obama supplies ISIS but it was called an accident

"BUT" it was called an accident???

Do you think Obama ordered the military do drop that equipment on ISIS?...and have everybody involved make it look like an accident?

Or is this funny in some way I can't comprehend?

I know what is not funny. The fucking idiot bigrebbie. He votes.

And Obama is was a terrible pilot who could control the direction of the wind but he didn't so those supplies would drop where he wanted them to drop and then the bad guys would win and come to bigrebbie house and have a hoedown and the the bigrebbie would shoot the terrorists and bury them in his back yard.

Makes about as much sense as bigrebbie does.
I'm new here, and haven't had time to build resentments to any posters yet, but I'm a centrist and a fiscal conservative. Basically an Eisenhower Republican, and I am embarrassed by righties who think Obama hates America and is on the side of the terrorists
Fuck you , you cock sucking son of a bitch I am embarrassed that you live in America

Be angry if you wish but why bring your homosexual fantasies here?
Those supplies went to the good Syrian Islamofascists, not the bad Syrian Islamofascists.
You're a 'racist' calling Islamists 'Islamo-fascists'. As apparently a belief system is a race, and we can't criticize Islam because it is a 'race'.

As according to Affleck and his ilk, 'Islam' is a 'race', when unlike Jews there is no genetic similarity between Muslims, unless they claim all Arabs are Muslim, which would be racist.

But we are meant to put our bodies to the floor in supplication and surrender to ISIS, so Affleck can feel better about the evils of 'western imperialism'. ;)

The so-called 'Free Syria Army' are Islamists, as are ISIS, and Assad is better than both simply because he might have been a corrupt and brutal dictator, but religious persecution and genocide wasn't his thing. If either Islamist factions win they will turn Syria into Taliban-era Afghanistan, as is happening in Iraq.

Oh, that's how you look in the real life, Moonglow? I can't say "Nice to meet you"...

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