting for a black man isn't in the interest of white people?
Obama is Arab.

Arab? That's a new one.

Where did you hear that lie?

Its Steve.....the guy buys vasoline in a 50 gallon drum he pulls so much hapless nonsense out of his ass.
trying to derail the thread won't help you....

thread ? LMAO

nice try ... your stupidity hasn't been VETTED, you don't qualify for a thread.

and you completely abandon the topic to talk about me...pretty weak, scooter.

your topic is horseshit, you should be flattered Rotgut.

it's not "my" topic..I just pointed out you guys favorite tactic when losing a debate is to try to distract and derail...case in point.

Well, since you won't share what 'manchurian' means, I will. Its drawn from a book called 'The Manchurian Candidate'.
Major Bennett Marco, Sergeant Raymond Shaw, and the rest of their infantry platoon are kidnapped during the Korean War in 1952. They are taken to Manchuria, and are brainwashed to believe that Shaw saved their lives in combat — for which Congress awards him the Medal of Honor.

Years after the war, Marco, now back in the United States working as an intelligence officer, begins suffering the recurring nightmare of Shaw murdering two of his comrades, all while clinically observed by Chinese andSoviet intelligence officials. When Marco learns that another soldier from the platoon also has been suffering the same nightmare, he sets to uncovering the mystery and its meaning.

It is revealed that the Communists have been using Shaw as a sleeper agent, a guiltless assassin subconsciously activated by seeing the “Queen of Diamonds” playing card while playing solitaire. Provoked by the appearance of the card, he obeys orders which he then forgets. Shaw’s KGB handler is his domineering mother Eleanor, a ruthless power broker working with the Communists to execute a "palace coup d’état" to quietly overthrow the U.S. government, with her husband, McCarthy-esque Senator Johnny Iselin, as a puppet dictator.

So is this what you're accusing obama of? If yes, wouldn't this be immediately relevant to the Vetting of Barack Obama?

Laughing.....or you can just keep backpedalling!

I know all about the manchurian candidate, son.the book and the movie....that's why i referenced it...turn off the cartoons, put down your star wars dolls and get caught up..
I know all about the manchurian candidate, son.the book and the movie....that's why i referenced it...turn off the cartoons, put down your star wars dolls and get caught up..

If its true of Obama....wouldn't that be immediately relevant to his vetting? Yet you refuse to discuss the term, scramble away from it and have completely abandoned it.

Why? If your claims have merit.....why would you need to backpedal so desperately?
Its Steve.....the guy buys vasoline in a 50 gallon drum he pulls so much hapless nonsense out of his ass.
I only quote facts about the non-natural born Citizen pResident.

And by 'facts', you mean whatever silly nonsense you make up?

I don't think the word 'fact' means what you think it means. I think the word you're looking for is 'imagination'.
I know all about the manchurian candidate, son.the book and the movie....that's why i referenced it...turn off the cartoons, put down your star wars dolls and get caught up..

If its true of Obama....wouldn't that be immediately relevant to his vetting? Yet you refuse to discuss the term, scramble away from it and have completely abandoned it.

Why? If your claims have merit.....why would you need to backpedal so desperately?

I'm not backpedaling. I said what I meant.
You keep trying to talk about me...people who read this see right through those weak tricks, son.
Obama's heritage is 43.75 Arab, 6.25 Black and 50% White.

Says who?
Says common sense and facts. Mr. Obama Jr.'s genealogy shows him to be 50% Caucasian, 43.75% Arab (due to his father being a Kenyan Muslim), 6.25% African and 100% ineligible to be a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States.
I know all about the manchurian candidate, son.the book and the movie....that's why i referenced it...turn off the cartoons, put down your star wars dolls and get caught up..

If its true of Obama....wouldn't that be immediately relevant to his vetting? Yet you refuse to discuss the term, scramble away from it and have completely abandoned it.

Why? If your claims have merit.....why would you need to backpedal so desperately?

I'm not backpedaling. I said what I meant.

I can tell...but they way you keep running away from the term and desperately refusing to discuss it.

You keep trying to talk about me...people who read this see right through those weak tricks, son.

Laughing....given that you've starkly refused to discuss the term 'manchurian', despite using it and 'meaning it', have completely abandoned the term, and now refuse to even mention it, what would be more entertaining to discuss than your scrambling rout? You clearly won't discuss Obama's vetting. Or your own claims regarding it.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have needed to abandon them. Remember that.
Obama's heritage is 43.75 Arab, 6.25 Black and 50% White.

Says who?
Says common sense and facts. Mr. Obama Jr.'s genealogy shows him to be 50% Caucasian, 43.75% Arab (due to his father being a Kenyan Muslim), 6.25% African and 100% ineligible to be a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen born with sole allegiance to the United States.

And by 'Obama Jr's geneology', you mean whatever you make up? See, offering us one unfounded piece of bullshit to back another doesn't actually constitute proof of either. Though among birthers, its not like the fact check much. Or question any of the nonsense that they're told to believe.

And you do realize that converting to Islam doesn't actually change your genes, right? So if a black african converts to Islam, he doesn't magically become 43.75% arab'.
So let me get this straight... According to the idiot RWs, Obama is actually a Kenyan, Muslim, Commie, Fascist, Marxist, Socialist, Arab, Manchurian?

I know all about the manchurian candidate, son.the book and the movie....that's why i referenced it...turn off the cartoons, put down your star wars dolls and get caught up..

If its true of Obama....wouldn't that be immediately relevant to his vetting? Yet you refuse to discuss the term, scramble away from it and have completely abandoned it.

Why? If your claims have merit.....why would you need to backpedal so desperately?

I'm not backpedaling. I said what I meant.

I can tell...but they way you keep running away from the term and desperately refusing to discuss it.

You keep trying to talk about me...people who read this see right through those weak tricks, son.

Laughing....given that you've starkly refused to discuss the term 'manchurian', despite using it and 'meaning it', have completely abandoned the term, and now refuse to even mention it, what would be more entertaining to discuss than your scrambling rout? You clearly won't discuss Obama's vetting. Or your own claims regarding it.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have needed to abandon them. Remember that.

Why do you want to keep talking about me and what I'm doing?

The manchurian candidate speaks for itself.I said exactly what I meant..I don't need your interpretations or semantic distortions.
Keep running in circles..I'm amused.
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