Obama spending binge never happened

It never ceases to amaze me how effective the R Lie Machine really is.

Or, how gullible the rw voter is.

Make no mistake ... Facts do not matter to the rw. To a person, they know that Mitt wants to and plans to kill this country but, even knowing this, they will vote for him.

This election is being bought and the rw's know that too. They know our scotus is corrupt and owned by anti-American interests, they know the Rs are engaging in voter suppression and that's okay with them too.

The worst is that they know they are voting against their own best interests as well as against the best interests of their children and generations to come. That's the part I can't understand or forgive.

You know....it's very difficult to read your entire posts because after the first 3 or 4 distortions it becomes a total waste of time. Nothing further can be learned by reading on.

Because his talking points get preempted by new ones as he'sposting the ones he has that have already been debunked or roundly laughed out of existance...
Oh, really? You saw the over $800 billion stimulus mentioned and attributed to Bush in that article, did you? WHERE? Do you really think anyone is stupid enough to believe that Rex Nutjob is attributing ALL of Obama's spending to Obama because he - very grudgingly - admits that he has to attribute $140 billion to Obama, no matter how much he'd LIKE to blame it on Bush? Even YOU are not that damned stupid, and God knows it's a near miss, so all that leaves is that you're a lying sack of shit.

So one more time: Your article is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, your OP is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, YOU are a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, and your President is going down in November, because his only hope for supporters is among morons like you, and unfortunately, the very stupidity that makes you his eager ass-kissers also makes you incapable of effectively lying him out of HIS responsibility for HIS spending binge.

Please, PLEASE keep enthusiastically trumpeting your pathetic lies about how "Obama is fiscally conservative; no, REALLY", because I want to watch your pathetic world crumble around you as you realize how helpless and useless you are to save your Messiah. I figure the wave of drawer-shitting fools like you running to the psychiatrists and suicide hotlines after Obama loses should give the economy a real shot in the arm.

You lost, dumbass. You've failed your master. Wallow in your meaninglessness.

You seem to be projecting your fears. Are you that scared that Romney will lose the presidential election?

The only fear we may have is Obama may steal another election.

Btw, I wonder what will happen if or when he loses?

Will there be rioting?

I seriously doubt it. By the time this election is over Obama will be fully exposed. People won't feel it's even worth it.

Obama will beat Romney. Obama didn't steal the last election. McCain/Palin was over matched, just as Romney/? will be over matched. I predict that Obama wins Arizona and it won't be because of Obama, it will be due to the Hispanic turnout for the Senate candidate, Richard Carmona.

"Carmona, the former surgeon general under President George W. Bush, identifies as both a doctor and a law enforcement official. The son of Puerto Rican parents, Carmona grew up poor in Harlem, where he battled hunger and homelessness. He dropped out of high school and joined the Army."

"But from there, things turned around. He got his GED and joined the Special Forces. When he returned home, he brought with him two Bronze Stars, two Purple Hearts and a combat medical badge among a “number other decorations,” according to his campaign. Carmona was the first person in his family to graduate from college, then medical school. He was recruited to Arizona to start a regional trauma care system, and he’s lived there ever since, working as a surgeon, professor and a decorated member of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department."

"Sometimes his resume reads like a movie script, like the time he rappelled from a helicopter to save someone stranded on a mountainside — a feat that inspired a made-for-TV movie. A decade earlier, he sustained a head wound while fending off an armed man whom he fatally wounded before tending to the man’s victim, according to the Daily Beast."

With An Impressive Resume, Even Republicans Think Carmona Could Win In Arizona | TPM2012
Oh, so the $5 trillion in new debt is just a figment of everyone's imagination.

I'm so relieved. :rolleyes:

The statistic quoted was SPENDING - not DEFICIT.

Do you understand the difference?

But what creates those deficits?

Obama is just a Black Reagan!!!

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney
The statistic quoted was SPENDING - not DEFICIT.

Do you understand the difference?

But what creates those deficits?

Obama is just a Black Reagan!!!

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney


Edith? Yer an IDIOT.​
Obama is talking like he has spent less then any president in history...well, its pretty obvious he has out spent them and why anyone can't see this is really sad. Of course obama is trying to make himself look good before election time....there are people that fell for his gift of gab before, and they seem to be falling for it again.....dumbo's. Obama is going to run his con artist talk alot before election time....but he's a failure as a president and thats plain as day.
Another right wing lie debunked.

Obama spending binge never happened
Commentary: Government outlays rising at slowest pace since 1950s

Of all the falsehoods told about President Barack Obama, the biggest whopper is the one about his reckless spending spree.

As would-be president Mitt Romney tells it: “I will lead us out of this debt and spending inferno.”

Almost everyone believes that Obama has presided over a massive increase in federal spending, an “inferno” of spending that threatens our jobs, our businesses and our children’s future. Even Democrats seem to think it’s true.

But it didn’t happen. Although there was a big stimulus bill under Obama, federal spending is rising at the slowest pace since Dwight Eisenhower brought the Korean War to an end in the 1950s.


here ya go, you guys put a lot of faith in this shit, fact checking etc....wanna play that game, eat up sheep.

The Facts

First of all, there are a few methodological problems with Nutting’s analysis — especially the beginning and the end point.

Nutting basically takes much of 2009 out of Obama’s column, saying it was the “the last [year] of George W. Bush’s presidency.” Of course, with the recession crashing down, that’s when federal spending ramped up. The federal fiscal year starts on Oct. 1, so the 2009 fiscal year accounts for about four months of Bush’s presidency and eight of Obama’s.

In theory, one could claim that the budget was already locked in when Obama took office, but that’s not really the case. Most of the appropriations bills had not been passed, and certainly the stimulus bill was only signed into law after Obama took office.

Bush had rescued Fannie and Freddie Mac and launched the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which depending on how you do the math, was a one-time expense of $250 billion to $400 billion in the final months of his presidency. (The federal government ultimately recouped most of the TARP money.) So if you really want to be fair, perhaps $250 billion of that money should be taken out of the equation — on the theory that it would have been spent no matter who was president.

Nutting acknowledges that Obama is responsible for some 2009 spending but only assigns $140 billion for reasons he does not fully explain. (Update: in an email Nutting says he attributed $120 billion to stimulus spending in 2009, $5 billion for an expansion of children’s health care and $16 billion to an increase in appropriations bills over 2008 levels.)


One common way to measure federal spending is to compare it to the size of the overall U.S. economy. That at least puts the level into context, helping account for population growth, inflation and other factors that affect spending. Here’s what the White House’s own budget documents show about spending as a percentage of the U.S. economy (gross domestic product):

2008: 20.8 percent

2009: 25.2 percent

2010: 24.1 percent

2011: 24.1 percent

2012: 24.3 percent

2013: 23.3 percent

3 Pinocchio's....:lol:

The facts about the growth of spending under Obama - The Washington Post

What a stupid way to account for spending. You are aware that the GDP took its greatest nosedive since the late 1940s, as a result of the Bush economic failure. So of course spending is going to be a greater part of GDP.

3 Pinocchios for you.
Revenue - spending = surplus if positive, or deficit if negative

You really didn't know that? Wow.

Even schoolchildren know that's not how the federal government really works.

First they decide how much they're going to spend. THEN they take in the revenues, and inevitably discover that it's less than they already spent. So THEN they go borrow the money from somewhere else. And finally, they screech and holler about how some bunch of "greedy bastards" isn't paying enough.

The equation would look like this:

0 - Spending + revenue = deficit + added debt + bullshit - even more spending + decreased revenue = more deficits + massive debt + continued bullshit (repeat indefinitely)

If that looks like an equation that would never work . . . well, that's why the federal government is so fucked up, now, isn't it?

Tick thinks he's the smartest one in the room...

Dick wouldn't be the smartest one in the room in an empty room.
It's included in the OP article under "Bush spending", as I've already said, so spare me more of your lies. And if you think "Look at this article by a lying sack of shit! It's backed up by these other lying sacks of shit, so that proves it!" is going to work on anyone with more than a teaspoonful of brains - in other words, anyone other than YOU - you're almost as delusional as you are piss-stupid.

And son, that takes some doing.

Sorry liar, but on page 2:

Obama spending binge never happened - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

Before Obama had even lifted a finger, the CBO was already projecting that the federal deficit would rise to $1.2 trillion in fiscal 2009. The government actually spent less money in 2009 than it was projected to, but the deficit expanded to $1.4 trillion because revenue from taxes fell much further than expected, due to the weak economy and the emergency tax cuts that were part of the stimulus bill.

The projected deficit for the 2010-13 period has grown from an expected $1.7 trillion in January 2009 to $4.4 trillion today. Lower-than-forecast revenue accounts for 73% of the $2.7 trillion increase in the expected deficit. That’s assuming that the Bush and Obama tax cuts are repealed completely.

When Obama took the oath of office, the $789 billion bank bailout had already been approved. Federal spending on unemployment benefits, food stamps and Medicare was already surging to meet the dire unemployment crisis that was well underway. See the CBO’s January 2009 budget outlook.

Obama is not responsible for that increase, though he is responsible (along with the Congress) for about $140 billion in extra spending in the 2009 fiscal year from the stimulus bill, from the expansion of the children’s health-care program and from other appropriations bills passed in the spring of 2009.

If we attribute that $140 billion in stimulus to Obama and not to Bush, we find that spending under Obama grew by about $200 billion over four years, amounting to a 1.4% annualized increase.

Obama's stimulus spending is attributed to him, in 2009 and not Bush.

Oh, really? You saw the over $800 billion stimulus mentioned and attributed to Bush in that article, did you? WHERE? Do you really think anyone is stupid enough to believe that Rex Nutjob is attributing ALL of Obama's spending to Obama because he - very grudgingly - admits that he has to attribute $140 billion to Obama, no matter how much he'd LIKE to blame it on Bush? Even YOU are not that damned stupid, and God knows it's a near miss, so all that leaves is that you're a lying sack of shit.

So one more time: Your article is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, your OP is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, YOU are a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, and your President is going down in November, because his only hope for supporters is among morons like you, and unfortunately, the very stupidity that makes you his eager ass-kissers also makes you incapable of effectively lying him out of HIS responsibility for HIS spending binge.

Please, PLEASE keep enthusiastically trumpeting your pathetic lies about how "Obama is fiscally conservative; no, REALLY", because I want to watch your pathetic world crumble around you as you realize how helpless and useless you are to save your Messiah. I figure the wave of drawer-shitting fools like you running to the psychiatrists and suicide hotlines after Obama loses should give the economy a real shot in the arm.

You lost, dumbass. You've failed your master. Wallow in your meaninglessness.

Hey moron, you are aware that most of the $800 million in stimulus was used for tax breaks, not spending. Wow, you're an idiot.
Even schoolchildren know that's not how the federal government really works.

First they decide how much they're going to spend. THEN they take in the revenues, and inevitably discover that it's less than they already spent. So THEN they go borrow the money from somewhere else. And finally, they screech and holler about how some bunch of "greedy bastards" isn't paying enough.

The equation would look like this:

0 - Spending + revenue = deficit + added debt + bullshit - even more spending + decreased revenue = more deficits + massive debt + continued bullshit (repeat indefinitely)

If that looks like an equation that would never work . . . well, that's why the federal government is so fucked up, now, isn't it?

Tick thinks he's the smartest one in the room...

Dick wouldn't be the smartest one in the room in an empty room.

He's the idiot in a rounded room looking for the dollar in the corner.
Sorry liar, but on page 2:

Obama spending binge never happened - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

Obama's stimulus spending is attributed to him, in 2009 and not Bush.

Oh, really? You saw the over $800 billion stimulus mentioned and attributed to Bush in that article, did you? WHERE? Do you really think anyone is stupid enough to believe that Rex Nutjob is attributing ALL of Obama's spending to Obama because he - very grudgingly - admits that he has to attribute $140 billion to Obama, no matter how much he'd LIKE to blame it on Bush? Even YOU are not that damned stupid, and God knows it's a near miss, so all that leaves is that you're a lying sack of shit.

So one more time: Your article is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, your OP is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, YOU are a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, and your President is going down in November, because his only hope for supporters is among morons like you, and unfortunately, the very stupidity that makes you his eager ass-kissers also makes you incapable of effectively lying him out of HIS responsibility for HIS spending binge.

Please, PLEASE keep enthusiastically trumpeting your pathetic lies about how "Obama is fiscally conservative; no, REALLY", because I want to watch your pathetic world crumble around you as you realize how helpless and useless you are to save your Messiah. I figure the wave of drawer-shitting fools like you running to the psychiatrists and suicide hotlines after Obama loses should give the economy a real shot in the arm.

You lost, dumbass. You've failed your master. Wallow in your meaninglessness.

Hey moron, you are aware that most of the $800 million in stimulus was used for tax breaks, not spending. Wow, you're an idiot.

NO asswipe. It was USED to shore up GOVERNMENT and UNIONS.
Hey moron, you are aware that most of the $800 million in stimulus was used for tax breaks, not spending. Wow, you're an idiot.

The Obama administration disagrees with your assessment of the Stimulus Spending... Dickless Fuck

Recovery.gov - Tracking the Money
Tax Breaks $297.8 billion
Contracts, grants, loans $233.4 billion
Entitlements $225.6 billion

Now, Let's do the math for Dickless, since he can't even count to 21 naked (no dick, remember?)

233.4 plus 225.6 equals 459 billion

Now, try to keep up, Dickless...

TAX BREAKS were $297.8 billion... Th REST totaled $459 billion.

Now, I know how difficult basic math is for you, so I'll just tell you...

$459 billion


$297.8 billion

SO... and this is the tricky part... the TAX BREAKS in the Stimulus was NOT 'most' of the Stimulus spending.

The combination of Contracts, Grants, Loans & Entitlements was MOST of the Stimulus spending.

Now.. call your saviors administration liars. I dare you.

Fucking moron.


This complete PWNAGE of Dickless Fuck, courtesy of CONSERVATIVE.
Last edited:
You are absolutely clueless and an embarrassment to thinking individuals worldwide.

Like you would know anything about thinking individuals, other than how they like their food served.

Hahahaha. That makes me laugh. It seems you are implying that my station in life is that of a waiter. Is waiter/food server not an honest way to feed one's family? Could you list the honest vs non-honest ways to feed one's family?

Actually, I'm implying that you have little to no connection with thinking individuals, other than to work for them. I don't honestly care WHAT menial labor it is that you provide for thinking individuals; the point is that YOU are not a thinking individual.

Furthermore, while I might applaud you actually getting a job, rather than simply robbing people or getting welfare - assuming you actually are so emotionally needy that you require applause for soemthing as basic and fundamental as that - it still doesn't make you a thinking individual, which brings us right back to the point I was making, and which you utterly missed, since you lack the aforementioned capacity for thought.
Sorry liar, but on page 2:

Obama spending binge never happened - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

Obama's stimulus spending is attributed to him, in 2009 and not Bush.

Oh, really? You saw the over $800 billion stimulus mentioned and attributed to Bush in that article, did you? WHERE? Do you really think anyone is stupid enough to believe that Rex Nutjob is attributing ALL of Obama's spending to Obama because he - very grudgingly - admits that he has to attribute $140 billion to Obama, no matter how much he'd LIKE to blame it on Bush? Even YOU are not that damned stupid, and God knows it's a near miss, so all that leaves is that you're a lying sack of shit.

So one more time: Your article is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, your OP is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, YOU are a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, and your President is going down in November, because his only hope for supporters is among morons like you, and unfortunately, the very stupidity that makes you his eager ass-kissers also makes you incapable of effectively lying him out of HIS responsibility for HIS spending binge.

Please, PLEASE keep enthusiastically trumpeting your pathetic lies about how "Obama is fiscally conservative; no, REALLY", because I want to watch your pathetic world crumble around you as you realize how helpless and useless you are to save your Messiah. I figure the wave of drawer-shitting fools like you running to the psychiatrists and suicide hotlines after Obama loses should give the economy a real shot in the arm.

You lost, dumbass. You've failed your master. Wallow in your meaninglessness.

You seem to be projecting your fears. Are you that scared that Romney will lose the presidential election?

:lmao: Oh, idiot, puhleeze. :lmao:
Oh, really? You saw the over $800 billion stimulus mentioned and attributed to Bush in that article, did you? WHERE? Do you really think anyone is stupid enough to believe that Rex Nutjob is attributing ALL of Obama's spending to Obama because he - very grudgingly - admits that he has to attribute $140 billion to Obama, no matter how much he'd LIKE to blame it on Bush? Even YOU are not that damned stupid, and God knows it's a near miss, so all that leaves is that you're a lying sack of shit.

So one more time: Your article is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, your OP is a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, YOU are a pile of ignorant, lying pig swill, and your President is going down in November, because his only hope for supporters is among morons like you, and unfortunately, the very stupidity that makes you his eager ass-kissers also makes you incapable of effectively lying him out of HIS responsibility for HIS spending binge.

Please, PLEASE keep enthusiastically trumpeting your pathetic lies about how "Obama is fiscally conservative; no, REALLY", because I want to watch your pathetic world crumble around you as you realize how helpless and useless you are to save your Messiah. I figure the wave of drawer-shitting fools like you running to the psychiatrists and suicide hotlines after Obama loses should give the economy a real shot in the arm.

You lost, dumbass. You've failed your master. Wallow in your meaninglessness.

You seem to be projecting your fears. Are you that scared that Romney will lose the presidential election?

:lmao: Oh, idiot, puhleeze. :lmao:

Idiot is being POLITE.
Like you would know anything about thinking individuals, other than how they like their food served.

Hahahaha. That makes me laugh. It seems you are implying that my station in life is that of a waiter. Is waiter/food server not an honest way to feed one's family? Could you list the honest vs non-honest ways to feed one's family?

Actually, I'm implying that you have little to no connection with thinking individuals, other than to work for them. I don't honestly care WHAT menial labor it is that you provide for thinking individuals; the point is that YOU are not a thinking individual.

Furthermore, while I might applaud you actually getting a job, rather than simply robbing people or getting welfare - assuming you actually are so emotionally needy that you require applause for soemthing as basic and fundamental as that - it still doesn't make you a thinking individual, which brings us right back to the point I was making, and which you utterly missed, since you lack the aforementioned capacity for thought.

You Lie.
Hahahaha. That makes me laugh. It seems you are implying that my station in life is that of a waiter. Is waiter/food server not an honest way to feed one's family? Could you list the honest vs non-honest ways to feed one's family?

Actually, I'm implying that you have little to no connection with thinking individuals, other than to work for them. I don't honestly care WHAT menial labor it is that you provide for thinking individuals; the point is that YOU are not a thinking individual.

Furthermore, while I might applaud you actually getting a job, rather than simply robbing people or getting welfare - assuming you actually are so emotionally needy that you require applause for soemthing as basic and fundamental as that - it still doesn't make you a thinking individual, which brings us right back to the point I was making, and which you utterly missed, since you lack the aforementioned capacity for thought.

You Lie.

Show it rascist.
Actually, I'm implying that you have little to no connection with thinking individuals, other than to work for them. I don't honestly care WHAT menial labor it is that you provide for thinking individuals; the point is that YOU are not a thinking individual.

Furthermore, while I might applaud you actually getting a job, rather than simply robbing people or getting welfare - assuming you actually are so emotionally needy that you require applause for soemthing as basic and fundamental as that - it still doesn't make you a thinking individual, which brings us right back to the point I was making, and which you utterly missed, since you lack the aforementioned capacity for thought.

You Lie.

Show it rascist.

Give it up. You have been exposed on post #483 of this thread.

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